import { evaluateLater } from '../evaluator' import { directive } from '../directives' import { mutateDom } from '../mutation' import { nextTick } from '../nextTick' import bind from '../utils/bind' import on from '../utils/on' import { warn } from '../utils/warn' import { isCloning } from '../clone' directive('model', (el, { modifiers, expression }, { effect, cleanup }) => { let scopeTarget = el if (modifiers.includes('parent')) { scopeTarget = el.parentNode } let evaluateGet = evaluateLater(scopeTarget, expression) let evaluateSet if (typeof expression === 'string') { evaluateSet = evaluateLater(scopeTarget, `${expression} = __placeholder`) } else if (typeof expression === 'function' && typeof expression() === 'string') { evaluateSet = evaluateLater(scopeTarget, `${expression()} = __placeholder`) } else { evaluateSet = () => {} } let getValue = () => { let result evaluateGet(value => result = value) return isGetterSetter(result) ? result.get() : result } let setValue = value => { let result evaluateGet(value => result = value) if (isGetterSetter(result)) { result.set(value) } else { evaluateSet(() => {}, { scope: { '__placeholder': value } }) } } if (modifiers.includes('fill') && el.hasAttribute('value') && (getValue() === null || getValue() === '')) { setValue(el.value) } if (typeof expression === 'string' && el.type === 'radio') { // Radio buttons only work properly when they share a name attribute. // People might assume we take care of that for them, because // they already set a shared "x-model" attribute. mutateDom(() => { if (! el.hasAttribute('name')) el.setAttribute('name', expression) }) } // If the element we are binding to is a select, a radio, or checkbox // we'll listen for the change event instead of the "input" event. var event = (el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'select') || ['checkbox', 'radio'].includes(el.type) || modifiers.includes('lazy') ? 'change' : 'input' // We only want to register the event listener when we're not cloning, since the // mutation observer handles initializing the x-model directive already when // the element is inserted into the DOM. Otherwise we register it twice. let removeListener = isCloning ? () => {} : on(el, event, modifiers, (e) => { setValue(getInputValue(el, modifiers, e, getValue())) }) // Register the listener removal callback on the element, so that // in addition to the cleanup function, x-modelable may call it. // Also, make this a keyed object if we decide to reintroduce // "named modelables" some time in a future Alpine version. if (! el._x_removeModelListeners) el._x_removeModelListeners = {} el._x_removeModelListeners['default'] = removeListener cleanup(() => el._x_removeModelListeners['default']()) // If the input/select/textarea element is linked to a form // we listen for the reset event on the parent form (the event // does not trigger on the single inputs) and update // on nextTick so the page doesn't end up out of sync if (el.form) { let removeResetListener = on(el.form, 'reset', [], (e) => { nextTick(() => el._x_model && el._x_model.set(el.value)) }) cleanup(() => removeResetListener()) } // Allow programmatic overiding of x-model. el._x_model = { get() { return getValue() }, set(value) { setValue(value) }, } el._x_forceModelUpdate = (value) => { value = value === undefined ? getValue() : value // If nested model key is undefined, set the default value to empty string. if (value === undefined && typeof expression === 'string' && expression.match(/\./)) value = '' // @todo: This is nasty window.fromModel = true mutateDom(() => bind(el, 'value', value)) delete window.fromModel } effect(() => { // We need to make sure we're always "getting" the value up front, // so that we don't run into a situation where because of the early // the reactive value isn't gotten and therefore disables future reactions. let value = getValue() // Don't modify the value of the input if it's focused. if (modifiers.includes('unintrusive') && document.activeElement.isSameNode(el)) return el._x_forceModelUpdate(value) }) }) function getInputValue(el, modifiers, event, currentValue) { return mutateDom(() => { // Check for event.detail due to an issue where IE11 handles other events as a CustomEvent. // Safari autofill triggers event as CustomEvent and assigns value to target // so we return event.target.value instead of event.detail if (event instanceof CustomEvent && event.detail !== undefined) { return typeof event.detail != 'undefined' ? event.detail : event.target.value } else if (el.type === 'checkbox') { // If the data we are binding to is an array, toggle its value inside the array. if (Array.isArray(currentValue)) { let newValue = modifiers.includes('number') ? safeParseNumber(event.target.value) : event.target.value return event.target.checked ? currentValue.concat([newValue]) : currentValue.filter(el => ! checkedAttrLooseCompare(el, newValue)) } else { return event.target.checked } } else if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'select' && el.multiple) { return modifiers.includes('number') ? Array.from(event.target.selectedOptions).map(option => { let rawValue = option.value || option.text return safeParseNumber(rawValue) }) : Array.from(event.target.selectedOptions).map(option => { return option.value || option.text }) } else { let rawValue = event.target.value return modifiers.includes('number') ? safeParseNumber(rawValue) : (modifiers.includes('trim') ? rawValue.trim() : rawValue) } }) } function safeParseNumber(rawValue) { let number = rawValue ? parseFloat(rawValue) : null return isNumeric(number) ? number : rawValue } function checkedAttrLooseCompare(valueA, valueB) { return valueA == valueB } function isNumeric(subject){ return ! Array.isArray(subject) && ! isNaN(subject) } function isGetterSetter(value) { return value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && typeof value.get === 'function' && typeof value.set === 'function' }