' + text + '
' ); }, /** * Create a view instance. * * @param {string} type The view type. * @param {string} text The textual representation of the view. * @param {Object} options Options. * @param {boolean} force Recreate the instance. Optional. * * @return {wp.mce.View} The view instance. */ createInstance: function( type, text, options, force ) { var View = this.get( type ), encodedText, instance; if ( text.indexOf( '[' ) !== -1 && text.indexOf( ']' ) !== -1 ) { // Looks like a shortcode? Remove any line breaks from inside of shortcodes // or autop will replace them with
and later and the string won't match. text = text.replace( /\[[^\]]+\]/g, function( match ) { return match.replace( /[\r\n]/g, '' ); }); } if ( ! force ) { instance = this.getInstance( text ); if ( instance ) { return instance; } } encodedText = encodeURIComponent( text ); options = _.extend( options || {}, { text: text, encodedText: encodedText } ); return instances[ encodedText ] = new View( options ); }, /** * Get a view instance. * * @param {(string|HTMLElement)} object The textual representation of the view or the view node. * * @return {wp.mce.View} The view instance or undefined. */ getInstance: function( object ) { if ( typeof object === 'string' ) { return instances[ encodeURIComponent( object ) ]; } return instances[ $( object ).attr( 'data-wpview-text' ) ]; }, /** * Given a view node, get the view's text. * * @param {HTMLElement} node The view node. * * @return {string} The textual representation of the view. */ getText: function( node ) { return decodeURIComponent( $( node ).attr( 'data-wpview-text' ) || '' ); }, /** * Renders all view nodes that are not yet rendered. * * @param {boolean} force Rerender all view nodes. */ render: function( force ) { _.each( instances, function( instance ) { instance.render( null, force ); } ); }, /** * Update the text of a given view node. * * @param {string} text The new text. * @param {tinymce.Editor} editor The TinyMCE editor instance the view node is in. * @param {HTMLElement} node The view node to update. * @param {boolean} force Recreate the instance. Optional. */ update: function( text, editor, node, force ) { var instance = this.getInstance( node ); if ( instance ) { instance.update( text, editor, node, force ); } }, /** * Renders any editing interface based on the view type. * * @param {tinymce.Editor} editor The TinyMCE editor instance the view node is in. * @param {HTMLElement} node The view node to edit. */ edit: function( editor, node ) { var instance = this.getInstance( node ); if ( instance && instance.edit ) { instance.edit( instance.text, function( text, force ) { instance.update( text, editor, node, force ); } ); } }, /** * Remove a given view node from the DOM. * * @param {tinymce.Editor} editor The TinyMCE editor instance the view node is in. * @param {HTMLElement} node The view node to remove. */ remove: function( editor, node ) { var instance = this.getInstance( node ); if ( instance ) { instance.remove( editor, node ); } } }; /** * A Backbone-like View constructor intended for use when rendering a TinyMCE View. * The main difference is that the TinyMCE View is not tied to a particular DOM node. * * @param {Object} options Options. */ wp.mce.View = function( options ) { _.extend( this, options ); this.initialize(); }; wp.mce.View.extend = Backbone.View.extend; _.extend( wp.mce.View.prototype, /** @lends wp.mce.View.prototype */{ /** * The content. * * @type {*} */ content: null, /** * Whether or not to display a loader. * * @type {Boolean} */ loader: true, /** * Runs after the view instance is created. */ initialize: function() {}, /** * Returns the content to render in the view node. * * @return {*} */ getContent: function() { return this.content; }, /** * Renders all view nodes tied to this view instance that are not yet rendered. * * @param {string} content The content to render. Optional. * @param {boolean} force Rerender all view nodes tied to this view instance. Optional. */ render: function( content, force ) { if ( content != null ) { this.content = content; } content = this.getContent(); // If there's nothing to render an no loader needs to be shown, stop. if ( ! this.loader && ! content ) { return; } // We're about to rerender all views of this instance, so unbind rendered views. force && this.unbind(); // Replace any left over markers. this.replaceMarkers(); if ( content ) { this.setContent( content, function( editor, node ) { $( node ).data( 'rendered', true ); this.bindNode.call( this, editor, node ); }, force ? null : false ); } else { this.setLoader(); } }, /** * Binds a given node after its content is added to the DOM. */ bindNode: function() {}, /** * Unbinds a given node before its content is removed from the DOM. */ unbindNode: function() {}, /** * Unbinds all view nodes tied to this view instance. * Runs before their content is removed from the DOM. */ unbind: function() { this.getNodes( function( editor, node ) { this.unbindNode.call( this, editor, node ); }, true ); }, /** * Gets all the TinyMCE editor instances that support views. * * @param {Function} callback A callback. */ getEditors: function( callback ) { _.each( tinymce.editors, function( editor ) { if ( editor.plugins.wpview ) { callback.call( this, editor ); } }, this ); }, /** * Gets all view nodes tied to this view instance. * * @param {Function} callback A callback. * @param {boolean} rendered Get (un)rendered view nodes. Optional. */ getNodes: function( callback, rendered ) { this.getEditors( function( editor ) { var self = this; $( editor.getBody() ) .find( '[data-wpview-text="' + self.encodedText + '"]' ) .filter( function() { var data; if ( rendered == null ) { return true; } data = $( this ).data( 'rendered' ) === true; return rendered ? data : ! data; } ) .each( function() { callback.call( self, editor, this, this /* back compat */ ); } ); } ); }, /** * Gets all marker nodes tied to this view instance. * * @param {Function} callback A callback. */ getMarkers: function( callback ) { this.getEditors( function( editor ) { var self = this; $( editor.getBody() ) .find( '[data-wpview-marker="' + this.encodedText + '"]' ) .each( function() { callback.call( self, editor, this ); } ); } ); }, /** * Replaces all marker nodes tied to this view instance. */ replaceMarkers: function() { this.getMarkers( function( editor, node ) { var selected = node === editor.selection.getNode(); var $viewNode; if ( ! this.loader && $( node ).text() !== tinymce.DOM.decode( this.text ) ) { editor.dom.setAttrib( node, 'data-wpview-marker', null ); return; } $viewNode = editor.$( '
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