* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace SebastianBergmann\Comparator; use function array_unshift; final class Factory { private static ?Factory $instance = null; /** * @psalm-var list
*/ private array $customComparators = []; /** * @psalm-var list
*/ private array $defaultComparators = []; public static function getInstance(): self { if (self::$instance === null) { self::$instance = new self; // @codeCoverageIgnore } return self::$instance; } public function __construct() { $this->registerDefaultComparators(); } public function getComparatorFor(mixed $expected, mixed $actual): Comparator { foreach ($this->customComparators as $comparator) { if ($comparator->accepts($expected, $actual)) { return $comparator; } } foreach ($this->defaultComparators as $comparator) { if ($comparator->accepts($expected, $actual)) { return $comparator; } } throw new RuntimeException('No suitable Comparator implementation found'); } /** * Registers a new comparator. * * This comparator will be returned by getComparatorFor() if its accept() method * returns TRUE for the compared values. It has higher priority than the * existing comparators, meaning that its accept() method will be invoked * before those of the other comparators. */ public function register(Comparator $comparator): void { array_unshift($this->customComparators, $comparator); $comparator->setFactory($this); } /** * Unregisters a comparator. * * This comparator will no longer be considered by getComparatorFor(). */ public function unregister(Comparator $comparator): void { foreach ($this->customComparators as $key => $_comparator) { if ($comparator === $_comparator) { unset($this->customComparators[$key]); } } } public function reset(): void { $this->customComparators = []; } private function registerDefaultComparators(): void { $this->registerDefaultComparator(new MockObjectComparator); $this->registerDefaultComparator(new DateTimeComparator); $this->registerDefaultComparator(new DOMNodeComparator); $this->registerDefaultComparator(new SplObjectStorageComparator); $this->registerDefaultComparator(new ExceptionComparator); $this->registerDefaultComparator(new ObjectComparator); $this->registerDefaultComparator(new ResourceComparator); $this->registerDefaultComparator(new ArrayComparator); $this->registerDefaultComparator(new NumericComparator); $this->registerDefaultComparator(new ScalarComparator); $this->registerDefaultComparator(new TypeComparator); } private function registerDefaultComparator(Comparator $comparator): void { $this->defaultComparators[] = $comparator; $comparator->setFactory($this); } }