'datetime', 'active' => 'boolean', 'hide_trial_notice' => 'boolean', 'payment_verified' => 'boolean', 'id_verified' => 'boolean', 'phone_verified' => 'boolean', 'address_verified' => 'boolean', ]; /** * The name that will be used when log this model. (optional) * * @var string */ protected static $logName = 'shop'; /** * Record events only * * @var array */ protected static $recordEvents = ['updated']; /** * The name that will be ignored when log this model. * * @var array */ protected static $ignoreChangedAttributes = [ 'stripe_id', 'card_brand', 'card_holder_name', 'trial_ends_at', 'hide_trial_notice', 'updated_at', ]; /** * The attributes that are mass assignable. * * @var array */ protected $fillable = [ 'owner_id', 'name', 'legal_name', 'email', 'slug', 'description', 'external_url', 'timezone_id', 'current_billing_plan', 'stripe_id', 'card_holder_name', 'card_brand', 'card_last_four', 'trial_ends_at', 'custom_subscription_fee', 'commission_rate', 'hide_trial_notice', 'active', 'payment_verified', 'id_verified', 'phone_verified', 'address_verified', 'total_item_sold', 'total_sold_amount', 'total_reward_given', 'pay_to', 'fb_page_id', 'extra_info', ]; private $translationExists = []; /** * The boot method for the Shop model. * * This method is called when the Shop model is being booted. * It adds a global scope to the model to include translations based on the current locale. * * @return void */ protected static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::addGlobalScope('withTranslations', function (Builder $builder) { $builder->with(['translations' => function ($query) { $query->where('lang', app()->getLocale())->whereNotNull('translation'); }]); }); } /** * Get the user that owns the shop. */ public function owner() { return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'owner_id')->withTrashed(); } /** * Get the staffs for the shop. */ public function staffs() { return $this->hasMany(User::class)->withTrashed(); } /** * Get the delivery boys for the shop. */ public function deliveryBoys() { return $this->hasMany(DeliveryBoy::class)->withTrashed(); } /** * Get the config for the shop. */ public function config() { return $this->hasOne(Config::class); } /** * Get current subscription plan of the shop. */ public function plan() { return $this->belongsTo(SubscriptionPlan::class, 'current_billing_plan', 'plan_id') ->withDefault(); } /** * Get banners for the shop. */ public function banners() { return $this->hasMany(Banner::class); } /** * Get warehouses for the shop. */ public function warehouses() { return $this->hasMany(Warehouse::class); } /** * Get the ShippingZones for the shop. */ public function shippingZones() { return $this->hasMany(ShippingZone::class); } /** * Get the carriers for the shop. */ public function carriers() { return $this->hasMany(Carrier::class); } /** * Get the products for the shop. */ public function products() { return $this->hasMany(Product::class); } /** * Get the inventories for the shop. */ public function inventories() { return $this->hasMany(Inventory::class); } /** * Get the orders for the shop. */ public function orders() { return $this->hasMany(Order::class); } /** * Get sold items count. * * @return int */ public function soldItemsCount() { return $this->orders->sum('pivot.quantity'); } /** * Get the carts for the shop. */ public function carts() { return $this->hasMany(Cart::class); } /** * Get the coupons for the customer. */ public function coupons() { return $this->belongsToMany(Coupon::class)->withTimestamps(); } /** * Get the user gift_cards. */ public function gift_cards() { return $this->hasMany(GiftCard::class); } /** * Get the shippingMethods for the shop. */ public function shippingMethods() { return $this->belongsToMany(shippingMethod::class, 'shop_shipping_methods', 'shop_id', 'shipping_method_id') ->orderBy('order')->withTimestamps(); } /** * Get the paymentMethods for the shop. */ public function paymentMethods() { return $this->belongsToMany(PaymentMethod::class, 'shop_payment_methods', 'shop_id', 'payment_method_id') ->orderBy('order')->withTimestamps(); } /** * Get the taxes for the shop. */ public function taxes() { return $this->hasMany(Tax::class); } public function translations() { return $this->hasMany(ShopTranslation::class); } /** * Get the suppliers for the product. */ public function suppliers() { return $this->hasMany(Supplier::class); } /** * Get the packagings for the product. */ public function packagings() { return $this->hasMany(\Incevio\Package\Packaging\Models\Packaging::class); } /** * Get the activePackagings for the product. */ public function activePackagings() { return $this->hasMany(\Incevio\Package\Packaging\Models\Packaging::class) ->where('active', 1); } /** * Get the defaultPackaging for the product. */ public function defaultPackaging() { return $this->hasOne(\Incevio\Package\Packaging\Models\Packaging::class) ->where('default', 1)->withDefault(); } public function revenue() { return $this->hasMany(Order::class) ->selectRaw('SUM(total) as total, shop_id') ->groupBy('shop_id'); } /** * Calculate the lifetime value of the vendor */ public function getLifetimeValueAttribute() { $amount = 0; if ($revenue = $this->revenue->first()) { $amount = $revenue['total'] ? round($revenue['total']) : $amount; } return get_formated_currency($amount, 2, config('system_settings.currency.id')); } /** * Return the reward percentage value * * @return float|integer */ public function getRewardPercentageAttribute() { if (is_incevio_package_loaded('wallet') && is_wallet_credit_reward_enabled() && $this->config->credit_back_percentage) { return get_formated_decimal($this->config->credit_back_percentage, true, 2); } return 0; } /** * Return a nice styled label badge of reward value * * @return string */ public function getRewardBadgeAttribute() { if (is_incevio_package_loaded('wallet') && is_wallet_credit_reward_enabled() && $this->config->credit_back_percentage && $this->config->credit_back_percentage > 0) { return '
' . get_formated_decimal($this->config->credit_back_percentage, true, 2) . '%
'; } return ''; } public function getNameAttribute($value) { return $this->translateAttribute('name') ?? $value; } public function getDescriptionAttribute($value) { return $this->translateAttribute('description') ?? $value; } /** * Get the paypalExpress for the shop. */ public function paypalExpress() { return $this->hasOne(ConfigPaypalExpress::class, 'shop_id')->withDefault(); } // /** // * Get the instamojo for the shop. // */ // public function instamojo() // { // return $this->hasOne(ConfigInstamojo::class, 'shop_id')->withDefault(); // } // /** // * Get the paystack for the shop. // */ // public function paystack() // { // return $this->hasOne(ConfigPaystack::class, 'shop_id')->withDefault(); // } /** * Get the manualPaymentMethods for the shop. */ // public function manualPaymentMethods() // { // return $this->belongsToMany(PaymentMethod::class, 'config_manual_payments', 'shop_id', 'payment_method_id') // ->withPivot('additional_details', 'payment_instructions')->withTimestamps(); // } /** * Get the timezone the shop. */ public function timezone() { return $this->belongsTo(Timezone::class); } public function messages() { return $this->hasMany(Message::class); } public function tickets() { return $this->hasMany(Ticket::class); } public function disputes() { return $this->hasMany(Dispute::class); } /** * Get credit rewards associated with the shop. */ public function creditRewards() { return $this->hasMany(\Incevio\Package\Wallet\Models\CreditReward::class); } public function openTickets() { return $this->tickets()->where('status', '<', Ticket::STATUS_SOLVED); } public function solvedTickets() { return $this->tickets()->where('status', '=', Ticket::STATUS_SOLVED); } public function closedTickets() { return $this->tickets()->where('status', '=', Ticket::STATUS_CLOSED); } public function openDisputes() { return $this->disputes()->where('status', '<', Dispute::STATUS_SOLVED); } public function solvedDisputes() { return $this->disputes()->where('status', '=', Dispute::STATUS_SOLVED); } public function closedDisputes() { return $this->disputes()->where('status', '=', Dispute::STATUS_CLOSED); } /** * Check if the current subscription plan allow to add more user * * @return bool */ public function canAddMoreUser() { if (!is_subscription_enabled()) { return true; } if ($this->current_billing_plan) { $plan = SubscriptionPlan::findOrFail($this->current_billing_plan); if (Statistics::shop_user_count() < $plan->team_size) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if the current subscription plan allow to add more Inventory * * @return bool */ public function canAddMoreInventory() { if (!is_subscription_enabled()) { return true; } if ($this->current_billing_plan) { $plan = SubscriptionPlan::findOrFail($this->current_billing_plan); if (Statistics::shop_inventories_count() < $plan->inventory_limit) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if the vendor can create listing using this product * * @return bool */ public function canAddThisInventory($product) { if ($this->canUseSystemCatalog()) { return true; } if (!$product instanceof Product && !is_object($product)) { $product = Product::select('shop_id')->where('id', $product)->first(); } if (isset($product->shop_id)) { return $product->shop_id == $this->id; } return false; } /** * Check if shop can use common catalog or just its own * * @return bool */ public function canUseSystemCatalog() { return !(bool) config('system_settings.can_use_own_catalog_only'); } public function setHideTrialNoticeAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['hide_trial_notice'] = (bool) $value; } /** * Scope a query to only include active shops. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeApproved($query) { return $query->where('active', 1); } /** * Scope a query to only include active shops. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeActive($query) { $query = $query->approved() ->whereHas('addresses') ->whereHas('config', function ($q) { $q->live(); $q->activeEcommerce(); }); // Vendor has to configure payment method when get paid directly if (vendor_get_paid_directly()) { return $query->whereHas('paymentMethods'); } if (!is_subscription_enabled()) { return $query; } $query = $query->where(function ($q) { $q->whereNotNull('current_billing_plan') ->where( function ($x) { $x->doesntHave('subscriptions') ->whereNull('trial_ends_at') ->orWhere('trial_ends_at', '>', Carbon::now()); } ) ->orWhere( function ($r) { $r->whereHas('subscriptions', function ($s) { $s->whereNested(function ($t) { $t->whereNull('ends_at') ->orWhere('ends_at', '>', Carbon::now()) ->orWhereNotNull('trial_ends_at') ->where('trial_ends_at', '>', Carbon::today()); }); }); } ); }); return $query; } /** * [Return the Subscription Renew Date /Next billing date * * @return string */ public function getNextBillingDate() { if ($this->onGenericTrial()) { return trans('app.on_generic_trial'); } if (!$this->subscribed($this->current_billing_plan)) { return trans('app.on_generic_trial'); } $sub = $this->subscription($this->current_billing_plan)->asStripeSubscription(); return Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($sub->current_period_end)->toFormattedDateString(); } public function getVerificationStatus() { if ($this->id_verified && $this->phone_verified && $this->address_verified) { return trans('app.verified'); } elseif ($this->id_verified || $this->phone_verified || $this->address_verified) { return trans('app.partially_verified'); } return trans('app.not_verified'); } public function getVerifiedAttribute() { return (bool) $this->isVerified(); } public function isVerified() { return $this->id_verified && $this->phone_verified && $this->address_verified; } public function getExtraInfoAttribute($value) { // USE SERIALISE() TO ACHIVE THIS return $this->isJson($value) ? json_decode($value) : $value; } // USE SERIALISE() TO ACHIVE THIS private function isJson($string): bool { json_decode($string); return json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE; } /** * Set the id_verified for the Product. */ public function setIdVerifiedAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['id_verified'] = (bool) $value; } /** * Set the address_verified for the Product. */ public function setAddressVerifiedAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['address_verified'] = (bool) $value; } /** * Set the phone_verified for the Product. */ public function setPhoneVerifiedAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['phone_verified'] = (bool) $value; } /** * Set the active for the Product. */ public function setActiveAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['active'] = (bool) $value; } /** * Activities for the loggable model * * @return [type] [description] */ public function logs() { return $this->activities()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(); } /** * Check if shop has active shipping method. * * @return bool */ public function hasShippingMethods() { return DB::table('shop_shipping_methods')->where('shop_id', $this->id)->first(); } /** * Check if shop has active payment method. * * @return bool */ public function hasPaymentMethods() { return DB::table('shop_payment_methods')->where('shop_id', $this->id)->first(); } /** * Check if shop has Shipping Zones. * * @return bool */ public function hasShippingZones() { return (bool) $this->shippingZones()->active()->count(); } /** * Check if the shop is has billing token * * @return bool */ public function hasBillingToken() { return $this->hasStripeId(); } /** * Check if the user has outrange plan * * @return bool */ public function hasExpiredPlan() { if ($subscription = $this->currentSubscription) { return $subscription->ends_at && $subscription->ends_at->isPast(); } return null; } /** * Check if the Shop has a translation for the specified language. * * @param string|null $lang The language code to check for translation. * * @return bool */ public function hasTranslation($lang = null) { $lang = $lang ?? app()->getLocale(); // Use application locale as default. if (!array_key_exists($lang, $this->translationExists)) { $this->translationExists[$lang] = $this->translations()->where('lang', $lang)->exists(); } return $this->translationExists[$lang]; } /** * Check if pickup is enabled for the shop. * * @return bool */ public function isPickupEnabled(): bool { return $this->config ? $this->config->pickup_enabled : false; } /** * Check if the system is down or live. * * @return bool */ public function isDown() { return $this->config ? $this->config->maintenance_mode : true; } /** * Check if the vendor has everything setup * * @return bool */ public function canGoLive() { $result = !$this->isDown() && $this->isActive(); // $result = !$this->isDown() && $this->isActive() && $this->address; // Vendor has to configure payment method when get paid directly if (vendor_get_paid_directly()) { $result = $this->hasPaymentMethods(); } if (!is_subscription_enabled()) { return $result; } return $result && $this->onGenericTrial() || $this->hasActiveSubscription(); } public function getQualifiedName() { $badge = ''; if ($this->isVerified()) { $badge = '
'; } return $this->name . $badge; } public function verifiedText() { return $this->isVerified() ? trans('help.verified_seller') : ''; } /** if package zipcode active this function will return zipcode query * @param $query * @return object */ public function scopeZipcode($query): object { if (is_incevio_package_loaded('zipcode')) { return $query->whereHas('address', function ($builder) { return $builder->where('zip_code', session('zipcode_default')); }); } return $query; } /** * Translate given attributes value from translation_inventories table * @param string $attribute - attribute name to translate * @return string - translated value of the attribute */ public function translateAttribute($attribute) { if (Route::getCurrentRoute() == 'admin.setting.config.general' || Route::getCurrentRoute() == 'admin.vendor.shop.edit') { return null; } $shop_translation = $this->translations->first(); if (!$shop_translation || !isset($shop_translation->translation[$attribute])) { return null; } return $shop_translation->translation[$attribute]; } }