* * @contributor AH Millat <[millat.techvill@gmail.com]> * * @created 24-03-2022 */ namespace App\Filters; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use ReflectionMethod; abstract class Filter { /** * request * * @var object */ protected $request; /** * The query builder. * * @var [type] */ protected $query; /** * set the filter rules like Validation * * @var array */ protected $filterRules = []; /** * is request filterable * * @var bool */ protected $requestFilterable = true; /** * Retrieve the request * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Request */ public function getRequest() { if (! isset($this->request)) { $this->request = Request::instance(); } return $this->request; } /** * Apply filters based on query parameters. * * @return Builder $query */ public function apply(Builder $query) { $this->query = $query; $fullClassName = get_class($this); apply_filters("before_{$fullClassName}", $this->query); $this->runFilterMethods(); if (! $this->requestFilterable) { return $query; } foreach ($this->getRequest()->all() as $filter => $value) { if ($this->isApplicable($filter, $value)) { call_user_func([$this, Str::camel($filter)], $value); } } apply_filters("after_{$fullClassName}", $this->query); return $query; } /** * applied the filter * * @param string $filter * @param mixed $value * @return bool */ protected function isApplicable($filter, $value) { if (! method_exists($this, Str::camel($filter))) { return false; } if ($value !== '' && ! is_null($value)) { return ! Validator::make($this->getRequest()->only($filter), Arr::only($this->filterRules, $filter))->fails(); } return (new ReflectionMethod($this, Str::camel($filter)))->getNumberOfParameters() === 0; } /** * execute filter method * * @return void */ protected function runFilterMethods() { foreach (get_class_methods($this) as $method) { if (Str::startsWith($method, ['filter'])) { $this->{$method}(); } } } }