0; } /** * Find the role with the given key. * * @param string $key * @return \Laravel\Jetstream\Role */ public static function findRole(string $key) { return static::$roles[$key] ?? null; } /** * Define a role. * * @param string $key * @param string $name * @param array $permissions * @return \Laravel\Jetstream\Role */ public static function role(string $key, string $name, array $permissions) { static::$permissions = collect(array_merge(static::$permissions, $permissions)) ->unique() ->sort() ->values() ->all(); return tap(new Role($key, $name, $permissions), function ($role) use ($key) { static::$roles[$key] = $role; }); } /** * Determine if any permissions have been registered with Jetstream. * * @return bool */ public static function hasPermissions() { return count(static::$permissions) > 0; } /** * Define the available API token permissions. * * @param array $permissions * @return static */ public static function permissions(array $permissions) { static::$permissions = $permissions; return new static; } /** * Define the default permissions that should be available to new API tokens. * * @param array $permissions * @return static */ public static function defaultApiTokenPermissions(array $permissions) { static::$defaultPermissions = $permissions; return new static; } /** * Return the permissions in the given list that are actually defined permissions for the application. * * @param array $permissions * @return array */ public static function validPermissions(array $permissions) { return array_values(array_intersect($permissions, static::$permissions)); } /** * Determine if Jetstream is managing profile photos. * * @return bool */ public static function managesProfilePhotos() { return Features::managesProfilePhotos(); } /** * Determine if Jetstream is supporting API features. * * @return bool */ public static function hasApiFeatures() { return Features::hasApiFeatures(); } /** * Determine if Jetstream is supporting team features. * * @return bool */ public static function hasTeamFeatures() { return Features::hasTeamFeatures(); } /** * Determine if a given user model utilizes the "HasTeams" trait. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model * @return bool */ public static function userHasTeamFeatures($user) { return (array_key_exists(HasTeams::class, class_uses_recursive($user)) || method_exists($user, 'currentTeam')) && static::hasTeamFeatures(); } /** * Determine if the application is using the terms confirmation feature. * * @return bool */ public static function hasTermsAndPrivacyPolicyFeature() { return Features::hasTermsAndPrivacyPolicyFeature(); } /** * Determine if the application is using any account deletion features. * * @return bool */ public static function hasAccountDeletionFeatures() { return Features::hasAccountDeletionFeatures(); } /** * Find a user instance by the given ID. * * @param int $id * @return mixed */ public static function findUserByIdOrFail($id) { return static::newUserModel()->where('id', $id)->firstOrFail(); } /** * Find a user instance by the given email address or fail. * * @param string $email * @return mixed */ public static function findUserByEmailOrFail(string $email) { return static::newUserModel()->where('email', $email)->firstOrFail(); } /** * Get the name of the user model used by the application. * * @return string */ public static function userModel() { return static::$userModel; } /** * Get a new instance of the user model. * * @return mixed */ public static function newUserModel() { $model = static::userModel(); return new $model; } /** * Specify the user model that should be used by Jetstream. * * @param string $model * @return static */ public static function useUserModel(string $model) { static::$userModel = $model; return new static; } /** * Get the name of the team model used by the application. * * @return string */ public static function teamModel() { return static::$teamModel; } /** * Get a new instance of the team model. * * @return mixed */ public static function newTeamModel() { $model = static::teamModel(); return new $model; } /** * Specify the team model that should be used by Jetstream. * * @param string $model * @return static */ public static function useTeamModel(string $model) { static::$teamModel = $model; return new static; } /** * Get the name of the membership model used by the application. * * @return string */ public static function membershipModel() { return static::$membershipModel; } /** * Specify the membership model that should be used by Jetstream. * * @param string $model * @return static */ public static function useMembershipModel(string $model) { static::$membershipModel = $model; return new static; } /** * Get the name of the team invitation model used by the application. * * @return string */ public static function teamInvitationModel() { return static::$teamInvitationModel; } /** * Specify the team invitation model that should be used by Jetstream. * * @param string $model * @return static */ public static function useTeamInvitationModel(string $model) { static::$teamInvitationModel = $model; return new static; } /** * Register a class / callback that should be used to create teams. * * @param string $class * @return void */ public static function createTeamsUsing(string $class) { return app()->singleton(CreatesTeams::class, $class); } /** * Register a class / callback that should be used to update team names. * * @param string $class * @return void */ public static function updateTeamNamesUsing(string $class) { return app()->singleton(UpdatesTeamNames::class, $class); } /** * Register a class / callback that should be used to add team members. * * @param string $class * @return void */ public static function addTeamMembersUsing(string $class) { return app()->singleton(AddsTeamMembers::class, $class); } /** * Register a class / callback that should be used to add team members. * * @param string $class * @return void */ public static function inviteTeamMembersUsing(string $class) { return app()->singleton(InvitesTeamMembers::class, $class); } /** * Register a class / callback that should be used to remove team members. * * @param string $class * @return void */ public static function removeTeamMembersUsing(string $class) { return app()->singleton(RemovesTeamMembers::class, $class); } /** * Register a class / callback that should be used to delete teams. * * @param string $class * @return void */ public static function deleteTeamsUsing(string $class) { return app()->singleton(DeletesTeams::class, $class); } /** * Register a class / callback that should be used to delete users. * * @param string $class * @return void */ public static function deleteUsersUsing(string $class) { return app()->singleton(DeletesUsers::class, $class); } /** * Manage Jetstream's Inertia settings. * * @return \Laravel\Jetstream\InertiaManager */ public static function inertia() { if (is_null(static::$inertiaManager)) { static::$inertiaManager = new InertiaManager; } return static::$inertiaManager; } /** * Find the path to a localized Markdown resource. * * @param string $name * @return string|null */ public static function localizedMarkdownPath($name) { $localName = preg_replace('#(\.md)$#i', '.'.app()->getLocale().'$1', $name); return Arr::first([ resource_path('markdown/'.$localName), resource_path('markdown/'.$name), ], function ($path) { return file_exists($path); }); } /** * Configure Jetstream to not register its routes. * * @return static */ public static function ignoreRoutes() { static::$registersRoutes = false; return new static; } }