import { directive } from '../directives' import { warn } from '../utils/warn' import './x-transition' import './x-modelable' import './x-teleport' import './x-ignore' import './x-effect' import './x-model' import './x-cloak' import './x-init' import './x-text' import './x-html' import './x-bind' import './x-data' import './x-show' import './x-for' import './x-ref' import './x-if' import './x-id' import './x-on' // Register warnings for people using plugin syntaxes and not loading the plugin itself: warnMissingPluginDirective('Collapse', 'collapse', 'collapse') warnMissingPluginDirective('Intersect', 'intersect', 'intersect') warnMissingPluginDirective('Focus', 'trap', 'focus') warnMissingPluginDirective('Mask', 'mask', 'mask') function warnMissingPluginDirective(name, directiveName, slug) { directive(directiveName, (el) => warn(`You can't use [x-${directiveName}] without first installing the "${name}" plugin here: https://alpinejs.dev/plugins/${slug}`, el)) }