15, 't' => 15, 'r' => 15, ]; /* l: Left Side , t: Top Side , r: Right Side */ public $fontSizeProductDescription = 10; /* font size of product description */ public $document; public $type; public $reference; public $logo; public $signature; public $signatureX; public $signatureY; public $color; public $badgeColor; public $date; public $time; public $due; public $from; public $to; public $items; public $totals; public $badge; public $addText; public $footernote; public $dimensions; public $to_lang; public $from_lang; public $display_tofrom = true; protected $displayToFromHeaders = true; protected $columns; public function __construct($size = 'A4', $currency = '$') { $this->items = []; $this->totals = []; $this->addText = []; $this->firstColumnWidth = 70; $this->currency = $currency; $this->maxImageDimensions = [230, 130]; $this->setDocumentSize($size); $this->setColor('#222222'); $this->recalculateColumns(); parent::__construct('P', 'mm', [$this->document['w'], $this->document['h']]); $this->AliasNbPages(); //$this->AddPage(); $this->SetMargins($this->margins['l'], $this->margins['t'], $this->margins['r']); } public function setDocumentSize($dsize) { switch ($dsize) { case 'A4': $document['w'] = 210; $document['h'] = 297; break; case 'letter': $document['w'] = 215.9; $document['h'] = 279.4; break; case 'legal': $document['w'] = 215.9; $document['h'] = 355.6; break; default: $document['w'] = 210; $document['h'] = 297; break; } $this->document = $document; } private function resizeToFit($image) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image); $newWidth = $this->maxImageDimensions[0] / $width; $newHeight = $this->maxImageDimensions[1] / $height; $scale = min($newWidth, $newHeight); return [ round($this->pixelsToMM($scale * $width)), round($this->pixelsToMM($scale * $height)), ]; } private function pixelsToMM($val) { $mm_inch = 25.4; $dpi = 96; return ($val * $mm_inch) / $dpi; } private function hex2rgb($hex) { $hex = str_replace('#', '', $hex); if (strlen($hex) == 3) { $r = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 1) . substr($hex, 0, 1)); $g = hexdec(substr($hex, 1, 1) . substr($hex, 1, 1)); $b = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 1) . substr($hex, 2, 1)); } else { $r = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2)); $g = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2)); $b = hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2)); } $rgb = [$r, $g, $b]; return $rgb; } private function br2nl($string) { return preg_replace('/\
/i', "\n", $string); } public function isValidTimezoneId($zone) { try { new DateTimeZone($zone); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } public function setTimeZone($zone = '') { if (!empty($zone) and $this->isValidTimezoneId($zone) === true) { date_default_timezone_set($zone); } } public function setType($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function setColor($rgbcolor) { $this->color = $this->hex2rgb($rgbcolor); } public function setDate($date) { $this->date = $date; } public function setTime($time) { $this->time = $time; } public function setDue($date) { $this->due = $date; } public function setLogo($logo = 0, $maxWidth = 0, $maxHeight = 0) { if ($maxWidth and $maxHeight) { $this->maxImageDimensions = [$maxWidth, $maxHeight]; } $this->logo = $logo; $this->dimensions = $this->resizeToFit($logo); } public function setSignature($signature = 0, $maxWidth = 0, $maxHeight = 0, $positionX = 0, $positionY = 0) { if ($maxWidth and $maxHeight) { $this->maxImageDimensions = [$maxWidth, $maxHeight]; } $this->signature = $signature; $this->signatureX = $positionX; $this->signatureY = $positionY; $this->dimensions = $this->resizeToFit($signature); } public function hide_tofrom() { $this->display_tofrom = false; } public function hideToFromHeaders() { $this->displayToFromHeaders = false; } public function setFrom($data) { $this->from = $data; } public function setTo($data) { $this->to = $data; } public function setReference($reference) { $this->reference = $reference; } public function setNumberFormat($decimals = '.', $thousands_sep = ',', $alignment = 'left', $space = true) { $this->referenceformat = [$decimals, $thousands_sep, $alignment, $space]; } public function setFontSizeProductDescription($data) { $this->fontSizeProductDescription = $data; } public function setToLang($data) { $this->to_lang = $data; } public function setFromLang($data) { $this->from_lang = $data; } public function flipflop() { $this->flipflop = true; } public function price($price) { $amount = get_formated_decimal($price, false, 2); $currency = get_currency_code(); $space = config('system_settings.show_space_after_symbol') ? ' ' : ''; if (config('system_settings.currency.symbol_first')) { return $currency . $space . $amount; } return $amount . $space . $currency; } // public function addItem($item, $description = "", $quantity, $vat, $price, $discount = 0, $total) // { // $p['item'] = $item; // $p['description'] = $this->br2nl($description); // if ($vat !== false) { // $p['vat'] = $vat; // if (is_numeric($vat)) { // $p['vat'] = $this->price($vat); // } // $this->vatField = true; // $this->recalculateColumns(); // } // $p['quantity'] = $quantity; // $p['price'] = $price; // $p['total'] = $total; // if ($discount !== false) { // $this->firstColumnWidth = 58; // $p['discount'] = $discount; // if (is_numeric($discount)) { // $p['discount'] = $this->price($discount); // } // $this->discountField = true; // $this->recalculateColumns(); // } // $this->items[] = $p; // } public function addItem($item, $description, $quantity, $price) { $p['item'] = $item; $p['description'] = $this->br2nl($description); $p['price'] = $price; $p['quantity'] = $quantity; $p['total'] = $quantity * $price; $this->items[] = $p; } public function addSummary($name, $value = 0, $colored = false) { $t['name'] = $name; $t['value'] = $value; if (is_numeric($value)) { $t['value'] = $this->price($value); } $t['colored'] = $colored; $this->totals[] = $t; } public function addTitle($title) { $this->addText[] = ['title', $title]; } public function addParagraph($paragraph) { $paragraph = $this->br2nl($paragraph); $this->addText[] = ['paragraph', $paragraph]; } public function addBadge($badge, $color = false) { $this->badge = $badge; if ($color) { $this->badgeColor = $this->hex2rgb($color); } else { $this->badgeColor = $this->color; } } public function setFooternote($note) { $this->footernote = $note; } public function render($name = '', $destination = '') { $this->AddPage(); $this->Body(); $this->AliasNbPages(); return $this->Output($destination, $name); } public function Header() { if (isset($this->logo) and !empty($this->logo)) { $imageType = exif_imagetype($this->logo); if ($imageType === IMAGETYPE_WEBP) { // Create a new image from the WebP contents $image = \Image::make($this->logo); // // Convert the image to PNG format $image->encode('png'); // // Generate a unique filename for the PNG image $filename = 'logo' . '.png'; // // Save the PNG image to the public/images directory $filePath = 'public/images/' . $filename; Storage::put($filePath, $image->getEncoded()); $this->logo = Storage::url($filePath); } $this->Image( $this->logo, $this->margins['l'], $this->margins['t'], $this->dimensions[0], $this->dimensions[1] ); } //Title $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $this->SetFont($this->font, 'B', 20); if (isset($this->title) and !empty($this->title)) { $this->Cell(0, 5, $this->str_iconv($this->title, true), 0, 1, 'R'); } $this->SetFont($this->font, '', 9); $this->Ln(5); $lineheight = 5; //Calculate position of strings $this->SetFont($this->font, 'B', 9); $positionX = $this->document['w'] - $this->margins['l'] - $this->margins['r'] - max( mb_strtoupper($this->GetStringWidth(trans('invoice.number'), self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT)), mb_strtoupper($this->GetStringWidth(trans('invoice.date'), self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT)), mb_strtoupper($this->GetStringWidth(trans('invoice.due'), self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT)) ) - 35; //Number if (!empty($this->reference)) { $this->Cell($positionX, $lineheight); $this->SetTextColor($this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->color[2]); $this->Cell(32, $lineheight, $this->str_iconv(trans('invoice.number'), true) . ':', 0, 0, 'L'); $this->SetTextColor(50, 50, 50); $this->SetFont($this->font, '', 9); $this->Cell(0, $lineheight, $this->reference, 0, 1, 'R'); } //Date $this->Cell($positionX, $lineheight); $this->SetFont($this->font, 'B', 9); $this->SetTextColor($this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->color[2]); $this->Cell(32, $lineheight, $this->str_iconv(trans('invoice.date'), true) . ':', 0, 0, 'L'); $this->SetTextColor(50, 50, 50); $this->SetFont($this->font, '', 9); $this->Cell(0, $lineheight, $this->date, 0, 1, 'R'); //Time if (!empty($this->time)) { $this->Cell($positionX, $lineheight); $this->SetFont($this->font, 'B', 9); $this->SetTextColor($this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->color[2]); $this->Cell( 32, $lineheight, $this->str_iconv(trans('invoice.time'), true) . ':', 0, 0, 'L' ); $this->SetTextColor(50, 50, 50); $this->SetFont($this->font, '', 9); $this->Cell(0, $lineheight, $this->time, 0, 1, 'R'); } //Due date if (!empty($this->due)) { $this->Cell($positionX, $lineheight); $this->SetFont($this->font, 'B', 9); $this->SetTextColor($this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->color[2]); $this->Cell(32, $lineheight, $this->str_iconv(trans('invoice.due'), true) . ':', 0, 0, 'L'); $this->SetTextColor(50, 50, 50); $this->SetFont($this->font, '', 9); $this->Cell(0, $lineheight, $this->due, 0, 1, 'R'); } // First page if ($this->PageNo() == 1) { // \Log::info('1111'); $ymargin = $this->GetY() + 10; if (isset($this->margins['t']) && isset($this->dimensions[1])) { if (($this->margins['t'] + $this->dimensions[1]) > $this->GetY()) { $ymargin = $this->margins['t'] + $this->dimensions[1] + 5; } } $this->SetY($ymargin); $this->Ln(5); $this->SetFillColor($this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->color[2]); $this->SetTextColor($this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->color[2]); $this->SetDrawColor($this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->color[2]); $this->SetFont($this->font, 'B', 10); $width = ($this->document['w'] - $this->margins['l'] - $this->margins['r']) / 2; $to_lang = $this->to_lang ?? trans('invoice.to'); $from_lang = $this->from_lang ?? trans('invoice.from'); if (isset($this->flipflop)) { $to_lang = trans('invoice.from'); $from_lang = trans('invoice.to'); $to = $this->to; $from = $this->from; $this->to = $from; $this->from = $to; } if ($this->display_tofrom === true) { if ($this->displayToFromHeaders === true) { $this->Cell($width, $lineheight, $this->str_iconv($from_lang, true), 0, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(0, $lineheight, $this->str_iconv($to_lang, true), 0, 0, 'L'); $this->Ln(7); $this->SetLineWidth(0.4); $this->Line($this->margins['l'], $this->GetY(), $this->margins['l'] + $width - 10, $this->GetY()); $this->Line( $this->margins['l'] + $width, $this->GetY(), $this->margins['l'] + $width + $width, $this->GetY() ); } else { $this->Ln(2); } //Information $this->Ln(5); $this->SetTextColor(50, 50, 50); $this->SetFont($this->font, 'B', 10); $this->Cell($width, $lineheight, $this->from[0] ?? '', 0, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(0, $lineheight, $this->str_iconv($this->to[0] ?? ''), 0, 0, 'L'); $this->SetFont($this->font, '', 8); $this->SetTextColor(100, 100, 100); $this->Ln(7); for ($i = 1, $iMax = max($this->from === null ? 0 : count($this->from), $this->to === null ? 0 : count($this->to)); $i < $iMax; $i++) { // check if the TO or FROM array value is not empty. $to = isset($this->to[$i]) ? $this->to[$i] : ''; $from = isset($this->from[$i]) ? $this->from[$i] : ''; $this->Cell($width, $lineheight, $this->str_iconv($from), 0, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(0, $lineheight, $this->str_iconv($to), 0, 0, 'L'); $this->Ln(5); } $this->Ln(-6); $this->Ln(5); } else { $this->Ln(-10); } } //Table header if (!isset($this->productsEnded)) { $width_other = ($this->document['w'] - $this->margins['l'] - $this->margins['r'] - $this->firstColumnWidth - ($this->columns * $this->columnSpacing)) / ($this->columns - 1); $this->SetTextColor(50, 50, 50); $this->Ln(12); $this->SetFont($this->font, 'B', 9); $this->Cell(1, 10, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->Cell( $this->firstColumnWidth, 10, $this->str_iconv(trans('invoice.description'), true), 0, 0, 'L', 0 ); $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, 10, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->Cell($width_other, 10, $this->str_iconv(trans('invoice.qty'), true), 0, 0, 'C', 0); if (isset($this->vatField)) { $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, 10, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->Cell( $width_other, 10, $this->str_iconv(trans('invoice.vat'), true), 0, 0, 'C', 0 ); } $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, 10, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->Cell($width_other, 10, $this->str_iconv(trans('invoice.price'), true), 0, 0, 'C', 0); if (isset($this->discountField)) { $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, 10, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->Cell( $width_other, 10, $this->str_iconv(trans('invoice.discount'), true), 0, 0, 'C', 0 ); } $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, 10, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->Cell($width_other, 10, $this->str_iconv(trans('invoice.total'), true), 0, 0, 'C', 0); $this->Ln(); $this->SetLineWidth(0.3); $this->SetDrawColor($this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->color[2]); $this->Line($this->margins['l'], $this->GetY(), $this->document['w'] - $this->margins['r'], $this->GetY()); $this->Ln(2); } else { $this->Ln(12); } } public function Body() { $width_other = ($this->document['w'] - $this->margins['l'] - $this->margins['r'] - $this->firstColumnWidth - ($this->columns * $this->columnSpacing)) / ($this->columns - 1); $cellHeight = 8; $bgcolor = (1 - $this->columnOpacity) * 255; if ($this->items) { foreach ($this->items as $item) { if ((empty($item['item'])) || (empty($item['description']))) { $this->Ln($this->columnSpacing); } if ($item['description']) { //Precalculate height $calculateHeight = new self; $calculateHeight->addPage(); $calculateHeight->setXY(0, 0); $calculateHeight->SetFont($this->font, '', 7); $calculateHeight->MultiCell( $this->firstColumnWidth, 3, $this->str_iconv($item['description']), 0, 'L', 1 ); $descriptionHeight = $calculateHeight->getY() + $cellHeight + 2; $pageHeight = $this->document['h'] - $this->GetY() - $this->margins['t'] - $this->margins['t']; if ($pageHeight < 35) { $this->AddPage(); } } $cHeight = $cellHeight; $this->SetFont($this->font, 'b', 8); $this->SetTextColor(50, 50, 50); $this->SetFillColor($bgcolor, $bgcolor, $bgcolor); $this->Cell(1, $cHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 1); $x = $this->GetX(); $this->Cell( $this->firstColumnWidth, $cHeight, $this->str_iconv($item['item']), 0, 0, 'L', 1 ); if ($item['description']) { $resetX = $this->GetX(); $resetY = $this->GetY(); $this->SetTextColor(120, 120, 120); $this->SetXY($x, $this->GetY() + 8); $this->SetFont($this->font, '', $this->fontSizeProductDescription); $this->MultiCell( $this->firstColumnWidth, floor($this->fontSizeProductDescription / 2), $this->str_iconv($item['description']), 0, 'L', 1 ); //Calculate Height $newY = $this->GetY(); $cHeight = $newY - $resetY + 2; //Make our spacer cell the same height $this->SetXY($x - 1, $resetY); $this->Cell(1, $cHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 1); //Draw empty cell $this->SetXY($x, $newY); $this->Cell($this->firstColumnWidth, 2, '', 0, 0, 'L', 1); $this->SetXY($resetX, $resetY); } $this->SetTextColor(50, 50, 50); $this->SetFont($this->font, '', 8); $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, $cHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->Cell($width_other, $cHeight, $item['quantity'], 0, 0, 'C', 1); if (isset($this->vatField)) { $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, $cHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); if (isset($item['vat'])) { $this->Cell($width_other, $cHeight, iconv(self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT, self::ICONV_CHARSET_OUTPUT_B, $item['vat']), 0, 0, 'C', 1); } else { $this->Cell($width_other, $cHeight, '', 0, 0, 'C', 1); } } $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, $cHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->Cell($width_other, $cHeight, iconv(self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT, self::ICONV_CHARSET_OUTPUT_B, $this->price($item['price'])), 0, 0, 'C', 1); if (isset($this->discountField)) { $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, $cHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); if (isset($item['discount'])) { $this->Cell( $width_other, $cHeight, iconv(self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT, self::ICONV_CHARSET_OUTPUT_B, $item['discount']), 0, 0, 'C', 1 ); } else { $this->Cell($width_other, $cHeight, '', 0, 0, 'C', 1); } } $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, $cHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->Cell($width_other, $cHeight, iconv(self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT, self::ICONV_CHARSET_OUTPUT_B, $this->price($item['total'])), 0, 0, 'C', 1); $this->Ln(); $this->Ln($this->columnSpacing); } } //#SingatureO if (isset($this->signature) and !empty($this->signature)) { $this->Image( $this->signature, $this->signatureX, $this->signatureY, $this->dimensions[0], $this->dimensions[1] ); } $badgeX = $this->getX(); $badgeY = $this->getY(); //Add totals if ($this->totals) { foreach ($this->totals as $total) { $this->SetTextColor(50, 50, 50); $this->SetFillColor($bgcolor, $bgcolor, $bgcolor); $this->Cell(1 + $this->firstColumnWidth, $cellHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->columns - 3; $i++) { $this->Cell($width_other, $cellHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, $cellHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); } $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, $cellHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); if ($total['colored']) { $this->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); $this->SetFillColor($this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->color[2]); } $this->SetFont($this->font, 'b', 8); $this->Cell(1, $cellHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 1); $this->Cell( $width_other - 1, $cellHeight, iconv(self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT, self::ICONV_CHARSET_OUTPUT_B, $total['name']), 0, 0, 'L', 1 ); $this->Cell($this->columnSpacing, $cellHeight, '', 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->SetFont($this->font, 'b', 8); $this->SetFillColor($bgcolor, $bgcolor, $bgcolor); if ($total['colored']) { $this->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); $this->SetFillColor($this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->color[2]); } $this->Cell($width_other, $cellHeight, iconv(self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT, self::ICONV_CHARSET_OUTPUT_B, $total['value']), 0, 0, 'C', 1); $this->Ln(); $this->Ln($this->columnSpacing); } } $this->productsEnded = true; $this->Ln(); $this->Ln(3); //Badge if ($this->badge) { $badge = ' ' . mb_strtoupper($this->badge, self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT) . ' '; $resetX = $this->getX(); $resetY = $this->getY(); $this->setXY($badgeX, $badgeY + 15); $this->SetLineWidth(0.4); $this->SetDrawColor($this->badgeColor[0], $this->badgeColor[1], $this->badgeColor[2]); $this->setTextColor($this->badgeColor[0], $this->badgeColor[1], $this->badgeColor[2]); $this->SetFont($this->font, 'b', 15); $this->Rotate(10, $this->getX(), $this->getY()); $this->Rect($this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), $this->GetStringWidth($badge) + 2, 10); $this->Write(10, iconv(self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT, self::ICONV_CHARSET_OUTPUT_B, mb_strtoupper($badge, self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT))); $this->Rotate(0); if ($resetY > $this->getY() + 20) { $this->setXY($resetX, $resetY); } else { $this->Ln(18); } } //Add information foreach ($this->addText as $text) { if ($text[0] == 'title') { $this->SetFont($this->font, 'b', 9); $this->SetTextColor(50, 50, 50); $this->Cell(0, 10, $this->str_iconv($text[1], true), 0, 0, 'L', 0); $this->Ln(); $this->SetLineWidth(0.3); $this->SetDrawColor($this->color[0], $this->color[1], $this->color[2]); $this->Line( $this->margins['l'], $this->GetY(), $this->document['w'] - $this->margins['r'], $this->GetY() ); $this->Ln(4); } if ($text[0] == 'paragraph') { $this->SetTextColor(80, 80, 80); $this->SetFont($this->font, '', 8); $this->MultiCell(0, 4, $this->str_iconv($text[1]), 0, 'L', 0); $this->Ln(4); } } } public function Footer() { $this->SetY(-$this->margins['t']); $this->SetFont($this->font, '', 8); $this->SetTextColor(50, 50, 50); $this->Cell(0, 10, $this->footernote, 0, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell( 0, 10, iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', trans('invoice.page')) . ' ' . $this->PageNo() . ' ' . trans('invoice.page_of') . ' {nb}', 0, 0, 'R' ); } public function Rotate($angle, $x = -1, $y = -1) { if ($x == -1) { $x = $this->x; } if ($y == -1) { $y = $this->y; } if ($this->angle != 0) { $this->_out('Q'); } $this->angle = $angle; if ($angle != 0) { $angle *= M_PI / 180; $c = cos($angle); $s = sin($angle); $cx = $x * $this->k; $cy = ($this->h - $y) * $this->k; $this->_out(sprintf( 'q %.5F %.5F %.5F %.5F %.2F %.2F cm 1 0 0 1 %.2F %.2F cm', $c, $s, -$s, $c, $cx, $cy, -$cx, -$cy )); } } public function _endpage() { if ($this->angle != 0) { $this->angle = 0; $this->_out('Q'); } parent::_endpage(); } private function recalculateColumns() { $this->columns = 4; if (isset($this->vatField)) { $this->columns += 1; } if (isset($this->discountField)) { $this->columns += 1; } } private function str_iconv($str = '', $toupper = false) { $str = $toupper ? mb_strtoupper($str, self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT) : $str; return iconv(self::ICONV_CHARSET_INPUT, self::ICONV_CHARSET_OUTPUT_A, $str); } }