Agent ===== [](https://packagist.org/packages/jenssegers/agent) [](https://packagist.org/packages/jenssegers/agent) [](https://travis-ci.org/jenssegers/agent) [](https://coveralls.io/r/jenssegers/agent) [](https://www.paypal.me/jenssegers) A PHP desktop/mobile user agent parser with support for Laravel, based on [Mobile Detect](https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect) with desktop support and additional functionality.
Installation ------------ Install using composer: ```bash composer require jenssegers/agent ``` Laravel (optional) ------------------ Add the service provider in `config/app.php`: ```php Jenssegers\Agent\AgentServiceProvider::class, ``` And add the Agent alias to `config/app.php`: ```php 'Agent' => Jenssegers\Agent\Facades\Agent::class, ``` Basic Usage ----------- Start by creating an `Agent` instance (or use the `Agent` Facade if you are using Laravel): ```php use Jenssegers\Agent\Agent; $agent = new Agent(); ``` If you want to parse user agents other than the current request in CLI scripts for example, you can use the `setUserAgent` and `setHttpHeaders` methods: ```php $agent->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.13+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.7 Safari/534.57.2'); $agent->setHttpHeaders($headers); ``` All of the original [Mobile Detect](https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect) methods are still available, check out some original examples at https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect/wiki/Code-examples ### Is? Check for a certain property in the user agent. ```php $agent->is('Windows'); $agent->is('Firefox'); $agent->is('iPhone'); $agent->is('OS X'); ``` ### Magic is-method Magic method that does the same as the previous `is()` method: ```php $agent->isAndroidOS(); $agent->isNexus(); $agent->isSafari(); ``` ### Mobile detection Check for mobile device: ```php $agent->isMobile(); $agent->isTablet(); ``` ### Match user agent Search the user agent with a regular expression: ```php $agent->match('regexp'); ``` Additional Functionality ------------------------ ### Accept languages Get the browser's accept languages. Example: ```php $languages = $agent->languages(); // ['nl-nl', 'nl', 'en-us', 'en'] ``` ### Device name Get the device name, if mobile. (iPhone, Nexus, AsusTablet, ...) ```php $device = $agent->device(); ``` ### Operating system name Get the operating system. (Ubuntu, Windows, OS X, ...) ```php $platform = $agent->platform(); ``` ### Browser name Get the browser name. (Chrome, IE, Safari, Firefox, ...) ```php $browser = $agent->browser(); ``` ### Desktop detection Check if the user is using a desktop device. ```php $agent->isDesktop(); ``` *This checks if a user is not a mobile device, tablet or robot.* ### Phone detection Check if the user is using a phone device. ```php $agent->isPhone(); ``` ### Robot detection Check if the user is a robot. This uses [jaybizzle/crawler-detect](https://github.com/JayBizzle/Crawler-Detect) to do the actual robot detection. ```php $agent->isRobot(); ``` ### Robot name Get the robot name. ```php $robot = $agent->robot(); ``` ### Browser/platform version MobileDetect recently added a `version` method that can get the version number for components. To get the browser or platform version you can use: ```php $browser = $agent->browser(); $version = $agent->version($browser); $platform = $agent->platform(); $version = $agent->version($platform); ``` *Note, the version method is still in beta, so it might not return the correct result.* ## License Laravel User Agent is licensed under [The MIT License (MIT)](LICENSE). ## Security contact information To report a security vulnerability, follow [these steps](https://tidelift.com/security).