declare type BaseTypes = string | number | boolean; declare type Builtin = Primitive | Function | Date | Error | RegExp; declare type CollectionTypes = IterableCollections | WeakCollections; export declare function computed
(getter: ComputedGetter
): ComputedRef
; export declare function computed
(options: WritableComputedOptions
): WritableComputedRef
; export declare type ComputedGetter
= (ctx?: any) => T; export declare interface ComputedRef
extends WritableComputedRef
{ readonly value: T; } export declare type ComputedSetter
= (v: T) => void; export declare function customRef
(factory: CustomRefFactory
): Ref
; declare type CustomRefFactory
= (track: () => void, trigger: () => void) => { get: () => T; set: (value: T) => void; }; export declare type DebuggerEvent = { effect: ReactiveEffect; target: object; type: TrackOpTypes | TriggerOpTypes; key: any; } & DebuggerEventExtraInfo; declare interface DebuggerEventExtraInfo { newValue?: any; oldValue?: any; oldTarget?: Map
| Set
; } export declare type DeepReadonly
= T extends Builtin ? T : T extends Map
? ReadonlyMap
, DeepReadonly
> : T extends ReadonlyMap
? ReadonlyMap
, DeepReadonly
> : T extends WeakMap
? WeakMap
, DeepReadonly
> : T extends Set
? ReadonlySet
> : T extends ReadonlySet
? ReadonlySet
> : T extends WeakSet
? WeakSet
> : T extends Promise
? Promise
> : T extends {} ? { readonly [K in keyof T]: DeepReadonly
; } : Readonly
; declare type Dep = Set
; export declare function effect
(fn: () => T, options?: ReactiveEffectOptions): ReactiveEffect
; export declare function enableTracking(): void; export declare function isProxy(value: unknown): boolean; export declare function isReactive(value: unknown): boolean; export declare function isReadonly(value: unknown): boolean; export declare function isRef
(r: Ref
| unknown): r is Ref
; declare type IterableCollections = Map
| Set
; export declare const ITERATE_KEY: unique symbol; export declare function markRaw
(value: T): T; export declare function pauseTracking(): void; declare type Primitive = string | number | boolean | bigint | symbol | undefined | null; export declare function proxyRefs
(objectWithRefs: T): ShallowUnwrapRef
; /** * Creates a reactive copy of the original object. * * The reactive conversion is "deep"—it affects all nested properties. In the * ES2015 Proxy based implementation, the returned proxy is **not** equal to the * original object. It is recommended to work exclusively with the reactive * proxy and avoid relying on the original object. * * A reactive object also automatically unwraps refs contained in it, so you * don't need to use `.value` when accessing and mutating their value: * * ```js * const count = ref(0) * const obj = reactive({ * count * }) * * obj.count++ * obj.count // -> 1 * count.value // -> 1 * ``` */ export declare function reactive
(target: T): UnwrapNestedRefs
; export declare interface ReactiveEffect
{ (): T; _isEffect: true; id: number; active: boolean; raw: () => T; deps: Array
; options: ReactiveEffectOptions; allowRecurse: boolean; } export declare interface ReactiveEffectOptions { lazy?: boolean; scheduler?: (job: ReactiveEffect) => void; onTrack?: (event: DebuggerEvent) => void; onTrigger?: (event: DebuggerEvent) => void; onStop?: () => void; /** * Indicates whether the job is allowed to recursively trigger itself when * managed by the scheduler. * * By default, a job cannot trigger itself because some built-in method calls, * e.g. Array.prototype.push actually performs reads as well (#1740) which * can lead to confusing infinite loops. * The allowed cases are component update functions and watch callbacks. * Component update functions may update child component props, which in turn * trigger flush: "pre" watch callbacks that mutates state that the parent * relies on (#1801). Watch callbacks doesn't track its dependencies so if it * triggers itself again, it's likely intentional and it is the user's * responsibility to perform recursive state mutation that eventually * stabilizes (#1727). */ allowRecurse?: boolean; } export declare const enum ReactiveFlags { SKIP = "__v_skip", IS_REACTIVE = "__v_isReactive", IS_READONLY = "__v_isReadonly", RAW = "__v_raw" } /** * Creates a readonly copy of the original object. Note the returned copy is not * made reactive, but `readonly` can be called on an already reactive object. */ export declare function readonly
(target: T): DeepReadonly
>; export declare interface Ref
{ value: T; /** * Type differentiator only. * We need this to be in public d.ts but don't want it to show up in IDE * autocomplete, so we use a private Symbol instead. */ [RefSymbol]: true; /* Excluded from this release type: _shallow */ } export declare function ref
(value: T): ToRef
; export declare function ref
(value: T): Ref
>; export declare function ref
(): Ref
; declare const RefSymbol: unique symbol; /** * This is a special exported interface for other packages to declare * additional types that should bail out for ref unwrapping. For example * \@vue/runtime-dom can declare it like so in its d.ts: * * ``` ts * declare module '@vue/reactivity' { * export interface RefUnwrapBailTypes { * runtimeDOMBailTypes: Node | Window * } * } * ``` * * Note that api-extractor somehow refuses to include `declare module` * augmentations in its generated d.ts, so we have to manually append them * to the final generated d.ts in our build process. */ export declare interface RefUnwrapBailTypes { } export declare function resetTracking(): void; /** * Return a shallowly-reactive copy of the original object, where only the root * level properties are reactive. It also does not auto-unwrap refs (even at the * root level). */ export declare function shallowReactive
(target: T): T; /** * Returns a reactive-copy of the original object, where only the root level * properties are readonly, and does NOT unwrap refs nor recursively convert * returned properties. * This is used for creating the props proxy object for stateful components. */ export declare function shallowReadonly
(target: T): Readonly<{ [K in keyof T]: UnwrapNestedRefs
; }>; export declare function shallowRef
(value: T): T extends Ref ? T : Ref
; export declare function shallowRef
(value: T): Ref
; export declare function shallowRef
(): Ref
; export declare type ShallowUnwrapRef
= { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Ref
? V : T[K] extends Ref
| undefined ? unknown extends V ? undefined : V | undefined : T[K]; }; declare function stop_2(effect: ReactiveEffect): void; export { stop_2 as stop } declare type SymbolExtract
= (T extends { [Symbol.asyncIterator]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.asyncIterator]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.hasInstance]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.hasInstance]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.iterator]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.iterator]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.match]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.match]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.matchAll]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.matchAll]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.replace]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.replace]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.search]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.search]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.species]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.species]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.split]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.split]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.toPrimitive]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.toPrimitive]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.toStringTag]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.toStringTag]: V; } : {}) & (T extends { [Symbol.unscopables]: infer V; } ? { [Symbol.unscopables]: V; } : {}); export declare function toRaw
(observed: T): T; declare type ToRef
= [T] extends [Ref] ? T : Ref
>; export declare function toRef
(object: T, key: K): ToRef
; export declare type ToRefs
= { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Ref ? T[K] : Ref
>; }; export declare function toRefs
(object: T): ToRefs
; export declare function track(target: object, type: TrackOpTypes, key: unknown): void; export declare const enum TrackOpTypes { GET = "get", HAS = "has", ITERATE = "iterate" } export declare function trigger(target: object, type: TriggerOpTypes, key?: unknown, newValue?: unknown, oldValue?: unknown, oldTarget?: Map
| Set
): void; export declare const enum TriggerOpTypes { SET = "set", ADD = "add", DELETE = "delete", CLEAR = "clear" } export declare function triggerRef(ref: Ref): void; export declare function unref
(ref: T | Ref
): T; export declare type UnwrapNestedRefs
= T extends Ref ? T : UnwrapRef
; declare type UnwrappedObject
= { [P in keyof T]: UnwrapRef
; } & SymbolExtract
; export declare type UnwrapRef
= T extends Ref
? UnwrapRefSimple
: UnwrapRefSimple
; declare type UnwrapRefSimple
= T extends Function | CollectionTypes | BaseTypes | Ref | RefUnwrapBailTypes[keyof RefUnwrapBailTypes] ? T : T extends Array
? { [K in keyof T]: UnwrapRefSimple
; } : T extends object ? UnwrappedObject
: T; declare type WeakCollections = WeakMap
| WeakSet
; export declare interface WritableComputedOptions
{ get: ComputedGetter
; set: ComputedSetter
; } export declare interface WritableComputedRef
extends Ref
{ readonly effect: ReactiveEffect
; } export { }