'datetime', 'ending_time' => 'datetime', // 'partial_use' => 'boolean', // 'exclude_offer_items' => 'boolean', // 'limited' => 'boolean', // 'exclude_tax_n_shipping' => 'boolean', 'active' => 'boolean', ]; /** * The attributes that are mass assignable. * * @var array */ protected $fillable = [ 'shop_id', 'name', 'code', 'description', 'value', 'min_order_amount', 'type', 'quantity', 'quantity_per_customer', 'starting_time', 'ending_time', // 'partial_use', // 'limited', // 'exclude_offer_items', // 'exclude_tax_n_shipping', 'active', ]; /** * Get the Shop associated with the Coupon. */ public function shop() { return $this->belongsTo(Shop::class); } /** * Get the customers for the coupon. */ public function customers() { return $this->belongsToMany(Customer::class)->withTimestamps(); } /** * Get the shippingZones for the coupon. */ public function shippingZones() { return $this->belongsToMany(ShippingZone::class)->withTimestamps(); } /** * Get the orders used the coupon. */ public function orders() { return $this->hasMany(Order::class)->withTrashed(); } /** * Get the user orders. */ public function customerOrders($customer = null) { $customer = $this->getLoggedinCustomerId($customer); return $this->hasMany(Order::class)->where('customer_id', $customer)->withTrashed(); } /** * Check if the coupon is Live or in valid period * * @return bool */ public function isLive() { return $this->starting_time < Carbon::now() && $this->ending_time > Carbon::now(); } /** * Check if the coupon is Limited * * @return bool */ public function isLimited() { return $this->forLimitedCustomer() || $this->forLimitedZone(); } /** * Check if the coupon is Limited Customers * * @return bool */ public function forLimitedCustomer() { return $this->customers->isNotEmpty(); } /** * Check if the coupon is Limited Shipping zone * * @return bool */ public function forLimitedZone() { return $this->shippingZones->isNotEmpty(); } /** * Check if the coupon is Usable * * @return bool */ public function isValidCustomer($customer = null) { if (!$this->forLimitedCustomer()) { return true; } $customer = $this->getLoggedinCustomerId($customer); return in_array($customer, $this->customers->pluck('id')->toArray()); } /** * Check if the coupon is Usable * * @return bool */ public function isValidZone($zone = null) { if (!$this->forLimitedZone()) { return true; } return $zone && in_array($zone, $this->shippingZones->pluck('id')->toArray()); } /** * Check if the coupon ihasQtt * * @return bool */ public function hasQtt() { $count = $this->orders_count ?? $this->orders()->count(); $customer_count = $this->customer_orders_count ?? $this->customerOrders()->count(); return $this->quantity > $this->count && $this->quantity_per_customer > $customer_count; } /** * Check if the coupon is Active * * @return bool */ public function isActive() { return $this->active == 1; } /** * Check if the coupon has a minimum order amount value * * @return bool */ public function passMinAmount($total) { return $this->min_order_amount == null || $total >= $this->min_order_amount; } /** * Check if the coupon is Active * * @return bool */ public function isValidForTheCart(Cart $cart) { // $customer = $this->getLoggedinCustomerId($customer); return $this->passMinAmount($cart->total) && $this->isActive() && $this->isLive() && $this->isValidCustomer($cart->customer_id) && $this->isValidZone($cart->shipping_zone_id) && $this->hasQtt(); } /** * Setters */ public function setQuantityAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['quantity'] = $value > 1 ? $value : 1; } public function setQuantityPerCustomerAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['quantity_per_customer'] = $value > 1 ? $value : 1; } public function setStartingTimeAttribute($value) { if ($value) { $this->attributes['starting_time'] = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d h:i a', $value); } } public function setEndingTimeAttribute($value) { if ($value) { $this->attributes['ending_time'] = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d h:i a', $value); } } /** * Getters */ public function getCustomerListAttribute() { if (count($this->customers)) { return $this->customers->pluck('id')->toArray(); } } public function getZoneListAttribute() { if (count($this->shippingZones)) { return $this->shippingZones->pluck('id')->toArray(); } } /** * Scope a query to only include active records. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeActive($query) { return $query->where('active', 1); } /** * Scope a query to only include valid records. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeValid($query) { return $query->where('active', 1)->where('starting_time', '<', Carbon::now()) ->where('ending_time', '>', Carbon::now()); } public function getFormatedAmountText() { return $this->type == 'amount' ? get_formated_currency($this->value) : get_formated_decimal($this->value) . '%'; } public function validityText($plain = false) { $now = Carbon::now(); $ending_time = $this->ending_time->format('M j, g:i a'); $starting_time = $this->starting_time->format('M j, g:i a'); if ($this->ending_time < $now) { return $plain ? trans('theme.expired_at') . ': ' . $ending_time : '
' . trans('theme.expired_at') . ': ' . $ending_time . '
'; } if ($this->starting_time < $now) { return $plain ? trans('theme.use_before') . ': ' . $ending_time : '
' . trans('theme.use_before') . ':' . '
' . $ending_time; } if ($this->starting_time > $now) { return $plain ? trans('theme.use_between') . ': ' . $starting_time . ' ' . trans('theme.and') . ' ' . $ending_time : '
' . trans('theme.use_between') . ':' . '
' . $starting_time . '
' . '
' . trans('theme.and') . '
' . $ending_time; } return $plain ? trans('theme.invalid') : '
' . trans('theme.invalid') . '
'; } private function getLoggedinCustomerId($customer = null) { if (Auth::guard('customer')->check()) { $customer = Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id; } elseif (Auth::guard('api')->check()) { $customer = Auth::guard('api')->user()->id; } return $customer; } }