import { reactive } from '../reactivity' import { setClasses } from './classes' import { setStyles } from './styles' export default function bind(el, name, value, modifiers = []) { // Register bound data as pure observable data for other APIs to use. if (! el._x_bindings) el._x_bindings = reactive({}) el._x_bindings[name] = value name = modifiers.includes('camel') ? camelCase(name) : name switch (name) { case 'value': bindInputValue(el, value) break; case 'style': bindStyles(el, value) break; case 'class': bindClasses(el, value) break; default: bindAttribute(el, name, value) break; } } function bindInputValue(el, value) { if (el.type === 'radio') { // Set radio value from x-bind:value, if no "value" attribute exists. // If there are any initial state values, radio will have a correct // "checked" value since x-bind:value is processed before x-model. if (el.attributes.value === undefined) { el.value = value } // @todo: yuck if (window.fromModel) { el.checked = checkedAttrLooseCompare(el.value, value) } } else if (el.type === 'checkbox') { // If we are explicitly binding a string to the :value, set the string, // If the value is a boolean/array/number/null/undefined, leave it alone, it will be set to "on" // automatically. if (Number.isInteger(value)) { el.value = value } else if (! Number.isInteger(value) && ! Array.isArray(value) && typeof value !== 'boolean' && ! [null, undefined].includes(value)) { el.value = String(value) } else { if (Array.isArray(value)) { el.checked = value.some(val => checkedAttrLooseCompare(val, el.value)) } else { el.checked = !!value } } } else if (el.tagName === 'SELECT') { updateSelect(el, value) } else { if (el.value === value) return el.value = value } } function bindClasses(el, value) { if (el._x_undoAddedClasses) el._x_undoAddedClasses() el._x_undoAddedClasses = setClasses(el, value) } function bindStyles(el, value) { if (el._x_undoAddedStyles) el._x_undoAddedStyles() el._x_undoAddedStyles = setStyles(el, value) } function bindAttribute(el, name, value) { if ([null, undefined, false].includes(value) && attributeShouldntBePreservedIfFalsy(name)) { el.removeAttribute(name) } else { if (isBooleanAttr(name)) value = name setIfChanged(el, name, value) } } function setIfChanged(el, attrName, value) { if (el.getAttribute(attrName) != value) { el.setAttribute(attrName, value) } } function updateSelect(el, value) { const arrayWrappedValue = [].concat(value).map(value => { return value + '' }) Array.from(el.options).forEach(option => { option.selected = arrayWrappedValue.includes(option.value) }) } function camelCase(subject) { return subject.toLowerCase().replace(/-(\w)/g, (match, char) => char.toUpperCase()) } function checkedAttrLooseCompare(valueA, valueB) { return valueA == valueB } function isBooleanAttr(attrName) { // As per HTML spec table https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/indices.html#attributes-3:boolean-attribute // Array roughly ordered by estimated usage const booleanAttributes = [ 'disabled','checked','required','readonly','hidden','open', 'selected', 'autofocus', 'itemscope', 'multiple', 'novalidate','allowfullscreen', 'allowpaymentrequest', 'formnovalidate', 'autoplay', 'controls', 'loop', 'muted', 'playsinline', 'default', 'ismap', 'reversed', 'async', 'defer', 'nomodule' ] return booleanAttributes.includes(attrName) } function attributeShouldntBePreservedIfFalsy(name) { return ! ['aria-pressed', 'aria-checked', 'aria-expanded', 'aria-selected'].includes(name) } export function getBinding(el, name, fallback) { // First let's get it out of Alpine bound data. if (el._x_bindings && el._x_bindings[name] !== undefined) return el._x_bindings[name] // If not, we'll return the literal attribute. let attr = el.getAttribute(name) // Nothing bound: if (attr === null) return typeof fallback === 'function' ? fallback() : fallback // The case of a custom attribute with no value. Ex:
if (attr === '') return true if (isBooleanAttr(name)) { return !! [name, 'true'].includes(attr) } return attr }