choice_options) && count(json_decode($product->choice_options)) > 0) { //Gets all the choice values of customer choice option and generate a string like Black-S-Cotton foreach (json_decode($product->choice_options) as $key => $choice) { if ($str != null) { $str .= '-' . str_replace(' ', '', $request['attribute_id_' . $choice->attribute_id]); } else { $str .= str_replace(' ', '', $request['attribute_id_' . $choice->attribute_id]); } } } return $str; } public static function get_price($product, $product_stock, $quantity) { $price = $product_stock->price; if ($product->auction_product == 1) { $price = $product->bids->max('amount'); } if ($product->wholesale_product) { $wholesalePrice = $product_stock->wholesalePrices->where('min_qty', '<=', $quantity) ->where('max_qty', '>=', $quantity) ->first(); if ($wholesalePrice) { $price = $wholesalePrice->price; } } $price = self::discount_calculation($product, $price); return $price; } public static function discount_calculation($product, $price) { $discount_applicable = false; if ( $product->discount_start_date == null || (strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) >= $product->discount_start_date && strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) <= $product->discount_end_date) ) { $discount_applicable = true; } if ($discount_applicable) { if ($product->discount_type == 'percent') { $price -= ($price * $product->discount) / 100; } elseif ($product->discount_type == 'amount') { $price -= $product->discount; } } return $price; } public static function tax_calculation($product, $price) { $tax = 0; foreach ($product->taxes as $product_tax) { if ($product_tax->tax_type == 'percent') { $tax += ($price * $product_tax->tax) / 100; } elseif ($product_tax->tax_type == 'amount') { $tax += $product_tax->tax; } } return $tax; } public static function save_cart_data($cart, $product, $price, $tax, $quantity) { $cart->quantity = $quantity; $cart->product_id = $product->id; $cart->owner_id = $product->user_id; $cart->price = $price; $cart->tax = $tax; $cart->product_referral_code = null; if (Cookie::has('referred_product_id') && Cookie::get('referred_product_id') == $product->id) { $cart->product_referral_code = Cookie::get('product_referral_code'); } // Cart::create($data); $cart->save(); } public static function check_auction_in_cart($carts) { foreach ($carts as $cart) { if ($cart->product->auction_product == 1) { return true; } } return false; } }