/* @license Rollup.js v3.19.1 Fri, 10 Mar 2023 12:56:45 GMT - commit 46676a4c8886f461706bef73d414709f82d818d6 https://github.com/rollup/rollup Released under the MIT License. */ 'use strict'; const rollup = require('./rollup.js'); const fseventsImporter = require('./fsevents-importer.js'); class WatchEmitter { constructor() { this.currentHandlers = Object.create(null); this.persistentHandlers = Object.create(null); } // Will be overwritten by Rollup async close() { } emit(event, ...parameters) { return Promise.all([...this.getCurrentHandlers(event), ...this.getPersistentHandlers(event)].map(handler => handler(...parameters))); } off(event, listener) { const listeners = this.persistentHandlers[event]; if (listeners) { // A hack stolen from "mitt": ">>> 0" does not change numbers >= 0, but -1 // (which would remove the last array element if used unchanged) is turned // into max_int, which is outside the array and does not change anything. listeners.splice(listeners.indexOf(listener) >>> 0, 1); } return this; } on(event, listener) { this.getPersistentHandlers(event).push(listener); return this; } onCurrentRun(event, listener) { this.getCurrentHandlers(event).push(listener); return this; } once(event, listener) { const selfRemovingListener = (...parameters) => { this.off(event, selfRemovingListener); return listener(...parameters); }; this.on(event, selfRemovingListener); return this; } removeAllListeners() { this.removeListenersForCurrentRun(); this.persistentHandlers = Object.create(null); return this; } removeListenersForCurrentRun() { this.currentHandlers = Object.create(null); return this; } getCurrentHandlers(event) { return this.currentHandlers[event] || (this.currentHandlers[event] = []); } getPersistentHandlers(event) { return this.persistentHandlers[event] || (this.persistentHandlers[event] = []); } } function watch(configs) { const emitter = new WatchEmitter(); watchInternal(configs, emitter).catch(error => { rollup.handleError(error); }); return emitter; } async function watchInternal(configs, emitter) { const optionsList = await Promise.all(rollup.ensureArray(configs).map(config => rollup.mergeOptions(config))); const watchOptionsList = optionsList.filter(config => config.watch !== false); if (watchOptionsList.length === 0) { return rollup.error(rollup.errorInvalidOption('watch', rollup.URL_WATCH, 'there must be at least one config where "watch" is not set to "false"')); } await fseventsImporter.loadFsEvents(); const { Watcher } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('./watch.js')); new Watcher(watchOptionsList, emitter); } exports.watch = watch; //# sourceMappingURL=watch-proxy.js.map