$value) { if (! array_key_exists($key, $unique)) { $unique[$key] = $value; } } return $unique; } /** * Create a json file from array * * @param string $filename [description] * @param array $data [description] * @return void [description] */ function createJsonFile($filename = 'file.json', $data = []) { $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); fwrite($fp, json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); fclose($fp); } /** * Translate Validation Message * * @return string */ function translateValidationMessages() { $flag = config('app.locale'); if (! empty($flag) && file_exists(public_path('../resources/lang/validation/' . $flag . '.js'))) { return ''; } } /** * To get user profile picture * * @param int $userId [user id] * @param int $thumbnail * @return string $image [ user profile picture] */ function getUserProfilePicture($userId = null, $thumbnail = 1) { $image = Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '-user-' . $thumbnail . '-avatar-' . $userId); if (empty($image)) { $image = url('public/dist/img/avatar.jpg'); if (! empty($userId)) { $userPic = (new File())->getFiles('USER', $userId); if (isset($userPic[0])) { $path = $thumbnail ? 'uploads/user/thumbnail/' : 'uploads/user/'; if (file_exists(public_path($path . $userPic[0]->file_name))) { $image = url('public/' . $path . $userPic[0]->file_name); } } } Cache::put(config('cache.prefix') . '-user-' . $thumbnail . '-avatar-' . $userId, $image, 604800); } return $image; } /** * Get Image Data * * @param int|null $id * @param string|null $type * @param string|null $name * @param string|null $path * @param bool|null $isCatchble * @param bool $allImage * @return string */ function getImageData($id = null, $type = null, $name = null, $path = null, $isCatchble = null, $allImage = false) { $image = Cache::get(config('cache.prefix') . '-' . strtolower($type) . '-' . $name . '-' . $id); if (empty($image)) { $image = url('public/dist/img/default-image.png'); if (! empty($id)) { $pic = (new File())->getFiles($type, $id); if ($allImage == true) { $image = []; foreach ($pic as $p) { $image[] = url('public/' . $path . $p->file_name); } } else { if (isset($pic[0])) { if (file_exists(public_path($path . $pic[0]->file_name))) { $image = url('public/' . $path . $pic[0]->file_name); } } } } if (! empty($isCatchble)) { Cache::put(config('cache.prefix') . '-' . strtolower($type) . '-' . $name . '-' . $id, $image, 604800); } } return $image; } /** * Validate Phone Number * * @param string|null $number * @return bool */ function validatePhoneNumber($number = null) { $pattern = "/^[+0-9 () \-]{8,20}$/"; if (! empty($number) && preg_match($pattern, $number)) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Validate Email * * @param string|null $email * @return bool */ function validateEmail($email = null) { $pattern = "/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,})$/i"; if (! empty($email) && preg_match($pattern, $email)) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Validate Name * * @param string|null $name * @return bool */ function validateName($name = null) { $pattern = "/^[a-zA-Z-'\s]+[a-zA-Z-'\.?\s]+$/"; if (! empty($name) && preg_match($pattern, $name)) { $result = 1; } else { $result = 0; } if ($result) { $result = strlen($name) > 0 ? 1 : 0; } return $result; } /** * Get Theme Class * * @param string|null $tagName * @return string */ function getThemeClass($tagName = null) { $cssClass = ''; if (empty($tagName)) { return $cssClass; } $themePreferences = preference('theme_preference'); $themePreferences = ! empty($themePreferences) ? json_decode($themePreferences, true) : ''; if (! is_array($themePreferences)) { return $cssClass; } foreach ($themePreferences as $key => $value) { if ($value == 'default') { $data[$key] = ''; } else { $data[$key] = $value; } } if ($tagName == 'header') { $cssClass = (! empty($data['header_background']) ? $data['header_background'] : '') . ' ' . (! empty($data['header-fixed']) ? $data['header-fixed'] : ''); return $cssClass; } if ($tagName == 'body') { $cssClass = ! empty($themePreferences['box-layout']) ? $themePreferences['box-layout'] : ''; return $cssClass; } if ($tagName == 'navbar') { $cssClass = (! empty($data['theme_mode']) ? $data['theme_mode'] : 'pcoded-navbar' . ' ') . (! empty($data['menu_brand_background']) ? $data['menu_brand_background'] : '') . ' ' . (! empty($data['menu_background']) ? $data['menu_background'] : '') . ' ' . (! empty($data['menu_item_color']) ? $data['menu_item_color'] : '') . ' ' . (! empty($data['navbar_image']) ? $data['navbar_image'] : '') . ' ' . (! empty($data['menu-icon-colored']) ? $data['menu-icon-colored'] : '') . ' ' . (! empty($data['menu-fixed']) ? $data['menu-fixed'] : '') . ' ' . (! empty($data['menu_list_icon']) ? $data['menu_list_icon'] : '') . ' ' . (! empty($data['menu_dropdown_icon']) ? $data['menu_dropdown_icon'] : ''); return $cssClass; } if ($tagName == 'theme-mode') { $cssClass = ! empty($themePreferences['theme_mode']) ? $themePreferences['theme_mode'] : ''; return $cssClass; } return $cssClass; } /** * Open Translation File * * @return Response */ function openJSONFile($code) { $jsonString = file_get_contents(base_path('resources/lang/' . $code . '.json')); $jsonString = json_decode($jsonString, true); return $jsonString; } /** * Save JSON File * * @return Response */ function saveJSONFile($code, $data) { $jsonData = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); file_put_contents(base_path('resources/lang/' . $code . '.json'), stripslashes($jsonData)); \Cache::forget('lanObject-' . $code); } function saveJSFile($code, $data) { $jsonData = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); file_put_contents(base_path('public/js/lang/' . $code . '.js'), stripslashes('const translates = ' . $jsonData)); } /** * set color of file name and icon * * @param string $fileExtension * @return string */ function setColor($fileExtension) { $color = '#0F9D58'; if (in_array($fileExtension, ['csv', 'xls', 'xlsx'])) { $color = '#00A953'; } elseif ($fileExtension == 'pdf') { $color = '#FB4C2F'; } elseif (in_array($fileExtension, ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'gif'])) { $color = '#D93025'; } elseif (in_array($fileExtension, ['doc', 'docx'])) { $color = '#4986E7'; } return $color; } /** * Get the specified option value. * If field not found default will return * * @param string $field * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ function preference($field = null, $default = null) { if (is_null($field)) { return app(config('cache.prefix') . '.' . 'preferences'); } return app(config('cache.prefix') . '.' . 'preferences')->get($field, $default); } /** * Get the specified option value. * If field not found default will return * * @param string $field * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ if (! function_exists('option')) { function option($field = null, $default = null) { $themeOptions = new Modules\CMS\Http\Models\ThemeOption(); if (is_null($field)) { return $themeOptions->getAll()->pluck('key_value', 'name')->toArray(); } $value = $default; $themeOptions = $themeOptions->getAll()->pluck('key_value', 'name')->toArray(); if (array_key_exists($field, $themeOptions)) { $value = $themeOptions[$field]; } return $value; } } /** * isSuperAdmin method * Check user if super admin? We assume * that user with ID 1 and/or Role ID 1 will be super admin. * * @param int $userId * @return bool */ function isSuperAdmin($userId = null) { // Check Auth if userId is NULL if (empty($userId)) { $userId = Auth::id(); } // Return false if userId is still NULL if (empty($userId)) { return false; } if ($userId == 1) { return true; } $roleID = RoleUser::getRoleIDByUser($userId); if ($roleID == 1) { return true; } return false; } if (! function_exists('defaultRoles')) { /** * Default Roles * * @return array */ function defaultRoles() { return ['super-admin', 'vendor-admin', 'customer', 'guest']; } } /** * Default Image * * @return string */ function defaultImage(string $type) { $defaultImages = [ 'products' => 'public/dist/img/default_product.jpg', 'users' => 'public/dist/img/avatarUser.png', 'blogs' => 'public/dist/img/blog.png', ]; if (array_key_exists($type, $defaultImages)) { return $defaultImages[$type]; } return 'public/dist/img/default-image.png'; } /** * Data Table Options * * @return array */ function dataTableOptions(array $options = []) { $default = [ 'pageLength' => (int) preference('row_per_page', 25), 'language' => ['url' => url('/resources/lang/' . config('app.locale') . '.json')], 'order' => [0, 'DESC'], ]; return array_merge($default, $options); } /** * Label Required Element * * @return array */ function labelRequiredElement() { return ['dropdown', 'checkbox', 'checkbox_custom', 'radio', 'radio_custom', 'multiple_select']; } /** * Select Product Option * * @return array */ function selectProductForOption() { return ['field', 'textarea', 'dropdown', 'checkbox', 'checkbox_custom', 'radio', 'radio_custom', 'multiple_select', 'date', 'date_time', 'time']; } /** * Has Permission * * @param string|null $permission * @param int|null $userId * @return bool */ function hasPermission($permission = null, $userId = null) { // Check Auth if userId is NULL if (empty($userId)) { $userId = Auth::id(); } // Return false if userId is still NULL if (empty($userId)) { return false; } $roleID = RoleUser::getRoleIDByUser($userId); if ($roleID == 1) { return true; } if (is_null($roleID)) { return false; } if (! is_null($permission)) { return in_array($permission, PermissionRole::permissionNamesByRoleID($roleID)); } return in_array(request()->route()->getActionName(), PermissionRole::permissionNamesByRoleID($roleID)); } if (! function_exists('wrapIt')) { /** * wrapIt function to wrap the string to given lenght * If the sidebar menu is collapsed add extra 40 pixels * among the colummns * * @param string $str * @param int $length * @param array $options * @return string */ function wrapIt($str = '', $length = 10, $options = []) { if (empty($str)) { return ''; } // Get the options $options = array_merge(['break' => "
\n", 'cut' => true, 'minWidth' => 1280, 'columns' => 1, 'trim' => false, 'trimLength' => 80], $options); // Get window width from cookie $width = ! empty($_COOKIE['scrwid']) ? $_COOKIE['scrwid'] : 0; if ($width < $options['minWidth']) { return $str; } // Get extra length for collapsed navigation bar $extra = $_COOKIE['collapsedNavbar'] == 'true' ? floor((40 / $options['columns']) + .5) : 0; if (! empty($options['trim'])) { $options['trimLength'] += ($extra * 2); if (strlen($str) > $options['trimLength']) { $str = substr($str, 0, ($options['trimLength'] - 3)) . '...'; } } // Get the length $length += floor((($width - $options['minWidth']) / 10) + .5) + $extra; // wrap the string return wordwrap($str, $length, $options['break'], $options['cut']); } } if (! function_exists('statusBadges')) { /** * Status Badges * * @param string $status * @return string */ function statusBadges($status = '') { if (empty($status)) { return ''; } $status = strtolower($status); $colors = [ 'active' => 'badge-mv-success', 'published' => 'badge-mv-primary', 'inactive' => 'badge-mv-danger', 'deleted' => 'badge-mv-danger', 'pending' => 'badge-mv-warning', 'expired' => 'badge-mv-secondary', 'refunded' => 'badge-mv-danger', 'cancel' => 'badge-mv-secondary', 'overdued' => 'badge-mv-secondary', 'paused' => 'badge-mv-secondary', 'draft' => 'badge-mv-secondary', 'picked up' => 'badge-mv-secondary', 'on the way' => 'badge-mv-secondary', 'confirmed' => 'badge-mv-secondary', 'delivered' => 'badge-mv-success', 'paid' => 'badge-mv-success', 'unpaid' => 'badge-mv-danger', 'partially paid' => 'badge-mv-secondary', 'yes' => 'badge-mv-primary', 'no' => 'badge-mv-warning', 'accepted' => 'badge-mv-success', 'rejected' => 'badge-mv-danger', 'completed' => 'badge-mv-success', 'opened' => 'badge-mv-primary', 'in progress' => 'badge-mv-primary', 'declined' => 'badge-mv-danger', 'pending review' => 'badge-mv-warning', 'public' => 'badge-mv-primary', 'private' => 'badge-mv-warning', ]; if (! array_key_exists($status, $colors)) { return '
' . __(ucfirst($status)) . '
'; } return '
' . __(ucfirst($status)) . '
'; } } /** * Is Active * * @return bool */ function isActive(?string $name = null) { if (is_null($name)) { return \Nwidart\Modules\Facades\Module::collections(); } return \Nwidart\Modules\Facades\Module::collections()->has($name); } /** * Module * * @return object */ function module(?string $name = null) { if (is_null($name)) { return \Nwidart\Modules\Facades\Module::all(); } return \Nwidart\Modules\Facades\Module::find($name); } /** * return product price * * @param null $discountFrom * @param null $discountTo * @param null $discountType * @param null $discountAmount * @param null $mainPrice * @param string $type * @return float|int|mixed|null */ function discountPrice($discountFrom = null, $discountTo = null, $discountType = null, $discountAmount = null, $mainPrice = null, $type = 'exactPrice') { $price = $mainPrice; $discount = null; if (! empty($discountAmount)) { if (dateExists($discountFrom, $discountTo)) { $discount = $discountType == 'Percent' ? ($mainPrice * $discountAmount / 100) : $discountAmount; $price = abs($mainPrice - $discount); } } /* *That is one function two works *If it needs to exactPrice with discount then type will be exactPrice and *If it needs to only discount amount then type will be discountAmount */ return $type == 'exactPrice' ? $price : $discount; } /** * get browser agent * * @return string */ function browserAgent() { $browsers = [ 'Edg' => 'Microsoft Edge', 'MSIE' => 'Internet Explorer', 'Trident' => 'Internet Explorer', 'Chrome' => 'Google Chrome', 'Firefox' => 'Mozilla Firefox', 'Safari' => 'Apple Safari', 'Opera Mini' => 'Opera Mini', 'Opera' => 'Opera', 'Netscape' => 'Netscape', ]; foreach ($browsers as $key => $value) { if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $key) !== false) { return $value; } } return 'Unknown'; } /** * get user ip address * * @return string */ function getIpAddress() { return request()->ip(); } /** * Get Unique Address * * @return string */ function getUniqueAddress() { return request()->ip() . request()->server('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); } /** * Check an array multi dimensional or not * * @return bool */ function is_multidimensional(array $array) { return count($array) !== count($array, COUNT_RECURSIVE); } /** * filter page showing item * * @return int */ function totalProductPerPage() { return 20; } /** * check item code exists or not * * @return bool */ function hasProductCodeExists($code = null) { $itemCode = \App\Models\Product::where('code', $code); if ($itemCode->exists()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Wishlist Active * * @param int|null $itemId * @param int|null $userId * @return bool */ function wishListActive($itemId = null, $userId = null) { $active = \App\Models\Wishlist::where('product_id', $itemId)->where('user_id', $userId); if ($active->exists()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get Service Data * * @param int $type * @param int $period * @return array */ function getServiceData($type = 0, $period = 0) { if ($type == 1) { return ['No Warranty', 'Brand Warranty', 'Seller Warranty']; } elseif ($period == 1) { return [ '1 month', '2 months', '3 months', '4 months', '5 months', '6 months', '7 months', '8 months', '9 months', '10 months', '11 months', '1 year', '2 years', '3 years', '4 years', '5 years', '6 years', '7 years', '8 years', '9 years', '10 years', '11 years', '12 years', '15 years', '25 years', '30 years', 'Lifetime', ]; } return []; } /** * Get Status * * @return array */ function getStatus() { return [ 'Active', 'Inactive', 'Pending', ]; } /** * Get Color * * @return array */ function getColor() { $color = [ 'red' => 'bg-custom-red', 'pink' => 'bg-custom-pinks', 'yellow' => 'bg-custom-yellow', 'skies' => 'bg-custom-skies', 'white' => 'bg-custom-white black-check', 'green' => 'bg-custom-green', 'grey' => 'bg-custom-gray', 'orange' => 'bg-custom-orange', 'blue' => 'bg-custom-blue', 'black' => 'bg-custom-black', 'purple' => 'bg-custom-purple', 'maroon' => 'bg-custom-maroon', 'beige' => 'bg-custom-beige', ]; return $color; } /** * check recaptcha active status and credential status * * @return bool */ function isRecaptchaActive() { return isActive('Recaptcha') && env('NOCAPTCHA_SITEKEY') != null && env('NOCAPTCHA_SECRET') != null; } if (! function_exists('array_val')) { /** * Get array value by key * * @param array $haystack * @param string $needle * @param mixed $return Fallback value * @return mixed */ function array_val($haystack, $needle, $return = null) { return is_array($haystack) && isset($haystack[$needle]) ? $haystack[$needle] : $return; } } /** * Get only number * * @param string|null $data * @return string */ function getOnlyNumber($data = null) { return preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $data); } if (! function_exists('checkDownloadableData')) { /** * Check if downloadable file has id and url * * @param array * @return bool */ function checkDownloadableData($file) { return is_array($file) && isset($file['url']) && $file['url']; } } /** * Get Formatted Countdown * * @return string */ function getFormatedCountdown() { return 'F' . ' ' . 'j' . ',' . ' ' . 'Y' . ' ' . 'H:i:s'; } if (! function_exists('priorityColor')) { /** * trim word * * @return string */ function priorityColor($priority = null) { $colors = [ 'High' => '#f2d2d2', 'Medium' => '#fae39f', 'Low' => '#e1e0e0', ]; return array_key_exists($priority, $colors) ? $colors[$priority] : ''; } } if (! function_exists('currency')) { /** * Return currency with cache checking * * @return mixed */ function currency() { return App\Models\Currency::getDefault(); } } /** * g_e_v * * @return string */ function g_e_v() { return config('installer.verify.install_key'); } /** * g_d * * @return string */ function g_d() { return str_replace(['https://www.', 'http://www.', 'https://', 'http://', 'www.'], '', request()->getHttpHost()); } /** * g_c_v * * @return string */ function g_c_v() { return cache('a_s_k'); } /** * p_c_v * * @return string */ function p_c_v() { return cache(['a_s_k' => g_e_v()], 2629746); } if (! function_exists('isCompared')) { /** * Check, Is item in compare list * * @param int $itemId * @return bool */ function isCompared($itemId, $userId = null) { return in_array($itemId, \Compare::compareCollection($userId)->toArray()); } } if (! function_exists('urlSlashReplace')) { /** * Replace url slashes * * @param string $url * @param string $from Default = \ * @param string $to Default = / * @return string */ function urlSlashReplace($url, $from = '\\', $to = '/') { return str_replace($from, $to, $url); } } if (! function_exists('miniCollection')) { /** * Returns a new \App\Lib\MiniCollection object * * @param array $hayStack optional * @return \App\Lib\MiniCollection; */ function miniCollection($hayStack = [], $nested = false) { return new \App\Lib\MiniCollection($hayStack, $nested); } } if (! function_exists('pathToUrl')) { /** * From file path name to full url * * @param string $path * @param bool $uploads Whether or not should include UPLOADS folder * @return string */ function pathToUrl($path = '', $uploads = true) { return asset($uploads ? 'public/uploads' : 'public') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path; } } if (! function_exists('techEncrypt')) { /** * Custom encryption * * @param string $string * @return string encryption */ function techEncrypt($string) { $string = $string . 'tech_village'; // Store the cipher method $ciphering = 'AES-128-CTR'; // Use OpenSSl Encryption method $options = 0; // Non-NULL Initialization Vector for encryption $encryption_iv = '1458796521458589'; // Store the encryption key $encryption_key = 'TechVillage'; // Use openssl_encrypt() function to encrypt the data $encrypted = openssl_encrypt($string, $ciphering, $encryption_key, $options, $encryption_iv); // Replace "/" with "__"; return str_replace('/', '__', $encrypted); } } if (! function_exists('techDecrypt')) { /** * Custom decryption * * @param string $encryption * @return string decryption */ function techDecrypt($encryption) { // Replace "__" with "/" $encryption = str_replace('__', '/', $encryption); // Store the cipher method $ciphering = 'AES-128-CTR'; // Use OpenSSl Encryption method $options = 0; // Non-NULL Initialization Vector for decryption $decryption_iv = '1458796521458589'; // Store the decryption key $decryption_key = 'TechVillage'; // Use openssl_decrypt() function to decrypt the data $decrypt = openssl_decrypt($encryption, $ciphering, $decryption_key, $options, $decryption_iv); return str_replace('tech_village', '', $decrypt); } } if (! function_exists('coreStatusSlug')) { /** * stock reduced if slug will processing/completed/on-hold * stock increased if slug will cancelled * order will be paid if status will processing/completed * * @return string[] */ function coreStatusSlug() { return ['pending-payment', 'failed', 'processing', 'completed', 'on-hold', 'cancelled', 'refunded', 'partial-payment']; } } if (! function_exists('pageReload')) { /** * detect page reload */ function pageReload(): bool { return isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] === 'max-age=0'; } } if (! function_exists('offLinePayments')) { /** * offline payments * * @return bool */ function offLinePayments(): bool|array { $offlineData = collect((new \Modules\Gateway\Entities\GatewayModule())->offlinePayableGateways())->pluck('name')->toArray(); return is_array($offlineData) ? $offlineData : []; } } if (! function_exists('paymentRenamed')) { /** * payment renamed if exists offline payment */ function paymentRenamed($name = null): bool|string|null { return preg_replace('/(?id : null; $userId = $userId == null && isset(auth()->guard('api')->user()->id) ? auth()->guard('api')->user()->id : $userId; return $userId; } } if (! function_exists('moduleConfig')) { /** * Get UserId * * @return mixed $userId */ function moduleConfig($name = null) { if (is_null($name)) { $moduleConfig = []; foreach (Module::getOrdered() as $module) { $configPath = $module->getPath() . '/Config/config.php'; if (file_exists($configPath)) { $moduleConfig[$module->getLowerName()] = include $configPath; } } return $moduleConfig; } $keys = explode('.', $name); $name = $keys[0]; $module = Module::find($name); if ($module) { $configPath = $module->getPath() . '/Config/config.php'; if (file_exists($configPath)) { $array = include $configPath; unset($keys[0]); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (is_array($array) && array_key_exists($key, $array)) { $array = $array[$key]; } else { return null; // Key not found } } return $array; } } return null; } } if (! function_exists('addMenuItem')) { /** * Add Menu Item * * @return mixed $userId */ function addMenuItem(string|int $menuName, string $label, array $option = []): int|bool { return (new App\Services\MenuItemService())->addMenuItem($menuName, $label, $option); } } if (! function_exists('martvillVersion')) { /** * Martvill Version */ function martvillVersion(): string { return config('martvill.file_version'); } } if (! function_exists('barcodeData')) { /** * Martvill Version */ function barcodeData(): array { return [ 'color' => [ 'Black' => '[0,0,0]', 'Red' => '[255,0,0]', 'Lime' => '[0,255,0]', 'Blue' => '[0,0,255]', 'Yellow' => '[255,255,0]', 'Cyan / Aqua' => '[0,255,255]', 'Green' => '[0,128,0]', 'Deep sky blue' => '[0,191,255]', ], 'type' => ['C128', 'C39', 'C39+', 'C39E', 'C39E+', 'C93', 'S25', 'S25+', 'I25', 'I25+', 'C128A', 'C128B', 'C128C', 'GS1-128', 'EAN2', 'EAN5', 'EAN8', 'EAN13', 'UPCA', 'UPCE', 'MSI', 'MSI+', 'POSTNET', 'PLANET', 'RMS4CC', 'KIX', 'IMB', 'CODABAR', 'CODE11', 'PHARMA', 'PHARMA2T', 'QRCODE', 'PDF417', 'DATAMATRIX', ], ]; } }