*/ protected array $middleware = []; protected IgnitionConfig $ignitionConfig; protected ContextProviderDetector $contextProviderDetector; protected SolutionProviderRepositoryContract $solutionProviderRepository; protected ?bool $inProductionEnvironment = null; protected ?string $solutionTransformerClass = null; /** @var ArrayObject
*/ protected ArrayObject $documentationLinkResolvers; protected string $customHtmlHead = ''; protected string $customHtmlBody = ''; public static function make(): self { return new self(); } public function __construct() { $this->flare = Flare::make(); $this->ignitionConfig = IgnitionConfig::loadFromConfigFile(); $this->solutionProviderRepository = new SolutionProviderRepository($this->getDefaultSolutionProviders()); $this->documentationLinkResolvers = new ArrayObject(); $this->contextProviderDetector = new BaseContextProviderDetector(); $this->middleware[] = new AddSolutions($this->solutionProviderRepository); $this->middleware[] = new AddDocumentationLinks($this->documentationLinkResolvers); } public function setSolutionTransformerClass(string $solutionTransformerClass): self { $this->solutionTransformerClass = $solutionTransformerClass; return $this; } /** @param callable(Throwable): mixed $callable */ public function resolveDocumentationLink(callable $callable): self { $this->documentationLinkResolvers[] = $callable; return $this; } public function setConfig(IgnitionConfig $ignitionConfig): self { $this->ignitionConfig = $ignitionConfig; return $this; } public function runningInProductionEnvironment(bool $boolean = true): self { $this->inProductionEnvironment = $boolean; return $this; } public function getFlare(): Flare { return $this->flare; } public function setFlare(Flare $flare): self { $this->flare = $flare; return $this; } public function setSolutionProviderRepository(SolutionProviderRepositoryContract $solutionProviderRepository): self { $this->solutionProviderRepository = $solutionProviderRepository; return $this; } public function shouldDisplayException(bool $shouldDisplayException): self { $this->shouldDisplayException = $shouldDisplayException; return $this; } public function applicationPath(string $applicationPath): self { $this->applicationPath = $applicationPath; return $this; } /** * @param string $name * @param string $messageLevel * @param array
$metaData * * @return $this */ public function glow( string $name, string $messageLevel = MessageLevels::INFO, array $metaData = [] ): self { $this->flare->glow($name, $messageLevel, $metaData); return $this; } /** * @param array
> $solutionProviders * * @return $this */ public function addSolutionProviders(array $solutionProviders): self { $this->solutionProviderRepository->registerSolutionProviders($solutionProviders); return $this; } /** @deprecated Use `setTheme('dark')` instead */ public function useDarkMode(): self { return $this->setTheme('dark'); } /** @deprecated Use `setTheme($theme)` instead */ public function theme(string $theme): self { return $this->setTheme($theme); } public function setTheme(string $theme): self { $this->ignitionConfig->setOption('theme', $theme); return $this; } public function setEditor(string $editor): self { $this->ignitionConfig->setOption('editor', $editor); return $this; } public function sendToFlare(?string $apiKey): self { $this->flareApiKey = $apiKey ?? ''; return $this; } public function configureFlare(callable $callable): self { ($callable)($this->flare); return $this; } /** * @param FlareMiddleware|array
$middleware * * @return $this */ public function registerMiddleware(array|FlareMiddleware $middleware): self { if (! is_array($middleware)) { $middleware = [$middleware]; } foreach ($middleware as $singleMiddleware) { $this->middleware = array_merge($this->middleware, $middleware); } return $this; } public function setContextProviderDetector(ContextProviderDetector $contextProviderDetector): self { $this->contextProviderDetector = $contextProviderDetector; return $this; } public function reset(): self { $this->flare->reset(); return $this; } public function register(): self { error_reporting(-1); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ set_error_handler([$this, 'renderError']); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ set_exception_handler([$this, 'handleException']); return $this; } /** * @param int $level * @param string $message * @param string $file * @param int $line * @param array
$context * * @return void * @throws \ErrorException */ public function renderError( int $level, string $message, string $file = '', int $line = 0, array $context = [] ): void { throw new ErrorException($message, 0, $level, $file, $line); } /** * This is the main entry point for the framework agnostic Ignition package. * Displays the Ignition page and optionally sends a report to Flare. */ public function handleException(Throwable $throwable): Report { $this->setUpFlare(); $report = $this->createReport($throwable); if ($this->shouldDisplayException && $this->inProductionEnvironment !== true) { $this->renderException($throwable, $report); } if ($this->flare->apiTokenSet() && $this->inProductionEnvironment !== false) { $this->flare->report($throwable, report: $report); } return $report; } /** * This is the main entrypoint for laravel-ignition. It only renders the exception. * Sending the report to Flare is handled in the laravel-ignition log handler. */ public function renderException(Throwable $throwable, ?Report $report = null): void { $this->setUpFlare(); $report ??= $this->createReport($throwable); $viewModel = new ErrorPageViewModel( $throwable, $this->ignitionConfig, $report, $this->solutionProviderRepository->getSolutionsForThrowable($throwable), $this->solutionTransformerClass, $this->customHtmlHead, $this->customHtmlBody ); (new Renderer())->render(['viewModel' => $viewModel]); } /** * Add custom HTML which will be added to the head tag of the error page. */ public function addCustomHtmlToHead(string $html): self { $this->customHtmlHead .= $html; return $this; } /** * Add custom HTML which will be added to the body tag of the error page. */ public function addCustomHtmlToBody(string $html): self { $this->customHtmlBody .= $html; return $this; } protected function setUpFlare(): self { if (! $this->flare->apiTokenSet()) { $this->flare->setApiToken($this->flareApiKey ?? ''); } $this->flare->setContextProviderDetector($this->contextProviderDetector); foreach ($this->middleware as $singleMiddleware) { $this->flare->registerMiddleware($singleMiddleware); } if ($this->applicationPath !== '') { $this->flare->applicationPath($this->applicationPath); } return $this; } /** @return array
> */ protected function getDefaultSolutionProviders(): array { return [ BadMethodCallSolutionProvider::class, MergeConflictSolutionProvider::class, UndefinedPropertySolutionProvider::class, ]; } protected function createReport(Throwable $throwable): Report { return $this->flare->createReport($throwable); } }