"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); function _export(target, all) { for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, { enumerable: true, get: all[name] }); } _export(exports, { normalize: ()=>normalize, url: ()=>url, number: ()=>number, percentage: ()=>percentage, length: ()=>length, lineWidth: ()=>lineWidth, shadow: ()=>shadow, color: ()=>color, image: ()=>image, gradient: ()=>gradient, position: ()=>position, familyName: ()=>familyName, genericName: ()=>genericName, absoluteSize: ()=>absoluteSize, relativeSize: ()=>relativeSize }); const _color = require("./color"); const _parseBoxShadowValue = require("./parseBoxShadowValue"); const _splitAtTopLevelOnly = require("./splitAtTopLevelOnly"); let cssFunctions = [ "min", "max", "clamp", "calc" ]; // Ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Types function isCSSFunction(value) { return cssFunctions.some((fn)=>new RegExp(`^${fn}\\(.*\\)`).test(value)); } const placeholder = "--tw-placeholder"; const placeholderRe = new RegExp(placeholder, "g"); function normalize(value, isRoot = true) { // Keep raw strings if it starts with `url(` if (value.includes("url(")) { return value.split(/(url\(.*?\))/g).filter(Boolean).map((part)=>{ if (/^url\(.*?\)$/.test(part)) { return part; } return normalize(part, false); }).join(""); } // Convert `_` to ` `, except for escaped underscores `\_` value = value.replace(/([^\\])_+/g, (fullMatch, characterBefore)=>characterBefore + " ".repeat(fullMatch.length - 1)).replace(/^_/g, " ").replace(/\\_/g, "_"); // Remove leftover whitespace if (isRoot) { value = value.trim(); } // Add spaces around operators inside math functions like calc() that do not follow an operator // or '('. value = value.replace(/(calc|min|max|clamp)\(.+\)/g, (match)=>{ let vars = []; return match.replace(/var\((--.+?)[,)]/g, (match, g1)=>{ vars.push(g1); return match.replace(g1, placeholder); }).replace(/(-?\d*\.?\d(?!\b-\d.+[,)](?![^+\-/*])\D)(?:%|[a-z]+)?|\))([+\-/*])/g, "$1 $2 ").replace(placeholderRe, ()=>vars.shift()); }); return value; } function url(value) { return value.startsWith("url("); } function number(value) { return !isNaN(Number(value)) || isCSSFunction(value); } function percentage(value) { return value.endsWith("%") && number(value.slice(0, -1)) || isCSSFunction(value); } // Please refer to MDN when updating this list: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/Values_and_units // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Container_Queries#container_query_length_units let lengthUnits = [ "cm", "mm", "Q", "in", "pc", "pt", "px", "em", "ex", "ch", "rem", "lh", "rlh", "vw", "vh", "vmin", "vmax", "vb", "vi", "svw", "svh", "lvw", "lvh", "dvw", "dvh", "cqw", "cqh", "cqi", "cqb", "cqmin", "cqmax" ]; let lengthUnitsPattern = `(?:${lengthUnits.join("|")})`; function length(value) { return value === "0" || new RegExp(`^[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?${lengthUnitsPattern}$`).test(value) || isCSSFunction(value); } let lineWidths = new Set([ "thin", "medium", "thick" ]); function lineWidth(value) { return lineWidths.has(value); } function shadow(value) { let parsedShadows = (0, _parseBoxShadowValue.parseBoxShadowValue)(normalize(value)); for (let parsedShadow of parsedShadows){ if (!parsedShadow.valid) { return false; } } return true; } function color(value) { let colors = 0; let result = (0, _splitAtTopLevelOnly.splitAtTopLevelOnly)(value, "_").every((part)=>{ part = normalize(part); if (part.startsWith("var(")) return true; if ((0, _color.parseColor)(part, { loose: true }) !== null) return colors++, true; return false; }); if (!result) return false; return colors > 0; } function image(value) { let images = 0; let result = (0, _splitAtTopLevelOnly.splitAtTopLevelOnly)(value, ",").every((part)=>{ part = normalize(part); if (part.startsWith("var(")) return true; if (url(part) || gradient(part) || [ "element(", "image(", "cross-fade(", "image-set(" ].some((fn)=>part.startsWith(fn))) { images++; return true; } return false; }); if (!result) return false; return images > 0; } let gradientTypes = new Set([ "linear-gradient", "radial-gradient", "repeating-linear-gradient", "repeating-radial-gradient", "conic-gradient" ]); function gradient(value) { value = normalize(value); for (let type of gradientTypes){ if (value.startsWith(`${type}(`)) { return true; } } return false; } let validPositions = new Set([ "center", "top", "right", "bottom", "left" ]); function position(value) { let positions = 0; let result = (0, _splitAtTopLevelOnly.splitAtTopLevelOnly)(value, "_").every((part)=>{ part = normalize(part); if (part.startsWith("var(")) return true; if (validPositions.has(part) || length(part) || percentage(part)) { positions++; return true; } return false; }); if (!result) return false; return positions > 0; } function familyName(value) { let fonts = 0; let result = (0, _splitAtTopLevelOnly.splitAtTopLevelOnly)(value, ",").every((part)=>{ part = normalize(part); if (part.startsWith("var(")) return true; // If it contains spaces, then it should be quoted if (part.includes(" ")) { if (!/(['"])([^"']+)\1/g.test(part)) { return false; } } // If it starts with a number, it's invalid if (/^\d/g.test(part)) { return false; } fonts++; return true; }); if (!result) return false; return fonts > 0; } let genericNames = new Set([ "serif", "sans-serif", "monospace", "cursive", "fantasy", "system-ui", "ui-serif", "ui-sans-serif", "ui-monospace", "ui-rounded", "math", "emoji", "fangsong" ]); function genericName(value) { return genericNames.has(value); } let absoluteSizes = new Set([ "xx-small", "x-small", "small", "medium", "large", "x-large", "x-large", "xxx-large" ]); function absoluteSize(value) { return absoluteSizes.has(value); } let relativeSizes = new Set([ "larger", "smaller" ]); function relativeSize(value) { return relativeSizes.has(value); }