true, ]; const CLASSIC_THEME = [ 'compact' => true, 'prompt' => '>>> ', 'bufferPrompt' => '... ', 'replayPrompt' => '--> ', 'returnValue' => '=> ', ]; const DEFAULT_STYLES = [ 'info' => ['white', 'blue', ['bold']], 'warning' => ['black', 'yellow'], 'error' => ['white', 'red', ['bold']], 'whisper' => ['gray'], 'aside' => ['blue'], 'strong' => [null, null, ['bold']], 'return' => ['cyan'], 'urgent' => ['red'], 'hidden' => ['black'], // Visibility 'public' => [null, null, ['bold']], 'protected' => ['yellow'], 'private' => ['red'], 'global' => ['cyan', null, ['bold']], 'const' => ['cyan'], 'class' => ['blue', null, ['underscore']], 'function' => [null], 'default' => [null], // Types 'number' => ['magenta'], 'integer' => ['magenta'], 'float' => ['yellow'], 'string' => ['green'], 'bool' => ['cyan'], 'keyword' => ['yellow'], 'comment' => ['blue'], 'object' => ['blue'], 'resource' => ['yellow'], // Code-specific formatting 'inline_html' => ['cyan'], ]; const ERROR_STYLES = ['info', 'warning', 'error', 'whisper']; private $compact = false; private $prompt = '> '; private $bufferPrompt = '. '; private $replayPrompt = '- '; private $returnValue = '= '; private $grayFallback = 'blue'; private $styles = []; /** * @param string|array $config theme name or config options */ public function __construct($config = 'modern') { if (\is_string($config)) { switch ($config) { case 'modern': $config = static::MODERN_THEME; break; case 'compact': $config = static::COMPACT_THEME; break; case 'classic': $config = static::CLASSIC_THEME; break; default: \trigger_error(\sprintf('Unknown theme: %s', $config), \E_USER_NOTICE); $config = static::MODERN_THEME; break; } } if (!\is_array($config)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid theme config'); } foreach ($config as $name => $value) { switch ($name) { case 'compact': $this->setCompact($value); break; case 'prompt': $this->setPrompt($value); break; case 'bufferPrompt': $this->setBufferPrompt($value); break; case 'replayPrompt': $this->setReplayPrompt($value); break; case 'returnValue': $this->setReturnValue($value); break; case 'grayFallback': $this->setGrayFallback($value); break; case 'compact': $this->setCompact($value); break; } } $this->setStyles($config['styles'] ?? []); } /** * Enable or disable compact output. */ public function setCompact(bool $compact) { $this->compact = $compact; } /** * Get whether to use compact output. */ public function compact(): bool { return $this->compact; } /** * Set the prompt string. */ public function setPrompt(string $prompt) { $this->prompt = $prompt; } /** * Get the prompt string. */ public function prompt(): string { return $this->prompt; } /** * Set the buffer prompt string (used for multi-line input continuation). */ public function setBufferPrompt(string $bufferPrompt) { $this->bufferPrompt = $bufferPrompt; } /** * Get the buffer prompt string (used for multi-line input continuation). */ public function bufferPrompt(): string { return $this->bufferPrompt; } /** * Set the prompt string used when replaying history. */ public function setReplayPrompt(string $replayPrompt) { $this->replayPrompt = $replayPrompt; } /** * Get the prompt string used when replaying history. */ public function replayPrompt(): string { return $this->replayPrompt; } /** * Set the return value marker. */ public function setReturnValue(string $returnValue) { $this->returnValue = $returnValue; } /** * Get the return value marker. */ public function returnValue(): string { return $this->returnValue; } /** * Set the fallback color when "gray" is unavailable. */ public function setGrayFallback(string $grayFallback) { $this->grayFallback = $grayFallback; } /** * Set the shell output formatter styles. * * Accepts a map from style name to [fg, bg, options], for example: * * [ * 'error' => ['white', 'red', ['bold']], * 'warning' => ['black', 'yellow'], * ] * * Foreground, background or options can be null, or even omitted entirely. */ public function setStyles(array $styles) { foreach (\array_keys(static::DEFAULT_STYLES) as $name) { $this->styles[$name] = $styles[$name] ?? static::DEFAULT_STYLES[$name]; } } /** * Apply the current output formatter styles. */ public function applyStyles(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter, bool $useGrayFallback) { foreach (\array_keys(static::DEFAULT_STYLES) as $name) { $formatter->setStyle($name, new OutputFormatterStyle(...$this->getStyle($name, $useGrayFallback))); } } /** * Apply the current output formatter error styles. */ public function applyErrorStyles(OutputFormatterInterface $errorFormatter, bool $useGrayFallback) { foreach (static::ERROR_STYLES as $name) { $errorFormatter->setStyle($name, new OutputFormatterStyle(...$this->getStyle($name, $useGrayFallback))); } } private function getStyle(string $name, bool $useGrayFallback): array { return \array_map(function ($style) use ($useGrayFallback) { return ($useGrayFallback && $style === 'gray') ? $this->grayFallback : $style; }, $this->styles[$name]); } }