implementsSoftDeletes()) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( '%s does not implement Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes', get_called_class() )); } if ($invalidCascadingRelationships = $model->hasInvalidCascadingRelationships()) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( '%s [%s] must exist and return an object of type Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation', Str::plural('Relationship', count($invalidCascadingRelationships)), implode(', ', $invalidCascadingRelationships) )); } $delete = $model->forceDeleting ? 'forceDelete' : 'delete'; foreach ($model->getActiveCascadingDeletes() as $relationship) { if ($model->{$relationship} instanceof Model) { $model->{$relationship}->{$delete} (); } else { foreach ($model->{$relationship} as $child) { $child->{$delete} (); } } } }); } /** * Determine if the current model implements soft deletes. * * @return bool */ protected function implementsSoftDeletes() { return method_exists($this, 'runSoftDelete'); } /** * Determine if the current model has any invalid cascading relationships defined. * * A relationship is considered invalid when the method does not exist, or the relationship * method does not return an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation. * * @return array */ protected function hasInvalidCascadingRelationships() { return array_filter($this->getCascadingDeletes(), function ($relationship) { return ! method_exists($this, $relationship) || ! $this->{$relationship} () instanceof Relation; }); } /** * Fetch the defined cascading soft deletes for this model. * * @return array */ protected function getCascadingDeletes() { return isset($this->cascadeDeletes) ? (array) $this->cascadeDeletes : []; } /** * For the cascading deletes defined on the model, return only those that are not null. * * @return array */ protected function getActiveCascadingDeletes() { return array_filter($this->getCascadingDeletes(), function ($relationship) { return ! is_null($this->{$relationship}); }); } }