whereNull('customer_id'); if ($from_api) { $carts = $carts->where('ip_address', get_visitor_IP()); } else { $carts = $carts->whereIn('id', cart_ids_from_cookie()); } if (Auth::guard('customer')->check()) { $carts = $carts->orWhere('customer_id', Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id); } elseif (Auth::guard('api')->check()) { $carts = $carts->orWhere('customer_id', Auth::guard('api')->user()->id); } return $carts->get(); } /** * Add given item to cart * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function addToCart(Request $request, $slug) { $slugsArray = json_decode($slug, true); // Check if the slugs parameter is a JSON string, if not, convert it to an array if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { $slugsArray = [$slug]; } $customer_id = $this->getCartOwnerId($request); $items = Inventory::whereIn('slug', $slugsArray)->get(); if ($items->count() == 0) { return response()->json(trans('theme.item_not_available'), 404); } foreach ($items as $item) { // Check if the item is a downloadable one $downloadable = $item->product->downloadable; // Check the available stock limit if (!$downloadable && $request->quantity > $item->stock_quantity) { return response()->json(['message' => trans('api.item_max_stock')], 409); } $old_cart = Cart::where('shop_id', $item->shop_id); // Check product type if ($downloadable) { $old_cart = $old_cart->where('is_digital', 1); } else { $old_cart = $old_cart->where('is_digital', 0); } // Exclude auction carts if (is_incevio_package_loaded('auction')) { $old_cart = $old_cart->whereNull('auction_bid_id'); } // Get the old card of the customer if any if ($customer_id) { $old_cart = $old_cart->where('customer_id', $customer_id) ->orWhere(function ($q) { $q->whereNull('customer_id') ->whereIn('id', cart_ids_from_cookie()); }); } else { $old_cart = $old_cart->whereNull('customer_id') ->whereIn('id', cart_ids_from_cookie()); } $old_cart = $old_cart->first(); // Check if the item is already in the cart if ($old_cart instanceof Cart) { $item_in_cart = DB::table('cart_items')->where('cart_id', $old_cart->id) ->where('inventory_id', $item->id)->first(); // Item already in cart if ($item_in_cart) { return response()->json(['cart_id' => $item_in_cart->cart_id], 444); } } $qtt = $request->quantity ?? $item->min_order_quantity; if (!$item->auctionable && is_incevio_package_loaded('wholesale')) { $unit_price = get_wholesale_unit_price($item, $qtt); // $unit_price = \Incevio\Package\WholeSale\Http\Controllers\WholeSaleController::getWholeSaleUnitPrice($item, $qtt); } else { $unit_price = $item->current_sale_price(); } // Instantiate new cart if old cart not found for the shop and customer $cart = $old_cart ?? new Cart; $cart->item_count = $old_cart ? ($old_cart->item_count + 1) : 1; $cart->quantity = $old_cart ? ($old_cart->quantity + $qtt) : $qtt; $cart->shop_id = $item->shop_id; $cart->customer_id = $customer_id; $cart->is_digital = $downloadable ?? 0; $cart->shipping_zone_id = $request->shippingZoneId; if ($request->shipTo) { $cart->ship_to = $request->shipTo; } if ($request->shipToCountryId) { $cart->ship_to_country_id = $request->shipToCountryId; } if ($request->shipToStateId) { $cart->ship_to_state_id = $request->shipToStateId; } // Shipping rate if ($cart->is_digital || $old_cart) { $cart->shipping_rate_id = null; // Reset for old cart because the rate may changed } elseif ($request->shippingRateId) { $cart->shipping_rate_id = $request->shippingRateId == 'Null' ? null : $request->shippingRateId; } else { $cart->shipping_rate_id = null; } $cart->handling = $cart->get_handling_cost(); $cart->total = $old_cart ? ($old_cart->total + ($qtt * $unit_price)) : ($qtt * $unit_price); // Shipping weight if ($old_cart) { // All items need to have shipping_weight to calculate shipping // If any one the item missing shipping_weight set null to cart shipping_weight $cart->shipping_weight = $old_cart->shipping_weight > 0 ? $old_cart->shipping_weight + $item->shipping_weight : null; } elseif (!$cart->is_digital) { $cart->shipping_weight = $item->shipping_weight; } else { $cart->shipping_weight = null; } // Set taxes if ($cart->shipping_zone_id) { $cart->taxrate = optional($cart->shippingZone->tax)->taxrate; $cart->taxes = $cart->get_tax_amount(); } $cart->grand_total = $cart->calculate_grand_total(); $cart->save(); // Check if cart id doesn't exist then add to array if (!$this->isCartInCookie($cart->id)) { $cartIds[] = $cart->id; } // Makes item_description field $attributes = implode(' - ', $item->attributeValues->pluck('value')->toArray()); // Prepare pivot data $cart_item_pivot_data = []; $cart_item_pivot_data[$item->id] = [ 'inventory_id' => $item->id, 'item_description' => $item->sku . ': ' . $item->title . ' - ' . $attributes . ' - ' . $item->condition, 'quantity' => $qtt, 'unit_price' => $unit_price, ]; // Save cart items into pivot if (!empty($cart_item_pivot_data)) { $cart->inventories()->syncWithoutDetaching($cart_item_pivot_data); } } // Push the card ids to cookie if not exist if (!empty($cartIds)) { $this->pushCartIdsToCookie($cartIds); } return response()->json([$cart->toArray(), 'total_items_added' => $items->count()], 200); } /** * Get the payable amount of give carts or all * * @param Cart $carts * @return numeric | null */ public function getTotalPayable($carts = null) { if (!$carts) { $carts = $this->getShoppingCarts(); } elseif ($carts instanceof Cart) { return $carts->calculate_grand_total(); } $payable = 0; foreach ($carts as $cart) { $payable += $cart->calculate_grand_total(); } return $payable > 0 ? $payable : null; } /** * Create a new order from the cart * * @param Request $request * @param \App\Models\Cart $cart * * @return \App\Models\Order */ private function saveOrderFromCart(Request $request, Cart $cart) { // Save the order $order = new Order; $order->fill( array_merge($cart->toArray(), [ 'customer_id' => $this->getCartOwnerId($request, $cart), 'payment_method_id' => $request->payment_method_id ?? $cart->payment_method_id, 'grand_total' => $cart->calculate_grand_total(), 'order_number' => get_formated_order_number($cart->shop_id), 'carrier_id' => $cart->carrier() ? $cart->carrier->id : null, 'shipping_address' => $request->shipping_address ?? $cart->shipping_address, 'billing_address' => $request->shipping_address ?? $cart->shipping_address, 'email' => $request->email ?? $cart->email, 'customer_phone_number' => $request->phone, 'buyer_note' => $request->buyer_note, 'device_id' => $request->device_id ?? $cart->device_id, 'fulfilment_type' => $request->fulfilment_type ?? Order::FULFILMENT_TYPE_DELIVER, 'warehouse_id' => ($request->fulfilment_type == Order::FULFILMENT_TYPE_PICKUP) ? $request->warehouse_id : null, ]) )->save(); // If the order is a pickup order enable free shipping for the cart $cart->setFulfilmentType($order->pickup() ? Order::FULFILMENT_TYPE_PICKUP : Order::FULFILMENT_TYPE_DELIVER); if ($request->has('prescription')) { $file = $request->file('prescription'); // Request from API if ($request->is('api/*')) { $file = create_file_from_base64($request->get('prescription')); } $order->saveAttachments($file); } // This has to be after save the order if ($payment_instruction = $order->manualPaymentInstructions()) { $order->forceFill(['payment_instruction' => $payment_instruction])->save(); } // Add order item into pivot table $order_items = []; foreach ($cart->inventories as $item) { $order_items[$item->inventory_id] = [ 'order_id' => $order->id, 'inventory_id' => $item->id, 'item_description' => $item->pivot->item_description, 'quantity' => $item->pivot->quantity, 'unit_price' => $item->pivot->unit_price, 'created_at' => $item->pivot->created_at, 'updated_at' => $item->pivot->updated_at, ]; // Add credit reward amount if (is_incevio_package_loaded('wallet') && is_wallet_credit_reward_enabled()) { $order_items[$item->inventory_id]['credit_back_amount'] = ($item->reward_percentage / 100) * $item->pivot->unit_price; } if (is_incevio_package_loaded('affiliate') && Session::has('affiliate_marketer_id')) { $affiliate_link = $item->affiliateLinks() ->where('affiliate_id', Session::get('affiliate_marketer_id')) ->first(); if ($item->hasAffiliateCommission()) { $affiliate_link->increment('order_count', $item->pivot->quantity); $affiliate_link->createCommission($order->id, $item); } } } DB::table('order_items')->insert($order_items); foreach ($order->inventories as $item) { $item->increment('sold_quantity', $item->pivot->quantity); // Sync up the inventory. Decrease the stock of the order items from the listing if (!$cart->is_digital) { $item->decrement('stock_quantity', $item->pivot->quantity); } } // Reduce the coupon in use if ($order->coupon_id) { $coupon = Coupon::find($order->coupon_id); if ($coupon) { $coupon->decrement('quantity'); } } // Delete the cart $cart->forceDelete(); return $order; } /** * Revert order to cart * * @param App\Models\Order $Order * * @return App\Models\Cart */ private function moveAllItemsToCartAgain($order, $revert = false, $cart = null) { if (!$order instanceof Order) { $order = Order::find($order); } if (!$order) { return; } // Set time $now = Carbon::now(); // Fill the cart data $data = [ 'shop_id' => $order->shop_id, 'customer_id' => $order->customer_id, 'ship_to' => $order->ship_to, 'shipping_zone_id' => $order->shipping_zone_id, 'shipping_rate_id' => $order->shipping_rate_id, 'packaging_id' => $order->packaging_id, 'is_digital' => $order->is_digital, 'item_count' => $order->item_count, 'quantity' => $order->quantity, 'taxrate' => $order->taxrate, 'shipping_weight' => $order->shipping_weight, 'total' => $order->total, 'shipping' => $order->shipping, 'packaging' => $order->packaging, 'handling' => $order->handling, 'taxes' => $order->taxes, 'grand_total' => $order->grand_total, 'email' => $order->email, 'created_at' => $revert ? $order->created_at : $now, 'updated_at' => $revert ? $order->updated_at : $now, ]; // Keep the old cart id if ($cart) { $data = array_merge(['id' => $cart], $data); } // Save the cart $cart = Cart::forceCreate($data); // Add order item into cart pivot table $cart_items = []; $quantity = 0; $shipping_weight = 0; $total = 0; foreach ($order->inventories as $item) { // Skip if the item is out of stock if (!$item->stock_quantity > 0) { Session::flash('warning', trans('messages.some_item_out_of_stock')); continue; } // Get current updated price // $unit_price = $item->current_sale_price(); // Set qtt after checking availability $item_qtt = $item->stock_quantity >= $item->pivot->quantity ? $item->pivot->quantity : $item->stock_quantity; $shipping_weight += $item->shipping_weight; $quantity += $item_qtt; // Get current updated price if (is_incevio_package_loaded('wholesale')) { $unit_price = get_wholesale_unit_price($item, $item_qtt); } else { $unit_price = $item->current_sale_price(); } $total += $item_qtt * $unit_price; $cart_items[] = [ 'cart_id' => $cart->id, 'inventory_id' => $item->pivot->inventory_id, 'item_description' => $item->pivot->item_description, 'quantity' => $item_qtt, 'unit_price' => $unit_price, 'created_at' => $revert ? $item->pivot->created_at : $now, 'updated_at' => $revert ? $item->pivot->created_at : $now, ]; // Sync up the inventory. Increase the stock of the order items from the listing if ($revert) { $item->increment('stock_quantity', $item->pivot->quantity); } } DB::table('cart_items')->insert($cart_items); if ($revert) { // Increment the coupon in use if ($order->coupon_id) { $coupon = Coupon::find($order->coupon_id); if ($coupon) { $coupon->increment('quantity'); } } $order->forceDelete(); // Delete the order } // Update cart $cart->quantity = $quantity; $cart->shipping_weight = $shipping_weight; $cart->total = $total; $cart->grand_total = $cart->calculate_grand_total(); $cart->taxes = $cart->get_tax_amount(); $cart->save(); return $cart; } /** * Revert order to cart * * @param App\Models\Order $Order * * @return App\Models\Cart */ private function getCartOwnerId($request, $cart = null) { if ($cart && $cart->customer_id) { return $cart->customer_id; } if (Auth::guard('customer')->check()) { return Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id; } if (Auth::guard('api')->check()) { return Auth::guard('api')->user()->id; } if ($request->api_token) { $customer = Customer::where('api_token', $request->api_token)->first(); return $customer ? $customer->id : null; } return null; } /** * Check it the card already exist in the card cookie * * @param int $cartId * @return boolean */ public function isCartInCookie($cartId) { $cartIds = cart_ids_from_cookie(); return in_array($cartId, $cartIds); } /** * Push the new card id into the cart cookie * * @param array $cartIds * @return void */ public function pushCartIdsToCookie(array $cartIds) { $existingCartIds = cart_ids_from_cookie(); // Merge existing cart IDs with new ones, ensuring no duplicates $mergedCartIds = array_unique(array_merge($existingCartIds, $cartIds)); $cookieValue = implode(',', $mergedCartIds); return setcookie('cart_ids', $cookieValue, time() + (60 * 24 * 30), "/"); } }