<?php namespace App\Utility; use App\Models\Category; class CategoryUtility { /*when with trashed is true id will get even the deleted items*/ public static function get_immediate_children($id, $with_trashed = false, $as_array = false) { $children = $with_trashed ? Category::where('parent_id', $id)->orderBy('order_level', 'desc')->get() : Category::where('parent_id', $id)->orderBy('order_level', 'desc')->get(); $children = $as_array && !is_null($children) ? $children->toArray() : $children; return $children; } public static function get_immediate_children_ids($id, $with_trashed = false) { $children = CategoryUtility::get_immediate_children($id, $with_trashed, true); return !empty($children) ? array_column($children, 'id') : array(); } public static function get_immediate_children_count($id, $with_trashed = false) { return $with_trashed ? Category::where('parent_id', $id)->count() : Category::where('parent_id', $id)->count(); } /*when with trashed is true id will get even the deleted items*/ public static function flat_children($id, $with_trashed = false, $container = array()) { $children = CategoryUtility::get_immediate_children($id, $with_trashed, true); if (!empty($children)) { foreach ($children as $child) { $container[] = $child; $container = CategoryUtility::flat_children($child['id'], $with_trashed, $container); } } return $container; } /*when with trashed is true id will get even the deleted items*/ public static function children_ids($id, $with_trashed = false) { $children = CategoryUtility::flat_children($id, $with_trashed = false); return !empty($children) ? array_column($children, 'id') : array(); } public static function category_tree_ids($category, $category_ids) { foreach ($category->childrenCategories as $category) { $category_ids[] = $category->id; if (count($category->childrenCategories) > 0) { $category_ids = static::category_tree_ids($category, $category_ids); } } return $category_ids; } public static function move_children_to_parent($id) { $children_ids = CategoryUtility::get_immediate_children_ids($id, true); $category = Category::where('id', $id)->first(); CategoryUtility::move_level_up($id); Category::whereIn('id', $children_ids)->update(['parent_id' => $category->parent_id]); } public static function create_initial_category($key) { return true; } public static function move_level_up($id) { if (CategoryUtility::get_immediate_children_ids($id, true) > 0) { foreach (CategoryUtility::get_immediate_children_ids($id, true) as $value) { $category = Category::find($value); $category->level -= 1; $category->save(); return CategoryUtility::move_level_up($value); } } } public static function move_level_down($id) { if (CategoryUtility::get_immediate_children_ids($id, true) > 0) { foreach (CategoryUtility::get_immediate_children_ids($id, true) as $value) { $category = Category::find($value); $category->level += 1; $category->save(); return CategoryUtility::move_level_down($value); } } } public static function update_child_level($id) { $get_immediate_children_ids = CategoryUtility::get_immediate_children_ids($id, true); if (count($get_immediate_children_ids) > 0) { $parent_category = Category::find($id); foreach ($get_immediate_children_ids as $value) { $category = Category::find($value); $category->level = $parent_category->level + 1; $category->save(); CategoryUtility::update_child_level($value); } } } public static function delete_category($id) { $category = Category::where('id', $id)->first(); if (!is_null($category)) { CategoryUtility::move_children_to_parent($category->id); $category->delete(); } } }
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