#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const _path = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); const _arg = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("arg")); const _fs = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopRequireDefault(require("fs")); const _build = require("./build"); const _help = require("./help"); const _init = require("./init"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function isESM() { const pkgPath = _path.default.resolve("./package.json"); try { let pkg = JSON.parse(_fs.default.readFileSync(pkgPath, "utf8")); return pkg.type && pkg.type === "module"; } catch (err) { return false; } } let configs = isESM() ? { tailwind: "tailwind.config.cjs", postcss: "postcss.config.cjs" } : { tailwind: "tailwind.config.js", postcss: "postcss.config.js" }; // --- function oneOf(...options) { return Object.assign((value = true)=>{ for (let option of options){ let parsed = option(value); if (parsed === value) { return parsed; } } throw new Error("..."); }, { manualParsing: true }); } let commands = { init: { run: _init.init, args: { "--full": { type: Boolean, description: `Initialize a full \`${configs.tailwind}\` file` }, "--postcss": { type: Boolean, description: `Initialize a \`${configs.postcss}\` file` }, "-f": "--full", "-p": "--postcss" } }, build: { run: _build.build, args: { "--input": { type: String, description: "Input file" }, "--output": { type: String, description: "Output file" }, "--watch": { type: oneOf(String, Boolean), description: "Watch for changes and rebuild as needed" }, "--poll": { type: Boolean, description: "Use polling instead of filesystem events when watching" }, "--content": { type: String, description: "Content paths to use for removing unused classes" }, "--purge": { type: String, deprecated: true }, "--postcss": { type: oneOf(String, Boolean), description: "Load custom PostCSS configuration" }, "--minify": { type: Boolean, description: "Minify the output" }, "--config": { type: String, description: "Path to a custom config file" }, "--no-autoprefixer": { type: Boolean, description: "Disable autoprefixer" }, "-c": "--config", "-i": "--input", "-o": "--output", "-m": "--minify", "-w": "--watch", "-p": "--poll" } } }; let sharedFlags = { "--help": { type: Boolean, description: "Display usage information" }, "-h": "--help" }; if (process.stdout.isTTY /* Detect redirecting output to a file */ && (process.argv[2] === undefined || process.argv.slice(2).every((flag)=>sharedFlags[flag] !== undefined))) { (0, _help.help)({ usage: [ "tailwindcss [--input input.css] [--output output.css] [--watch] [options...]", "tailwindcss init [--full] [--postcss] [options...]" ], commands: Object.keys(commands).filter((command)=>command !== "build").map((command)=>`${command} [options]`), options: { ...commands.build.args, ...sharedFlags } }); process.exit(0); } let command = ((arg = "")=>arg.startsWith("-") ? undefined : arg)(process.argv[2]) || "build"; if (commands[command] === undefined) { if (_fs.default.existsSync(_path.default.resolve(command))) { // TODO: Deprecate this in future versions // Check if non-existing command, might be a file. command = "build"; } else { (0, _help.help)({ message: `Invalid command: ${command}`, usage: [ "tailwindcss
[options]" ], commands: Object.keys(commands).filter((command)=>command !== "build").map((command)=>`${command} [options]`), options: sharedFlags }); process.exit(1); } } // Execute command let { args: flags , run } = commands[command]; let args = (()=>{ try { let result = (0, _arg.default)(Object.fromEntries(Object.entries({ ...flags, ...sharedFlags }).filter(([_key, value])=>{ var _value_type; return !(value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : (_value_type = value.type) === null || _value_type === void 0 ? void 0 : _value_type.manualParsing); }).map(([key, value])=>[ key, typeof value === "object" ? value.type : value ])), { permissive: true }); // Manual parsing of flags to allow for special flags like oneOf(Boolean, String) for(let i = result["_"].length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ let flag = result["_"][i]; if (!flag.startsWith("-")) continue; let [flagName, flagValue] = flag.split("="); let handler = flags[flagName]; // Resolve flagName & handler while(typeof handler === "string"){ flagName = handler; handler = flags[handler]; } if (!handler) continue; let args = []; let offset = i + 1; // --flag value syntax was used so we need to pull `value` from `args` if (flagValue === undefined) { // Parse args for current flag while(result["_"][offset] && !result["_"][offset].startsWith("-")){ args.push(result["_"][offset++]); } // Cleanup manually parsed flags + args result["_"].splice(i, 1 + args.length); // No args were provided, use default value defined in handler // One arg was provided, use that directly // Multiple args were provided so pass them all in an array flagValue = args.length === 0 ? undefined : args.length === 1 ? args[0] : args; } else { // Remove the whole flag from the args array result["_"].splice(i, 1); } // Set the resolved value in the `result` object result[flagName] = handler.type(flagValue, flagName); } // Ensure that the `command` is always the first argument in the `args`. // This is important so that we don't have to check if a default command // (build) was used or not from within each plugin. // // E.g.: tailwindcss input.css -> _: ['build', 'input.css'] // E.g.: tailwindcss build input.css -> _: ['build', 'input.css'] if (result["_"][0] !== command) { result["_"].unshift(command); } return result; } catch (err) { if (err.code === "ARG_UNKNOWN_OPTION") { (0, _help.help)({ message: err.message, usage: [ "tailwindcss
[options]" ], options: sharedFlags }); process.exit(1); } throw err; } })(); if (args["--help"]) { (0, _help.help)({ options: { ...flags, ...sharedFlags }, usage: [ `tailwindcss ${command} [options]` ] }); process.exit(0); } run(args, configs);