'fa-file-audio-o', 'mp3' => 'fa-file-audio-o', 'mp4' => 'fa-file-video-o', 'video' => 'fa-file-video-o', 'swf' => 'fa-film', 'image' => 'fa-file-image-o', 'gif' => 'fa-file-image-o', 'jpg' => 'fa-file-image-o', 'jpeg' => 'fa-file-image-o', 'png' => 'fa-file-image-o', 'pdf' => 'fa-file-pdf-o', 'text' => 'fa-file-text-o', 'txt' => 'fa-file-text-o', 'word' => 'fa-file-word-o', 'doc' => 'fa-file-word-o', 'docx' => 'fa-file-word-o', 'ppt' => 'fa-file-powerpoint-o', 'pptx' => 'fa-file-powerpoint-o', 'xls' => 'fa-file-excel-o', 'xlsx' => 'fa-file-excel-o', 'excel' => 'fa-file-excel-o', 'csv' => 'fa-file-excel-o', 'flv' => 'fa-film', 'avi' => 'fa-file-video-o', 'wmv' => 'fa-file-video-o', 'asf' => 'fa-file-video-o', 'mov' => 'fa-file-video-o', 'webm' => 'fa-file-video-o', 'm4v' => 'fa-file-video-o', 'ogg' => 'fa-file-video-o', 'ogv' => 'fa-file-video-o', 'mkv' => 'fa-file-video-o', '3gp' => 'fa-file-video-o', 'zip' => 'fa-file-archive-o', 'rar' => 'fa-file-archive-o', ]; if (in_array($ext, array_keys($icons))) { $icon = $icons[$ext]; } return '
'; } } if (! function_exists('checkFileValidation')) { /** * Check File Validation * * @param string $ext * @param int $type * @return bool */ function checkFileValidation($ext, $type = 0) { return in_array(strtolower($ext), getFileExtensions($type)) ? true : false; } } if (! function_exists('fetchAllFileExtensions')) { /** * Fetch File Extensions * * @return array */ function fetchAllFileExtensions() { $extensions = preference('file_extension'); return ! empty($extensions) ? json_decode($extensions, true) : [__('No Extension Available')]; } } if (! function_exists('checkNullExtension')) { /** * Check Null Extension * * @return array */ function checkNullExtension($data) { return $data == null ? [__('No Extension Available')] : $data; } } if (! function_exists('getFileExtensions')) { /** * Get File Extensions * * @param int $type * @return array */ function getFileExtensions($type = 0) { $extensions = [ 0 => fetchAllFileExtensions(), 1 => ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'doc', 'docx', 'pdf'], 2 => ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'], 3 => ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp'], 4 => ['ico'], 5 => ['doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'csv', 'pdf', 'mp4', '3gp', 'zip'], 6 => ['mp4', 'mkv', 'webm', 'mov', 'ogg', 'avi', 'flv', 'mpeg'], ]; return $extensions[$type]; } } if (! function_exists('nameConversion')) { /** * Name Conversion * * @param string $fileName * @return string */ function nameConversion($fileName) { if (strlen($fileName) > 20) { $charStart = substr($fileName, 0, 12); $charEnd = substr($fileName, -7); $fileName = $charStart . '...' . $charEnd; } return $fileName; } } if (! function_exists('getSVGFlag')) { /** * Get SVG Flag * * @param string $code * @return string */ function getSVGFlag($code = 'en') { $code = strtolower($code); $flags = [ 'ar' => 'sa', 'zh' => 'cn', 'en' => 'gb', 'hn' => 'in', 'rs' => 'ru', 'bn' => 'bd', 'ur' => 'pk', 'cs' => 'cz', 'zu' => 'za', 'aa' => 'dj', 'am' => 'et', 'ab' => 'ru', 'as' => 'in', 'ay' => 'bo', 'ba' => 'ru', 'ba' => 'ru', 'bh' => 'in', 'bi' => 'vu', 'br' => 'fr', 'ca' => 'es', 'co' => 'fr', 'cy' => 'gb', 'da' => 'dk', 'dz' => 'bt', 'el' => 'gr', 'et' => 'ee', 'fa' => 'ir', 'fy' => 'nl', 'ga' => 'ie', 'gd' => 'gb-sct', 'gn' => 'py', 'gu' => 'in', 'ha' => 'ne', 'hi' => 'in', 'hy' => 'am', 'in' => 'id', 'iw' => 'il', 'ja' => 'jp', 'ka' => 'ge', 'kk' => 'kz', 'kl' => 'gl', 'km' => 'kh', 'kn' => 'in', 'ko' => 'kr', 'ku' => 'iq', 'ky' => 'kg', 'la' => 'va', 'ln' => 'ca', 'mi' => 'nz', 'ml' => 'in', 'mo' => 'md', 'mr' => 'in', 'ms' => 'bn', 'my' => 'mm', 'ne' => 'np', 'oc' => 'es-ct', 'om' => 'et', 'pa' => 'in', 'ps' => 'af', 'rm' => 'ch', 'rn' => 'bl', 'sd' => 'pk', 'sg' => 'cf', 'sh' => 'rs', 'sl' => 'si', 'si' => 'lk', 'sm' => 'ws', 'sn' => 'zw', 'sq' => 'al', 'sr' => 'rs', 'ss' => 'sz', 'st' => 'ls', 'su' => 'id', 'sv' => 'se', 'sw' => 'tz', 'ta' => 'in', 'te' => 'in', 'tg' => 'tj', 'ti' => 'er', 'tk' => 'tm', 'tl' => 'ph', 'tn' => 'bw', 'tw' => 'gh', 'uk' => 'ua', 'ur' => 'pk', 'vi' => 'vn', 'wo' => 'sn', 'xh' => 'za', 'yo' => 'ng', ]; if (in_array($code, array_keys($flags))) { return $flags[$code]; } return $code; } } if (! function_exists('createDirectory')) { /** * create directory method * The a directory by the given path if not exists * * @param string $path * @param int $permission * @return $path */ function createDirectory($path = '', $permission = null) { if (empty($path)) { return $path; } $permission = empty($permission) ? config('app.filePermission') : $permission; if (! file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path, $permission, true); } return $path; } } if (! function_exists('printPDF')) { /** * Print PDF * * @param object $data * @param string $filename * @param string $template * @param view $renderView * @param string|null $type * @param string|null $pdfVal * @return response */ function printPDF($data, $filename, $template, $renderView, $type = null, $pdfVal = null) { if ($pdfVal == 'email') { $pdf = PDF::loadView($template, $data); $pdf->setPaper(json_decode(preference('invoice'))?->general?->page_size ?? 'A4', 'portrait'); return file_put_contents($filename, $pdf->output()); } else { Pdf::setOption(['isHtml5ParserEnabled' => true]); $pdf = PDF::loadView($template, $data); $pdf->setPaper(json_decode(preference('invoice'))?->general?->page_size ?? 'A4', 'portrait'); return (! empty($type) && $type == 'print') ? $pdf->stream($filename, ['Attachment' => 0]) : $pdf->download($filename, ['Attachment' => 0]); } } } if (! function_exists('initializeMpdf')) { /** * Initialize Mpdf * * @return object */ function initializeMpdf(array $options = []) { $path = createDirectory('public/datta-able/pdf'); $defaultConfig = (new Mpdf\Config\ConfigVariables())->getDefaults(); $fontDirs = $defaultConfig['fontDir']; $defaultFontConfig = (new Mpdf\Config\FontVariables())->getDefaults(); $fontData = $defaultFontConfig['fontdata']; $mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf([ 'tempDir' => $path, 'mode' => 'utf-8', 'format' => 'A4', 'orientation' => 'P', 'fontDir' => array_merge($fontDirs, [public_path('datta-able/pdf/fonts/')]), 'fontdata' => $fontData + [ 'nikosh' => [ 'R' => 'Nikosh.ttf', 'useOTL' => 0xFF, ], ], 'default_font' => 'nikosh', ]); $mpdf->autoScriptToLang = true; $mpdf->autoLangToFont = true; $mpdf->allow_charset_conversion = false; return $mpdf; } } if (! function_exists('getPdfFont')) { /** * Get Pdf Font * * @return array */ function getPdfFont() { $fontFamily = []; $languageShortCode = config('app.locale'); switch ($languageShortCode) { case 'ar': $fontFamily['name'] = 'Tajawal' . ', sans-serif'; $fontFamily['link'] = asset('public/dist/fonts/tajawal.css?v1'); break; default: $fontFamily['name'] = 'Helvetica Neue' . ', sans-serif'; $fontFamily['link'] = '#'; break; } return $fontFamily; } } if (! function_exists('maxFileSize')) { /** * maxFileSize * * @param int $fileSize * @return string */ function maxFileSize($fileSize) { $data = []; $maxFileSize = preference('file_size'); if (isset($maxFileSize) && ! empty($maxFileSize)) { $maxFileSize = (int) $maxFileSize; if (($fileSize / 1024) <= $maxFileSize * 1024) { $data['status'] = 1; } elseif (($fileSize / 1024) > $maxFileSize * 1024) { $data['status'] = 0; $data['message'] = __('Maximum File Size :x MB.', ['x' => $maxFileSize]); } return $data; } } } if (! function_exists('readCSVFile')) { /** * Read a CSV file and return data as array * * @param string $csvFile csv file path * @return array */ function readCSVFile($csvFile, $associative = false, $delimeter = ',') { if (! file_exists($csvFile) || ! is_readable($csvFile)) { return false; } $row = 1; $handle = fopen($csvFile, 'r'); $out = []; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, $delimeter)) !== false) { $out[($row - 1)] = $data; $row++; } fclose($handle); if ($associative) { $headers = array_map('trim', array_shift($out)); $asso = []; foreach ($out as $i => &$item) { foreach ($item as $j => &$value) { $asso[$i][$headers[$j]] = $value; } } $out = $asso; } return $out; } } if (! function_exists('getBackgroundImage')) { /** * Convert back slash to forward * Common uses for background image * * @param string $url * @return string */ function getBackgroundImage($url) { return urlSlashReplace($url); } } if (! function_exists('domPdfImageSource')) { /** * Convert Image source for dompdf * Common uses for dompdf * * @param string $url * @return string */ function domPdfImageSource($url, $type = 'image/png') { return 'data:' . $type . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($url)); } }