current() != url('/admin/website/custom-pages/edit/home'))) return $output; } } } //highlights the selected navigation on frontend if (!function_exists('areActiveRoutesHome')) { function areActiveRoutesHome(array $routes, $output = "active") { foreach ($routes as $route) { if (Route::currentRouteName() == $route) return $output; } } } //highlights the selected navigation on frontend if (!function_exists('default_language')) { function default_language() { return env("DEFAULT_LANGUAGE"); } } /** * Save JSON File * @return Response */ if (!function_exists('convert_to_usd')) { function convert_to_usd($amount) { $currency = Currency::find(get_setting('system_default_currency')); return (floatval($amount) / floatval($currency->exchange_rate)) * Currency::where('code', 'USD')->first()->exchange_rate; } } if (!function_exists('convert_to_kes')) { function convert_to_kes($amount) { $currency = Currency::find(get_setting('system_default_currency')); return (floatval($amount) / floatval($currency->exchange_rate)) * Currency::where('code', 'KES')->first()->exchange_rate; } } // get all active countries if (!function_exists('get_active_countries')) { function get_active_countries() { $country_query = Country::query(); return $country_query->isEnabled()->get(); } } //filter products based on vendor activation system if (!function_exists('filter_products')) { function filter_products($products) { $products = $products->isApprovedPublished()->where('auction_product', 0); if (!addon_is_activated('wholesale')) { $products = $products->where('wholesale_product', 0); } $verified_sellers = verified_sellers_id(); if (get_setting('vendor_system_activation') == 1) { return $products->where(function ($p) use ($verified_sellers) { $p->where('added_by', 'admin')->orWhere(function ($q) use ($verified_sellers) { $q->whereIn('user_id', $verified_sellers); }); }); } else { return $products->where('added_by', 'admin'); } } } //cache products based on category if (!function_exists('get_cached_products')) { function get_cached_products($category_id = null) { return Cache::remember('products-category-' . $category_id, 86400, function () use ($category_id) { return filter_products(Product::where('category_id', $category_id))->latest()->take(5)->get(); }); } } if (!function_exists('verified_sellers_id')) { function verified_sellers_id() { return Cache::rememberForever('verified_sellers_id', function () { return Shop::where('verification_status', 1)->pluck('user_id')->toArray(); }); } } // if (!function_exists('unbanned_sellers_id')) { // function unbanned_sellers_id() // { // return Cache::rememberForever('unbanned_sellers_id', function () { // return App\Models\User::where('user_type', 'seller')->where('banned', 0)->pluck('id')->toArray(); // }); // } // } if (!function_exists('get_system_default_currency')) { function get_system_default_currency() { return Cache::remember('system_default_currency', 86400, function () { return Currency::findOrFail(get_setting('system_default_currency')); }); } } //converts currency to home default currency if (!function_exists('convert_price')) { function convert_price($price) { if (Session::has('currency_code') && (Session::get('currency_code') != get_system_default_currency()->code)) { $price = floatval($price) / floatval(get_system_default_currency()->exchange_rate); $price = floatval($price) * floatval(Session::get('currency_exchange_rate')); } if ( request()->header('Currency-Code') && request()->header('Currency-Code') != get_system_default_currency()->code ) { $price = floatval($price) / floatval(get_system_default_currency()->exchange_rate); $price = floatval($price) * floatval(request()->header('Currency-Exchange-Rate')); } return $price; } } //gets currency symbol if (!function_exists('currency_symbol')) { function currency_symbol() { if (Session::has('currency_symbol')) { return Session::get('currency_symbol'); } if (request()->header('Currency-Code')) { return request()->header('Currency-Code'); } return get_system_default_currency()->symbol; } } //formats currency if (!function_exists('format_price')) { function format_price($price, $isMinimize = false) { if (get_setting('decimal_separator') == 1) { $fomated_price = number_format($price, get_setting('no_of_decimals')); } else { $fomated_price = number_format($price, get_setting('no_of_decimals'), ',', '.'); } // Minimize the price if ($isMinimize) { $temp = number_format($price / 1000000000, get_setting('no_of_decimals'), ".", ""); if ($temp >= 1) { $fomated_price = $temp . "B"; } else { $temp = number_format($price / 1000000, get_setting('no_of_decimals'), ".", ""); if ($temp >= 1) { $fomated_price = $temp . "M"; } } } if (get_setting('symbol_format') == 1) { return currency_symbol() . $fomated_price; } else if (get_setting('symbol_format') == 3) { return currency_symbol() . ' ' . $fomated_price; } else if (get_setting('symbol_format') == 4) { return $fomated_price . ' ' . currency_symbol(); } return $fomated_price . currency_symbol(); } } //formats price to home default price with convertion if (!function_exists('single_price')) { function single_price($price) { return format_price(convert_price($price)); } } if (!function_exists('discount_in_percentage')) { function discount_in_percentage($product) { $base = home_base_price($product, false); $reduced = home_discounted_base_price($product, false); $discount = $base - $reduced; $dp = ($discount * 100) / ($base > 0 ? $base : 1); return round($dp); } } //Shows Price on page based on carts if (!function_exists('cart_product_price')) { function cart_product_price($cart_product, $product, $formatted = true, $tax = true) { if ($product->auction_product == 0) { $str = ''; if ($cart_product['variation'] != null) { $str = $cart_product['variation']; } $price = 0; $product_stock = $product->stocks->where('variant', $str)->first(); if ($product_stock) { $price = $product_stock->price; } if ($product->wholesale_product) { $wholesalePrice = $product_stock->wholesalePrices->where('min_qty', '<=', $cart_product['quantity'])->where('max_qty', '>=', $cart_product['quantity'])->first(); if ($wholesalePrice) { $price = $wholesalePrice->price; } } //discount calculation $discount_applicable = false; if ($product->discount_start_date == null) { $discount_applicable = true; } elseif ( strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) >= $product->discount_start_date && strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) <= $product->discount_end_date ) { $discount_applicable = true; } if ($discount_applicable) { if ($product->discount_type == 'percent') { $price -= ($price * $product->discount) / 100; } elseif ($product->discount_type == 'amount') { $price -= $product->discount; } } } else { $price = $product->bids->max('amount'); } //calculation of taxes if ($tax) { $taxAmount = 0; foreach ($product->taxes as $product_tax) { if ($product_tax->tax_type == 'percent') { $taxAmount += ($price * $product_tax->tax) / 100; } elseif ($product_tax->tax_type == 'amount') { $taxAmount += $product_tax->tax; } } $price += $taxAmount; } if ($formatted) { return format_price(convert_price($price)); } else { return $price; } } } if (!function_exists('cart_product_tax')) { function cart_product_tax($cart_product, $product, $formatted = true) { $str = ''; if ($cart_product['variation'] != null) { $str = $cart_product['variation']; } $product_stock = $product->stocks->where('variant', $str)->first(); $price = $product_stock->price; //discount calculation $discount_applicable = false; if ($product->discount_start_date == null) { $discount_applicable = true; } elseif ( strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) >= $product->discount_start_date && strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) <= $product->discount_end_date ) { $discount_applicable = true; } if ($discount_applicable) { if ($product->discount_type == 'percent') { $price -= ($price * $product->discount) / 100; } elseif ($product->discount_type == 'amount') { $price -= $product->discount; } } //calculation of taxes $tax = 0; foreach ($product->taxes as $product_tax) { if ($product_tax->tax_type == 'percent') { $tax += ($price * $product_tax->tax) / 100; } elseif ($product_tax->tax_type == 'amount') { $tax += $product_tax->tax; } } if ($formatted) { return format_price(convert_price($tax)); } else { return $tax; } } } if (!function_exists('cart_product_discount')) { function cart_product_discount($cart_product, $product, $formatted = false) { $str = ''; if ($cart_product['variation'] != null) { $str = $cart_product['variation']; } $product_stock = $product->stocks->where('variant', $str)->first(); $price = $product_stock->price; //discount calculation $discount_applicable = false; $discount = 0; if ($product->discount_start_date == null) { $discount_applicable = true; } elseif ( strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) >= $product->discount_start_date && strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) <= $product->discount_end_date ) { $discount_applicable = true; } if ($discount_applicable) { if ($product->discount_type == 'percent') { $discount = ($price * $product->discount) / 100; } elseif ($product->discount_type == 'amount') { $discount = $product->discount; } } if ($formatted) { return format_price(convert_price($discount)); } else { return $discount; } } } // all discount if (!function_exists('carts_product_discount')) { function carts_product_discount($cart_products, $formatted = false) { $discount = 0; foreach ($cart_products as $key => $cart_product) { $str = ''; $product = \App\Models\Product::find($cart_product['product_id']); if ($cart_product['variation'] != null) { $str = $cart_product['variation']; } $product_stock = $product->stocks->where('variant', $str)->first(); $price = $product_stock->price; //discount calculation $discount_applicable = false; if ($product->discount_start_date == null) { $discount_applicable = true; } elseif ( strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) >= $product->discount_start_date && strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) <= $product->discount_end_date ) { $discount_applicable = true; } if ($discount_applicable) { if ($product->discount_type == 'percent') { $discount += ($price * $product->discount) / 100; } elseif ($product->discount_type == 'amount') { $discount += $product->discount; } } } if ($formatted) { return format_price(convert_price($discount)); } else { return $discount; } } } // carts coupon discount if (!function_exists('carts_coupon_discount')) { function carts_coupon_discount($code, $formatted = false) { $coupon = Coupon::where('code', $code)->first(); $coupon_discount = 0; if ($coupon != null) { if (strtotime(date('d-m-Y')) >= $coupon->start_date && strtotime(date('d-m-Y')) <= $coupon->end_date) { if (CouponUsage::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('coupon_id', $coupon->id)->first() == null) { $coupon_details = json_decode($coupon->details); $carts = Cart::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id) ->where('owner_id', $coupon->user_id) ->get(); if ($coupon->type == 'cart_base') { $subtotal = 0; $tax = 0; $shipping = 0; foreach ($carts as $key => $cartItem) { $product = Product::find($cartItem['product_id']); $subtotal += cart_product_price($cartItem, $product, false, false) * $cartItem['quantity']; $tax += cart_product_tax($cartItem, $product, false) * $cartItem['quantity']; $shipping += $cartItem['shipping_cost']; } $sum = $subtotal + $tax + $shipping; if ($sum >= $coupon_details->min_buy) { if ($coupon->discount_type == 'percent') { $coupon_discount = ($sum * $coupon->discount) / 100; if ($coupon_discount > $coupon_details->max_discount) { $coupon_discount = $coupon_details->max_discount; } } elseif ($coupon->discount_type == 'amount') { $coupon_discount = $coupon->discount; } } } elseif ($coupon->type == 'product_base') { foreach ($carts as $key => $cartItem) { $product = Product::find($cartItem['product_id']); foreach ($coupon_details as $key => $coupon_detail) { if ($coupon_detail->product_id == $cartItem['product_id']) { if ($coupon->discount_type == 'percent') { $coupon_discount += (cart_product_price($cartItem, $product, false, false) * $coupon->discount / 100) * $cartItem['quantity']; } elseif ($coupon->discount_type == 'amount') { $coupon_discount += $coupon->discount * $cartItem['quantity']; } } } } } } } if ($coupon_discount > 0) { Cart::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id) ->where('owner_id', $coupon->user_id) ->update( [ 'discount' => $coupon_discount / count($carts), ] ); } else { Cart::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id) ->where('owner_id', $coupon->user_id) ->update( [ 'discount' => 0, 'coupon_code' => null, ] ); } } if ($formatted) { return format_price(convert_price($coupon_discount)); } else { return $coupon_discount; } } } //Shows Price on page based on low to high if (!function_exists('home_price')) { function home_price($product, $formatted = true) { $lowest_price = $product->unit_price; $highest_price = $product->unit_price; if ($product->variant_product) { foreach ($product->stocks as $key => $stock) { if ($lowest_price > $stock->price) { $lowest_price = $stock->price; } if ($highest_price < $stock->price) { $highest_price = $stock->price; } } } foreach ($product->taxes as $product_tax) { if ($product_tax->tax_type == 'percent') { $lowest_price += ($lowest_price * $product_tax->tax) / 100; $highest_price += ($highest_price * $product_tax->tax) / 100; } elseif ($product_tax->tax_type == 'amount') { $lowest_price += $product_tax->tax; $highest_price += $product_tax->tax; } } if ($formatted) { if ($lowest_price == $highest_price) { return format_price(convert_price($lowest_price)); } else { return format_price(convert_price($lowest_price)) . ' - ' . format_price(convert_price($highest_price)); } } else { return $lowest_price . ' - ' . $highest_price; } } } //Shows Price on page based on low to high with discount if (!function_exists('home_discounted_price')) { function home_discounted_price($product, $formatted = true) { $lowest_price = $product->unit_price; $highest_price = $product->unit_price; if ($product->variant_product) { foreach ($product->stocks as $key => $stock) { if ($lowest_price > $stock->price) { $lowest_price = $stock->price; } if ($highest_price < $stock->price) { $highest_price = $stock->price; } } } $discount_applicable = false; if ($product->discount_start_date == null) { $discount_applicable = true; } elseif ( strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) >= $product->discount_start_date && strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) <= $product->discount_end_date ) { $discount_applicable = true; } if ($discount_applicable) { if ($product->discount_type == 'percent') { $lowest_price -= ($lowest_price * $product->discount) / 100; $highest_price -= ($highest_price * $product->discount) / 100; } elseif ($product->discount_type == 'amount') { $lowest_price -= $product->discount; $highest_price -= $product->discount; } } foreach ($product->taxes as $product_tax) { if ($product_tax->tax_type == 'percent') { $lowest_price += ($lowest_price * $product_tax->tax) / 100; $highest_price += ($highest_price * $product_tax->tax) / 100; } elseif ($product_tax->tax_type == 'amount') { $lowest_price += $product_tax->tax; $highest_price += $product_tax->tax; } } if ($formatted) { if ($lowest_price == $highest_price) { return format_price(convert_price($lowest_price)); } else { return format_price(convert_price($lowest_price)) . ' - ' . format_price(convert_price($highest_price)); } } else { return $lowest_price . ' - ' . $highest_price; } } } //Shows Base Price if (!function_exists('home_base_price_by_stock_id')) { function home_base_price_by_stock_id($id) { $product_stock = ProductStock::findOrFail($id); $price = $product_stock->price; $tax = 0; foreach ($product_stock->product->taxes as $product_tax) { if ($product_tax->tax_type == 'percent') { $tax += ($price * $product_tax->tax) / 100; } elseif ($product_tax->tax_type == 'amount') { $tax += $product_tax->tax; } } $price += $tax; return format_price(convert_price($price)); } } if (!function_exists('home_base_price')) { function home_base_price($product, $formatted = true) { $price = $product->unit_price; $tax = 0; foreach ($product->taxes as $product_tax) { if ($product_tax->tax_type == 'percent') { $tax += ($price * $product_tax->tax) / 100; } elseif ($product_tax->tax_type == 'amount') { $tax += $product_tax->tax; } } $price += $tax; return $formatted ? format_price(convert_price($price)) : convert_price($price); } } //Shows Base Price with discount if (!function_exists('home_discounted_base_price_by_stock_id')) { function home_discounted_base_price_by_stock_id($id) { $product_stock = ProductStock::findOrFail($id); $product = $product_stock->product; $price = $product_stock->price; $tax = 0; $discount_applicable = false; if ($product->discount_start_date == null) { $discount_applicable = true; } elseif ( strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) >= $product->discount_start_date && strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) <= $product->discount_end_date ) { $discount_applicable = true; } if ($discount_applicable) { if ($product->discount_type == 'percent') { $price -= ($price * $product->discount) / 100; } elseif ($product->discount_type == 'amount') { $price -= $product->discount; } } foreach ($product->taxes as $product_tax) { if ($product_tax->tax_type == 'percent') { $tax += ($price * $product_tax->tax) / 100; } elseif ($product_tax->tax_type == 'amount') { $tax += $product_tax->tax; } } $price += $tax; return format_price(convert_price($price)); } } //Shows Base Price with discount if (!function_exists('home_discounted_base_price')) { function home_discounted_base_price($product, $formatted = true) { $price = $product->unit_price; $tax = 0; $discount_applicable = false; if ($product->discount_start_date == null) { $discount_applicable = true; } elseif ( strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) >= $product->discount_start_date && strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) <= $product->discount_end_date ) { $discount_applicable = true; } if ($discount_applicable) { if ($product->discount_type == 'percent') { $price -= ($price * $product->discount) / 100; } elseif ($product->discount_type == 'amount') { $price -= $product->discount; } } foreach ($product->taxes as $product_tax) { if ($product_tax->tax_type == 'percent') { $tax += ($price * $product_tax->tax) / 100; } elseif ($product_tax->tax_type == 'amount') { $tax += $product_tax->tax; } } $price += $tax; return $formatted ? format_price(convert_price($price)) : convert_price($price); } } if (!function_exists('renderStarRating')) { function renderStarRating($rating, $maxRating = 5) { $fullStar = "
"; $halfStar = "
"; $emptyStar = "
"; $rating = $rating <= $maxRating ? $rating : $maxRating; $fullStarCount = (int)$rating; $halfStarCount = ceil($rating) - $fullStarCount; $emptyStarCount = $maxRating - $fullStarCount - $halfStarCount; $html = str_repeat($fullStar, $fullStarCount); $html .= str_repeat($halfStar, $halfStarCount); $html .= str_repeat($emptyStar, $emptyStarCount); echo $html; } } function translate($key, $lang = null, $addslashes = false) { if ($lang == null) { $lang = App::getLocale(); } $lang_key = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\_]/', '', str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($key))); $translations_en = Cache::rememberForever('translations-en', function () { return Translation::where('lang', 'en')->pluck('lang_value', 'lang_key')->toArray(); }); if (!isset($translations_en[$lang_key])) { $translation_def = new Translation; $translation_def->lang = 'en'; $translation_def->lang_key = $lang_key; $translation_def->lang_value = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\r\n"), "", $key); $translation_def->save(); Cache::forget('translations-en'); } // return user session lang $translation_locale = Cache::rememberForever("translations-{$lang}", function () use ($lang) { return Translation::where('lang', $lang)->pluck('lang_value', 'lang_key')->toArray(); }); if (isset($translation_locale[$lang_key])) { return $addslashes ? addslashes(trim($translation_locale[$lang_key])) : trim($translation_locale[$lang_key]); } // return default lang if session lang not found $translations_default = Cache::rememberForever('translations-' . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'en'), function () { return Translation::where('lang', env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'en'))->pluck('lang_value', 'lang_key')->toArray(); }); if (isset($translations_default[$lang_key])) { return $addslashes ? addslashes(trim($translations_default[$lang_key])) : trim($translations_default[$lang_key]); } // fallback to en lang if (!isset($translations_en[$lang_key])) { return trim($key); } return $addslashes ? addslashes(trim($translations_en[$lang_key])) : trim($translations_en[$lang_key]); } function remove_invalid_charcaters($str) { $str = str_ireplace(array("\\"), '', $str); return str_ireplace(array('"'), '\"', $str); } if (!function_exists('translation_tables')) { function translation_tables($uniqueIdentifier) { $noTableAddons = ['african_pg', 'paytm', 'pos_system']; if (!in_array($uniqueIdentifier, $noTableAddons)) { $addons = []; $addons['affiliate'] = ['affiliate_options', 'affiliate_configs', 'affiliate_users', 'affiliate_payments', 'affiliate_withdraw_requests', 'affiliate_logs', 'affiliate_stats']; $addons['auction'] = ['auction_product_bids']; $addons['club_point'] = ['club_points', 'club_point_details']; $addons['delivery_boy'] = ['delivery_boys', 'delivery_histories', 'delivery_boy_payments', 'delivery_boy_collections']; $addons['offline_payment'] = ['manual_payment_methods']; $addons['otp_system'] = ['otp_configurations', 'sms_templates']; $addons['refund_request'] = ['refund_requests']; $addons['seller_subscription'] = ['seller_packages', 'seller_package_translations', 'seller_package_payments']; $addons['wholesale'] = ['wholesale_prices']; foreach ($addons as $key => $addon_tables) { if ($key == $uniqueIdentifier) { foreach ($addon_tables as $table) { Schema::dropIfExists($table); } } } } } } function getShippingCost($carts, $index, $shipping_info = '', $carrier = '') { $shipping_type = get_setting('shipping_type'); $admin_products = array(); $seller_products = array(); $admin_product_total_weight = 0; $admin_product_total_price = 0; $seller_product_total_weight = array(); $seller_product_total_price = array(); $cartItem = $carts[$index]; $product = Product::find($cartItem['product_id']); if ($product->digital == 1) { return 0; } foreach ($carts as $key => $cart_item) { $item_product = Product::find($cart_item['product_id']); if ($item_product->added_by == 'admin') { array_push($admin_products, $cart_item['product_id']); // For carrier wise shipping if ($shipping_type == 'carrier_wise_shipping') { $admin_product_total_weight += ($item_product->weight * $cart_item['quantity']); $admin_product_total_price += (cart_product_price($cart_item, $item_product, false, false) * $cart_item['quantity']); } } else { $product_ids = array(); $weight = 0; $price = 0; if (isset($seller_products[$item_product->user_id])) { $product_ids = $seller_products[$item_product->user_id]; // For carrier wise shipping if ($shipping_type == 'carrier_wise_shipping') { $weight += $seller_product_total_weight[$item_product->user_id]; $price += $seller_product_total_price[$item_product->user_id]; } } array_push($product_ids, $cart_item['product_id']); $seller_products[$item_product->user_id] = $product_ids; // For carrier wise shipping if ($shipping_type == 'carrier_wise_shipping') { $weight += ($item_product->weight * $cart_item['quantity']); $seller_product_total_weight[$item_product->user_id] = $weight; $price += (cart_product_price($cart_item, $item_product, false, false) * $cart_item['quantity']); $seller_product_total_price[$item_product->user_id] = $price; } } } if ($shipping_type == 'flat_rate') { return get_setting('flat_rate_shipping_cost') / count($carts); } elseif ($shipping_type == 'seller_wise_shipping') { if ($product->added_by == 'admin') { return get_setting('shipping_cost_admin') / count($admin_products); } else { return Shop::where('user_id', $product->user_id)->first()->shipping_cost / count($seller_products[$product->user_id]); } } elseif ($shipping_type == 'area_wise_shipping') { $city = City::where('id', $shipping_info['city_id'])->first(); if ($city != null) { if ($product->added_by == 'admin') { return $city->cost / count($admin_products); } else { return $city->cost / count($seller_products[$product->user_id]); } } return 0; } elseif ($shipping_type == 'carrier_wise_shipping') { // carrier wise shipping $user_zone = $shipping_info['country_id'] != 0 ? Country::where('id', $shipping_info['country_id'])->first()->zone_id : 0; if ($carrier == null || $user_zone == 0) { return 0; } $carrier = Carrier::find($carrier); if ($carrier->carrier_ranges->first()) { $carrier_billing_type = $carrier->carrier_ranges->first()->billing_type; if ($product->added_by == 'admin') { $itemsWeightOrPrice = $carrier_billing_type == 'weight_based' ? $admin_product_total_weight : $admin_product_total_price; } else { $itemsWeightOrPrice = $carrier_billing_type == 'weight_based' ? $seller_product_total_weight[$product->user_id] : $seller_product_total_price[$product->user_id]; } } foreach ($carrier->carrier_ranges as $carrier_range) { if ($itemsWeightOrPrice >= $carrier_range->delimiter1 && $itemsWeightOrPrice < $carrier_range->delimiter2) { $carrier_price = $carrier_range->carrier_range_prices->where('zone_id', $user_zone)->first()->price; return $product->added_by == 'admin' ? ($carrier_price / count($admin_products)) : ($carrier_price / count($seller_products[$product->user_id])); } } return 0; } else { if ($product->is_quantity_multiplied && ($shipping_type == 'product_wise_shipping')) { return $product->shipping_cost * $cartItem['quantity']; } return $product->shipping_cost; } } //return carrier wise shipping cost against seller if (!function_exists('carrier_base_price')) { function carrier_base_price($carts, $carrier_id, $owner_id, $shipping_info = '') { $shipping = 0; foreach ($carts as $key => $cartItem) { if ($cartItem->owner_id == $owner_id) { $shipping_cost = getShippingCost($carts, $key, $shipping_info, $carrier_id); $shipping += $shipping_cost; } } return $shipping; } } //return seller wise carrier list if (!function_exists('seller_base_carrier_list')) { function seller_base_carrier_list($owner_id, $userId = null, $tempUserId= null, $shipping_info = null) { $carrier_list = array(); $carts = ($userId != null) ? Cart::where('user_id', $userId)->active()->get() : Cart::where('temp_user_id', $tempUserId)->active()->get(); if (count($carts) > 0) { $zone = $shipping_info['country_id'] ? Country::where('id', $shipping_info['country_id'])->first()->zone_id : null; $carrier_query = Carrier::query(); $carrier_query->whereIn('id', function ($query) use ($zone) { $query->select('carrier_id')->from('carrier_range_prices') ->where('zone_id', $zone); })->orWhere('free_shipping', 1); $carrier_list = $carrier_query->active()->get(); } return (new CarrierCollection($carrier_list))->extra($owner_id, $carts, $shipping_info); } } function timezones() { return array( '(GMT-12:00) International Date Line West' => 'Pacific/Kwajalein', '(GMT-11:00) Midway Island' => 'Pacific/Midway', '(GMT-11:00) Samoa' => 'Pacific/Apia', '(GMT-10:00) Hawaii' => 'Pacific/Honolulu', '(GMT-09:00) Alaska' => 'America/Anchorage', '(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/Los_Angeles', '(GMT-08:00) Tijuana' => 'America/Tijuana', '(GMT-07:00) Arizona' => 'America/Phoenix', '(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/Denver', '(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua' => 'America/Chihuahua', '(GMT-07:00) La Paz' => 'America/Chihuahua', '(GMT-07:00) Mazatlan' => 'America/Mazatlan', '(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/Chicago', '(GMT-06:00) Central America' => 'America/Managua', '(GMT-06:00) Guadalajara' => 'America/Mexico_City', '(GMT-06:00) Mexico City' => 'America/Mexico_City', '(GMT-06:00) Monterrey' => 'America/Monterrey', '(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan' => 'America/Regina', '(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/New_York', '(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)' => 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis', '(GMT-05:00) Bogota' => 'America/Bogota', '(GMT-05:00) Lima' => 'America/Lima', '(GMT-05:00) Quito' => 'America/Bogota', '(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)' => 'America/Halifax', '(GMT-04:00) Caracas' => 'America/Caracas', '(GMT-04:00) La Paz' => 'America/La_Paz', '(GMT-04:00) Santiago' => 'America/Santiago', '(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland' => 'America/St_Johns', '(GMT-03:00) Brasilia' => 'America/Sao_Paulo', '(GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires' => 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', '(GMT-03:00) Georgetown' => 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', '(GMT-03:00) Greenland' => 'America/Godthab', '(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic' => 'America/Noronha', '(GMT-01:00) Azores' => 'Atlantic/Azores', '(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is.' => 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde', '(GMT) Casablanca' => 'Africa/Casablanca', '(GMT) Dublin' => 'Europe/London', '(GMT) Edinburgh' => 'Europe/London', '(GMT) Lisbon' => 'Europe/Lisbon', '(GMT) London' => 'Europe/London', '(GMT) UTC' => 'UTC', '(GMT) Monrovia' => 'Africa/Monrovia', '(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam' => 'Europe/Amsterdam', '(GMT+01:00) Belgrade' => 'Europe/Belgrade', '(GMT+01:00) Berlin' => 'Europe/Berlin', '(GMT+01:00) Bern' => 'Europe/Berlin', '(GMT+01:00) Bratislava' => 'Europe/Bratislava', '(GMT+01:00) Brussels' => 'Europe/Brussels', '(GMT+01:00) Budapest' => 'Europe/Budapest', '(GMT+01:00) Copenhagen' => 'Europe/Copenhagen', '(GMT+01:00) Ljubljana' => 'Europe/Ljubljana', '(GMT+01:00) Madrid' => 'Europe/Madrid', '(GMT+01:00) Paris' => 'Europe/Paris', '(GMT+01:00) Prague' => 'Europe/Prague', '(GMT+01:00) Rome' => 'Europe/Rome', '(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo' => 'Europe/Sarajevo', '(GMT+01:00) Skopje' => 'Europe/Skopje', '(GMT+01:00) Stockholm' => 'Europe/Stockholm', '(GMT+01:00) Vienna' => 'Europe/Vienna', '(GMT+01:00) Warsaw' => 'Europe/Warsaw', '(GMT+01:00) West Central Africa' => 'Africa/Lagos', '(GMT+01:00) Zagreb' => 'Europe/Zagreb', '(GMT+02:00) Athens' => 'Europe/Athens', '(GMT+02:00) Bucharest' => 'Europe/Bucharest', '(GMT+02:00) Cairo' => 'Africa/Cairo', '(GMT+02:00) Harare' => 'Africa/Harare', '(GMT+02:00) Helsinki' => 'Europe/Helsinki', '(GMT+02:00) Istanbul' => 'Europe/Istanbul', '(GMT+02:00) Jerusalem' => 'Asia/Jerusalem', '(GMT+02:00) Kyev' => 'Europe/Kiev', '(GMT+02:00) Minsk' => 'Europe/Minsk', '(GMT+02:00) Pretoria' => 'Africa/Johannesburg', '(GMT+02:00) Riga' => 'Europe/Riga', '(GMT+02:00) Sofia' => 'Europe/Sofia', '(GMT+02:00) Tallinn' => 'Europe/Tallinn', '(GMT+02:00) Vilnius' => 'Europe/Vilnius', '(GMT+03:00) Baghdad' => 'Asia/Baghdad', '(GMT+03:00) Kuwait' => 'Asia/Kuwait', '(GMT+03:00) Moscow' => 'Europe/Moscow', '(GMT+03:00) Nairobi' => 'Africa/Nairobi', '(GMT+03:00) Riyadh' => 'Asia/Riyadh', '(GMT+03:00) St. Petersburg' => 'Europe/Moscow', '(GMT+03:00) Volgograd' => 'Europe/Volgograd', '(GMT+03:30) Tehran' => 'Asia/Tehran', '(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi' => 'Asia/Muscat', '(GMT+04:00) Baku' => 'Asia/Baku', '(GMT+04:00) Muscat' => 'Asia/Muscat', '(GMT+04:00) Tbilisi' => 'Asia/Tbilisi', '(GMT+04:00) Yerevan' => 'Asia/Yerevan', '(GMT+04:30) Kabul' => 'Asia/Kabul', '(GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg' => 'Asia/Yekaterinburg', '(GMT+05:00) Islamabad' => 'Asia/Karachi', '(GMT+05:00) Karachi' => 'Asia/Karachi', '(GMT+05:00) Tashkent' => 'Asia/Tashkent', '(GMT+05:30) Chennai' => 'Asia/Kolkata', '(GMT+05:30) Kolkata' => 'Asia/Kolkata', '(GMT+05:30) Mumbai' => 'Asia/Kolkata', '(GMT+05:30) New Delhi' => 'Asia/Kolkata', '(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu' => 'Asia/Kathmandu', '(GMT+06:00) Almaty' => 'Asia/Almaty', '(GMT+06:00) Astana' => 'Asia/Dhaka', '(GMT+06:00) Dhaka' => 'Asia/Dhaka', '(GMT+06:00) Novosibirsk' => 'Asia/Novosibirsk', '(GMT+06:00) Sri Jayawardenepura' => 'Asia/Colombo', '(GMT+06:30) Rangoon' => 'Asia/Rangoon', '(GMT+07:00) Bangkok' => 'Asia/Bangkok', '(GMT+07:00) Hanoi' => 'Asia/Bangkok', '(GMT+07:00) Jakarta' => 'Asia/Jakarta', '(GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk' => 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk', '(GMT+08:00) Beijing' => 'Asia/Hong_Kong', '(GMT+08:00) Chongqing' => 'Asia/Chongqing', '(GMT+08:00) Hong Kong' => 'Asia/Hong_Kong', '(GMT+08:00) Irkutsk' => 'Asia/Irkutsk', '(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur' => 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur', '(GMT+08:00) Perth' => 'Australia/Perth', '(GMT+08:00) Singapore' => 'Asia/Singapore', '(GMT+08:00) Taipei' => 'Asia/Taipei', '(GMT+08:00) Ulaan Bataar' => 'Asia/Irkutsk', '(GMT+08:00) Urumqi' => 'Asia/Urumqi', '(GMT+09:00) Osaka' => 'Asia/Tokyo', '(GMT+09:00) Sapporo' => 'Asia/Tokyo', '(GMT+09:00) Seoul' => 'Asia/Seoul', '(GMT+09:00) Tokyo' => 'Asia/Tokyo', '(GMT+09:00) Yakutsk' => 'Asia/Yakutsk', '(GMT+09:30) Adelaide' => 'Australia/Adelaide', '(GMT+09:30) Darwin' => 'Australia/Darwin', '(GMT+10:00) Brisbane' => 'Australia/Brisbane', '(GMT+10:00) Canberra' => 'Australia/Sydney', '(GMT+10:00) Guam' => 'Pacific/Guam', '(GMT+10:00) Hobart' => 'Australia/Hobart', '(GMT+10:00) Melbourne' => 'Australia/Melbourne', '(GMT+10:00) Port Moresby' => 'Pacific/Port_Moresby', '(GMT+10:00) Sydney' => 'Australia/Sydney', '(GMT+10:00) Vladivostok' => 'Asia/Vladivostok', '(GMT+11:00) Magadan' => 'Asia/Magadan', '(GMT+11:00) New Caledonia' => 'Asia/Magadan', '(GMT+11:00) Solomon Is.' => 'Asia/Magadan', '(GMT+12:00) Auckland' => 'Pacific/Auckland', '(GMT+12:00) Fiji' => 'Pacific/Fiji', '(GMT+12:00) Kamchatka' => 'Asia/Kamchatka', '(GMT+12:00) Marshall Is.' => 'Pacific/Fiji', '(GMT+12:00) Wellington' => 'Pacific/Auckland', '(GMT+13:00) Nuku\'alofa' => 'Pacific/Tongatapu' ); } if (!function_exists('app_timezone')) { function app_timezone() { return config('app.timezone'); } } //return file uploaded via uploader if (!function_exists('uploaded_asset')) { function uploaded_asset($id) { if (($asset = Upload::find($id)) != null) { return $asset->external_link == null ? my_asset($asset->file_name) : $asset->external_link; } return static_asset('assets/img/placeholder.jpg'); } } if (!function_exists('my_asset')) { /** * Generate an asset path for the application. * * @param string $path * @param bool|null $secure * @return string */ function my_asset($path, $secure = null) { if (config('filesystems.default') != 'local') { return Storage::disk(config('filesystems.default'))->url($path); } return app('url')->asset('public/' . $path, $secure); } } if (!function_exists('static_asset')) { /** * Generate an asset path for the application. * * @param string $path * @param bool|null $secure * @return string */ function static_asset($path, $secure = null) { return app('url')->asset('public/' . $path, $secure); } } // if (!function_exists('isHttps')) { // function isHttps() // { // return !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ('on' == $_SERVER['HTTPS']); // } // } if (!function_exists('getBaseURL')) { function getBaseURL() { $root = '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $root .= str_replace(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); return $root; } } if (!function_exists('getFileBaseURL')) { function getFileBaseURL() { if (env('FILESYSTEM_DRIVER') != 'local') { return env(Str::upper(env('FILESYSTEM_DRIVER')) . '_URL') . '/'; } return getBaseURL() . 'public/'; } } if (!function_exists('isUnique')) { /** * Generate an asset path for the application. * * @param string $path * @param bool|null $secure * @return string */ function isUnique($email) { $user = \App\Models\User::where('email', $email)->first(); if ($user == null) { return '1'; // $user = null means we did not get any match with the email provided by the user inside the database } else { return '0'; } } } if (!function_exists('get_setting')) { function get_setting($key, $default = null, $lang = false) { $settings = Cache::remember('business_settings', 86400, function () { return BusinessSetting::all(); }); if ($lang == false) { $setting = $settings->where('type', $key)->first(); } else { $setting = $settings->where('type', $key)->where('lang', $lang)->first(); $setting = !$setting ? $settings->where('type', $key)->first() : $setting; } return $setting == null ? $default : $setting->value; } } function hex2rgba($color, $opacity = false) { return (new ColorCodeConverter())->convertHexToRgba($color, $opacity); } if (!function_exists('isAdmin')) { function isAdmin() { if (Auth::check() && (Auth::user()->user_type == 'admin' || Auth::user()->user_type == 'staff')) { return true; } return false; } } if (!function_exists('isSeller')) { function isSeller() { if (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->user_type == 'seller') { return true; } return false; } } if (!function_exists('isCustomer')) { function isCustomer() { if (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->user_type == 'customer') { return true; } return false; } } if (!function_exists('formatBytes')) { function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) { $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); $bytes = max($bytes, 0); $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024)); $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1); // Uncomment one of the following alternatives $bytes /= pow(1024, $pow); // $bytes /= (1 << (10 * $pow)); return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow]; } } // duplicates m$ excel's ceiling function if (!function_exists('ceiling')) { function ceiling($number, $significance = 1) { return (is_numeric($number) && is_numeric($significance)) ? (ceil($number / $significance) * $significance) : false; } } //for api if (!function_exists('get_images_path')) { function get_images_path($given_ids, $with_trashed = false) { $paths = []; foreach (explode(',', $given_ids) as $id) { $paths[] = uploaded_asset($id); } return $paths; } } //for api if (!function_exists('checkout_done')) { function checkout_done($combined_order_id, $payment) { $combined_order = CombinedOrder::find($combined_order_id); foreach ($combined_order->orders as $key => $order) { $order->payment_status = 'paid'; $order->payment_details = $payment; $order->save(); // Order paid notification to Customer, Seller, & Admin EmailUtility::order_email($order, 'paid'); try { NotificationUtility::sendOrderPlacedNotification($order); calculateCommissionAffilationClubPoint($order); } catch (\Exception $e) { } } } } // get user total ordered products if (!function_exists('get_user_total_ordered_products')) { function get_user_total_ordered_products() { $orders_query = Order::query(); $orders = $orders_query->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->get(); $total = 0; foreach ($orders as $order) { $total += count($order->orderDetails); } return $total; } } //for api if (!function_exists('order_re_payment_done')) { function order_re_payment_done($order_id, $payment_method, $payment_details) { $order = Order::findOrFail($order_id); $order->payment_status = 'paid'; $order->payment_details = $payment_details; $order->payment_type = $payment_method; $order->save(); calculateCommissionAffilationClubPoint($order); if($order->notified == 0){ NotificationUtility::sendOrderPlacedNotification($order); $order->notified = 1; $order->save(); } } } //for api - Order Re Payment Done if (!function_exists('wallet_payment_done')) { function wallet_payment_done($user_id, $amount, $payment_method, $payment_details) { $user = \App\Models\User::find($user_id); $user->balance = $user->balance + $amount; $user->save(); $wallet = new Wallet; $wallet->user_id = $user->id; $wallet->amount = $amount; $wallet->payment_method = $payment_method; $wallet->payment_details = $payment_details; $wallet->save(); } } // if (!function_exists('purchase_payment_done')) { // function purchase_payment_done($user_id, $package_id) // { // $user = User::findOrFail($user_id); // $user->customer_package_id = $package_id; // $customer_package = CustomerPackage::findOrFail($package_id); // $user->remaining_uploads += $customer_package->product_upload; // $user->save(); // return 'success'; // } // } if (!function_exists('seller_purchase_payment_done')) { function seller_purchase_payment_done($user_id, $seller_package_id, $payment_method, $payment_details) { $seller = Shop::where('user_id', $user_id)->first(); $seller->seller_package_id = $seller_package_id; $seller_package = SellerPackage::findOrFail($seller_package_id); $seller->product_upload_limit = $seller_package->product_upload_limit; $seller->package_invalid_at = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($seller->package_invalid_at . ' +' . $seller_package->duration . 'days')); $seller->save(); $seller_package = new SellerPackagePayment(); $seller_package->user_id = $user_id; $seller_package->seller_package_id = $seller_package_id; $seller_package->payment_method = $payment_method; $seller_package->payment_details = $payment_details; $seller_package->approval = 1; $seller_package->offline_payment = 2; $seller_package->save(); } } if (!function_exists('customer_purchase_payment_done')) { function customer_purchase_payment_done($user_id, $customer_package_id, $payment_method, $payment_details) { $user = User::findOrFail($user_id); $user->customer_package_id = $customer_package_id; $customer_package = CustomerPackage::findOrFail($customer_package_id); $user->remaining_uploads += $customer_package->product_upload; $user->save(); $customer_package_payment = new CustomerPackagePayment(); $customer_package_payment->user_id = $user->id; $customer_package_payment->customer_package_id = $customer_package_id; $customer_package_payment->amount = $customer_package->amount; $customer_package_payment->payment_method = $payment_method; $customer_package_payment->payment_details = $payment_details; $customer_package_payment->save(); } } if (!function_exists('product_restock')) { function product_restock($orderDetail) { $variant = $orderDetail->variation; if ($orderDetail->variation == null) { $variant = ''; } $product_stock = ProductStock::where('product_id', $orderDetail->product_id) ->where('variant', $variant) ->first(); if ($product_stock != null && (!in_array($orderDetail->delivery_status, ['delivered', 'cancelled']))) { $product = $product_stock->product; $product->num_of_sale -= $orderDetail->quantity; $product->save(); $product_stock->qty += $orderDetail->quantity; $product_stock->save(); } } } //Commission Calculation if (!function_exists('calculateCommissionAffilationClubPoint')) { function calculateCommissionAffilationClubPoint($order) { (new CommissionController)->calculateCommission($order); if (addon_is_activated('affiliate_system')) { (new AffiliateController)->processAffiliatePoints($order); } if (addon_is_activated('club_point')) { if ($order->user != null) { (new ClubPointController)->processClubPoints($order); } } $order->commission_calculated = 1; $order->save(); } } // Addon Activation Check if (!function_exists('addon_is_activated')) { function addon_is_activated($identifier, $default = null) { $addons = Cache::remember('addons', 86400, function () { return Addon::all(); }); $activation = $addons->where('unique_identifier', $identifier)->where('activated', 1)->first(); return $activation == null ? false : true; } } // Addon Activation Check if (!function_exists('seller_package_validity_check')) { function seller_package_validity_check($user_id = null) { $user = $user_id == null ? \App\Models\User::find(Auth::user()->id) : \App\Models\User::find($user_id); $shop = $user->shop; $package_validation = false; if ( $shop->product_upload_limit > $shop->user->products()->count() && $shop->package_invalid_at != null && Carbon::now()->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($shop->package_invalid_at), false) >= 0 ) { $package_validation = true; } return $package_validation; // Ture = Seller package is valid and seller has the product upload limit // False = Seller package is invalid or seller product upload limit exists. } } // Get URL params if (!function_exists('get_url_params')) { function get_url_params($url, $key) { $query_str = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($query_str, $query_params); return $query_params[$key] ?? ''; } } // get Admin if (!function_exists('get_admin')) { function get_admin() { $admin_query = User::query(); return $admin_query->where('user_type', 'admin')->first(); } } // Get slider images if (!function_exists('get_slider_images')) { function get_slider_images($ids) { $slider_query = Upload::query(); $sliders = $slider_query->whereIn('id', $ids); foreach ($ids as $id) { $sliders->orderByRaw("id!=?", [$id]); } return $sliders->get(); } } if (!function_exists('get_featured_flash_deal')) { function get_featured_flash_deal() { $flash_deal_query = FlashDeal::query(); $featured_flash_deal = $flash_deal_query->isActiveAndFeatured() ->where('start_date', '<=', strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) ->where('end_date', '>=', strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) ->first(); return $featured_flash_deal; } } if (!function_exists('get_flash_deal_products')) { function get_flash_deal_products($flash_deal_id) { $flash_deal_product_query = FlashDealProduct::query(); $flash_deal_product_query->where('flash_deal_id', $flash_deal_id); $flash_deal_products = $flash_deal_product_query->with('product')->orderBy('id', 'desc')->limit(10)->get(); return $flash_deal_products; } } if (!function_exists('get_active_flash_deals')) { function get_active_flash_deals() { $activated_flash_deal_query = FlashDeal::query(); $activated_flash_deal_query = $activated_flash_deal_query->where("status", 1); return $activated_flash_deal_query->get(); } } if (!function_exists('get_active_taxes')) { function get_active_taxes() { $activated_tax_query = Tax::query(); $activated_tax_query = $activated_tax_query->where("tax_status", 1); return $activated_tax_query->get(); } } if (!function_exists('get_system_language')) { function get_system_language() { $language_query = Language::query(); $locale = 'en'; if (Session::has('locale')) { $locale = Session::get('locale', Config::get('app.locale')); } $language_query->where('code', $locale); return $language_query->first(); } } if (!function_exists('get_all_active_language')) { function get_all_active_language() { $language_query = Language::query(); $language_query->where('status', 1); return $language_query->get(); } } // get Session langauge if (!function_exists('get_session_language')) { function get_session_language() { $language_query = Language::query(); return $language_query->where('code', Session::get('locale', Config::get('app.locale')))->first(); } } if (!function_exists('get_system_currency')) { function get_system_currency() { $currency_query = Currency::query(); if (Session::has('currency_code')) { $currency_query->where('code', Session::get('currency_code')); } else { $currency_query = $currency_query->where('id', get_setting('system_default_currency')); } return $currency_query->first(); } } if (!function_exists('get_all_active_currency')) { function get_all_active_currency() { $currency_query = Currency::query(); $currency_query->where('status', 1); return $currency_query->get(); } } if (!function_exists('get_single_product')) { function get_single_product($product_id) { $product_query = Product::query()->with('thumbnail'); return $product_query->find($product_id); } } // get multiple Products if (!function_exists('get_multiple_products')) { function get_multiple_products($product_ids) { $products_query = Product::query(); return $products_query->whereIn('id', $product_ids)->get(); } } // get count of products if (!function_exists('get_products_count')) { function get_products_count($user_id = null) { $products_query = Product::query(); if ($user_id) { $products_query = $products_query->where('user_id', $user_id); } return $products_query->isApprovedPublished()->count(); } } // get minimum unit price of products if (!function_exists('get_product_min_unit_price')) { function get_product_min_unit_price($user_id = null) { $product_query = Product::query(); if ($user_id) { $product_query = $product_query->where('user_id', $user_id); } return $product_query->isApprovedPublished()->min('unit_price'); } } // get maximum unit price of products if (!function_exists('get_product_max_unit_price')) { function get_product_max_unit_price($user_id = null) { $product_query = Product::query(); if ($user_id) { $product_query = $product_query->where('user_id', $user_id); } return $product_query->isApprovedPublished()->max('unit_price'); } } if (!function_exists('get_featured_products')) { function get_featured_products() { return Cache::remember('featured_products', 3600, function () { $product_query = Product::query(); return filter_products($product_query->where('featured', '1'))->latest()->limit(12)->get(); }); } } if (!function_exists('get_best_selling_products')) { function get_best_selling_products($limit, $user_id = null) { $product_query = Product::query(); if ($user_id) { $product_query = $product_query->where('user_id', $user_id); } return filter_products($product_query->orderBy('num_of_sale', 'desc'))->limit($limit)->get(); } } // Get Seller Products if (!function_exists('get_seller_products')) { function get_seller_products($user_id) { $product_query = Product::query(); return $product_query->where('user_id', $user_id)->isApprovedPublished()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(15)->get(); } } // Get Seller Best Selling Products if (!function_exists('get_shop_best_selling_products')) { function get_shop_best_selling_products($user_id) { $product_query = Product::query(); return $product_query->where('user_id', $user_id)->isApprovedPublished()->orderBy('num_of_sale', 'desc')->paginate(24); } } // Get all auction Products if (!function_exists('get_all_auction_products')) { function get_auction_products($limit = null, $paginate = null) { $product_query = Product::query(); $products = $product_query->latest()->isApprovedPublished()->where('auction_product', 1); if (get_setting('seller_auction_product') == 0) { $products = $products->where('added_by', 'admin'); } $products = $products->where('auction_start_date', '<=', strtotime("now"))->where('auction_end_date', '>=', strtotime("now")); if ($limit) { $products = $products->limit($limit); } elseif ($paginate) { return $products->paginate($paginate); } return $products->get(); } } //Get similiar classified products if (!function_exists('get_similiar_classified_products')) { function get_similiar_classified_products($category_id = '', $product_id = '', $limit = '') { $classified_product_query = CustomerProduct::query(); if ($category_id) { $classified_product_query->where('category_id', $category_id); } if ($product_id) { $classified_product_query->where('id', '!=', $product_id); } $classified_product_query->isActiveAndApproval(); if ($limit) { $classified_product_query->take($limit); } return $classified_product_query->get(); } } //Get home page classified products if (!function_exists('get_home_page_classified_products')) { function get_home_page_classified_products($limit = '') { $classified_product_query = CustomerProduct::query()->with('user', 'thumbnail'); $classified_product_query->isActiveAndApproval(); if ($limit) { $classified_product_query->take($limit); } return $classified_product_query->get(); } } // Customers Last viewed Products if (!function_exists('lastViewedProducts')) { function lastViewedProducts($product_id, $user_id) { $lastViewedProduct = LastViewedProduct::firstOrCreate([ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'product_id' => $product_id ]); $lastViewedProduct->touch(); $lastViewedProductsCount = LastViewedProduct::where('user_id', $user_id)->count(); if($lastViewedProductsCount > 12) { $deleteRow = $lastViewedProductsCount - 12; LastViewedProduct::where('user_id', $user_id)->take($deleteRow)->delete(); } } } // get auth users last viewed Products if (!function_exists('getLastViewedProducts')) { function getLastViewedProducts() { $verified_sellers = verified_sellers_id(); $lastViewedProduct = LastViewedProduct::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)->orderBy('updated_at','desc') ->whereIn("product_id", function ($query) use ($verified_sellers) { $query->select('id') ->from('products') ->where('approved', '1')->where('published', 1) ->when(!addon_is_activated('wholesale') ,function ($q1){ $q1->where('wholesale_product', 0); }) ->when(!addon_is_activated('auction') ,function ($q2){ $q2->where('auction_product', 0); }) ->when(get_setting('vendor_system_activation') == 0 ,function ($q3){ $q3->where('added_by', 'admin'); }) ->when(get_setting('vendor_system_activation') == 1 ,function ($q4) use ($verified_sellers){ $q4->where(function ($p1) use ($verified_sellers) { $p1->where('added_by', 'admin')->orWhere(function ($p2) use ($verified_sellers) { $p2->whereIn('user_id', $verified_sellers); }); }); }); })->get(); return $lastViewedProduct; } } // Get related product if (!function_exists('get_frequently_bought_products')) { function get_frequently_bought_products($product) { $productSelectionType = $product->frequently_bought_selection_type; $fqbProducts = []; if($productSelectionType == 'product'){ $fqbProductIds = $product->frequently_bought_products()->where('category_id', null)->pluck('frequently_bought_product_id')->toArray(); $fqbProducts = filter_products(Product::whereIn('id', $fqbProductIds))->get(); } elseif($productSelectionType == 'category'){ $fqb_product_category = $product->frequently_bought_products()->where('category_id','!=', null)->first(); $fqbCategoryID = $fqb_product_category != null ? $fqb_product_category->category_id : null; if($fqbCategoryID != null){ $category = Category::with('childrenCategories')->find($fqbCategoryID); $fqbProducts = $category->products()->where('id','!=',$product->id); $fqbProducts = $product->added_by == 'admin' ? $fqbProducts->where('added_by', 'admin') : $fqbProducts->where('user_id', $product->user_id); $fqbProducts = filter_products($fqbProducts)->orderByRaw('RAND()')->take(10)->get(); } } return $fqbProducts; } } // Get all brands if (!function_exists('get_all_brands')) { function get_all_brands() { $brand_query = Brand::query(); return $brand_query->get(); } } // Get single brands if (!function_exists('get_brands')) { function get_brands($brand_ids) { $brand_query = Brand::query(); $brands = $brand_query->whereIn('id', $brand_ids)->get(); return $brands; } } // Get single brands if (!function_exists('get_single_brand')) { function get_single_brand($brand_id) { $brand_query = Brand::query(); return $brand_query->find($brand_id); } } // Get Brands by products if (!function_exists('get_brands_by_products')) { function get_brands_by_products($usrt_id) { $product_query = Product::query(); $brand_ids = $product_query->where('user_id', $usrt_id)->isApprovedPublished()->whereNotNull('brand_id')->pluck('brand_id')->toArray(); $brand_query = Brand::query(); return $brand_query->whereIn('id', $brand_ids)->get(); } } // Get category if (!function_exists('get_category')) { function get_category($category_ids) { $category_query = Category::query(); $category_query->with('coverImage'); $category_query->whereIn('id', $category_ids); $categories = $category_query->get(); return $categories; } } // Get single category if (!function_exists('get_single_category')) { function get_single_category($category_id) { $category_query = Category::query()->with('coverImage'); return $category_query->find($category_id); } } // Get categories by level zero if (!function_exists('get_level_zero_categories')) { function get_level_zero_categories() { $categories_query = Category::query()->with(['coverImage', 'catIcon']); return $categories_query->where('level', 0)->orderBy('order_level', 'desc')->get(); } } // Get categories by products if (!function_exists('get_categories_by_products')) { function get_categories_by_products($user_id) { $product_query = Product::query(); $category_ids = $product_query->where('user_id', $user_id)->isApprovedPublished()->pluck('category_id')->toArray(); $category_query = Category::query(); return $category_query->whereIn('id', $category_ids)->get(); } } // Get single Color name if (!function_exists('get_single_color_name')) { function get_single_color_name($color) { $color_query = Color::query(); return $color_query->where('code', $color)->first()->name; } } // Get single Attribute if (!function_exists('get_single_attribute_name')) { function get_single_attribute_name($attribute) { $attribute_query = Attribute::query(); return $attribute_query->find($attribute)->getTranslation('name'); } } // Get user cart if (!function_exists('get_user_cart')) { function get_user_cart() { $cart = []; if (auth()->user() != null) { $cart = Cart::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->get(); } else { $temp_user_id = Session()->get('temp_user_id'); if ($temp_user_id) { $cart = Cart::where('temp_user_id', $temp_user_id)->get(); } } return $cart; } } // Get user Wishlist if (!function_exists('get_user_wishlist')) { function get_user_wishlist() { $wishlist_query = Wishlist::query(); return $wishlist_query->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->get(); } } //Get best seller if (!function_exists('get_best_sellers')) { function get_best_sellers($limit = '') { return Cache::remember('best_selers', 86400, function () use ($limit) { return Shop::where('verification_status', 1)->orderBy('num_of_sale', 'desc')->take($limit)->get(); }); } } //Get users followed sellers if (!function_exists('get_followed_sellers')) { function get_followed_sellers() { $followed_seller_query = FollowSeller::query(); return $followed_seller_query->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->pluck('shop_id')->toArray(); } } // Get Order Details if (!function_exists('get_order_details')) { function get_order_details($order_id) { $order_detail_query = OrderDetail::query(); return $order_detail_query->find($order_id); } } // Get Order Details if (!function_exists('get_order_details_by_product')) { function get_order_details_by_product($product_id) { $order_detail_query = OrderDetail::query(); return $order_detail_query->where('product_id', $product_id)->first(); } } // Get Order Details by review if (!function_exists('get_order_details_by_review')) { function get_order_details_by_review($review) { $order_detail_query = OrderDetail::query(); return $order_detail_query->with(['order' => function ($q) use ($review) { $q->where('user_id', $review->user_id); }])->where('product_id', $review->product_id)->where('delivery_status', 'delivered')->first(); } } // Get user total expenditure if (!function_exists('get_user_total_expenditure')) { function get_user_total_expenditure() { $user_expenditure_query = Order::query(); return $user_expenditure_query->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('payment_status', 'paid')->sum('grand_total'); } } // Get count by delivery viewed if (!function_exists('get_count_by_delivery_viewed')) { function get_count_by_delivery_viewed() { $order_query = Order::query(); return $order_query->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('delivery_viewed', 0)->get()->count(); } } // Get delivery boy info if (!function_exists('get_delivery_boy_info')) { function get_delivery_boy_info() { $delivery_boy_info_query = DeliveryBoy::query(); return $delivery_boy_info_query->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first(); } } // Get count by completed delivery if (!function_exists('get_delivery_boy_total_completed_delivery')) { function get_delivery_boy_total_completed_delivery() { $delivery_boy_delivery_query = Order::query(); return $delivery_boy_delivery_query->where('assign_delivery_boy', Auth::user()->id) ->where('delivery_status', 'delivered') ->count(); } } // Get count by pending delivery if (!function_exists('get_delivery_boy_total_pending_delivery')) { function get_delivery_boy_total_pending_delivery() { $delivery_boy_delivery_query = Order::query(); return $delivery_boy_delivery_query->where('assign_delivery_boy', Auth::user()->id) ->where('delivery_status', '!=', 'delivered') ->where('delivery_status', '!=', 'cancelled') ->where('cancel_request', '0') ->count(); } } // Get count by cancelled delivery if (!function_exists('get_delivery_boy_total_cancelled_delivery')) { function get_delivery_boy_total_cancelled_delivery() { $delivery_boy_delivery_query = Order::query(); return $delivery_boy_delivery_query->where('assign_delivery_boy', Auth::user()->id) ->where('delivery_status', 'cancelled') ->count(); } } // Get count by payment status viewed if (!function_exists('get_order_info')) { function get_order_info($order_id = null) { $order_query = Order::query(); return $order_query->where('id', $order_id)->first(); } } // Get count by payment status viewed if (!function_exists('get_user_order_by_id')) { function get_user_order_by_id($order_id = null) { $order_query = Order::query(); return $order_query->where('id', $order_id)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first(); } } // Get Auction Product Bid Info if (!function_exists('get_auction_product_bid_info')) { function get_auction_product_bid_info($bid_id = null) { $product_bid_info_query = AuctionProductBid::query(); return $product_bid_info_query->where('id', $bid_id)->first(); } } // Get count by payment status viewed if (!function_exists('get_count_by_payment_status_viewed')) { function get_count_by_payment_status_viewed() { $order_query = Order::query(); return $order_query->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('payment_status_viewed', 0)->get()->count(); } } // Get Uploaded file if (!function_exists('get_single_uploaded_file')) { function get_single_uploaded_file($file_id) { $file_query = Upload::query(); return $file_query->find($file_id); } } // Get single customer package file if (!function_exists('get_single_customer_package')) { function get_single_customer_package($package_id) { $customer_package_query = CustomerPackage::query(); return $customer_package_query->find($package_id); } } // Get single Seller package file if (!function_exists('get_single_seller_package')) { function get_single_seller_package($package_id) { $seller_package_query = SellerPackage::query(); return $seller_package_query->find($package_id); } } // Get user last wallet recharge if (!function_exists('get_user_last_wallet_recharge')) { function get_user_last_wallet_recharge() { $recharge_query = Wallet::query(); return $recharge_query->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); } } // Get user total Club point if (!function_exists('get_user_total_club_point')) { function get_user_total_club_point() { $club_point_query = ClubPoint::query(); return $club_point_query->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('convert_status', 0)->sum('points'); } } // Get all manual payment methods if (!function_exists('get_all_manual_payment_methods')) { function get_all_manual_payment_methods() { $manual_payment_methods_query = ManualPaymentMethod::query(); return $manual_payment_methods_query->get(); } } // Get all blog category if (!function_exists('get_all_blog_categories')) { function get_all_blog_categories() { $blog_category_query = BlogCategory::query(); return $blog_category_query->get(); } } // Get all Pickup Points if (!function_exists('get_all_pickup_points')) { function get_all_pickup_points() { $pickup_points_query = PickupPoint::query(); return $pickup_points_query->isActive()->get(); } } // get Shop by user id if (!function_exists('get_shop_by_user_id')) { function get_shop_by_user_id($user_id) { $shop_query = Shop::query(); return $shop_query->where('user_id', $user_id)->first(); } } // get Coupons if (!function_exists('get_coupons')) { function get_coupons($user_id = null, $paginate = null) { $coupon_query = Coupon::query(); $coupon_query = $coupon_query->where('start_date', '<=', strtotime(date('d-m-Y')))->where('end_date', '>=', strtotime(date('d-m-Y'))); if ($user_id) { $coupon_query = $coupon_query->where('user_id', $user_id); } if ($paginate) { return $coupon_query->paginate($paginate); } return $coupon_query->get(); } } // get non-viewed Conversations if (!function_exists('get_non_viewed_conversations')) { function get_non_viewed_conversations() { $Conversation_query = Conversation::query(); return $Conversation_query->where('sender_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('sender_viewed', 0)->get(); } } // get affliate option status if (!function_exists('get_affliate_option_status')) { function get_affliate_option_status($status = false) { if ( AffiliateOption::where('type', 'product_sharing')->first()->status || AffiliateOption::where('type', 'category_wise_affiliate')->first()->status ) { $status = true; } return $status; } } // get affliate option purchase status if (!function_exists('get_affliate_purchase_option_status')) { function get_affliate_purchase_option_status($status = false) { if (AffiliateOption::where('type', 'user_registration_first_purchase')->first()->status) { $status = true; } return $status; } } // get affliate config if (!function_exists('get_Affiliate_onfig_value')) { function get_Affiliate_onfig_value() { return AffiliateConfig::where('type', 'verification_form')->first()->value; } } // Welcome Coupon add for user if (!function_exists('offerUserWelcomeCoupon')) { function offerUserWelcomeCoupon() { $coupon = Coupon::where('type', 'welcome_base')->where('status', 1)->first(); if ($coupon) { $couponDetails = json_decode($coupon->details); $user_coupon = new UserCoupon(); $user_coupon->user_id = auth()->user()->id; $user_coupon->coupon_id = $coupon->id; $user_coupon->coupon_code = $coupon->code; $user_coupon->min_buy = $couponDetails->min_buy; $user_coupon->validation_days = $couponDetails->validation_days; $user_coupon->discount = $coupon->discount; $user_coupon->discount_type = $coupon->discount_type; $user_coupon->expiry_date = strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s') . ' +' . $couponDetails->validation_days . 'days'); $user_coupon->save(); } } } // get User Welcome Coupon if (!function_exists('ifUserHasWelcomeCouponAndNotUsed')) { function ifUserHasWelcomeCouponAndNotUsed() { $user = auth()->user(); $userCoupon = $user->userCoupon; if($userCoupon){ if($userCoupon->expiry_date >=strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s'))){ $couponUse = $userCoupon->coupon->couponUsages->where('user_id',$user->id)->first(); if(!$couponUse){ return $userCoupon; } } } return false; } } // Get Thumbnail Image if (!function_exists('get_image')) { function get_image($image) { $image_url = static_asset('assets/img/placeholder.jpg'); if ($image != null) { $image_url = $image->external_link == null ? my_asset($image->file_name) : $image->external_link; } return $image_url; } } // Get POS user cart if (!function_exists('get_pos_user_cart')) { function get_pos_user_cart($sessionUserID = null, $sessionTemUserId = null) { $cart = []; $authUser = auth()->user(); $owner_id = in_array($authUser->user_type, ['admin','staff']) ? get_admin()->id : $authUser->id; if ($sessionUserID == null) { $sessionUserID = Session::has('pos.user_id') ? Session::get('pos.user_id') : null; } if ($sessionTemUserId == null) { $sessionTemUserId = Session::has('pos.temp_user_id') ? Session::get('pos.temp_user_id') : null; } $cart = Cart::where('owner_id', $owner_id)->where('user_id', $sessionUserID)->where('temp_user_id', $sessionTemUserId)->get(); return $cart; } } // Get POS user cart if (!function_exists('get_single_cart')) { function get_single_cart($cartID = null) { return Cart::findOrFail($cartID); } } if (!function_exists('number_format_short')) { function number_format_short($n, $precision = 1) { if ($n < 900) { // 0 - 900 $n_format = number_format($n, $precision); $suffix = ''; } else if ($n < 900000) { // 0.9k-850k $n_format = number_format($n / 1000, $precision); $suffix = 'K'; } else if ($n < 900000000) { // 0.9m-850m $n_format = number_format($n / 1000000, $precision); $suffix = 'M'; } else if ($n < 900000000000) { // 0.9b-850b $n_format = number_format($n / 1000000000, $precision); $suffix = 'B'; } else { // 0.9t+ $n_format = number_format($n / 1000000000000, $precision); $suffix = 'T'; } // Remove unecessary zeroes after decimal. "1.0" -> "1"; "1.00" -> "1" // Intentionally does not affect partials, eg "1.50" -> "1.50" if ($precision > 0) { $dotzero = '.' . str_repeat('0', $precision); $n_format = str_replace($dotzero, '', $n_format); } return $n_format . $suffix; } } // Get notification type if (!function_exists('get_notification_type')) { function get_notification_type($value, $columnNamre) { $notificationType = NotificationType::query(); $notificationType = $columnNamre == 'id' ? $notificationType->where('id', $value) : $notificationType->where('type', $value); return $notificationType->first(); } } // Get all activate payment methods if (!function_exists('get_activate_payment_methods')) { function get_activate_payment_methods() { $payment_methods = PaymentMethod::where('active', 1) ->Where(function($query){ $query->whereNull('addon_identifier') ->orWhere(function($q){ if(addon_is_activated('paytm')){ $q->where('addon_identifier', 'paytm'); } }) ->orWhere(function($q){ if(addon_is_activated('african_pg')){ $q->where('addon_identifier', 'african_pg'); } }); }); return $payment_methods->get(); } } // notification if (! function_exists('flash_message')) { function flash_message($message, $level = 'info') { $notifications = session('flash_notification', collect()); // Check if the message already exists if (!$notifications->contains('message', $message)) { session()->flash('flash_notification', $notifications->push([ 'message' => $message, 'level' => $level, ])); } } } // Get wishlists if (!function_exists('get_wishlists')) { function get_wishlists() { $verified_sellers = verified_sellers_id(); $wishlists = Wishlist::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id) ->whereIn("product_id", function ($query) use ($verified_sellers) { $query->select('id') ->from('products') ->where('approved', '1')->where('published', 1) ->when(!addon_is_activated('wholesale') ,function ($q1){ $q1->where('wholesale_product', 0); }) ->when(!addon_is_activated('auction') ,function ($q2){ $q2->where('auction_product', 0); }) ->when(get_setting('vendor_system_activation') == 0 ,function ($q3){ $q3->where('added_by', 'admin'); }) ->when(get_setting('vendor_system_activation') == 1 ,function ($q4) use ($verified_sellers){ $q4->where(function ($p1) use ($verified_sellers) { $p1->where('added_by', 'admin')->orWhere(function ($p2) use ($verified_sellers) { $p2->whereIn('user_id', $verified_sellers); }); }); }); }) ->latest(); return $wishlists; } } // email template data if (!function_exists('get_email_template_data')) { function get_email_template_data($identifier, $colmn_name = null) { $value = EmailTemplate::where('identifier', $identifier)->first()->$colmn_name; return $value; } } // Delete Product Reviews if (!function_exists('deleteProductReview')) { function deleteProductReview($product) { if($product->added_by == 'seller' ){ $seller = $product->user->shop; foreach($product->reviews as $review){ $seller = $seller->fresh(); $seller->rating = (($seller->rating * $seller->num_of_reviews) - $product->rating) / max(1, $seller->num_of_reviews - 1); $seller->num_of_reviews -= 1; $seller->save(); } } $product->reviews()->delete(); } } if (!function_exists('timezones')) { function timezones() { return array( '(GMT-12:00) International Date Line West' => 'Pacific/Kwajalein', '(GMT-11:00) Midway Island' => 'Pacific/Midway', '(GMT-11:00) Samoa' => 'Pacific/Apia', '(GMT-10:00) Hawaii' => 'Pacific/Honolulu', '(GMT-09:00) Alaska' => 'America/Anchorage', '(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/Los_Angeles', '(GMT-08:00) Tijuana' => 'America/Tijuana', '(GMT-07:00) Arizona' => 'America/Phoenix', '(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/Denver', '(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua' => 'America/Chihuahua', '(GMT-07:00) La Paz' => 'America/Chihuahua', '(GMT-07:00) Mazatlan' => 'America/Mazatlan', '(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/Chicago', '(GMT-06:00) Central America' => 'America/Managua', '(GMT-06:00) Guadalajara' => 'America/Mexico_City', '(GMT-06:00) Mexico City' => 'America/Mexico_City', '(GMT-06:00) Monterrey' => 'America/Monterrey', '(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan' => 'America/Regina', '(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/New_York', '(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)' => 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis', '(GMT-05:00) Bogota' => 'America/Bogota', '(GMT-05:00) Lima' => 'America/Lima', '(GMT-05:00) Quito' => 'America/Bogota', '(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)' => 'America/Halifax', '(GMT-04:00) Caracas' => 'America/Caracas', '(GMT-04:00) La Paz' => 'America/La_Paz', '(GMT-04:00) Santiago' => 'America/Santiago', '(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland' => 'America/St_Johns', '(GMT-03:00) Brasilia' => 'America/Sao_Paulo', '(GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires' => 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', '(GMT-03:00) Georgetown' => 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', '(GMT-03:00) Greenland' => 'America/Godthab', '(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic' => 'America/Noronha', '(GMT-01:00) Azores' => 'Atlantic/Azores', '(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is.' => 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde', '(GMT) Casablanca' => 'Africa/Casablanca', '(GMT) Dublin' => 'Europe/London', '(GMT) Edinburgh' => 'Europe/London', '(GMT) Lisbon' => 'Europe/Lisbon', '(GMT) London' => 'Europe/London', '(GMT) UTC' => 'UTC', '(GMT) Monrovia' => 'Africa/Monrovia', '(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam' => 'Europe/Amsterdam', '(GMT+01:00) Belgrade' => 'Europe/Belgrade', '(GMT+01:00) Berlin' => 'Europe/Berlin', '(GMT+01:00) Bern' => 'Europe/Berlin', '(GMT+01:00) Bratislava' => 'Europe/Bratislava', '(GMT+01:00) Brussels' => 'Europe/Brussels', '(GMT+01:00) Budapest' => 'Europe/Budapest', '(GMT+01:00) Copenhagen' => 'Europe/Copenhagen', '(GMT+01:00) Ljubljana' => 'Europe/Ljubljana', '(GMT+01:00) Madrid' => 'Europe/Madrid', '(GMT+01:00) Paris' => 'Europe/Paris', '(GMT+01:00) Prague' => 'Europe/Prague', '(GMT+01:00) Rome' => 'Europe/Rome', '(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo' => 'Europe/Sarajevo', '(GMT+01:00) Skopje' => 'Europe/Skopje', '(GMT+01:00) Stockholm' => 'Europe/Stockholm', '(GMT+01:00) Vienna' => 'Europe/Vienna', '(GMT+01:00) Warsaw' => 'Europe/Warsaw', '(GMT+01:00) West Central Africa' => 'Africa/Lagos', '(GMT+01:00) Zagreb' => 'Europe/Zagreb', '(GMT+02:00) Athens' => 'Europe/Athens', '(GMT+02:00) Bucharest' => 'Europe/Bucharest', '(GMT+02:00) Cairo' => 'Africa/Cairo', '(GMT+02:00) Harare' => 'Africa/Harare', '(GMT+02:00) Helsinki' => 'Europe/Helsinki', '(GMT+02:00) Istanbul' => 'Europe/Istanbul', '(GMT+02:00) Jerusalem' => 'Asia/Jerusalem', '(GMT+02:00) Kyev' => 'Europe/Kiev', '(GMT+02:00) Minsk' => 'Europe/Minsk', '(GMT+02:00) Pretoria' => 'Africa/Johannesburg', '(GMT+02:00) Riga' => 'Europe/Riga', '(GMT+02:00) Sofia' => 'Europe/Sofia', '(GMT+02:00) Tallinn' => 'Europe/Tallinn', '(GMT+02:00) Vilnius' => 'Europe/Vilnius', '(GMT+03:00) Baghdad' => 'Asia/Baghdad', '(GMT+03:00) Kuwait' => 'Asia/Kuwait', '(GMT+03:00) Moscow' => 'Europe/Moscow', '(GMT+03:00) Nairobi' => 'Africa/Nairobi', '(GMT+03:00) Riyadh' => 'Asia/Riyadh', '(GMT+03:00) St. Petersburg' => 'Europe/Moscow', '(GMT+03:00) Volgograd' => 'Europe/Volgograd', '(GMT+03:30) Tehran' => 'Asia/Tehran', '(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi' => 'Asia/Muscat', '(GMT+04:00) Baku' => 'Asia/Baku', '(GMT+04:00) Muscat' => 'Asia/Muscat', '(GMT+04:00) Tbilisi' => 'Asia/Tbilisi', '(GMT+04:00) Yerevan' => 'Asia/Yerevan', '(GMT+04:30) Kabul' => 'Asia/Kabul', '(GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg' => 'Asia/Yekaterinburg', '(GMT+05:00) Islamabad' => 'Asia/Karachi', '(GMT+05:00) Karachi' => 'Asia/Karachi', '(GMT+05:00) Tashkent' => 'Asia/Tashkent', '(GMT+05:30) Chennai' => 'Asia/Kolkata', '(GMT+05:30) Kolkata' => 'Asia/Kolkata', '(GMT+05:30) Mumbai' => 'Asia/Kolkata', '(GMT+05:30) New Delhi' => 'Asia/Kolkata', '(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu' => 'Asia/Kathmandu', '(GMT+06:00) Almaty' => 'Asia/Almaty', '(GMT+06:00) Astana' => 'Asia/Dhaka', '(GMT+06:00) Dhaka' => 'Asia/Dhaka', '(GMT+06:00) Novosibirsk' => 'Asia/Novosibirsk', '(GMT+06:00) Sri Jayawardenepura' => 'Asia/Colombo', '(GMT+06:30) Rangoon' => 'Asia/Rangoon', '(GMT+07:00) Bangkok' => 'Asia/Bangkok', '(GMT+07:00) Hanoi' => 'Asia/Bangkok', '(GMT+07:00) Jakarta' => 'Asia/Jakarta', '(GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk' => 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk', '(GMT+08:00) Beijing' => 'Asia/Hong_Kong', '(GMT+08:00) Chongqing' => 'Asia/Chongqing', '(GMT+08:00) Hong Kong' => 'Asia/Hong_Kong', '(GMT+08:00) Irkutsk' => 'Asia/Irkutsk', '(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur' => 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur', '(GMT+08:00) Perth' => 'Australia/Perth', '(GMT+08:00) Singapore' => 'Asia/Singapore', '(GMT+08:00) Taipei' => 'Asia/Taipei', '(GMT+08:00) Ulaan Bataar' => 'Asia/Irkutsk', '(GMT+08:00) Urumqi' => 'Asia/Urumqi', '(GMT+09:00) Osaka' => 'Asia/Tokyo', '(GMT+09:00) Sapporo' => 'Asia/Tokyo', '(GMT+09:00) Seoul' => 'Asia/Seoul', '(GMT+09:00) Tokyo' => 'Asia/Tokyo', '(GMT+09:00) Yakutsk' => 'Asia/Yakutsk', '(GMT+09:30) Adelaide' => 'Australia/Adelaide', '(GMT+09:30) Darwin' => 'Australia/Darwin', '(GMT+10:00) Brisbane' => 'Australia/Brisbane', '(GMT+10:00) Canberra' => 'Australia/Sydney', '(GMT+10:00) Guam' => 'Pacific/Guam', '(GMT+10:00) Hobart' => 'Australia/Hobart', '(GMT+10:00) Melbourne' => 'Australia/Melbourne', '(GMT+10:00) Port Moresby' => 'Pacific/Port_Moresby', '(GMT+10:00) Sydney' => 'Australia/Sydney', '(GMT+10:00) Vladivostok' => 'Asia/Vladivostok', '(GMT+11:00) Magadan' => 'Asia/Magadan', '(GMT+11:00) New Caledonia' => 'Asia/Magadan', '(GMT+11:00) Solomon Is.' => 'Asia/Magadan', '(GMT+12:00) Auckland' => 'Pacific/Auckland', '(GMT+12:00) Fiji' => 'Pacific/Fiji', '(GMT+12:00) Kamchatka' => 'Asia/Kamchatka', '(GMT+12:00) Marshall Is.' => 'Pacific/Fiji', '(GMT+12:00) Wellington' => 'Pacific/Auckland', '(GMT+13:00) Nuku\'alofa' => 'Pacific/Tongatapu' ); } }