importScripts('https://storage.googleapis.com/workbox-cdn/releases/5.1.4/workbox-sw.js'); const CACHE = "pwa-cache-v38"; const offlineFallbackPage = "offline/"; // Ensure this points to your actual offline page const filesToCache = [ 'offline/', 'assets/files/backgrounds/error_page_bg.jpg', 'assets/files/backgrounds/offline_error_expression_text_bg.jpg', 'assets/thirdparty/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css', 'assets/css/error_page/error_page.css', 'assets/files/defaults/favicon.png', 'assets/fonts/montserrat/montserrat-bold.woff', 'assets/fonts/montserrat/montserrat-medium.woff', 'assets/fonts/montserrat/montserrat-semibold.woff', 'assets/fonts/montserrat/font.css', 'assets/thirdparty/bootstrap/bootstrap.bundle.min.js', ]; // Message handler to skip waiting phase self.addEventListener("message", (event) => { if (event.data && event.data.type === "SKIP_WAITING") { self.skipWaiting(); } }); // Install event to cache files self.addEventListener('install', async (event) => { event.waitUntil( caches.open(CACHE) .then((cache) => { return cache.addAll(filesToCache); }) ); }); // Enable navigation preload if supported if (workbox.navigationPreload.isSupported()) { workbox.navigationPreload.enable(); } // Fetch event to respond with cached or network data self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => { const pwrequestUrl = new URL(event.request.url); // Check if the request should be handled by the cache if (!filesToCache.some(file => pwrequestUrl.pathname.endsWith(file))) { return; } // Ignore certain requests if (event.request.url.endsWith('realtime_request/') || event.request.url.endsWith('web_request/')) { return; } event.respondWith((async () => { try { // First try to get the preloaded response const preloadResp = await event.preloadResponse; if (preloadResp) { return preloadResp; // Return the preloaded response if available } // Try to fetch from the network const networkResp = await fetch(event.request); // Optionally cache the network response for future requests const cache = await caches.open(CACHE); cache.put(event.request, networkResp.clone()); // Cache the cloned response return networkResp; // Return the network response } catch (error) { // On failure, return the offline fallback page if available const cache = await caches.open(CACHE); const cachedResp = await cache.match(offlineFallbackPage); return cachedResp || new Response('Offline', { status: 404 }); // Return a 404 if offline page is not found } })()); });