* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Ramsey\Uuid\Type; use Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException; use Ramsey\Uuid\Type\Integer as IntegerObject; use ValueError; use function json_decode; use function json_encode; use function sprintf; /** * A value object representing a timestamp * * This class exists for type-safety purposes, to ensure that timestamps used * by ramsey/uuid are truly timestamp integers and not some other kind of string * or integer. * * @psalm-immutable */ final class Time implements TypeInterface { private IntegerObject $seconds; private IntegerObject $microseconds; public function __construct( float | int | string | IntegerObject $seconds, float | int | string | IntegerObject $microseconds = 0, ) { $this->seconds = new IntegerObject($seconds); $this->microseconds = new IntegerObject($microseconds); } public function getSeconds(): IntegerObject { return $this->seconds; } public function getMicroseconds(): IntegerObject { return $this->microseconds; } public function toString(): string { return $this->seconds->toString() . '.' . sprintf('%06s', $this->microseconds->toString()); } public function __toString(): string { return $this->toString(); } /** * @return string[] */ public function jsonSerialize(): array { return [ 'seconds' => $this->getSeconds()->toString(), 'microseconds' => $this->getMicroseconds()->toString(), ]; } public function serialize(): string { return (string) json_encode($this); } /** * @return array{seconds: string, microseconds: string} */ public function __serialize(): array { return [ 'seconds' => $this->getSeconds()->toString(), 'microseconds' => $this->getMicroseconds()->toString(), ]; } /** * Constructs the object from a serialized string representation * * @param string $data The serialized string representation of the object * * @psalm-suppress UnusedMethodCall */ public function unserialize(string $data): void { /** @var array{seconds?: int|float|string, microseconds?: int|float|string} $time */ $time = json_decode($data, true); if (!isset($time['seconds']) || !isset($time['microseconds'])) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( 'Attempted to unserialize an invalid value' ); } $this->__construct($time['seconds'], $time['microseconds']); } /** * @param array{seconds?: string, microseconds?: string} $data */ public function __unserialize(array $data): void { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (!isset($data['seconds']) || !isset($data['microseconds'])) { throw new ValueError(sprintf('%s(): Argument #1 ($data) is invalid', __METHOD__)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $this->__construct($data['seconds'], $data['microseconds']); } }