# PostCSS Nested
[PostCSS] plugin to unwrap nested rules like how Sass does it. ```css .phone { &_title { width: 500px; @media (max-width: 500px) { width: auto; } body.is_dark & { color: white; } } img { display: block; } } .title { font-size: var(--font); @at-root html { --font: 16px } } ``` will be processed to: ```css .phone_title { width: 500px; } @media (max-width: 500px) { .phone_title { width: auto; } } body.is_dark .phone_title { color: white; } .phone img { display: block; } .title { font-size: var(--font); } html { --font: 16px } ``` Related plugins: * Use [`postcss-atroot`] for `@at-root` at-rule to move nested child to the CSS root. * Use [`postcss-current-selector`] **after** this plugin if you want to use current selector in properties or variables values. * Use [`postcss-nested-ancestors`] **before** this plugin if you want to reference any ancestor element directly in your selectors with `^&`. Alternatives: * See also [`postcss-nesting`], which implements [CSSWG draft] (requires the `&` and introduces `@nest`). * [`postcss-nested-props`] for nested properties like `font-size`.
[`postcss-atroot`]: https://github.com/OEvgeny/postcss-atroot [`postcss-current-selector`]: https://github.com/komlev/postcss-current-selector [`postcss-nested-ancestors`]: https://github.com/toomuchdesign/postcss-nested-ancestors [`postcss-nested-props`]: https://github.com/jedmao/postcss-nested-props [`postcss-nesting`]: https://github.com/csstools/postcss-plugins/tree/main/plugins/postcss-nesting [CSSWG draft]: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-nesting-1/ [PostCSS]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss ## Docs Read **[full docs](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-nested#readme)** on GitHub.