hasMultipleConversions($manipulations)) { $manipulations = [$manipulations]; } foreach ($manipulations as $manipulation) { $this->manipulationSequence = new ManipulationSequence($manipulation); } } /** * @param string $orientation * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function orientation(string $orientation) { if (! $this->validateManipulation($orientation, 'orientation')) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidParameter( 'orientation', $orientation, $this->getValidManipulationOptions('orientation') ); } return $this->addManipulation('orientation', $orientation); } /** * @param string $orientation * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function flip(string $orientation) { if (! $this->validateManipulation($orientation, 'flip')) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidParameter( 'flip', $orientation, $this->getValidManipulationOptions('flip') ); } return $this->addManipulation('flip', $orientation); } /** * @param string $cropMethod * @param int $width * @param int $height * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function crop(string $cropMethod, int $width, int $height) { if (! $this->validateManipulation($cropMethod, 'crop')) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidParameter( 'cropmethod', $cropMethod, $this->getValidManipulationOptions('crop') ); } $this->width($width); $this->height($height); return $this->addManipulation('crop', $cropMethod); } /** * @param int $width * @param int $height * @param int $focalX Crop center X in percent * @param int $focalY Crop center Y in percent * @param float $zoom * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function focalCrop(int $width, int $height, int $focalX, int $focalY, float $zoom = 1) { if ($zoom < 1 || $zoom > 100) { throw InvalidManipulation::valueNotInRange('zoom', $zoom, 1, 100); } $this->width($width); $this->height($height); return $this->addManipulation('crop', "crop-{$focalX}-{$focalY}-{$zoom}"); } /** * @param int $width * @param int $height * @param int $x * @param int $y * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function manualCrop(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y) { if ($width < 0) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidWidth($width); } if ($height < 0) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidWidth($height); } return $this->addManipulation('manualCrop', "{$width},{$height},{$x},{$y}"); } /** * @param int $width * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function width(int $width) { if ($width < 0) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidWidth($width); } return $this->addManipulation('width', (string)$width); } /** * @param int $height * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function height(int $height) { if ($height < 0) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidHeight($height); } return $this->addManipulation('height', (string)$height); } /** * @param string $fitMethod * @param int $width * @param int $height * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function fit(string $fitMethod, int $width, int $height) { if (! $this->validateManipulation($fitMethod, 'fit')) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidParameter( 'fit', $fitMethod, $this->getValidManipulationOptions('fit') ); } $this->width($width); $this->height($height); return $this->addManipulation('fit', $fitMethod); } /** * @param int $ratio A value between 1 and 8 * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function devicePixelRatio(int $ratio) { if ($ratio < 1 || $ratio > 8) { throw InvalidManipulation::valueNotInRange('ratio', $ratio, 1, 8); } return $this->addManipulation('devicePixelRatio', (string)$ratio); } /** * @param int $brightness A value between -100 and 100 * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function brightness(int $brightness) { if ($brightness < -100 || $brightness > 100) { throw InvalidManipulation::valueNotInRange('brightness', $brightness, -100, 100); } return $this->addManipulation('brightness', (string)$brightness); } /** * @param float $gamma A value between 0.01 and 9.99 * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function gamma(float $gamma) { if ($gamma < 0.01 || $gamma > 9.99) { throw InvalidManipulation::valueNotInRange('gamma', $gamma, 0.01, 9.00); } return $this->addManipulation('gamma', (string)$gamma); } /** * @param int $contrast A value between -100 and 100 * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function contrast(int $contrast) { if ($contrast < -100 || $contrast > 100) { throw InvalidManipulation::valueNotInRange('contrast', $contrast, -100, 100); } return $this->addManipulation('contrast', (string)$contrast); } /** * @param int $sharpen A value between 0 and 100 * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function sharpen(int $sharpen) { if ($sharpen < 0 || $sharpen > 100) { throw InvalidManipulation::valueNotInRange('sharpen', $sharpen, 0, 100); } return $this->addManipulation('sharpen', (string)$sharpen); } /** * @param int $blur A value between 0 and 100 * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function blur(int $blur) { if ($blur < 0 || $blur > 100) { throw InvalidManipulation::valueNotInRange('blur', $blur, 0, 100); } return $this->addManipulation('blur', (string)$blur); } /** * @param int $pixelate A value between 0 and 1000 * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function pixelate(int $pixelate) { if ($pixelate < 0 || $pixelate > 1000) { throw InvalidManipulation::valueNotInRange('pixelate', $pixelate, 0, 1000); } return $this->addManipulation('pixelate', (string)$pixelate); } /** * @return $this */ public function greyscale() { return $this->filter('greyscale'); } /** * @return $this */ public function sepia() { return $this->filter('sepia'); } /** * @param string $colorName * * @return $this */ public function background(string $colorName) { return $this->addManipulation('background', $colorName); } /** * @param int $width * @param string $color * @param string $borderType * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function border(int $width, string $color, string $borderType = 'overlay') { if ($width < 0) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidWidth($width); } if (! $this->validateManipulation($borderType, 'border')) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidParameter( 'border', $borderType, $this->getValidManipulationOptions('border') ); } return $this->addManipulation('border', "{$width},{$color},{$borderType}"); } /** * @param int $quality * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function quality(int $quality) { if ($quality < 0 || $quality > 100) { throw InvalidManipulation::valueNotInRange('quality', $quality, 0, 100); } return $this->addManipulation('quality', (string)$quality); } /** * @param string $format * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function format(string $format) { if (! $this->validateManipulation($format, 'format')) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidParameter( 'format', $format, $this->getValidManipulationOptions('format') ); } return $this->addManipulation('format', $format); } /** * @param string $filterName * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ protected function filter(string $filterName) { if (! $this->validateManipulation($filterName, 'filter')) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidParameter( 'filter', $filterName, $this->getValidManipulationOptions('filter') ); } return $this->addManipulation('filter', $filterName); } /** * @param string $filePath * * @return $this * * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public function watermark(string $filePath) { if (! file_exists($filePath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($filePath); } $this->addManipulation('watermark', $filePath); return $this; } /** * @param int $width The width of the watermark in pixels (default) or percent. * @param string $unit The unit of the `$width` parameter. Use `Manipulations::UNIT_PERCENT` or `Manipulations::UNIT_PIXELS`. * * @return $this */ public function watermarkWidth(int $width, string $unit = 'px') { $width = ($unit == static::UNIT_PERCENT ? $width.'w' : $width); return $this->addManipulation('watermarkWidth', (string)$width); } /** * @param int $height The height of the watermark in pixels (default) or percent. * @param string $unit The unit of the `$height` parameter. Use `Manipulations::UNIT_PERCENT` or `Manipulations::UNIT_PIXELS`. * * @return $this */ public function watermarkHeight(int $height, string $unit = 'px') { $height = ($unit == static::UNIT_PERCENT ? $height.'h' : $height); return $this->addManipulation('watermarkHeight', (string)$height); } /** * @param string $fitMethod How is the watermark fitted into the watermarkWidth and watermarkHeight properties. * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function watermarkFit(string $fitMethod) { if (! $this->validateManipulation($fitMethod, 'fit')) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidParameter( 'watermarkFit', $fitMethod, $this->getValidManipulationOptions('fit') ); } return $this->addManipulation('watermarkFit', $fitMethod); } /** * @param int $xPadding How far is the watermark placed from the left and right edges of the image. * @param int|null $yPadding How far is the watermark placed from the top and bottom edges of the image. * @param string $unit Unit of the padding values. Use `Manipulations::UNIT_PERCENT` or `Manipulations::UNIT_PIXELS`. * * @return $this */ public function watermarkPadding(int $xPadding, int $yPadding = null, string $unit = 'px') { $yPadding = $yPadding ?? $xPadding; $xPadding = ($unit == static::UNIT_PERCENT ? $xPadding.'w' : $xPadding); $yPadding = ($unit == static::UNIT_PERCENT ? $yPadding.'h' : $yPadding); $this->addManipulation('watermarkPaddingX', (string)$xPadding); $this->addManipulation('watermarkPaddingY', (string)$yPadding); return $this; } /** * @param string $position * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function watermarkPosition(string $position) { if (! $this->validateManipulation($position, 'position')) { throw InvalidManipulation::invalidParameter( 'watermarkPosition', $position, $this->getValidManipulationOptions('position') ); } return $this->addManipulation('watermarkPosition', $position); } /** * Sets the opacity of the watermark. Only works with the `imagick` driver. * * @param int $opacity A value between 0 and 100. * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidManipulation */ public function watermarkOpacity(int $opacity) { if ($opacity < 0 || $opacity > 100) { throw InvalidManipulation::valueNotInRange('opacity', $opacity, 0, 100); } return $this->addManipulation('watermarkOpacity', (string)$opacity); } /** * Shave off some kilobytes by optimizing the image. * * @param array $optimizationOptions * * @return $this */ public function optimize(array $optimizationOptions = []) { return $this->addManipulation('optimize', json_encode($optimizationOptions)); } /** * @return $this */ public function apply() { $this->manipulationSequence->startNewGroup(); return $this; } /** * Create new manipulations class. * * @param array $manipulations * * @return self */ public static function create(array $manipulations = []) { return new self($manipulations); } public function toArray(): array { return $this->manipulationSequence->toArray(); } /** * Checks if the given manipulations has arrays inside or not. * * @param array $manipulations * * @return bool */ private function hasMultipleConversions(array $manipulations): bool { foreach ($manipulations as $manipulation) { if (isset($manipulation[0]) && is_array($manipulation[0])) { return true; } } return false; } public function removeManipulation(string $name) { $this->manipulationSequence->removeManipulation($name); } public function hasManipulation(string $manipulationName): bool { return ! is_null($this->getManipulationArgument($manipulationName)); } /** * @param string $manipulationName * * @return string|null */ public function getManipulationArgument(string $manipulationName) { foreach ($this->manipulationSequence->getGroups() as $manipulationSet) { if (array_key_exists($manipulationName, $manipulationSet)) { return $manipulationSet[$manipulationName]; } } } protected function addManipulation(string $manipulationName, string $manipulationArgument) { $this->manipulationSequence->addManipulation($manipulationName, $manipulationArgument); return $this; } public function mergeManipulations(self $manipulations) { $this->manipulationSequence->merge($manipulations->manipulationSequence); return $this; } public function getManipulationSequence(): ManipulationSequence { return $this->manipulationSequence; } protected function validateManipulation(string $value, string $constantNamePrefix): bool { return in_array($value, $this->getValidManipulationOptions($constantNamePrefix)); } protected function getValidManipulationOptions(string $manipulation): array { $options = (new ReflectionClass(static::class))->getConstants(); return array_filter($options, function ($value, $name) use ($manipulation) { return strpos($name, mb_strtoupper($manipulation)) === 0; }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH); } public function isEmpty(): bool { return $this->manipulationSequence->isEmpty(); } /* * Get the first manipultion with the given name. * * @return mixed */ public function getFirstManipulationArgument(string $manipulationName) { return $this->manipulationSequence->getFirstManipulationArgument($manipulationName); } }