[](https://dev.azure.com/myfatoorahsc/Public-Repo/_git/Library/tags) [](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0) [](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/my-fatoorah/library/build-status/main) [](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/code-intelligence) [](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/my-fatoorah/library/?branch=main) [](https://packagist.org/packages/myfatoorah/library) # MyFatoorah - Library MyFatoorah Payment Gateway PHP library. It is a PHP library to integrate MyFatoorah APIs with your website. ## Install Via Composer ``` bash composer require myfatoorah/library ``` ## Usage ### Payment Operations ``` php $config = [ apiKey => '', countryCode => 'KWT', isTest => false, ]; $mfObj = new MyFatoorahPayment($config); $postFields = [ 'NotificationOption' => 'Lnk', 'InvoiceValue' => '50', 'CustomerName' => 'fname lname', ]; $data = $mfObj->getInvoiceURL($postFields); $invoiceId = $data->InvoiceId; $paymentLink = $data->InvoiceURL; echo "Click on
to pay with invoiceID $invoiceId."; ``` ### Shipping Operations ``` php $config = [ apiKey => '', countryCode => 'KWT', isTest => false, ]; $mfObj = new MyFatoorahShipping($config); $data = $mfObj->getShippingCountries(); echo 'Country code: ' . $data[0]->CountryCode; echo 'Country name: ' . $data[0]->CountryName; ``` ### General Operations ``` php $phone = MyFatoorah::getPhone('+2 01234567890'); echo 'Phone code: ' . $phone[0]; echo 'Phone number: ' . $phone[1]; ``` ## Testing ``` bash phpunit ``` ## Credits - [MyFatoorah Plugin Team](https://github.com/my-fatoorah) - [Nermeen Shoman](https://github.com/nermeenshoman) - [Rasha Saeed](https://github.com/rasha-saeed) ## License The GPL-3.0-only License.