'boolean', ]; /** * For checking fulfillment type. Used for managing shipping rates. */ protected $fulfilmentType = 'deliver'; /** * Set the free_shipping flag */ public function setFulfilmentType($value) { $this->fulfilmentType = $value; } /** * Check if the cart is for pickup order */ public function isPickup() { return $this->fulfilmentType == 'pickup'; } /** * Get the country associated with the order. */ public function shipTo() { return $this->belongsTo(Address::class, 'ship_to'); } /** * Get the country associated with the cart. */ public function country() { return $this->belongsTo(Country::class, 'ship_to_country_id')->withDefault([ 'id' => null, 'name' => geoip(get_visitor_IP())->country, ]); } /** * Get the state associated with the cart. */ public function state() { return $this->belongsTo(State::class, 'ship_to_state_id')->withDefault([ 'id' => null, 'name' => geoip(get_visitor_IP())->state_name, ]); } /** * Get the customer associated with the cart. */ public function customer() { return $this->belongsTo(Customer::class)->withDefault([ 'name' => trans('app.guest_customer'), ]); } /** * Get the bid associated with the cart. */ public function bid() { return $this->belongsTo(\Incevio\Package\Auction\Models\Bid::class, 'auction_bid_id'); } /** * Get the shop associated with the cart. */ public function shop() { return $this->belongsTo(Shop::class)->withDefault(); } /** * Fetch billing address * * @return Address or null */ public function billingAddress() { return $this->belongsTo(Address::class, 'billing_address'); } /** * Fetch billing address * * @return Address or null */ public function shippingAddress() { return $this->belongsTo(Address::class, 'shipping_address'); } /** * Get the shippingZone for the order. */ public function shippingZone() { return $this->belongsTo(ShippingZone::class, 'shipping_zone_id'); } /** * Get the shippingRate for the order. */ public function shippingRate() { return $this->belongsTo(ShippingRate::class, 'shipping_rate_id'); } /** * Get the packaging for the order. */ public function shippingPackage() { return $this->belongsTo(\Incevio\Package\Packaging\Models\Packaging::class, 'packaging_id'); } /** * Get the carrier associated with the cart. */ public function carrier() { return optional($this->shippingRate)->carrier(); } /** * Get the coupon associated with the order. */ public function coupon() { return $this->belongsTo(Coupon::class); } /** * Get the inventories for the product. */ public function inventories() { return $this->belongsToMany(Inventory::class, 'cart_items') ->withPivot('item_description', 'quantity', 'unit_price') ->withTimestamps(); } /** * Get the paymentMethod for the order. */ public function paymentMethod() { return $this->belongsTo(PaymentMethod::class); } /** * Setters */ public function setDiscountAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['discount'] = $value ?? null; } public function setShippingAddressAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['shipping_address'] = is_numeric($value) ? $value : null; } public function setBillingAddressAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['billing_address'] = is_numeric($value) ? $value : null; } /** * Return shipping cost with handling fee * * @return number */ public function get_shipping_cost() { if ($this->shipping_rate_id && !$this->isPickup()) { if ( is_incevio_package_loaded('shippo') && \DB::table('config_shippo')->where('shop_id', $this->shop_id)->exists() ) { $shipping_rates = getShippingRates($this->shipping_zone_id, $this); $shipping_rate = $shipping_rates->firstWhere('id', $this->shipping_rate_id); $this->shipping = $shipping_rate->rate; } return $this->shipping + $this->handling; } return $this->is_free_shipping() ? 0 : $this->shipping + $this->handling; } /** * Return handling cost * * @return number */ public function get_handling_cost() { if ($this->shipping_rate_id) { $this->handling = getShopConfig($this->shop_id, 'order_handling_cost'); } return $this->handling ?? 0; } /** * Return grand total * * @return number */ public function calculate_grand_total() { $grand_total = ($this->total + $this->taxes) - $this->discount; if ($this->is_digital) { return $grand_total; } if ($this->shipping_rate_id && !$this->isPickup()) { if ( is_incevio_package_loaded('shippo') && \DB::table('config_shippo')->where('shop_id', $this->shop_id)->exists() ) { $shipping_rates = getShippingRates($this->shipping_zone_id, $this); $shipping_rate = $shipping_rates->firstWhere('id', $this->shipping_rate_id); $this->shipping = $shipping_rate->rate; } $grand_total = $grand_total + $this->shipping + $this->handling; } if ($this->isPickup()) { $this->shipping = 0; // Pickup order has no shipping cost } return $grand_total + $this->packaging; } /** * Check if the cart eligible for free shipping * * @return bool */ public function is_free_shipping() { if ($this->isPickup()) { // Pickup order has no shipping cost return true; } foreach ($this->inventories as $item) { if (!$item->free_shipping) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Check if the cart eligible for wallet rewards * * @return bool */ public function has_credit_rewards() { foreach ($this->inventories as $item) { if ($item->reward_percentage) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the item types of the cart. * * @return array */ public function getTypeAttribute() { return $this->is_digital ? trans('theme.downloadables') : trans('theme.physical_goods'); } public function get_tax_amount() { if ($this->taxrate && $this->taxrate > 0) { return $this->total * ($this->taxrate / 100); } return 0; } /* Calculate and return the discount amount */ public function get_discounted_amount() { if (!$this->coupon_id) { return 0; } // Check if the coupon is still valid for the cart if (!$this->coupon->isValidForTheCart($this)) { $this->coupon_id = null; $this->discount = 0; $this->grand_total = $this->calculate_grand_total(); $this->save(); } if ('percent' == $this->coupon->type) { return $this->coupon->value * ($this->total / 100); } // When the coupon value is bigger than cart total if ($this->total < $this->coupon->value) { return $this->total; } return $this->coupon->value; } public function getLabelText() { $txt = ''; if ($this->coupon_id && $this->discount) { $txt .= trans('app.coupon_applied', ['coupon' => $this->coupon->name]); } return $txt; } }