'datetime', 'delivery_date' => 'datetime', 'payment_date' => 'datetime', 'goods_received' => 'boolean', 'is_digital' => 'boolean', ]; /** * The name that will be used when log this model. (optional) * * @var bool */ protected static $logName = 'order'; /** * The attributes that are mass assignable. * * @var array */ protected $fillable = [ 'order_number', 'shop_id', 'customer_id', 'ship_to', 'shipping_zone_id', 'shipping_rate_id', 'packaging_id', 'item_count', 'quantity', 'shipping_weight', 'taxrate', 'total', 'discount', 'shipping', 'packaging', 'handling', 'taxes', 'grand_total', 'billing_address', 'shipping_address', 'shipping_date', 'delivery_date', 'tracking_id', 'coupon_id', 'carrier_id', 'message_to_customer', 'send_invoice_to_customer', 'admin_note', 'buyer_note', 'payment_method_id', 'payment_instruction', 'payment_ref_id', 'payment_date', 'payment_status', 'order_status_id', 'goods_received', 'approved', 'feedback_id', 'disputed', 'email', 'customer_phone_number', 'fulfilment_type', 'device_id', 'razorpay_order_id', 'razorpay_payment_id', 'razorpay_signature', 'is_digital', 'exchange_rate', 'currency_id', 'delivery_boy_feedback_id', 'auction_bid_id', 'affiliate_commission_amount', 'affiliate_id', 'warehouse_id', // ID of the warehouse to pickup order from ]; /** * Get the address associated with the order. */ public function shipTo() { return $this->belongsTo(Address::class, 'ship_to'); } /** * Get the customer associated with the order. */ public function customer() { return $this->belongsTo(Customer::class)->withDefault([ 'name' => trans('app.guest_customer'), ]); } /** * Get the currency associated with the order when dynamic currency is active. */ public function currency() { return $this->belongsTo(Currency::class)->withDefault(); } /** * Get the bid associated with the cart. */ public function bid() { return $this->belongsTo(\Incevio\Package\Auction\Models\Bid::class, 'auction_bid_id'); } /** * Get the shop associated with the order. */ public function shop() { return $this->belongsTo(Shop::class)->withDefault(); } /** * Get the coupon associated with the order. */ public function coupon() { return $this->belongsTo(Coupon::class)->withDefault(); } /** * Get the tax associated with the order. */ public function tax() { return $this->shippingRate->shippingZone->tax(); } /** * Get the carrier associated with the cart. */ public function carrier() { return $this->belongsTo(Carrier::class)->withDefault(); } /** * Get all items associated with the order. */ public function items() { return $this->hasMany(OrderItem::class, 'order_id'); } /** * Get credit rewards associated with the order. */ public function creditRewards() { return $this->hasMany(\Incevio\Package\Wallet\Models\CreditReward::class); } /** * Get the inventories for the order. */ public function inventories() { $query = $this->belongsToMany(Inventory::class, 'order_items'); $pivots = ['item_description', 'quantity', 'unit_price', 'feedback_id', 'download']; // Add credit_back_amount pivot value when exist if (is_incevio_package_loaded('wallet') && is_wallet_credit_reward_enabled()) { $pivots = array_merge($pivots, ['credit_back_amount']); } return $query->withPivot($pivots)->withTimestamps(); } /** * Get the warehouse from where the order will be picked up using warehouse_id. */ public function warehouse() { return $this->hasOne(Warehouse::class, 'id', 'warehouse_id'); } public function affiliateCommissions() { return $this->hasMany(\Incevio\Package\Affiliate\Models\AffiliateCommission::class); } /** * Return collection of conversation related to the order * * @return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection */ public function conversation() { return $this->hasOne(Message::class, 'order_id'); } /** * Return collection of refunds related to the order * * @return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection */ public function refunds() { return $this->hasMany(Refund::class)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); } /** * Get the dispute for the order. */ public function dispute() { return $this->hasOne(Dispute::class); } /** * Get the cancellation request for the order. */ public function cancellation() { return $this->hasOne(Cancellation::class); } /** * Get the shippingRate for the order. */ public function shippingRate() { return $this->belongsTo(ShippingRate::class, 'shipping_rate_id')->withDefault(); } /** * Get the shippingZone for the order. */ public function shippingZone() { return $this->belongsTo(ShippingZone::class, 'shipping_zone_id')->withDefault(); } /** * Get the paymentMethod for the order. */ public function paymentMethod() { return $this->belongsTo(PaymentMethod::class, 'payment_method_id') ->withDefault([ 'name' => trans('app.data_deleted'), ]); } /** * This function returns delivery boy associated with order * @return [delivery_boy] */ public function deliveryBoy(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(DeliveryBoy::class, 'delivery_boy_id'); } /** * Get the packaging for the order. */ public function shippingPackage() { return $this->belongsTo(\Incevio\Package\Packaging\Models\Packaging::class, 'packaging_id')->withDefault(); } /** * Get the shop feedback for the order/shop. */ public function feedback() { return $this->belongsTo(Feedback::class, 'feedback_id')->withDefault(); } /** * Set tag date formate */ public function setShippingDateAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['shipping_date'] = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $value); } public function setDeliveryDateAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['delivery_date'] = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $value); } public function setShippingAddressAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['shipping_address'] = is_numeric($value) ? Address::find($value)->toString(true) : $value; } public function setBillingAddressAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['billing_address'] = is_numeric($value) ? Address::find($value)->toString(true) : $value; } public function setFulfilmentTypeAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['fulfilment_type'] = $value ?? self::FULFILMENT_TYPE_DELIVER; } /** * Get the item types of the cart. * * @return array */ public function getTypeAttribute() { return $this->is_digital ? trans('theme.downloadables') : trans('theme.physical_goods'); } /** * Scope a query to only include records from the users shop. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeArchived($query) { return $query->onlyTrashed(); } /** * Scope a query to only include records from the users shop. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeWithArchived($query) { return $query->withTrashed(); } /** * Scope a query to only include active orders. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeApproved($query) { return $query->where('approved', 1); } /** * Scope a query to only include records from the users shop. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeMine($query) { return $query->where('shop_id', Auth::user()->merchantId()); } /** * Scope a query to only include paid orders. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopePaid($query) { return $query->where('payment_status', '>=', static::PAYMENT_STATUS_PAID); } /** * Scope a query to only include unpaid orders. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeUnpaid($query) { return $query->where('payment_status', '<', static::PAYMENT_STATUS_PAID); } /** * Scope a query to only include unfulfilled orders. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeUnfulfilled($query) { return $query->where('order_status_id', '<', static::STATUS_FULFILLED); } /** * Scope a query to only include fulfilled orders. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopefulfilled($query) { return $query->where('order_status_id', '>=', static::STATUS_FULFILLED); } /** * Return all the orders which are not delivered yet * * @return [not delivered orders] */ public function scopeToDeliver(Builder $query) { return $query->where('order_status_id', '>=', static::STATUS_FULFILLED) ->where('order_status_id', '<', static::STATUS_DELIVERED); } /** * Return all the orders which are not delivered yet * * @return [not delivered orders] */ public function scopeMyDelivery(Builder $query) { return $query->where('delivery_boy_id', Auth::guard('delivery_boy-api')->id()) ->oldest(); } /** * Return all the orders which are not delivered yet * * @return [not delivered orders] */ public function scopeUnAssigned(Builder $query) { return $query->where('delivery_boy_id', Null)->oldest(); } /** * Return shipping cost with handling fee * * @return number */ public function get_shipping_cost() { return $this->shipping + $this->handling; } public function get_items() { return $this->inventories->toArray(); } /** * Calculate and Return grand total * * @return number */ public function calculate_grand_total() { return ($this->total + $this->handling + $this->taxes + $this->shipping + $this->packaging) - $this->discount; } public function grand_total_for_paypal() { return ($this->calculate_total_for_paypal() + format_price_for_paypal($this->handling) + format_price_for_paypal($this->taxes) + format_price_for_paypal($this->shipping) + format_price_for_paypal($this->packaging)) - format_price_for_paypal($this->discount); } public function calculate_total_for_paypal() { $total = 0; $items = $this->inventories->pluck('pivot'); foreach ($items as $item) { $total += (format_price_for_paypal($item->unit_price) * $item->quantity); } return format_price_for_paypal($total); } /** * Check if the order has been paid * * @return bool */ public function isPaid() { return $this->payment_status >= static::PAYMENT_STATUS_PAID; } /** * Check if the order has been Fulfilled * * @return bool */ public function isFulfilled() { return $this->order_status_id >= static::STATUS_FULFILLED; } /** * Check if the order has been Canceled * * @return bool */ public function isDelivered() { return $this->order_status_id >= static::STATUS_DELIVERED; } /** * Check if the order has been Canceled * * @return bool */ public function isCanceled() { return $this->order_status_id == static::STATUS_CANCELED; } /** * Check if the order has been requested to canceled * * @return bool */ public function hasPendingCancellationRequest() { return !$this->isCanceled() && $this->cancellation && $this->cancellation->isOpen(); } public function hasClosedCancellationRequest() { return $this->cancellation && $this->cancellation->isClosed(); } /** * Check if the order has been archived * * @return bool */ public function isArchived() { return $this->deleted_at !== null; } public function refundedSum() { return $this->refunds->where('status', Refund::STATUS_APPROVED)->sum('amount'); } // Update the goods_received field when customer confirm or change status public function mark_as_goods_received() { return $this->update([ 'order_status_id' => static::STATUS_DELIVERED, 'goods_received' => 1 ]); } // Update the feedback_given field when customer leave feedback for the shop public function feedback_given($feedback_id = null) { return $this->update(['feedback_id' => $feedback_id]); } public function delivery_boy_feedback_given($delivery_boy_feedback_id = null) { return $this->update(['delivery_boy_feedback_id' => $delivery_boy_feedback_id]); } public function markAsFulfilled() { $this->forceFill(['order_status_id' => static::STATUS_FULFILLED])->save(); } /** * Return Tracking Url for the order * * @return str/Null */ public function getTrackingUrl() { if ($this->carrier_id && $this->tracking_id && $this->carrier->tracking_url) { return str_replace('@', $this->tracking_id, $this->carrier->tracking_url); } return null; } /** * Check if the order has been Canceled * * @return bool */ public function canBeCanceled() { $minutes = config('system_settings.can_cancel_order_within'); // Not allowed to cancel if ($minutes === 0) { return false; } // Allowed until fulfilment if ($minutes === null) { return $this->canRequestCancellation(); } return $this->canRequestCancellation() && $this->created_at->addMinutes($minutes) > Carbon::now(); } /** * Check if the order has been Canceled * * @return bool */ public function canRequestCancellation() { return !$this->isCanceled() && !$this->isFulfilled() && !$this->cancellation; } /** * Check if the order is cancellationFeeApplicable * * @return bool */ public function cancellationFeeApplicable() { return $this->isPaid() && can_set_cancellation_fee() && (!config('system_settings.vendor_order_cancellation_fee') || config('system_settings.vendor_order_cancellation_fee') > 0); } /** * Check if the order can be returned * * @return bool */ public function canRequestReturn() { if ($this->cancellation) { return $this->isDelivered() && !$this->cancellation->return_goods; } return $this->isDelivered() && !$this->isCanceled(); } /** * Check if the order has been tracked * * @return bool */ public function canTrack() { return false; // Because the plagin not working return $this->isFulfilled() && $this->tracking_id && !$this->isDelivered(); } /** * Check if this order can still be evaluated * * @return bool */ public function canEvaluate() { // Return if goods are not received yet if (!$this->goods_received) { return false; } // Check if the shop has been rated yet if (!$this->feedback_id) { return true; } // Check if all items are been rated yet foreach ($this->inventories as $item) { if (!$item->pivot->feedback_id) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Render PDF invoice * * @param string $des I => Display on browser, D => Force Download, F => local path save, S => return document as string * @param string $folder_path file path where generated files will be temporarily saved. */ public function invoice($des = 'D', $file_path = null) { // Temporary solution $local = App::getLocale(); // Get current local App::setLocale('en'); // Set local to en $invoiceTo = multi_tag_explode([',', '
'], strip_tags($this->billing_address, '
')); $invoiceTo = array_filter(array_map('trim', $invoiceTo)); array_unshift($invoiceTo, $this->customer->name); $vendorAddress = $this->shop->primaryAddress ?? $this->shop->address; $invoiceFrom = $vendorAddress ? $vendorAddress->toArray() : []; // Replace the address type with vendor shop name $invoiceFrom['address_type'] = $this->shop->legal_name; // Reset the array keys $invoiceFrom = array_values($invoiceFrom); $title = (bool) config('invoice.title') ? config('invoice.title') : trans('invoice.invoice'); $invoice = new PdfInvoice(); // $invoice->AddFont('NotoMono', '', '/fonts/NotoMono/NotoMono-Regular.ttf', true); // $invoice->SetFont('NotoMono', '', 14); $invoice->setColor(config('invoice.color', '#007fff')); // pdf color scheme $invoice->setDocumentSize(config('invoice.size', 'A4')); // set document size $invoice->setType($title); // Invoice Type // Set logo image if exist $logo_path = optional($this->shop->logoImage)->path; if (App::environment('production') && Storage::exists($logo_path)) { $invoice->setLogo(get_storage_file_url($logo_path, null)); } $invoice->setReference($this->order_number); // Reference $invoice->setDate($this->created_at->format('M d, Y')); //Billing Date $invoice->setTime($this->created_at->format('h:i:s A')); //Billing Time // $invoice->setDue(date('M dS ,Y',strtotime('+3 months'))); // Due Date $invoice->setFrom($invoiceFrom); $invoice->setTo($invoiceTo); foreach ($this->inventories as $item) { $item_description = $item->pivot->item_description; if ($this->cancellation && $this->cancellation->isItemInRequest($item->id)) { // continue; $item_description = substr($item_description, 0, 20) . '... [' . trans('theme.' . $this->cancellation->request_type . '_requested') . ' ]'; } $invoice->addItem($item_description, '', $item->pivot->quantity, $item->pivot->unit_price); } $invoice->addSummary(trans('invoice.total'), $this->total); if ($this->taxes) { $invoice->addSummary(trans('invoice.taxes') . ' ' . get_formated_decimal($this->taxrate, true, 2) . '%', $this->taxes); } if ($this->packaging) { $invoice->addSummary(trans('invoice.packaging'), $this->packaging); } if ($this->handling) { $invoice->addSummary(trans('invoice.handling'), $this->handling); } if ($this->shipping) { $invoice->addSummary(trans('invoice.shipping'), $this->shipping); } if ($this->discount) { $invoice->addSummary(trans('invoice.discount'), $this->discount); } $invoice->addSummary(trans('invoice.grand_total'), $this->grand_total, true); $invoice->addBadge($this->paymentStatusName(true)); if (config('invoice.company_info_position') == 'right') { $invoice->flipflop(); } if ($this->message_to_customer) { $invoice->addTitle(trans('invoice.message')); $invoice->addParagraph($this->message_to_customer); } $invoice->setFooternote(get_platform_title() . ' | ' . url('/') . ' | ' . trans('invoice.footer_note')); //render($name = '', $destination = '') $this->Output($destination, $name); //Output($dest='', $name='', $isUTF8=false) switch(strtoupper($dest)) case 'F': // Save to local file // if(!file_put_contents($name,$this->buffer)) // $this->Error('Unable to create output file: '.$name); // break; if ($des == 'F') { $invoice->render($file_path, $des); } else { $invoice->render(get_platform_title() . '-' . $this->order_number . '.pdf', $des); } // Temporary! App::setLocale($local); //Set local to the current local } /** * Cancel the order * * @return void */ public function cancel($partial = false, $cancellation_fee = null) { // Check if the system have selected items to cancel, null means whole order will be canceled $cancelled_items = $this->cancellation ? $this->cancellation->items : null; // Sync up the inventory. Increase the stock of the order items from the listing AdjustQttForCanceledOrder::dispatch($this, $cancelled_items); // Refund into wallet if money goes to admin and wallet is loaded if (!vendor_get_paid_directly() && $this->isPaid() && customer_has_wallet()) { $amount = $this->grand_total; if ($partial) { $amount = DB::table('order_items')->where('order_id', $this->id) ->whereIn('inventory_id', $cancelled_items) ->select(DB::raw('quantity * unit_price AS total')) ->get()->sum('total'); } $cancellation_fee = $cancellation_fee ?? config('system_settings.vendor_order_cancellation_fee'); $this->refundToWallet($amount, $cancellation_fee); } if ($partial) { event(new OrderCancellationRequestApproved($this)); } else { // Update order status $this->order_status_id = static::STATUS_CANCELED; $this->save(); event(new OrderCancelled($this)); } } /** * Mark the order as paid * * @param array $params * @return self */ public function markAsPaid(array $params = []) { $this->payment_status = static::PAYMENT_STATUS_PAID; if ($this->order_status_id < static::STATUS_CONFIRMED) { $this->order_status_id = static::STATUS_CONFIRMED; } if (!empty($params)) { // Set extra values if provided foreach ($params as $field => $value) { $this->{$field} = $value; } } $this->save(); if (is_incevio_package_loaded('wallet')) { if (!vendor_get_paid_directly()) { // Deposit the order amount into vendor's wallet (new \Incevio\Package\Wallet\Services\OrderWalletService)->payVendor($this); } if ($this->customer_id && is_wallet_credit_reward_enabled()) { // Calculate the initiate rewards (new \Incevio\Package\Wallet\Services\OrderWalletService)->initiateReward($this); } } if (is_incevio_package_loaded('affiliate')) { $release_in_days = config('system_settings.affiliate_commission_release_in_days'); if (isset($release_in_days) && $release_in_days === 0) { $this->affiliateCommissions->each(function ($commission) { $commission->markAsPaid(); }); } } if ($this->shop->periodic_sold_amount) { // Update shop's periodic sold amount $this->shop->periodic_sold_amount += $this->total; } $this->shop->total_item_sold += $this->quantity; $this->shop->total_sold_amount += $this->total; $this->shop->save(); event(new OrderPaid($this)); return $this; } /** * Mark the order as unpaid * * @return self */ public function markAsUnpaid() { $this->payment_status = static::PAYMENT_STATUS_UNPAID; if ($this->order_status_id == static::STATUS_CONFIRMED) { $this->order_status_id = static::STATUS_WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT; } $this->save(); if (is_incevio_package_loaded('wallet')) { if (!vendor_get_paid_directly()) { // Reverse the order amount from vendor's wallet (new \Incevio\Package\Wallet\Services\OrderWalletService)->reversal($this); } } event(new OrderUpdated($this)); return $this; } /** * Mark the order as refunded * * @return $this */ public function markAsRefunded() { if ($this->isPaid()) { $this->payment_status = static::PAYMENT_STATUS_REFUNDED; $this->save(); event(new OrderUpdated($this)); } return $this; } /** * Fulfill the order * * @return $this */ public function fulfill(Request $request) { $this->carrier_id = $request->input('carrier_id'); $this->tracking_id = $request->input('tracking_id'); if ($this->order_status_id < static::STATUS_FULFILLED) { $this->order_status_id = static::STATUS_FULFILLED; } $this->save(); if ($this->hasPendingCancellationRequest()) { $this->cancellation->decline(); } event(new OrderFulfilled($this, $request->filled('notify_customer'))); if (config('shop_settings.auto_archive_order') && $this->isPaid()) { $this->archive(); } return $this; } /** * Refund the cancellation value to the customers wallet * * @return void */ private function refundToWallet($amount, $cancellation_fee) { if (!$this->isPaid()) { throw new Exception(trans('exception.order_not_paid_yet')); } if (!customer_has_wallet()) { throw new Exception(trans('exception.customer_wallet_not_enabled')); } $refund = new \Incevio\Package\Wallet\Services\RefundToWallet(); $refund->sender($this->shop) ->receiver($this->customer) ->amount($amount) ->meta([ 'type' => trans('packages.wallet.refund'), 'description' => trans('packages.wallet.refund_of', ['order' => $this->order_number]), ]) ->forceTransfer() ->execute(); // Charge the cancellation fee if ($cancellation_fee && $cancellation_fee > 0) { $meta = [ 'type' => trans('app.cancellation_fee'), 'description' => trans('app.cancellation_fee'), ]; $this->shop->forceWithdraw($cancellation_fee, $meta); } // Update payment status $this->payment_status = $amount < $this->grand_total ? static::PAYMENT_STATUS_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED : static::PAYMENT_STATUS_REFUNDED; $this->save(); } /** * Get Manual Payment Instructions for the order */ public function manualPaymentInstructions() { if ($this->paymentMethod->type == PaymentMethod::TYPE_MANUAL) { if (vendor_get_paid_directly()) { $config = DB::table('config_manual_payments') ->where('shop_id', $this->shop_id) ->where('payment_method_id', $this->payment_method_id) ->select('payment_instructions')->first(); return $config ? $config->payment_instructions : null; } return get_from_option_table('wallet_payment_instructions_' . $this->paymentMethod->code); } return null; } /** * [orderStatus description] * * @param bool $plain [description] * * @return [type] [description] */ public function orderStatus($plain = false) { $order_status = strtoupper(get_order_status_name($this->order_status_id)); if ($plain) { return $order_status; } switch ($this->order_status_id) { case static::STATUS_WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT: case static::STATUS_PAYMENT_ERROR: case static::STATUS_CANCELED: case static::STATUS_RETURNED: return '
' . $order_status . '
'; case static::STATUS_CONFIRMED: case static::STATUS_AWAITING_DELIVERY: return '
' . $order_status . '
'; case static::STATUS_FULFILLED: return '
' . $order_status . '
'; case static::STATUS_DELIVERED: return '
' . $order_status . '
'; } return null; } /** * [paymentStatusName description] * * @param bool $plain [description] * * @return [type] [description] */ public function paymentStatusName($plain = false) { $payment_status = strtoupper(get_payment_status_name($this->payment_status)); if ($plain) { return $payment_status; } switch ($this->payment_status) { case static::PAYMENT_STATUS_UNPAID: case static::PAYMENT_STATUS_REFUNDED: case static::PAYMENT_STATUS_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED: return '
' . $payment_status . '
' . $payment_status . '
'; case static::PAYMENT_STATUS_PAID: return '
' . $payment_status . '
'; } return null; } /**return fulfilment type deliver orders*/ public function deliver() { return $this->fulfilment_type == self::FULFILMENT_TYPE_DELIVER; } /**return fulfilment type pickup orders*/ public function pickup() { return $this->fulfilment_type == self::FULFILMENT_TYPE_PICKUP; } public static function blockWalletOrdersAmountOlderThan() { static::where('order_date', '<', now()->subDays(15)) ->where('blocked', 0) ->update(['blocked' => 1]); } }