const translates = { "Validation failed.": "验证失败。", "Please provide valid purchase code.": "请提供有效的购买代码。", "Addon successfully uploaded.": "插件成功上传。", "Something went wrong, please try again.": "出问题了,请重试。", "Addon not found.": "找不到插件。", "Addon status updated.": "插件状态已更新。", "Addon successfully removed.": "插件已成功删除。", "Addons": "插件", "Upload Addon": "上传插件", "Purchase Code": "购买代码", "Upload Zip File": "上传压缩文件", "Choose file": "选择文件", "Note": "笔记", "Upload your addon zip file.": "上传您的插件 zip 文件。", "Cancel": "取消", "Upload Now": "立即上传", "Installed": "已安装", "Available": "可用的", "Search addon": "搜索插件", "Status": "地位", "Description": "描述", "Deactivate": "停用", "Activate": "启用", "Active": "积极的", "Inactive": "不活跃", "Version": "版本", " By Paypal Inc.": "通过贝宝公司", " Paypal Documentation": "贝宝文档", "Price": "价格", "Action": "行动", "Require version :x": "需要版本:x", "Download": "下载", "Buy Now": "立即购买", "Version :x": "版本:x", "Last Update: :x": "最后更新::x", "Edit :x": "编辑:x", "Category": "类别", "Delete :x": "删除:x", "Category.": "类别。", "Are you sure to delete this?": "您确定要删除吗?", "Name": "姓名", "Created At": "创建于", "Show": "节目", "Blog": "博客", "Image": "图片", "Title": "标题", "Author": "作者", "Invalid Request": "非法请求", "The :x has been successfully saved.": ":x 已成功保存。", "The action that you are trying to do is no longer available.": "您尝试执行的操作不再可用。", "Category has been successfully deleted.": "类别已成功删除。", "Category does not found.": "找不到类别。", "The action that you are trying to perform is not available.": "您尝试执行的操作不可用。", "The :x has been successfully updated.": ":x 已成功更新。", "Blog has been successfully deleted.": "博客已成功删除。", "Something went wrong.": "出问题了。", "This field is required.": "这是必填栏。", "Creating": "创造", "Blogs": "博客", "Create": "创造", ":x Information": ":x 信息", "Select One": "选择一个", "Slug": "鼻涕虫", "Featured Image": "特色图片", "Upload image": "上传图片", "Summary": "概括", "Edit": "编辑", "Update": "更新", "Add Blog": "添加博客", "Filter": "筛选", "All Category": "所有类别", "All Author": "所有作者", "All Status": "所有状态", "Blog Category": "博客类别", "Add :?": "Add :?", "Add :x": "添加:x", "Category Name": "分类名称", "Close": "关闭", "Page": "页", "Default": "默认", "View page": "查看页面", "Page.": "页。", "Type": "类型", "Page not found.": "网页未找到。", "Cannot delete default page.": "无法删除默认页面。", "Slider": "滑块", "Slide": "滑动", "Successfully Saved": "成功保存", "The layout name already exists.": "布局名称已存在。", "Layout": "布局", "No change found.": "未发现任何变化。", "Default layout can not be deleted": "默认布局无法删除", "The :x has been successfully deleted.": ":x 已成功删除。", "page does not found.": "找不到页面。", "Page has been successfully deleted.": "页面已成功删除。", "fadeIn": "淡入", "fadeInDown": "淡入淡出", "fadeInLeft": "淡入左", "fadeInRight": "右淡入", "fadeInUp": "淡入淡出", "flip": "翻动", "flipInX": "翻转输入X", "flipInY": "翻转Y", "slideInUp": "滑入向上", "slideInDown": "滑入向下", "slideInLeft": "向左滑动", "slideInRight": "向右滑入", "rollIn": "滚入", "Slide does not found.": "未找到幻灯片。", "Slide has been successfully deleted.": "已成功删除幻灯片。", "Slider does not found.": "未找到滑块。", "Slider has been successfully deleted.": "滑块已成功删除。", "Operation failed.": "手术失败。", "Section updated.": "部分已更新。", "Section Updated": "部分已更新", "Section deleted": "部分已删除", "Couldn't delete the section": "无法删除该部分", "Page updated": "页面已更新", "Select an option": "选择一个选项", "Call To Action": "呼吁采取行动", "Icon Box": "图标框", "Action completed.": "动作完成。", "Request failed. Check network tab for details.": "请求失败。检查网络选项卡以获取详细信息。", "Section added. Please fill up the section information and save.": "添加的部分。请填写栏目信息并保存。", "Upper Subtitle": "上字幕", "Lower Subtitle": "下字幕", "Button Text": "按钮文字", "Button Link": "按钮链接", "Link": "关联", "Icon": "图标", "Subtitle": "字幕", "ASC": "升序控制", "DESC": "描述符", "Search by name": "按名称搜索", "Column": "柱子", "Operation": "手术", "Query": "询问", "Where": "在哪里", "Or Where": "或者在哪里", "Order By": "订购方式", "Add Slide": "添加幻灯片", "Edit Slide": "编辑幻灯片", "Settings have changed, you should save them!": "设置已更改,您应该保存它们!", "Saving": "保存", "Save": "节省", "Homepage Builder": "主页生成器", "Homepages": "主页", "Preview": "预习", "Add Section": "添加部分", "Delete Section": "删除部分", "Are you sure to delete this section?": "您确定要删除此部分吗?", "Section": "部分", "Delete": "删除", "Create :x": "创建:x", "Pages": "页数", "SEO Fields": "搜索引擎优化领域", "Status must be active to make it default.": "状态必须处于活动状态才能使其默认。", "Meta Title": "元标题", "Meta Description": "元描述", "Meta Image": "元图像", "Blog Type": "博客类型", "No. of blogs to show": "要显示的博客数", "Total blogs to display should be between 1 to 30. 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Please left this section if you do not have proper knowledge.": "本节仅供开发人员使用。如果您没有适当的知识,请离开此部分。", "CSS": "CSS", "JS": "JS", "Footer Logo": "页脚标志", "Short Details": "简短细节", "Payment Methods": "支付方式", "Download App Title": "下载应用标题", "Google Play": "谷歌播放", "Google Play Link": "谷歌播放链接", "App Store": "应用商店", "App Store Link": "应用商店链接", "Label": "标签", "Add New": "添新", "Address": "地址", "Email": "电子邮件", "Phone": "电话", "Social Title": "社会头衔", "Background Color": "背景颜色", "Header Text Color": "标题文本颜色", "Header Background Color": "页眉背景颜色", "Show Category": "显示类别", "Category Expand": "分类 展开", "Category Text Color": "类别文字颜色", "Category Background Color": "类别背景颜色", "Top Border Color": "顶部边框颜色", "Bottom Border Color": "底部边框颜色", "Show Page Menu": "显示页面菜单", "Show Download App": "显示下载应用程序", "Show Google Play": "显示 Google Play", "Upload Google Play Logo": "上传 Google Play 徽标", "Upload Google Play image": "上传 Google Play 图片", "Show App Store": "显示应用商店", "Upload App Store Logo": "上传 App Store 徽标", "Upload App Store Image": "上传 App Store 图片", "Show Logo": "显示徽标", "Upload Logo": "上传徽标", "Upload Sidebar & Customer Panel Logo": "上传侧边栏", "Show Searchbar": "显示搜索栏", "Show Account Icon": "显示帐户图标", "Show wishlist": "显示心愿单", "Show Cart": "显示购物车", "Show Track Order": "显示跟踪订单", "Show Top Header": "显示顶部标题", "Show Phone No": "显示电话号码", "Phone No": "电话号码", "Show Email": "显示电子邮件", "Show be a seller": "显示是一个卖家", "Show Compare": "显示比较", "Show Currency": "显示货币", "Show Language": "显示语言", "Terms & Condition": "条款", "Default Slider": "默认滑块", "Primary Color": "原色", "Delete Layout": "删除布局", "Setting": "环境", "Add New Layout": "添加新布局", "Show Add to Cart": "显示 添加到购物车", "Show Wishlist": "显示心愿单", "Show Quick View": "显示快速查看", "Show Review": "展会回顾", "Show Price": "显示价格", "Show Badge": "显示徽章", "Height": "高度", "Px": "点数", "Are you sure to delete this page?": "您确定要删除此页面吗?", "Yes, Confirm": "是的,确认", "kb": "知识库", "Image and Button": "图像和按钮", "Sub Title": "副标题", "Add slide": "添加幻灯片", "Delete slide": "删除幻灯片", "Sliders": "滑块", "Edit slider": "编辑滑块", "Delete slider": "删除滑块", "No slide added yet.": "尚未添加幻灯片。", "No slider available.": "没有可用的滑块。", "Read Blogs": "阅读博客", "Type your email address": "输入您的电子邮件地址", "Send": "发送", "Read Now": "现在读", "No products": "没有产品", "Social Share": "社交分享", "Header": "标头", "Top Header": "顶页眉", "Main Header": "主标题", "Bottom Header": "底部标题", "Footer": "页脚", "Main": "主要的", "Copyright": "版权", "Product Card": "产品名片", "Custom CSS & JS": "自定义 CSS", "Page Configuration": "页面配置", ":x Layout": ":x 布局", "Show Copyright": "显示版权", "Manage": "管理", "Themes": "主题", "General": "一般的", "Latest Blogs": "最新博客", "Selected Blogs": "精选博客", "Settings": "设定值", "Instruction": "操作说明", "Cash On Delivery settings updated.": "货到付款设置已更新。", "Cash On Delivery": "货到付款", "Confirm": "确认", "Cash on delivery is not available for this order": "此订单不支持货到付款", "Purchase data not found.": "未找到购买数据。", "Coinbase Documentation": "Coinbase 文档", "Client Api Key": "客户端 API 密钥", "Sandbox": "沙盒", "Coinbase settings updated.": "Coinbase 设置已更新。", "Payment got cancelled.": "付款被取消。", "Pay With Coinbase": "使用 Coinbase 支付", "Coinpayment Documentation": "硬币支付文档", "Merchant Id": "商户编号", "Public Key": "公钥", "Private Key": "私钥", "Currencies": "货币", "Please specify sandbox enabled/disabled.": "请指定启用/禁用沙箱。", "Comma separated currency codes :names": "逗号分隔的货币代码:名称", "CoinPayment settings updated.": "CoinPayment 设置已更新。", "Payment cancelled.": "付款已取消。", "Paying with CoinPayment": "使用 CoinPayment 支付", "Select currency you want to pay:": "选择您要支付的货币:", "Logo": "标识", "Currency": "货币", "Rate": "速度", "CP Trx Fee": "CP 转账费", "Note: These are the latest data from CoinPayment": "注意:这些是 CoinPayment 的最新数据", "Pay With CoinPayment": "使用 CoinPayment 支付", "Commission": "委员会", "Activation": "激活", "Category Based": "基于类别", "The value not more than be :x": "该值不超过 :x", ":x of seller product price will be deducted from seller earnings.": "卖家产品价格的 :x 将从卖家收入中扣除。", "Submit": "提交", "Coupon": "优惠券", "Code": "代码", "Discount Type": "优惠类型", "Discount Amount": "优惠金额", "Start Date": "开始日期", "End Date": "结束日期", "Customer": "顾客", "Order": "命令", "Created at": "创建于", "No changes found.": "未发现任何变化。", "amount": "数量", "percentage": "百分比", "Minimum spend must be greater than Discount amount.": "最低消费必须大于折扣金额。", "Discount :x format is invalid.": "折扣 :x 格式无效。", "Maximum discount must be greater than 0": "最大折扣必须大于 0", "Coupon not found.": "找不到优惠券。", "Invalid coupon code.": "优惠券代码无效。", "This coupon is not valid.": "此优惠券无效。", "This coupon has been expired.": "此优惠券已过期。", "This coupon is not activated yet.": "此优惠券尚未激活。", "You will get :x discount to use the coupon.": "您将获得 :x 折扣以使用优惠券。", "You will get :x discount to use the coupon. Up to :y.": "您将获得 :x 折扣以使用优惠券。最多:y。", "You will get :x discount.": "您将获得 :x 折扣。", "Coupon not found": "找不到优惠券", "This coupon is already started.": "此优惠券已开始使用。", "Coupon Redeem": "优惠券兑换", "Coupon Redeem not found.": "找不到优惠券兑换。", "Create Coupon": "创建优惠券", "Coupon Create": "优惠券创建", "Usage Restriction": "使用限制", "Usage Limit": "使用限制", "Flat": "平坦的", "Percentage": "百分比", "The value must be :x than or equal to :y.": "该值必须是 :x 大于或等于 :y。", "less": "较少的", "Maximum Discount": "最大折扣", "Allow free shipping": "允许免费送货", "Check this box if the coupon grants free shipping. A free shipping method must be enabled in your shipping zone and be set to require a valid free shipping coupon": "如果优惠券允许免费送货,请选中此框。必须在您的送货区启用免费送货方式,并设置为需要有效的免费送货优惠券", "Expired": "已到期", "Vendor": "小贩", "Products": "产品", "Minimum Spend": "最低消费", "You must spend more than or equal this amount to get coupon discount.": "您必须花费超过或等于此金额才能获得优惠券折扣。", "How many times this coupon can be used.": "这张优惠券可以使用多少次。", "Edit Coupon": "编辑优惠券", "Coupon Update": "优惠券更新", "Shop": "店铺", "Coupons": "优惠券", "Add Coupon": "添加优惠券", "Coupon Redeems": "优惠券兑换", ":x List": ":x 列表", "Print Date": "列印日期", "Back": "后退", "Flutterwave Documentation": "Flutterwave 文档", "Secret key": "密钥", "Encryption key": "加密密钥", "public Key": "公钥", "Secret Key": "密钥", "Encryption Key": "加密密钥", "Flutterwave settings updated.": "Flutterwave 设置已更新。", "Couldn't initiate the payment.": "无法开始付款。", "Payment failed.": "支付失败。", "Please check amount.": "请核对金额。", "Payment could not be verified.": "无法验证付款。", "Payment is not completed.": "付款未完成。", "Enter Full Name": "输入全名", "Full Name": "全名", "Enter Email Address": "请输入电邮地址", "Pay With Flutterwave": "用 Flutterwave 支付", "Yes": "是的", "No": "不", "Form": "形式", "View submissions for :x": "查看 :x 的提交", "Copy form URL to clipboard": "将表单 URL 复制到剪贴板", "Preview form :x": "预览表格:x", "Visibility": "能见度", "Allow Edit": "允许编辑", "Submissions": "意见书", "Submission": "提交", "Updated On": "更新时间", "Created On": "创建于", "Public": "民众", "Survey": "民意调查", "Contact Form": "联系表", "Others": "其他", "Show file": "显示文件", "No file": "无文件", "Form successfully created!": "表格创建成功!", "Failed to create the form.": "无法创建表单。", "Form successfully updated!": "表格更新成功!", "Failed to update the form.": "无法更新表单。", ":x deleted": ":x 已删除", "Submission not found.": "未找到提交。", "Submission deleted.": "提交已删除。", "Failed to delete submission.": "无法删除提交。", "Submission updated.": "提交已更新。", "My Submissions": "我的意见", "View Submission": "查看提交", "Edit My Submission for :x": "编辑我对:x的提交", "Submission deleted!": "提交已删除!", "Form successfully submitted.": "表单已成功提交。", "Form Submitted!": "表格已提交!", "Submission successfully deleted.": "已成功删除提交。", "Form is not editable.": "表格不可编辑。", "Form :x": "形式 :x", "Are you sure you want to clear all fields from the form?": "您确定要清除表单中的所有字段吗?", "The form builder cannot be empty": "表单生成器不能为空", "Form Saved!": "表格已保存!", "Error": "错误", "File": "文件", "An error occurred while processing your request": "处理您的请求时发生错误", "Are you sure?": "你确定吗?", "Create Form": "创建表格", "Create New Form": "创建新表格", "Back To My Form": "回到我的表格", "Form Name": "表单名称", "Enter Form Name": "输入表格名称", "Form Visibility": "表单可见性", "Select Form Visibility": "选择表单可见性", "Allow Submission Edit": "允许提交编辑", "NO (submissions are final)": "否(提交是最终的)", "YES (allow users to edit their submissions)": "是(允许用户编辑他们的提交)", "Form Type": "表单类型", "Select Form Types": "选择表格类型", "Click on or drag and drop components onto the main panel to build your form content.": "单击或将组件拖放到主面板上以构建您的表单内容。", "Clear": "清除", "Edit Form": "编辑表格", "Back To My Forms": "回到我的表格", "Copy Form Link": "复制表格链接", "Click on or Drag and drop components onto the main panel to build your form content.": "单击或将组件拖放到主面板上以构建您的表单内容。", "Forms": "形式", "Add New Form": "添加新表格", "Form Preview for :x": ":x 的表单预览", "New Form": "新表格", "Details": "细节", "Copied": "已复制", "Copy Form URL": "复制表单网址", "Public URL": "公共网址", "Allows Edit": "允许编辑", "Owner": "所有者", "Current Submissions": "当前提交", "Edit KYC Form": "编辑 KYC 表格", "Edit KYC Submitted Data": "编辑 KYC 提交的数据", "Link Copied": "链接已复制", "KYC Submissions": "KYC提交", "Edit KYC From": "编辑 KYC 来自", "KYC Form": "KYC表格", "Submit your entry for :x ?": "为 :x 提交您的条目?", "Edit KYC Submission": "编辑 KYC 提交", "Edit KYC Data": "编辑 KYC 数据", "Delete Form": "删除表格", "Submit update to your entry for :x ?": "提交 :x 条目的更新?", "Submitted By": "由...所提交", "Submitted On": "提交于", "Edit My KYC Data": "编辑我的 KYC 数据", "View KYC Submission": "查看 KYC 提交", "KYC Submission": "KYC提交", "Submission Details": "提交详情", "Edit Submission": "编辑提交", "My Forms": "我的表格", "Submit Form": "提交表格", "Back To My Submissions": "回到我的提交", "Edit this submission": "编辑此提交", "Guest": "来宾", "Your entry for ": "您的参赛作品", "Return Home": "回家", "Submit your entry for :x": "为 :x 提交您的条目", "Form Submissions": "表格提交", "Back To Forms": "返回表格", "Viewing Submission #:x for form :y": "Viewing Submission #:x for form :y", "Back To Submissions": "返回提交", "Delete submission": "删除提交", "Delete this submission?": "删除此提交?", "There was an error when processing your request.": "处理您的请求时出错。", ":name payment gateway module not found.": ":name 支付网关模块未找到。", "Already paid for the order.": "已经支付了订单。", "Payment method not found.": "未找到付款方式。", ":x does not exist.": ":x 不存在。", "Payment method not available.": "付款方式不可用。", "Invalid payment request authentication failed. Please retry payment from the start.": "无效的支付请求验证失败。请重新尝试付款。", "Payment processing failed.": "付款处理失败。", "Payment confirmed": "付款确认成功", "Amount paid": "支付的金额", "GATEAWAY": "网关", "Payment has been confirmed. You can close this screen in 3 seconds.": "付款已确认。您可以在 3 秒内关闭此屏幕。", "Something went wrong when processing the payment. Please retry later.": "处理付款时出了点问题。请稍后重试。", "Payment failed": "支付失败", "Gateway": "网关", "Amount to be paid": "该付的钱", "currency": "货币", "Choose Payments from below": "从下面选择付款", "Payment": "支付", "Fill in the required information": "填写必填信息", "No gateway found.": "找不到网关。", "City not found.": "未找到城市。", "Country not found.": "未找到国家。", "State not found.": "未找到状态。", "The :attribute must be either 0 or 1": "The :attribute must be either 0 or 1", "City has been successfully saved.": "城市已成功保存。", "City": "城市", "Country has been successfully saved.": "已成功保存国家。", "Country": "国家", "State has been successfully saved.": "状态已成功保存。", "State": "状态", "Delete Country": "删除国家", "Select a state": "选择一个州", "The country has no state. Select different one.": "国家没有状态。选择不同的。", "Delete State": "删除状态", "The state has no city. Select different one.": "该州没有城市。选择不同的。", "Delete City": "删除城市", "Timezone": "时区", ":x should be at least :y characters.": ":x 应该至少是 :y 个字符。", "Capital": "首都", "Only alphabet, [- ": "只有字母,[-", "3 character code": "3字符代码", "Numeric code": "数字代码", ":x should be at most :y digits.": ":x 最多应为 :y 位。", "Emoji": "表情符号", "Currency Code": "货币代码", ":x must be :y characters.": ":x 必须是 :y 字符。", "Currency Name": "货币名称", "Currency Symbol": "货币符号", "Top Level Domain": "顶级域名", "Calling code": "调用代码", ":x should be at most :y characters.": ":x 最多应该是 :y 个字符。", "GeoLocale": "地理区域", "Countries": "国家", "Add Country": "添加国家", "Search for names": "搜索名称", "States": "状态", "Add State": "添加状态", "Select a country": "选择一个国家", "Cities": "城市", "Add City": "添加城市", "Instamojo Documentation": "Instamojo 文档", "Api Key": "密钥", "Auth Token": "授权令牌", "Instamojo settings updated.": "Instamojo 设置已更新。", "Pay With Instamojo": "使用 Instamojo 支付", "The file you are looking for is not found.": "找不到您要查找的文件。", "This file does not exist.": "该文件不存在。", "success": "成功", "error": "错误", "Attachment": "附件", "Attachment deleted": "附件已删除", "Link copied to clipboard": "链接已复制到剪贴板", "Ok": "好的", "Domain not secure! You have to copy it manually:": "域不安全!您必须手动复制它:", "Successfully deleted.": "成功删除。", "Media-Manager": "媒体管理器", "File Upload": "上传文件", "Allowed File Extensions:": "允许的文件扩展名:", "File List": "档案清单", "KB": "知识库", "Select File": "选择文件", "Upload New": "上传新的", "Sort by newest": "按最新排序", "Sort by oldest": "按最旧排序", "Sort by largest": "按最大排序", "Sort by smallest": "按最小排序", "Search your files": "搜索您的文件", "Files selected": "选择的文件", "Clear all": "全部清除", "Add": "添加", "Media Manager": "媒体经理", "All files": "所有文件", "Add Files": "添加文件", "Details Info": "详细信息", "Copy Link": "复制链接", "File Info": "文件信息", "File Name": "文件名", "File Type": "文件类型", "File Size": "文件大小", "Uploaded By": "上传者", "Uploaded At": "上传于", "Media not found": "未找到媒体", "Deleted Successfully": "删除成功", "Something went wrong": "出问题了", "You delete this item": "你删除这个项目", "Please provide the label name to add menu item": "请提供标签名称以添加菜单项", "The menu has been successfully added.": "菜单已成功添加。", "Please select a menu to add": "请选择要添加的菜单", "The menu has been successfully updated.": "菜单已成功更新。", "The menu has been successfully deleted.": "已成功删除菜单。", "You can not delete this menu": "您不能删除此菜单", "Enter name first": "先输入姓名", "Menus": "菜单", "Select the menu title you want to edit": "选择要编辑的菜单标题", "Create menu title": "创建菜单标题", "Custom Link": "自定义链接", "Press return or enterto expand": "按 return 或 enter 展开", "URL": "网址", "Add menu item": "添加菜单项", "Press return or enter to expand": "按 return 或 enter 展开", "Create Title": "创建标题", "Save menu": "保存菜单", "Menu Structure": "菜单结构", "Menu Creation": "菜单制作", "Please enter the name and select Create menu button": "请输入名称并选择创建菜单按钮", "Subelement": "子元素", "Class CSS (optional)": "类 CSS(可选)", "Icon (optional)": "图标(可选)", "Permission (optional)": "许可(可选)", "Create menu": "创建菜单", "Delete menu": "删除菜单", "Subscriber": "订户", "Confirmation Date": "确认日期", "Thanks, you have successfully subscribed.": "谢谢,您已成功订阅。", "Subscriber not found.": "找不到订户。", "Subscriber information": "订户信息", "The :attribute must be either Active or Inactive": "The :attribute must be either Active or Inactive", "Edit Subscriber": "编辑订户", "Subscriber Information": "订户信息", "Subscribers": "订户", "Page Updated": "页面更新", "Import Template": "导入模板", "Paste here your HTML/CSS and click Import": "将您的 HTML/CSS 粘贴到此处并单击“导入”", "Are you sure to clear the canvas?": "您确定要清除画布吗?", "Save Template": "保存模板", "Preview in new tab": "在新标签页中预览", "PayPal Documentation": "贝宝文档", "Client Secret Key": "客户端密钥", "Client Id": "客户编号", "Paypal settings updated.": "贝宝设置已更新。", "Paypal payment request failed.": "贝宝付款请求失败。", "Payment cancelled from paypal.": "从 paypal 取消付款。", "Pay With Paypal": "使用贝宝支付", "Paystack Documentation": "薪资文档", "Paystack settings updated.": "Paystack 设置已更新。", "This gateway does not support any currency but 'GHS'. Please be aware to remove the hard coded currency after development process.": "此网关不支持除“GHS”以外的任何货币。请注意在开发过程后删除硬编码货币。", "Pay with Paystack": "使用 Paystack 支付", "Edit :?": "编辑 :?", "popup": "弹出", "Delete :?": "删除 :?", "Popup Type": "弹出类型", "Show after": "显示之后", "Login required": "要求登录", "The :? has been successfully saved.": "这 :?已成功保存。", "Popup": "弹出", "Popup does not found.": "未找到弹出窗口。", "The :? has been successfully deleted.": "这 :?已成功删除。", "Create Popup": "创建弹出窗口", "Popup Create": "弹出创建", "Targeting": "定位", "Display": "展示", "Home": "家", "Product Details": "产品详情", "Cart": "大车", "Checkout": "查看", "Confirm Order": "确认订单", "Background": "背景", "Color": "颜色", "Top Left": "左上方", "Top Right": "右上", "Bottom Left": "左下方", "Bottom Right": "右下方", "Width": "宽度", "Text": "文本", "Font size": "字体大小", "Text Margin": "文本边距", "Top": "最佳", "Bottom": "底部", "Normal": "普通的", "Bold": "大胆的", "Italic": "斜体", "Add text": "添加文字", "Popup show after": "弹出显示之后", "This value must be greater than 0.": "此值必须大于0。", "Login needed": "需要登录", "Information": "信息", "Another page link": "另一个页面链接", "Send mail": "发邮件", "Subscribed": "已订阅", "Button": "按钮", "Web Link": "网页链接", "Text color": "文字颜色", "Background color": "背景颜色", "Text color on hover": "悬停时的文字颜色", "Background on hover": "悬停时的背景", "Button Margin": "按钮边距", "Mail": "邮件", "Email placeholder": "电子邮件占位符", "Submit button name": "提交按钮名称", "Box Margin": "箱边距", "Mail content will be here.": "邮件内容会在这里。", "Subscription": "订阅", "Edit Popup": "编辑弹出窗口", "Popup Edit": "弹窗编辑", "Popups": "弹出窗口", "Add Popup": "添加弹出窗口", "All": "全部", "View Popup": "查看弹出窗口", "Razorpay Documentation": "剃刀支付文档", "Api Secret": "API 秘密", "RazorPay settings updated.": "RazorPay 设置已更新。", "Payment id not found.": "未找到付款 ID。", "Pay with Razorpay": "使用 Razorpay 付款", "Recaptcha Documentation": "Recaptcha 文档", "Site Key": "站点密钥", "Recaptcha settings updated.": "Recaptcha 设置已更新。", "Enter recaptcha site key": "输入 recaptcha 站点密钥", "Enter recaptcha secret key": "输入 recaptcha 密钥", "Refund": "退款", "Order Id": "订单号", "Shipping": "船运", "Refund Reason": "退款原因", "Refund Method": "退款方式", "Quantity": "数量", "Amount": "数量", "Refund status must be Opened, In progress, Accepted or Declined.": "退款状态必须为已打开、进行中、已接受或已拒绝。", "You have exceeded item quantity limit.": "您已超出物品数量限制。", "Refund request send successfully.": "退款请求发送成功。", "Refund does not found.": "未发现退款。", "Message has been successfully send.": "消息已成功发送。", "No record found.": "没有找到记录。", "You exceeded the maximum quantity.": "您超出了最大数量。", "Refund not found.": "未找到退款。", "You": "你", "Select one": "选择一个", "Refunds": "退款", "Refund Information": "退款信息", "Shipping Method": "邮寄方式", "Date": "日期", "Total": "全部的", "Declined status can't be changed": "拒绝状态无法更改", "Accepted status can't be changed": "已接受状态无法更改", "Opened": "开业", "In progress": "进行中", "Accepted": "公认", "Declined": "拒绝", "Uploaded pictures": "上传的图片", "Update Refund Request": "更新退款申请", "Are you sure to change refund status?": "您确定要更改退款状态吗?", "Enter your message here...": "在这里输入您的信息...", "Pending": "待办的", "Rejected": "被拒绝", "Confirmed": "确认的", "Create Refund": "创建退款", "Your Refunds": "您的退款", "We got you covered about your concern..": "我们为您解决了您的担忧..", "Requesting refund": "申请退款", "Required Information": "需要的信息", "Please fill in accurate details for the refund of the product.": "请填写准确的产品退款详情。", "Select Order Number": "选择订单号", "Select Product": "选择产品", "Select Quantity": "选择数量", "Select Your Reason": "选择您的理由", "Upload Images of the Product": "上传产品图片", "You can upload atmost 5 images.": "您最多可以上传 5 张图片。", "Example: product images, receipt papers etc.": "例如:产品图片、收据等。", "Send Request": "发送请求", "Order Refund": "订单退款", "Your Refund": "您的退款", "Customer satisfaction is our top priority..": "客户满意是我们的首要任务..", "Want a Refund? Click the button below": "想要退款?点击下面的按钮", "Request A Refund": "申请退款", "My Refund": "我的退款", "Wallet": "钱包", "Current Amount": "当前金额", "refund list": "退款清单", "Filter By": "过滤", "Today": "今天", "Last Week": "上周", "Last Month": "上个月", "Last Year": "去年", "ID Number": "身份证号", "View": "看法", "You Have No Refund Requests Yet": "您还没有退款申请", "Refund ID": "退款编号", "You Have No Refund Requests Yet.": "您还没有退款申请。", "Refund Details": "退款详情", "Reference": "参考", "Refund Amount": "退款金额", "Seller": "卖方", "Uploaded Pictures": "上传图片", "Message Box": "消息框", "Coupons Report": "优惠券报告", "Customers Order Report": "客户订单报告", "Commissions Report": "承诺报告", "Branded Products Report": "品牌产品报告", "Categorized Products Report": "分类产品报告", "Product Stock Report": "产品库存报告", "Tagged Products Report": "标记产品报告", "Search Report": "搜索报告", "Sale Report": "销售报告", "Coupon Name": "优惠券名称", "Coupon Code": "优惠券代码", "Orders": "订单", "Brand": "牌", "Total Product": "总产量", "Product": "产品", "Qty": "数量", "Availability": "可用性", "Tag": "标签", "Product Count": "产品数量", "Subtotal": "小计", "Discount": "折扣", "Tax": "税", "Shipping Methods": "运输方式", "Vendor Name": "供应商名称", "Total Order": "总订单", "Total Commission": "完全承诺", "Keyword": "关键词", "Hits": "点击数", "Filtering": "过滤", "Reports": "报告书", "Report Type": "报告类型", "Date Range": "日期范围", "Pick a date range": "选择日期范围", "Qty Above": "数量以上", "Qty Bellow": "数量如下", "Stock Availability": "库存容量", "In Stock": "有存货", "Out Of Stock": "缺货", "Order Status": "订单状态", "Please select one": "请选择一个", "Customer Name": "顾客姓名", "Customer Email": "客户邮箱", "Shipping class": "船级", "Shipping class not found.": "找不到装运类别。", "Shipping Zone": "航运区", "Shipping zone not found.": "未找到送货区。", "Shipping zone": "送货区", "Shipping zone location": "送货区位置", "Shipping zone location not found.": "未找到送货区域位置。", "Shipping zone class": "航运区类", "Shipping zone class not found.": "未找到送货区域类别。", "Shipping zone method": "出货区法", "Shipping zone method not found.": "未找到送货区方法。", "Shipping Class": "船级", "Shipping setting": "运费设置", "Cost per order": "每笔订单成本", "Cost per quantity": "每数量成本", "Percent sub total of item price": "商品价格的小计百分比", "Taxable": "应税的", "None": "没有任何", "A valid free shipping coupon": "有效的免费送货券", "A minimum order amount": "最低订货量", "A minimum order amount OR a coupon": "最低订单金额或优惠券", "A minimum order amount AND a coupon": "最低订单金额和优惠券", "No shipping zone found.": "未找到送货区域。", "No shipping class found.": "未找到航运类别。", "Shipping class costs": "航运类费用", "These costs can optionally be added based on the product shipping class.": "可以根据产品运输类别选择添加这些成本。", "No class shipping cost": "无类运费", "Calculation Type": "计算类型", "Per class: Charge shipping for each shipping class individually": "Per class: 单独收取每个航运类别的运费", "Per order: Charge shipping for the most expensive shipping class": "每笔订单:按最昂贵的运输类别收取运费", "Class shipping cost": "类运费", "Shipping Options": "送货选项", "Shipping Classes": "航运等级", "Classes": "班级", "Shipping Zones": "航运区", "Zones": "区域", "Help": "帮助", "Delete Tax Rate": "删除税率", "Enter zone name": "输入区域名称", "Set Locations": "设置位置", "Set Shipping Methods": "设置运输方式", "ZIP": "压缩", "Add New Location": "添加新位置", "Free Shipping": "免运费", "Local Pickup": "当地取货", "Flat Rate": "扁平率", "Tax Status": "税务状况", "Cost": "成本", "Free shipping requires": "免费送货需要", "Minimum order amount": "最低订货量", "Coupons discounts": "优惠券折扣", "Apply minimum order rule before coupon discount": "在优惠券折扣前应用最小订单规则", "Name will show in your product create or edit shipping section": "名称将显示在您的产品创建或编辑运输部分", "Slug should not be empty.": "Slug 不应为空。", "Slug help to identify shipping class.": "Slug 有助于识别航运类别。", "You can note down here.": "你可以在这里记下来。", "How many product use the class.": "有多少产品使用该类。", "Zone => Location": "区域 => 位置", "Leave blank to apply to all countries": "留空以适用于所有国家", "Country should be country code.": "国家应该是国家代码。", "You can get country code to visit the :x": "您可以获得国家代码以访问 :x", "link": "关联", "Now you can see country code near of country name.": "现在您可以在国家名称附近看到国家代码。", "Leave blank to apply to all states": "留空以适用于所有州", "State should be state code.": "州应该是州代码。", "You can get state code to visit the :x": "您可以获得州代码以访问 :x", "Now you need to select a country, after that you can see state code near of state name.": "现在您需要选择一个国家,之后您可以在州名附近看到州代码。", "Leave blank to apply to all cities": "留空适用于所有城市", "City should be city name or code.": "城市应为城市名称或代码。", "You can get city name to visit the :x": "您可以获取城市名称以访问 :x", "Now you need to select a country, after that select a state, now you can see city name.": "现在你需要选择一个国家,然后选择一个州,现在你可以看到城市名称。", "Leave blank to apply to all areas.": "留空以应用于所有区域。", "ZIP should be area zip code.": "ZIP 应该是区域邮政编码。", "Zone => Free Shipping": "区域 => 免费送货", "User can see the title when shpping is apply in cart section.": "在购物车部分应用购物时,用户可以看到标题。", "Free Shipping require": "免费送货要求", "Free shipping condition.": "免费送货条件。", "User can see only active status shipping method in cart section.": "用户只能在购物车部分看到有效状态的送货方式。", "Zone => Local Pickup": "区域 => 本地取件", "Define the shipping method is taxable or not.": "定义运输方式是否应税。", "Optional cost for local pickup.": "当地取货的可选费用。", "Zone => Flat Rate": "区域 => 统一费率", "Flat rate cost.": "固定费用。", "Shipping Class cost": "运费", "This cost is apply if this shipping class apply in product": "如果此运输类别适用于产品,则此费用适用", "Calculation type": "计算类型", "Per Class: All class cost are apply": "每班:所有班级费用均适用", "If multiple product add in cart and they have multiple class,": "如果多个产品添加到购物车并且它们有多个类别,", "Per Order: Most expensive shipping cost apply": "每笔订单:适用最昂贵的运费", "Class shipping costs": "类运费", "Calculations": "计算", " Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page": "在购物车页面启用运费计算器", " Hide shipping costs until an address is entered": "在输入地址之前隐藏运费", "Shipping destination": "运送目的地", "Default to customer shipping address": "默认为客户送货地址", "Default to customer billing address": "默认为客户账单地址", "Force shipping to the customer billing address": "强制运送到客户账单地址", "No location found.": "找不到位置。", "Shop Name": "店铺名称", "Website": "网站", "Fax": "传真", "This is your only shop, can not be deleted.": "这是你唯一的店铺,不能删除。", "Shop does not exist.": "商店不存在。", "Your shop limit is over, please upgrade your package.": "您的店铺限额已满,请升级您的套餐。", "Shops": "商店", "Shop Information": "店铺资讯", "Enter a valid :x.": "输入有效的 :x。", "Alias": "别名", "Cover Image": "封面图片", "Add Shop": "添加店铺", "Created": "已建立", "SSLCommers Documentation": "SSLCommers 文档", "Store Id": "店铺编号", "SSL Commerz settings updated.": "SSL Commerz 设置已更新。", "Failed to connect with SSL Commerz API.": "无法与 SSL Commerz API 连接。", "Please provide valid transaction ID and post request data.": "请提供有效的交易 ID 和发布请求数据。", "Invalid data": "无效数据", "Hash validation failed.": "哈希验证失败。", "Failed to connect with SSLCOMMERZ": "无法与 SSLCOMMERZ 连接", "Transaction Failed": "交易失败", "Data has been tempered.": "数据已经缓和。", "Data has been tempered": "数据被锤炼", "Required data missing. ex: verify_key, verify_sign": "缺少所需数据。例如:verify_key, verify_sign", "Verification signature not matched.": "验证签名不匹配。", "Please provide a valid information list about transaction with transaction id, amount, success url, fail url, cancel url, store id and pass at least": "请提供有效的交易信息列表,至少包含交易id、金额、成功url、失败url、取消url、store id和pass", "Payment cancelled from ssl commerz.": "从 ssl commerz 取消付款。", "if you have any token validation": "如果您有任何令牌验证", "your javascript arrays or objects which requires in backend": "后端需要的 javascript 数组或对象", "If you already have the transaction generated for current order": "如果您已经为当前订单生成交易", "Pay Now": "现在付款", "Stripe Documentation": "条纹文档", "Publishable Key": "可发布密钥", "Client Secret": "客户秘密", "Stripe settings updated.": "条纹设置已更新。", "Error while trying to setup stripe.": "尝试设置条带时出错。", "Payment Request failed due to some issues. Please try again later.": "由于某些问题,付款请求失败。请稍后再试。", "Payment Request failed due to credentials mismatch.": "由于凭据不匹配,付款请求失败。", "Credit or debit card": "信用卡或借记卡", "Pay With Stripe": "条纹付款", "Tax class": "税种", "Tax class not found.": "未找到税级。", "Standard tax class can not be deleted.": "标准税级不能删除。", "Tax rate": "税率", "Tax rate not found.": "未找到税率。", "Tax Rate": "税率", "Tax setting": "税务设定", "No tax rate found.": "未找到税率。", "Rates": "费率", "Delete Tax": "删除税", "Post code": "邮政编码", "Priority": "优先事项", "Compound": "化合物", "Deleting": "删除", "Taxes": "税金", "Standard Rates": "标准费率", "Tax Class": "税级", "This name will be visible for users, when the tax rate will be apply.": "当税率适用时,此名称将对用户可见。", "City should be city name": "城市应该是城市名称", "Post code should be area zip code.": "邮政编码应为区域邮政编码。", "Tax rate calculation": "税率计算", "Your math would be simply: [item price] x [rate] = [tax].": "您的数学公式很简单:[商品价格] x [费率] = [税费]。", "Example: item price = $100, rate = 5": "示例:商品价格 = 100 美元,费率 = 5", "That's $100 x . 05 = $5. Since you've figured out the sales tax is $5, that means the total user will pay is $105.": "那是 100 美元 x 。 05 = 5 美元。由于您计算出销售税为 5 美元,这意味着用户将支付的总金额为 105 美元。", "Choose a priority for this tax rate.": "选择此税率的优先级。", "Only 1 matching rate per priority will be used.": "每个优先级仅使用 1 个匹配率。", "To define multiple tax rates for a single area you need to specify a defferenct priority per rate": "要为单个区域定义多个税率,您需要为每个税率指定不同的优先级", "A compound tax is calculated on top of the primary tax.": "复合税是在主要税之上计算的。", "Let's take an example where the price of an item is $100. After calculating the primary tax at 10%, the item is now $110.": "让我们举一个例子,一件商品的价格是 100 美元。在计算 10% 的主要税后,该商品现在为 110 美元。", "A compound tax of 5% will bring the total item price to $110 + 5% = $115.50.": "5% 的复合税将使商品总价达到 110 美元 5% = 115.50 美元。", "Choose whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping.": "选择此税率是否也适用于运费。", "Calculate tax based on": "计税依据", "Customer shipping address": "客户送货地址", "Customer billing address": "客户账单地址", "Base address": "基地址", "Shipping tax class": "运费税级", "Shipping tax class base on cart items": "基于购物车商品的运费税级", "Standard": "标准", "Rounding": "四舍五入", "Round tax at subtotal level, instead of rounding per line": "小计级别的四舍五入税,而不是每行四舍五入", "Additional tax classes": "附加税种", "Add New Class": "添加新类", "Display tax totals": "显示税收总额", "As a single total": "作为一个整体", "Productized": "产品化", "Not Replied Yet": "尚未回复", "Ticket": "票", "#": "#", "Subject": "主题", "Assignee": "受让人", "Department": "部门", "Last reply": "最后回覆", "Canned Message": "罐装留言", "Canned Link": "固定链接", "Deleted Successfully.": "已成功删除。", "Vendor id is required": "供应商 ID 是必需的", "Chat not found": "找不到聊天", "The data you are trying to access is not found.": "找不到您尝试访问的数据。", "Successfully Updated": "成功更新", "Ticket Reply": "工单回复", "Customer Ticket Reply": "客票回复", "Invalid Ticket Reply": "无效的票证回复", "No Canned Link Found": "找不到固定链接", "Canned Link Found": "找到固定链接", "No Canned Message Found": "找不到固定消息", "Canned Message Found": "发现罐头消息", "Only Image, PDF and Doc files are accepted.": "仅接受图像、PDF 和 Doc 文件。", "Max file size :x KB.": "最大文件大小:x KB。", "Attachment upload error.": "附件上传错误。", "Please provide at most 255 characters.": "请提供最多 255 个字符。", "Please enter a valid link.": "请输入有效链接。", "Please provide at most 150 characters.": "请提供最多 150 个字符。", "Does not find any link!": "没有找到任何链接!", "Product sent.": "产品已发送。", "Attachment failed": "附件失败", "SHOW LESS": "显示较少", "SHOW MORE": "展示更多", "Please wait...": "请稍等...", "Password did not match": "密码不匹配", "Enter a valid name": "输入一个有效的名字", "Enter a valid phone number": "输入有效的电话号码", "Loading...": "载入中...", "assigning to this ticket": "分配给这张票", " successfully assigned": "成功分配", " please check your email configuration": "请检查您的电子邮件配置", "Supports": "技术支持", "Open Ticket": "公开票", "Ticket Information": "票务信息", "Departament": "部门", "Open": "打开", "Tickets": "入场券", "New Ticket": "新票", "To": "至", "Add Ticket": "添加票证", "Date range picker": "日期范围选择器", "All Assignee": "所有受让人", "All Department": "所有部门", "Support": "支持", "Ticket No": "票号", "No Assignee": "无受让人", "Canned Message Title": "固定消息标题", "No record found": "没有找到记录", "Canned Link Title": "固定链接标题", "Reply": "回复", "Save Canned Message": "保存罐头消息", "Save Canned Link": "保存固定链接", "Update Reply": "更新回复", "Provide Title": "提供标题", "Ticket Lists": "门票清单", "Assignee:": "受让人:", "Department:": "部门:", "Period:": "时期:", "Print Date:": "列印日期:", "Last Reply": "最后回覆", "Not Reply Yet": "尚未回复", "Conversation": "对话", "Edit Ticket": "编辑票证", "Once you start a new conversation, you'll see it listed here": "开始新对话后,您会在此处看到它列出", "You need to login to initiate chat.": "您需要登录才能开始聊天。", "No message selected.": "没有选择消息。", "View Item": "查看项目", "IS": "是", "Select Brands": "选择品牌", "NOT": "不是", "Select Brand": "选择品牌", "Select Categories": "选择类别", "Select Tags": "选择标签", "Select Vendor": "选择供应商", "False": "错误的", "True": "真的", "Select Date": "选择日期", "Product Title": "产品名称", "Product Price": "产品价格", "Featured Date": "精选日期", "Attribute": "属性", "Attribute Group": "属性组", "Total Products": "总产品", "Template": "模板", "Vendors": "供应商", "Payment Status": "支付状态", "Trash": "垃圾", "": "", "SKU": "存货单位", "Stock": "库存", "Comments": "注释", "Rating": "评分", "Role": "角色", "Payer": "付款人", "Method": "方法", "Browser": "浏览器", "Platform": "平台", "IP": "知识产权", "Login as": "登录为", "User": "用户", "Picture": "图片", "Balance": "平衡", "Activity": "活动", "Invoice": "发票", "Number of Products": "产品数量", "Total Amount": "总金额", "Fees": "费用", "Updated At": "更新于", "Page Not Found.": "网页未找到。", "Failed to save :x!": "保存失败:x!", "Preference": "偏爱", "Please pay first in order to reach the final status.": "请先付款以达到最终状态。", "Email has been sent successfully.": "电子邮件已经发送成功。", "Email can not be sent, please check email configuration or try again.": "无法发送电子邮件,请检查电子邮件配置或重试。", "Registration successful. Please verify your email.": "注册成功。请验证您的电子邮件。", "Invalid Credentials": "无效证件", "Password reset link sent to your email address.": "密码重置链接已发送到您的电子邮件地址。", "Invalid OTP": "无效一次性密码", "OTP verification successful.": "OTP 验证成功。", "Password update successfully.": "密码更新成功。", "Nothing is updated.": "没有更新。", "Logout successfully": "注销成功", "The OTP is required.": "OTP 是必需的。", "Your OTP is invalid.": "您的 OTP 无效。", "Account activation successful. Please login": "账户激活成功。请登录", "Need writable permission of language directory": "需要语言目录的可写权限", "Email Configuration": "电子邮件配置", "Email Template": "电子邮件模板", "Something went wrong. Product not found.": "出问题了。未找到产品。", "Product has been trashed.": "产品已被丢弃。", "Product deleted permanently.": "产品被永久删除。", "Address does not found.": "找不到地址。", "Products added to cart successfully.": "产品已成功添加到购物车。", "This product is facing license validation issue.<br>Please contact admin to fix the issue.": "此产品面临许可证验证问题。<br>请联系管理员解决问题。", "Invalid Order!": "订单无效!", "No product found.": "没有找到产品。", "Order not found.": "找不到订单。", "Product not found.": "未找到产品。", "Invalid type of product category": "产品类别类型无效", "Oops! Something went wrong, please try again.": "糟糕!出问题了,请重试。", "You have already done your review.": "您已经完成了审核。", "Thanks for the review. It will be published soon.": "感谢您的评论。它将很快发布。", "File remove successfully.": "文件删除成功。", "Review not found.": "未找到评论。", "Customer Info": "顾客信息", "Old password is wrong.": "旧密码错误。", "Password": "密码", "Admin account can't be deleted.": "无法删除管理员帐户。", "Password does not match": "密码不匹配", "Your :x has been successfully deleted.": "您的 :x 已成功删除。", "Account": "帐户", "Your wallet is empty.": "你的钱包是空的。", "Product added to your wishlist.": "产品已添加到您的愿望清单。", "Wishlist id is required.": "愿望清单 ID 是必需的。", "Wishlist": "心愿单", "Wishlist id is invalid.": "愿望清单 ID 无效。", "User Info": "用户信息", "Related Products": "相关产品", "Cross Sale": "交叉销售", "Up Sale": "向上销售", "Not Permitted": "不允许", "Company Settings": "公司设定", "Bad Request": "错误的请求", "Unauthorized": "未经授权", "Forbidden": "禁止的", "Not Found": "未找到", "Method Not Allowed": "不允许的方法", "Request Timeout": "请求超时", "Requested Range Not Satisfiable": "请求范围不满足", "No Response": "没有反应", "Internal Server Error": "内部服务器错误", "Be right back": "马上回来", "Currency name is already taken.": "货币名称已被使用。", ":x sent successfully.": ":x 发送成功。", ":x can not be sent, please check email configuration or try again.": ":x 无法发送,请检查邮件配置或重试。", "User verification updated successfully.": "用户验证更新成功。", "Error in uploading file. Please try again.": "上传文件时出错。请再试一次。", "Allowed File Extensions: jpg, jpeg, png": "允许的文件扩展名:jpg,jpeg,png", "Invalid file type": "无效的文件类型", "Uploaded successfully": "上传成功", "Language": "语", "Invalid Language": "语言无效", "That language is already taken.": "该语言已被采用。", "Default language can't be inactive.": "默认语言不能处于非活动状态。", "Update Failed": "更新失败", "Inactive User": "无效的用户", "This product is facing license validation issue.": "此产品面临许可证验证问题。", "Please verify your purchase code from :x.": "请从 :x 验证您的购买代码。", "here": "这里", "Invalid User": "无效的用户", "Invalid email or password": "无效的电子邮件或密码", "Reset Password": "重设密码", "Invalid password token": "无效的密码令牌", "Password updated successfully.": "密码更新成功。", "Id": "ID", "Maintenance mode successfully updated.": "维护模式已成功更新。", "Order Setting": "订单设置", "Please make a status as default.": "请将状态设置为默认。", "Nothing to generated": "没有生成", "Permission generated.": "已生成许可。", "This product is facing license validation issue.<br>Please verify your purchase code from": "此产品面临许可证验证问题。<br>请验证您的购买代码", "Password preference updated successfully": "密码首选项已成功更新", "Action name required.": "需要操作名称。", "Commission update failed.": "佣金更新失败。", "Product setting": "产品设置", "The :x does not exist.": ":x 不存在。", "You can not delete this :x.": "您不能删除此 :x。", "Address not found.": "找不到地址。", "Failed to added in compare list! try again.": "添加到比较列表失败!再试一次。", "Product successfully added in compare list.": "产品已成功添加到比较列表中。", "Already added. Try another one.": "已经加入。试试另一个。", "Customer sign up temporarily unavailable.": "客户注册暂时不可用。", "Please verify your email address.": "请验证您的电子邮件地址。", "Click here to verify.": "单击此处进行验证。", "Sorry, your account is not activated. Please contact with :x": "抱歉,您的帐户未激活。请联系:x", "Email or Password is incorrect!": "电子邮件或密码不正确!", "You are now logged in!": "您现在已登录!", "This account is already activated.": "此帐户已激活。", "Your account is activated, please login.": "您的账户已激活,请登录。", "The OTP field is required.": "OTP 字段是必需的。", "Password reset successfully.": "密码重置成功。", "Email already has been taken.": "电子邮件已被占用。", "Email address does not exists in the system.": "系统中不存在电子邮件地址。", "Please Enter a valid :x.": "请输入有效的 :x。", "Email address": "电子邮件地址", "Sorry, your account is not activated. Please contact with the site administrator.": "抱歉,您的帐户未激活。请与站点管理员联系。", "Track code is invalid.": "跟踪代码无效。", "Invalid order data.": "订单数据无效。", "Payment data not found.": "未找到付款数据。", "The email address has already been taken.": "电子邮件地址已被占用。", "You are already registered.": "你已经注册过了。", "Failed! Something has gone wrong. Please contact with admin.": "失败的!出了点问题。请与管理员联系。", "Success! Registration has been done and account activation key has been sent your account.": "成功!注册已完成,帐户激活密钥已发送至您的帐户。", "Seller sign up is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.": "卖家注册暂时不可用。请稍后再试。", "The :x has been successfully submitted.": ":x 已成功提交。", "Vendor request": "供应商要求", "Invalid component": "无效组件", "Your information has been successfully saved.": "您的信息已成功保存。", "Profile image remove successfully.": "资料图片删除成功。", "Profile image remove fail.": "个人资料图像删除失败。", "SSO Service": "单点登录服务", "Transaction does not found.": "未找到交易。", "This account is already activated": "此帐户已激活", "Your account is activated, please login": "您的账户已激活,请登录", "Your CSV has no data to import": "您的 CSV 没有要导入的数据", "Please Check CSV Header Name.": "请检查 CSV 标题名称。", ":x is required": ":x 是必需的", "Enter a valid email": "输入有效的电子邮件", ":x is already taken.": ":x 已经被占用。", "Password should be at least 5 characters": "密码至少应包含5个字符", "Status can be either :x, :y, :z or :a.": "状态可以是 :x、:y、:z 或 :a。", "Deleted": "已删除", "Total Imported row: ": "总导入行:", "Please upload a CSV file.": "请上传CSV文件。", "Vendor not found.": "找不到供应商。", "Vendor Info": "供应商信息", "Failed! Please configure your mail or template properly.": "失败的!请正确配置您的邮件或模板。", "Please update withdrawal setting.": "请更新取款设置。", "Withdrawal": "退出", "You do not have permission to access these records.": "您无权访问这些记录。", "Your seller account is not activate yet. Please contact with site administrator.": "您的卖家账户尚未激活。请与站点管理员联系。", "Demo Mode! This action can't be perform.": "演示模式!无法执行此操作。", "Unauthorized! Go home, grow up and get authorization": "未经授权!回家,长大并获得授权", "Invalid characters are present in your api URL.": "您的 api URL 中存在无效字符。", "Status must be Active, Inactive or Pending": "状态必须为活动、非活动或待定", "Email Address": "电子邮件地址", "auth.failed": "授权失败", "First and last name": "名字和姓氏", "Default value must be either 0 or 1": "默认值必须是 0 或 1", "Type of place must be either home or office.": "地点类型必须是家庭或办公室。", "You can't delete primary address.": "您不能删除主要地址。", "The :x has been successfully removed.": ":x 已成功删除。", "Address found.": "找到地址。", "At least 1 attribute value is required.": "至少需要 1 个属性值。", "Can not be deleted. This :x has records!": "无法删除。这个 :x 有记录!", "Value": "价值", "Best Seller": "畅销书", "Popular Brands": "热门品牌", "Random Brands": "随机品牌", "Selected Brands": "精选品牌", "Can not be deleted. This category has records!": "无法删除。这个类别有记录!", "Selected Categories": "所选类别", "Best Seller Categories": "畅销品类别", "Popular Categories": "热门类别", "Random Categories": "随机分类", "Exchange rate must be 0 to 99999999.99999999": "汇率必须是 0 到 99999999.99999999", "Can not be deleted. This is default currency.": "无法删除。这是默认货币。", "Email template": "电子邮件模板", "Attachment found": "找到附件", ":x language can not be deleted.": ":x 语言无法删除。", "English": "英语", "Unpaid": "未付", "Paid": "有薪酬的", "Partially Paid": "部分付款", "Can not be deleted. This is core status.": "无法删除。这是核心地位。", "Can not be deleted. This is default status.": "无法删除。这是默认状态。", "Password reset successfully": "密码重置成功", "The separator field is required.": "分隔符字段是必需的。", "Most Popular": "最受欢迎", "Featured Products": "特色产品", "New Arrivals": "新品上架", "Flash Sales": "闪购", "Custom Filter": "自定义过滤器", "Your wallet balance is low.": "您的钱包余额不足。", "Withdrawal request send successfully.": "取款请求发送成功。", "Transaction": "交易", "Gender must be either Male or Female": "性别必须是男性或女性", "The file must be a file of type: :x": "该文件必须是以下类型的文件::x", "CSV": "CSV", "Withdrawal setting save successfully.": "提现设置保存成功。", "Invalid :x": "无效:x", "The selected :x is invalid.": "所选的 :x 无效。", "Attribute Value": "属性值", ":x is required.": ":x 是必需的。", "Duplicate Attribute value entry error!": "重复属性值输入错误!", "The value may not be greater than 50 characters.": "该值不得超过 50 个字符。", "The :x field is invalid.": ":x 字段无效。", "Date format": "日期格式", "Duplicate :x entry error!": "重复 :x 输入错误!", "The text field is required.": "文本字段是必需的。", "The label may not be greater than 191 characters.": "标签不得超过 191 个字符。", "Required field is mandatory": "必填字段为必填项", "Option": "选项", "The option name may not be greater than 100 characters.": "选项名称不能超过 100 个字符。", ":x option not more than one": ":x 选项不超过一个", "Size": "尺寸", "Price Type": "价格类型", "Thousand Separator": "千位分隔符", "The date must be a valid date.": "日期必须是有效日期。", "The email must be a valid email address.": "电子邮件必须是有效的电子邮件地址。", "Allowed File Extensions: ": "允许的文件扩展名:", "The phone must be a valid phone number.": "电话必须是有效的电话号码。", "The website must be a valid URL.": "该网站必须是有效的 URL。", "The :attribute must be greater than or equal to start date.": "The :attribute must be greater than or equal to start date.", "Password must contain :x": "密码必须包含 :x", "Password must contain :x and :y characters long.": "密码必须包含 :x 和 :y 字符长。", "Password must be at least :x characters.": "密码必须至少为 :x 个字符。", "Action not found.": "未找到操作。", "Product identifier not found.": "未找到产品标识符。", "Permalink Updated.": "永久链接已更新。", "Product updated successfully.": "产品更新成功。", "Product Updated.": "产品已更新。", "Attribute updated.": "属性已更新。", "Please select variation type.": "请选择变体类型。", "Variation not found.": "未找到变体。", "Variation updated successfully.": "变体更新成功。", "Please save to store the attribute.": "请保存以存储属性。", "Invalid attribute provided.": "提供的属性无效。", "Variations loaded.": "变化加载。", "Missing Attribute": "缺少属性", "Attribute deleted.": "属性已删除。", "Invalid variation information.": "变体信息无效。", "This variation cannot be deleted.": "无法删除此变体。", "Variation deleted.": "变体已删除。", "Failed to delete the variation.": "无法删除变体。", "Invalid tags input": "输入的标签无效", "Tags updated.": "标签已更新。", "Invalid attribute.": "无效的属性。", "Empty value is not acceptable.": "空值是不可接受的。", "Attribute value added": "增加的属性值", "Failed to add variation.": "添加变体失败。", "ID": "ID", "Summery": "夏日的", "Parent": "家长", "Regular Price": "正常价格", "Sale Price": "销售价格", "Available From": "可从", "Available To": "有空", "Sale From": "销售自", "Sale To": "卖给", "Weight": "重量", "Length": "长度", "Allow Backorder": "允许缺货", "Images": "图片", "Upsells": "追加销售", "Manage Stock?": "管理库存?", "Total Stock": "总库存", "Stock Status": "库存状况", "Stock Threshold": "股票门槛", "Cross Sells": "交叉销售", "Sold Individually": "单独出售", "Attribute Title": "属性标题", "Attribute Visible": "属性可见", "Use For Variation": "用于变化", "Download ID": "下载编号", "Download Name": "下载名称", "Download Url": "下载地址", "Download Limit": "下载限制", "Email can not be sent, please contact with admin.": "无法发送邮件,请与管理员联系。", "Download expiry": "下载过期", "Never": "绝不", "Unknown": "未知", "Failed to added to cart! try again.": "加入购物车失败!再试一次。", "Stock is not available.": "没有库存。", "Product successfully added to your cart.": "产品已成功添加到您的购物车。", "Saved Successfully.": "保存成功。", "Saved Successfully": "保存成功", "This coupon has already been applied.": "此优惠券已被应用。", "Select a product first!": "先选好产品!", "Errors": "失误", "You have to spend more :x to avail this coupon.": "您必须花费更多 :x 才能使用此优惠券。", "Coupon usage limit has been reached.": "已达到优惠券使用限制。", "Opps! Data not found.": "哎呀!未找到数据。", "Data": "数据", "On Backorder": "在缺货", "Out of stock": "缺货", "Maximum File Size :x MB.": "最大文件大小:x MB。", "Upload Sucessfully": "上传成功", "Updating": "更新中", "Invalid file extension": "无效的文件扩展名", "Allowed File Extensions: jpg, png, gif, bmp": "允许的文件扩展名:jpg,png,gif,bmp", "Once deleted, you will not be able to recover this file.": "删除后,您将无法恢复该文件。", "Discount Percentage": "折扣百分比", "Search for vendor by name.": "按名称搜索供应商。", "Search for products by name.": "按名称搜索产品。", "Product name updated.": "产品名称已更新。", "Category updated.": "类别已更新。", "Product media updated.": "产品媒体已更新。", "Product seo updated.": "产品搜索引擎优化更新。", "Browse": "浏览", "Save Url": "保存网址", "Define a valid regular price.": "定义有效的正常价格。", "Sell price must be less than regular price.": "售价必须低于正常价格。", "Process completed successfully.": "过程成功完成。", "Search for products by name or slug.": "按名称或 slug 搜索产品。", "Search tags by name": "按名称搜索标签", "Remove": "去掉", "Upload Photo": "上传图片", "Failed to process the request. Check network log for more information.": "无法处理请求。检查网络日志以获取更多信息。", "Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos.": "抱歉,您的浏览器不支持嵌入视频。", "VIEW": "看法", "Accept": "接受", "Reject": "拒绝", "Your data is safe!": "您的数据是安全的!", "Fixed": "固定的", "Percent": "百分", "Payment status is unpaid.": "付款状态为未付款。", "Search for users by name.": "按名称搜索用户。", "link copied": "链接已复制", "Search for a downloadable product": "搜索可下载的产品", "Download limit": "下载限制", "Customer download link": "客户下载链接", "Access": "使用权", "Revoke access": "撤销访问", "Downloaded": "已下载", "Times": "次", "Please select menu image NONE to work menu background color": "请选择菜单图像“无”以使用菜单背景颜色", "Dark mode will work completely, after saving theme preferences": "保存主题首选项后,深色模式将完全起作用", "Nothing selected": "没有选择", "Please select an starting date.": "请选择开始日期。", "End date must be greater than end date.": "结束日期必须晚于结束日期。", "Immediately": "立即地", "Search for currency": "搜索货币", "Loading": "加载中", "Select City": "选择城市", "Select State": "选择州", ":x is not available.": ":x 不可用。", "Select Country": "选择国家", "Resend Code": "重新发送验证码", "Please select some product options before adding this product to your cart.": "在将此产品添加到您的购物车之前,请选择一些产品选项。", "Please select a product first!": "请先选择产品!", "Proceed to Checkout": "进行结算", "Add to Cart": "添加到购物车", "has been added to cart.": "已添加到购物车。", "View Cart": "查看购物车", "Go to Checkout": "去结账", "Clear All": "全部清除", "Empty!": "空的!", "Congrats you are eligible for this coupon in this order.": "恭喜您有资格在此订单中使用此优惠券。", "Click to delete the coupon.": "点击删除优惠券。", "Default address not found! Please create a address & make it default": "找不到默认地址!请创建一个地址", "Make Payment": "付款", "Good Morning": "早上好", "Good Noon": "午安", "Good Afternoon": "下午好", "Good Evening": "晚上好", "Show more": "显示更多", "Show less": "显示较少", "Not Applicable": "不适用", "All Categories": "所有类别", "See Less": "少看", "See All": "看到所有", "Invalid password token. Please try again.": "密码令牌无效。请再试一次。", "Email address is required.": "电子邮件地址是必需的。", "A verification link has been sent to the email address.": "验证链接已发送到电子邮件地址。", "All fields are required.": "各个领域都需要。", "uppercase": "大写", "lowercase": "小写", "numbers": "数字", "symbols": "符号", "Verify Account": "验证账户", "Please upload valid images": "请上传有效图片", "Maximum file size 2MB": "最大文件大小 2MB", "You won't be able to revert this!": "您将无法恢复!", "Yes, delete it!": "对,删除!", "Rating field is required": "评分字段是必需的", "You can only upload a maximum of 15 files.": "您最多只能上传 15 个文件。", "To give a review, you need to login first.": "要发表评论,您需要先登录。", "Passwords does not match!": "密码不匹配!", "The name field is required.": "名称字段是必需的。", "The Name must be 3 character or long.": "名称必须是 3 个字符或长。", "The email field is required.": "电子邮件字段是必需的。", "Submitting": "提交中", "Submit Reveiw": "提交评论", "Dimensions": "方面", "Only": "仅有的", "left in stock": "有库存", "Days": "天", "hrs": "小时", "mins": "分钟", "sec": "秒", "Search History": "搜索历史记录", "Remove from wishlist": "从心愿单中删除", "Add to wishlist": "添加到心愿单", "Allowed File Extensions: csv": "允许的文件扩展名:csv", "Any Time": "任何时候", "Anytime": "随时", "Yesterday": "昨天", "Last 7 Days": "最近7天", "Last 30 Days": "最近30天", "This Month": "这个月", "Apply": "申请", "From": "从", "Custom Range": "自订范围", "Su": "苏", "Mo": "莫", "Tu": "涂", "We": "我们", "Th": "钍", "Fr": "r", "Sa": "萨", "January": "一月", "February": "二月", "March": "行进", "April": "四月", "May": "可能", "June": "六月", "July": "七月", "August": "八月", "September": "九月", "October": "十月", "November": "十一月", "December": "十二月", "See Less Categories": "少看类别", "See All Categories": "查看所有类别", "./resources/js/app.js": "./resources/js/app.js", "./resources/css/app.css": "./resources/css/app.css", "The :attribute must be accepted.": "The :attribute must be accepted.", "The :attribute is not a valid URL.": "The :attribute is not a valid URL.", "The :attribute must be a date after :date.": "The :attribute must be a date after :date.", "The :attribute may only contain letters.": "The :attribute may only contain letters.", "The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.": "The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.", "The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.": "The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.", "The :attribute must be an array.": "The :attribute must be an array.", "The :attribute must be a date before :date.": "The :attribute must be a date before :date.", "Some old products do not have sufficient quantity to transfer!": "一些旧产品没有足够的数量来转让!", "Some newly added products do not have sufficient quantity!": "一些新添加的产品数量不足!", "Some products do not have sufficient quantity to do this adjustment!": "一些产品的数量不足以进行此调整!", "Product Quantity Should Not be Less Than One!": "产品数量不得少于一件!", "The :attribute must be between :min and :max.": "The :attribute must be between :min and :max.", "The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.": "The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.", "The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.": "The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.", "The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.": "The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.", "The :attribute field must be true or false.": "The :attribute field must be true or false.", "The :attribute confirmation does not match.": "The :attribute confirmation does not match.", "The :attribute is not a valid date.": "The :attribute is not a valid date.", "The :attribute does not match the format :format.": "The :attribute does not match the format :format.", "The :attribute and :other must be different.": "The :attribute and :other must be different.", "The :attribute must be :digits digits.": "The :attribute must be :digits digits.", "The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.": "The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.", "The :attribute field has a duplicate value.": "The :attribute field has a duplicate value.", "The :attribute must be a valid email address.": "The :attribute must be a valid email address.", "The selected :attribute is invalid.": "The selected :attribute is invalid.", "The :attribute field is required.": "The :attribute field is required.", "The :attribute must be an image.": "The :attribute must be an image.", "The :attribute field does not exist in :other.": "The :attribute field does not exist in :other.", "The :attribute must be an integer.": "The :attribute must be an integer.", "The :attribute must be a valid IP address.": "The :attribute must be a valid IP address.", "The :attribute must be a valid JSON string.": "The :attribute must be a valid JSON string.", "The :attribute may not be greater than :max.": "The :attribute may not be greater than :max.", "The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.": "The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.", "The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.": "The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.", "The :attribute may not have more than :max items.": "The :attribute may not have more than :max items.", "The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.": "The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.", "The :attribute must be at least :min.": "The :attribute must be at least :min.", "The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.": "The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.", "The :attribute must be at least :min characters.": "The :attribute must be at least :min characters.", "The :attribute must have at least :min items.": "The :attribute must have at least :min items.", "The :attribute must be a number.": "The :attribute must be a number.", "The :attribute field must be present.": "The :attribute field must be present.", "The :attribute format is invalid.": "The :attribute format is invalid.", "The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.": "The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.", "The :attribute field is required unless :other is in :values.": "The :attribute field is required unless :other is in :values.", "The :attribute field is required when :values is present.": "The :attribute field is required when :values is present.", "The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.": "The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.", "The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present.": "The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present.", "The :attribute and :other must match.": "The :attribute and :other must match.", "The :attribute must be :size.": "The :attribute must be :size.", "The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.": "The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.", "The :attribute must be :size characters.": "The :attribute must be :size characters.", "The :attribute must be a string.": "The :attribute must be a string.", "The :attribute must be a valid zone.": "The :attribute must be a valid zone.", "The :attribute has already been taken.": "The :attribute has already been taken.", "Please verify that you are not a robot.": "请确认您不是机器人。", "Captcha error! try again later or contact site admin.": "验证码错误!稍后重试或联系网站管理员。", "Account Settings": "帐号设定", "Customer Signup": "客户注册", "Vendor Signup": "供应商注册", "Attributes": "属性", "Attribute :x": "属性:x", "Values": "价值观", "New": "新的", "Add Attribute": "添加属性", "All :x": "全部:x", "Groups": "团体", "Is Filterable": "可过滤", "Attribute Groups": "属性组", "Add Attribute Group": "添加属性组", "Log In": "登录", "Sign In": "登入", "Remember Me": "记得我", "Forgot password?": "忘记密码?", "RESET YOUR PASSWORD": "重置你的密码", "Enter your email to send password reset link": "输入您的电子邮件以发送密码重置链接", "Click here to": "点击这里", "OTP": "一次性密码", "Enter OTP": "输入一次性密码", "Continue": "继续", "Confirm password": "确认密码", "Upload Image": "上传图片", "Add Brand": "添加品牌", ":x Lists": ":x 列表", "New :x": "新:x", "Root Category": "根类别", "Sub Category": "子类别", "Category Information": "类别信息", ":x should contain at least :x characters.": ":x 应该至少包含 :x 个字符。", "Only alphabet and white space are allowed.": "只允许使用字母和空格。", "Parent Category": "父类", "Is Searchable": "可搜索", "Is Featured": "是特色", "System Setup": "系统设置", "Site Short Name": "网站简称", ":x should contain at least :y digits.": ":x 应该至少包含 :y 数字。", "Phone Number": "电话号码", "Tax Id": "税务编号", "Street": "街道", "Zip code": "邮政编码", "Default language": "预设语言", "Default currency": "预设货币", "Allowed File Extensions: :y and Maximum File Size :x": "允许的文件扩展名::y 和最大文件大小:x", "Favicon": "网站图标", "Finance": "金融", "New Currency": "新货币", "Symbol": "象征", "Edit Currency": "修改币种", "Delete Currency": "删除货币", "Are you sure to delete this Currency?": "您确定要删除此货币吗?", "Home Currency": "本国货币", "Exchange Rate": "汇率", "Exchange From": "交换自", "local": "当地的", "api": "api", "Dashboard": "仪表盘", "Welcome to admin dashboard.": "欢迎使用管理仪表板。", "New Orders": "新订单", ":x days": ":x 天", "Refund Requests": "退款申请", "Total sales": "总销售额", "Users": "用户数", "ORDER STATUS THIS MONTH": "本月订单状态", "SALES PER DAY": "每日销售额", "MOST ACTIVE USERS": "最活跃的用户", "Most SOLD BRANDS": "最畅销的品牌", "Total orders": "订单总数", "MOST SOLD PRODUCTS": "最畅销的产品", "Vendor Requests": "供应商要求", "ALL VENDOR STATISTICS": "所有供应商统计", "DAILY": "日常的", "WEEKLY": "每周", "MONTHLY": "每月", "YEARLY": "每年", "VENDOR": "小贩", "RATINGS": "评级", "TOTAL ORDERS": "总订单", "SALES": "销售量", "ACTION": "行动", "Email Setup": "电邮设定", "Setup": "设置", "Verified": "已验证", "Email Protocol": "电子邮件协议", "SMTP": "SMTP协议", "Send Mail": "发邮件", "Email Encription": "电子邮件签名", "SMTP Host": "SMTP主机", "SMTP Port": "SMTP端口", "SMTP Email": "SMTP电子邮件", "From Address": "发件人地址", "From Name": "来自名字", "SMTP username": "SMTP用户名", "Username": "用户名", "SMTP Password": "SMTP密码", "Email Templates": "电子邮件范本", "Template Information": "模板信息", "Translate": "翻译", "Body": "身体", "Variables": "变量", "Please use comma separated values for variables field.": "请为变量字段使用逗号分隔值。", "Add Template": "添加模板", "User verification": "用户验证", "User Verification": "用户验证", "Token": "代币", "Both": "两个都", "Import": "进口", "User Import": "用户导入", "Product Import": "产品进口", "Attribute Import": "属性导入", "Products Import": "产品进口", "Map columns": "映射列", "Do Not Import": "不要进口", "Product Uploaded": "产品上传", "Languages": "语言能力", "Add Language": "添加语言", "Language Name": "语言名称", "Short Name": "简称", "Flag": "旗帜", "Translate language": "翻译语言", "Edit language": "编辑语言", "Delete Language": "删除语言", "Are you sure to delete this language?": "您确定要删除该语言吗?", "Website Direction": "网站方向", "Left to Right": "左到右", "Right to Left": "右到左", "Applied only for this panel": "仅适用于此面板", "Is Default": "是默认值", "Edit Language": "编辑语言", "Translations": "翻译", "Translation": "翻译", "Key": "钥匙", "You are using an outdated version of Internet Explorer, please upgrade to any of the following web browsers to access this website.": "您使用的是过时版本的 Internet Explorer,请升级至以下任一网络浏览器以访问本网站。", "Sorry for the inconvenience!": "带来不便敬请谅解!", "Customer Relationship & Project Management": "客户关系", "Delete Parmanently": "永久删除", "Are you sure about this?": "你确定吗?", "User Verifications": "用户验证", "Password Strength": "密码强度", "Roles": "角色", "Permissions": "权限", "Search": "搜索", "Your import found following issues.": "您的导入发现了以下问题。", "Total rows": "总行数", "Inserted rows": "插入的行", "Errors found": "发现错误", "Email Settings": "电子邮件设置", "Templates": "模板", "Inventory": "存货", "All rights reserved": "版权所有", "General Settings": "常规设置", "Maintenance Mode": "维护模式", "Visit Site": "访问网站", "Customer Panel": "客户小组", "Vendor Panel": "供应商面板", "Products Quantity Alert": "产品数量提醒", "Select Language": "选择语言", "Profile": "轮廓", "Login Activities": "登录活动", "Sign Out": "登出", "Order Settings": "订单设置", "NAVIGATION": "导航", "Wallets": "钱包", "Web": "网页", "Enable": "使能够", "Disable": "停用", "Bypass URL": "绕过网址", "Order Prefix": "订单前缀", "Users can create refund request when the option is enable, otherwise they can not able to create refund request.": "启用该选项后,用户可以创建退款请求,否则无法创建退款请求。", "Order Statuses": "订单状态", "Payment Scenario": "支付场景", "Pay. Scenario": "支付。设想", "Order Information": "订单信息", "Invoice Number": "发票号码", "Payment Method": "付款方式", "Total Due": "应付总额", "Shipping Address": "收件地址", "Street Address": "街道地址", "Postcode": "邮政编码", "Province": "省", "Billing Address": "帐单地址", "Product Name": "产品名称", "Sub Total": "小计", "View :x": "查看:x", "Paid On": "已付", "View Transaction": "查看交易", "Order Date": "订购日期", "Completed": "完全的", "Customers": "顾客", "Refunded": "已退款", "Grand Total": "累计", "Downloadable Product Permission": "可下载产品许可", "Grant Access": "授予访问权限", "Shipments": "出货量", "No shipment added for this product": "没有为该产品添加发货", "Actions": "动作", "Choose an action..": "选择一个动作..", "Email invoice / order details to customer": "通过电子邮件将发票/订单详细信息发送给客户", "Resend Order Email (Vendor)": "重新发送订单电子邮件(供应商)", "Delivery Time": "交货时间", "Delivery date": "交货日期", "Status history": "状态历史", "Order status changed to :x by :y": "订单状态由 :y 更改为 :x", "Automatic": "自动的", "Note history": "笔记历史", "Add your personal note.": "添加您的个人笔记。", "Create PDF": "创建PDF", "PDF Invoice": "PDF发票", "Track Code": "跟踪代码", "Track code": "跟踪代码", "Unavailable": "不可用", "Reason": "原因", "Please let me know, why are you want to refund this item.": "请告诉我,您为什么要退还此商品。", "Permission Roles": "权限角色", "Add Role": "添加角色", "Generate Permissions": "生成权限", "Permissions applied here are applicable to access that particular link. Please change it with extreme care.": "此处应用的权限适用于访问该特定链接。请格外小心地更改它。", "Search for permissions": "搜索权限", "Preferences": "偏好", "Rows per page": "每页行数", "Date Separator": "日期分隔符", "Decimal Format": "十进制格式", "No Decimal": "无小数", "Omit Zeros": "省略零", "If decimal value is zero.": "如果十进制值为零。", "Currency Symbol Position": "货币符号位置", "Before": "前", "After": "后", "Max FileSize": "最大文件大小", "MB": "兆字节", "The value must be :x than or equal to :y": "该值必须是 :x 大于或等于 :y", "greater": "更大", "Password Preferences": "密码首选项", "Minimum Password Length": "最小密码长度", "This value must be greater than :x.": "该值必须大于 :x。", "Include Uppercase": "包括大写", "Include Lowercase": "包括小写", "Include Numbers": "包括数字", "Include Symbols": "包含符号", "Product Setting": "产品设置", "Simple product.": "简单的产品。", "Grouped product.": "分组产品。", "External/Affilate product.": "外部/附属产品。", "Variable product.": "可变产品。", "Rates will be configurable and taxes will be calculated during checkout.": "费率将是可配置的,税费将在结账时计算。", "Apply Coupon": "申请优惠券", "Calculate coupon discounts sequentially": "按顺序计算优惠券折扣", "When applying multiple coupons, apply the first coupon to the full price and the second coupon to the discounted price, and so on.": "应用多张优惠券时,第一张优惠券用于全价,第二张优惠券用于折扣价,依此类推。", "Measurements": "测量", "Weight unit": "重量单位", "Dimension unit": "尺寸单位", "Enable product reviews": "启用产品评论", "Show verified owner": "显示经过验证的所有者", "Reviews can only be left by verified owners": "评论只能由经过验证的所有者留下", "Ratings": "收视率", "Enable star rating on reviews": "启用评论星级", "Star ratings should be required, not optional": "星级评分应该是必需的,而不是可选的", "Enable Wishlist": "启用心愿单", "Compare": "相比", "Enable Compare": "启用比较", "Manage Stock": "管理库存", "Hold stock (minutes)": "持有股票(分钟)", "X minutes (Hold stock (for unpaid orders) for x minutes. When this limit is reached, the pending order will be canceled. Leave blank to disable.)": "X 分钟(持有库存(未付款订单)x 分钟。当达到此限制时,挂单将被取消。留空以禁用。)", "Notifications": "通知", "Enable low stock notifications": "启用低库存通知", "Enable out of stock notifications": "启用缺货通知", "Low and Out of stock threshold": "低和缺货门槛", "Out of stock visibility": "缺货可见性", "Hide out of stock items from the catalog": "隐藏目录中的缺货商品", "Stock display format": "库存显示格式", "Always show quantity remaining in stock e.g. 12 in stock": "始终显示库存中的剩余数量,例如 12 件库存", "Only show quantity remaining in stock when low e.g. Only 2 left in stock": "仅在库存不足时显示剩余库存数量,例如库存仅剩 2 件", "Never show quantity remaining in stock": "从不显示库存剩余数量", "Publish Product": "发布产品", "Without admin review, vendor can publish product directly.": "无需管理员审核,供应商可以直接发布产品。", "Withdrawal Method": "提款方式", "Paypal": "支付宝", "Bank": "银行", "Manage Commission": "管理佣金", "Category based commission": "基于类别的佣金", "Default Commission": "违约佣金", "Enter a default commission that works globally for all vendors as a fallback if the commission is not set per vendor or category level. Enter a positive number.": "如果未按供应商或类别级别设置佣金,则输入适用于所有供应商的全局默认佣金作为后备。输入一个正数。", "Chat": "聊天", "Enable Chat": "启用聊天", "Download Sample": "下载样本", "Documentation": "文档", "Go to optional field": "转到可选字段", "Required": "必需的", "Category id": "类别编号", "You just click the categories button then you will get an category id": "您只需单击类别按钮,然后您将获得一个类别 ID", "Shop id": "店铺编号", "You just click the shops button then you will get an shop id": "您只需单击商店按钮,然后您将获得一个商店 ID", "Brand id": "品牌编号", "You just click the brands button then you will get an brand id": "您只需单击品牌按钮,然后您将获得一个品牌 ID", "Product quantity": "产品数量", "How many items you have": "你有多少物品", "Your item price will be here.": "您的商品价格将在这里。", "Short description of your item will be here.": "您的项目的简短描述将在这里。", "Long description of your item will be here.": "您的项目的详细描述将在这里。", "Go to required field": "转到必填字段", "Optional": "可选的", "Available from": "可从", "From when the item will be available for users": "从用户可以使用该项目的时间开始", "Available to": "有空", "From when the item will be unavailable for users": "从何时该项目对用户不可用", "Is virtual": "是虚拟的", "Nowadays all these things can be experienced virtually.": "如今,所有这些都可以通过虚拟方式体验。", "Is shippable": "可发货", "Shippable is capable of being taken from one place to another by public carrier.": "可运输的是能够由公共承运人从一个地方带到另一个地方。", "Is shareable": "可共享", "This item is sharable or not": "此项目是否可共享", "Discount amount": "优惠金额", "If you want to give some discount of your item then you can fill the box.": "如果您想给商品打折,则可以填写此框。", "Note: Suppose your item price is 99 now you can give discount 10 or something": "注意:假设你的商品价格是 99 现在你可以给折扣 10 或什么的", "Discount type": "折扣类型", "Discount price": "折扣价", "item price": "商品价格", "discount amount": "折扣金额", "Discount from": "折扣自", "Discount start date": "折扣开始日期", "Discount to": "折扣至", "Discount end date": "折扣结束日期", "Maximum discount amount": "最大折扣金额", "It will be applicable when discount type is percent": "折扣类型为百分比时适用", "Minimum order for discount": "折扣最低起订量", "Discount will be applied when minimum order is exceeded.": "超过最低订购量时将应用折扣。", "Is inventory enabled": "是否启用库存", "Files url": "文件网址", "You can add multiple image url with comma separated.": "您可以添加多个以逗号分隔的图像 url。", "Video url": "视频地址", "It will be youtube video share link.": "这将是 youtube 视频共享链接。", "Tags": "标签", "Please ignore this filed. If you don't have enough knowledge to write json.": "请忽略此文件。如果你没有足够的知识来写json。", "Here :x is serial number.": "这里 :x 是序列号。", "Here :x is attribute id": "这里 :x 是属性 id", "You just click the attributes button then you will get an attribute id": "您只需单击属性按钮,然后您将获得一个属性 ID", "Attribute id is related to category id.": "属性 id 与类别 id 相关。", "Please ignore this field. If you don't have enough knowledge to write json.": "请忽略此字段。如果你没有足够的知识来写json。", "Here 1 and 2 is option number": "这里 1 和 2 是选项号", "You just click the options button then you will get option type.": "您只需单击选项按钮,然后您将获得选项类型。", "label (0, 1) is serial number": "label (0, 1) 是序号", "option_price (0, 1) is serial number": "option_price (0, 1) 为序号", "option_price_type (0, 1) is serial number": "option_price_type (0, 1) 为序号", "Option price type value will be Fixed or Percent": "期权价格类型值将为 Fixed 或 Percent", "Choose CSV File": "选择CSV文件", "Upload csv...": "上载csv ...", "Attribute Id": "属性编号", "Category Id": "类别编号", "Option type": "选项类型", "Add Product": "添加产品", "All Brands": "所有品牌", "All Stock Status": "所有库存状态", "Published": "发表", "Draft": "草稿", "Pending Review": "等待审核", "Product Code": "产品代码", "Variation": "变化", "Are you sure to delete this variation?": "您确定要删除此变体吗?", "SKU: Stock Keeping Unit. An unique identifier of a product.": "SKU:库存单位。产品的唯一标识符。", "Enabled": "启用", "Downloadable": "可下载", "Virtual": "虚拟的", "Manage stock?": "管理库存?", "Schedule": "日程", "Sale price time duration.": "销售价格持续时间。", "Stock quantity": "库存数量", "Allow backorders?": "允许延期交货?", "Allows users to order product even if the stock reaches to 0.": "即使库存达到 0,也允许用户订购产品。", "Do not allow": "不允许", "Allow": "允许", "Low stock threshold": "库存门槛低", "Send email to the vendor of the product if stock reaches to this limit.": "如果库存达到此限制,请向产品供应商发送电子邮件。", "Weight unit is set by admin.": "重量单位由管理员设置。", "Witdth": "宽度", "Dimension unit is set by admin.": "尺寸单位由管理员设置。", "Downloadable files": "可下载文件", "File URL": "文件网址", "Do no change the url if you are uploading the product.": "如果您正在上传产品,请不要更改网址。", "Add File": "添加文件", "Are you sure to delete this attribute?": "您确定要删除此属性吗?", "Visible on the product page": "在产品页面可见", "Used for variations": "用于变化", "Select all": "全选", "Select none": "选择无", "Add new :x": "添加新的:x", "Regualr Price": "正常价格", "Any": "任何", "Custom variation": "自定义变体", "All possible variations": "所有可能的变化", "Variation attribute required to create product variations.": "创建产品变体所需的变体属性。", "variations": "变化", "Expand": "扩张", "Variations found which don't have price. Empty price variations will not be visible to the customers.": "发现没有价格的变体。客户将看不到空的价格变化。", "Save Changes": "保存更改", "Create new item": "创建新项目", "Additional Info": "附加信息", "Select Categoty": "选择类别", "Current section": "当前部分", "Simple Product": "简单产品", "Variable Product": "变量产品", "Grouped Product": "分组产品", "External/Affiliate Product": "外部/附属产品", "Product Data": "产品资料", "Shipping & Delivery": "船运", "Service": "服务", "Variations": "变化", "Advanced": "先进的", "Add Product Details": "添加产品详细信息", "Product Stats": "产品统计", "Change": "改变", "Publish": "发布", "Featured Product": "特色产品", "Move to trash": "移到废纸篓", "Update Product": "更新产品", "Save Product": "保存产品", "Meta :x": "元:x", "Group Products": "集团产品", "This lets you choose which products are part of this group.": "这使您可以选择哪些产品属于该组。", "Upsale products that you want attach to this product.": "您想要附加到此产品的升级产品。", "Cross Sales": "交叉销售", "Cross sale products that you want attach to this product.": "您想要附加到此产品的交叉销售产品。", "Products related to this product.": "与该产品相关的产品。", "Purchase note": "购买须知", "Estimated Delivery": "预计交货", "days": "天", "No. of days": "天数", "Enable Reviews": "启用评论", "New value": "新价值", "Product URL": "产品网址", "Enter the external URL to the product.": "输入产品的外部 URL。", "Button text": "按钮文字", "This text will be shown on the button linking to the external product.": "此文本将显示在链接到外部产品的按钮上。", "Schedule when sale starts and ends.": "安排销售开始和结束的时间。", "-1 for unlimited re-downloads": "-1 无限重新下载", "Enter the number of days before a download link expires, or leave blank": "输入下载链接过期前的天数,或留空", "Select Tax Class": "选择税种", "Tax classes are used to apply different tax rates specific to certain types of product.": "税级用于对特定类型的产品应用不同的税率。", "Manage stock": "管理库存", "Enable stock management at product level.": "在产品级别启用库存管理。", "If this is a variable product this value will be used to control stock for all variations, unless you define stock at variation level.": "如果这是可变产品,则此值将用于控制所有变体的库存,除非您在变体级别定义库存。", "If managing stock, this controls whether or not backorders are allowed. If enabled, stock quantity can go below 0.": "如果管理库存,这将控制是否允许延期交货。如果启用,库存数量可以低于 0。", "Send email to the vendor of the product if stock reaches to this amount.": "如果库存达到此数量,请向产品供应商发送电子邮件。", "Hide Stock.": "隐藏库存。", "Warranty Type": "保修类型", "Warranty Period": "保修期", "Warranty Policy": "保修政策", "Product Tags": "产品标签", "All Rating": "所有评分", "Comment": "评论", "Is Public": "是公开的", "Top Seller": "最佳销售员", "Reviewed By": "审核人", "By": "经过", ":x star": ":x 星", "Photos": "相片", "Add New Role": "添加新角色", "Role Information": "角色信息", "Global": "全球的", "Google": "谷歌", "Client ID": "客户端编号", "Facebook": "Facebook", "Transactions": "交易次数", "Transaction Information": "交易信息", "Transaction Type": "交易类型", "Transaction Date": "交易日期", "View order details": "查看订单详情", "Rejected status can't be changed": "拒绝状态无法更改", "Charge": "收费", "All Transaction Type": "所有交易类型", "Fee": "费用", "Users Activity": "用户活动", "All Users": "所有用户", "All Types": "所有类型", "Send email to the user": "向用户发送电子邮件", "Update Password": "更新密码", "Designation": "指定", "Twitter": "推特", "Instagram": "Instagram的", "Confirm Password": "确认密码", "Your CSV data should be in the format below. The first line of your CSV file should be the column headers as in the table example. If an user does not have any role, admin role would be added by default. Also make sure that your file is UTF-8 to avoid unnecessary encoding problems.": "您的CSV数据应采用以下格式。 CSV文件的第一行应为表格标题中的列标题。如果用户没有任何角色,则默认情况下将添加管理员角色。还要确保您的文件是UTF-8,以避免不必要的编码问题。", "Duplicate email rows and team members with unmatched roles would not be imported.": "不会导入重复的电子邮件行和具有不匹配角色的团队成员。", "Import CSV": "导入 CSV", "Add User": "添加用户", "All Role": "所有角色", "User Profile": "用户资料", "facebook": "Facebook", "twitter": "推特", "Formal Name": "正式名称", "It will be used as the subdomain of the default shop.": "它将用作默认商店的子域。", "Address should be atleast 5 characters.": "地址应至少为 5 个字符。", "Allowed File Extensions: jpg, png, gif, bmp and Maximum File Size :x MB": "允许的文件扩展名:jpg、png、gif、bmp 和最大文件大小:x MB", "Cover Photo": "封面照片", "Add Vendor": "添加供应商", "Withdrawal Information": "取款信息", "Withdrawals": "取款", "The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. For use when authentication is possible but has failed or not yet been provided.": "该请求是合法请求,但服务器拒绝响应它。在可以进行身份验证但失败或尚未提供时使用。", "The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond to it.": "该请求是合法请求,但服务器拒绝响应它。", "The page you are looking for is not available at the moment.": "您要查找的页面目前不可用。", "Authentication Timeout": "认证超时", "Too many requests has given, try again later.": "给出的请求太多,请稍后重试。", "An error occurred processing your requests.": "处理您的请求时发生错误。", "The server is currently unavailable": "服务器目前不可用", "Back Home": "回家", "Dead end": "死路", "Create Address": "创建地址", "Address Book": "地址簿", "Your Location, the place you get all the goods received..": "您的位置,您收到所有货物的地方..", "New address": "新地址", "First Name": "名", "Last Name": "姓", "Company Name": "公司名", "Street Address 1": "街道地址1", "Street Address 2": "街道地址2", "Select the type of your place": "选择你的地方类型", "type of place": "地方类型", "Office": "办公室", "Use this as default address in the future": "将来使用它作为默认地址", "Save Address": "保存地址", "Edit address": "修改地址", "Address Line 1": "地址第一行", "Address Line 2": "地址行 2", "optional": "可选的", "Addresses": "地址", "Saved addresses": "保存的地址", "+ Add New Address": "添加新地址", "Are you sure you want to delete this?": "你确定要删除这个吗?", "Please keep in mind that once deleted, you can not undo it.": "请记住,一旦删除,您将无法撤消。", "Yes, Delete": "是的,删除", "postcode": "邮政编码", "country": "国家", "Used as default address": "用作默认地址", "Make Default Address": "设为默认地址", "new address": "新地址", "Enter Your :x": "输入您的 :x", "Want your shop to go online?": "想让您的店铺上线吗?", "Become a seller": "成为卖家", "And millions of shoppers can’t wait to": "数百万购物者迫不及待地", "See what you have in store!": "看看你的店里有什么!", "Register Now": "现在注册", "Why sell on multivendor?": "为什么要在多供应商上销售?", "Low fees": "费用低", "Swift System": "迅捷系统", "24/7 support": "24/7 支持", "The process": "过程", "Step 1": "步骤1", "Fill in the sign up form with your personal and shop details": "在注册表中填写您的个人信息和商店详细信息", "Login to the vendor dashboard account with your credentials": "使用您的凭据登录到供应商仪表板帐户", "List your products by providing all relevant information": "通过提供所有相关信息列出您的产品", "Step 2": "第2步", "Start selling once products are listed": "产品上市后开始销售", "Receive orders and manage them through your vendor dashboard account": "通过您的供应商仪表板帐户接收订单并进行管理", "On receiving orders, simply package the product leave your worries to us.": "收到订单后,只需将产品打包,将您的后顾之忧交给我们。", "Step 3": "步骤 3", "Receive quick and hassle-free payments directly in your account": "直接在您的帐户中接收快速无忧的付款", "Join us today": "今天加入我们", "Gain new customers from": "从中获得新客户", "All around": "在周围", "The world!": "世界!", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Enim placerat metus, sit a. Ut ullamcorper risus tempor porta mauris id.": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit。 Enim placerat metus,坐下。 Ut ullamcorper risus tempor porta mauris id。", "Already a seller?": "已经是卖家?", "Login": "登录", "to your account.": "到您的帐户。", "Seller stories": "卖家故事", "See sellers share about their success in multivendor": "查看卖家分享他们在多供应商方面的成功", "Tim Karela": "蒂姆·卡雷拉", "And many more": "还有很多", "How do fees work on Multivendor?": "费用如何在 Multivendor 上运作?", "How do I get paid?": "我如何获得报酬?", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit quis autem ipsa asperiores eum architecto tempora facere porro perspiciatis debitis ducimus, obcaecati adipisci totam, id quod doloremque nulla.Tempora obcaecati dolorem veniam architecto suscipit non explicabo amet repellendus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit quis autem ipsa asperiores eum architecto tempora facere porro perspiciatis debitis ducimus, obcaecati adipisci totam, id quod doloremque nulla.Tempora obcaecati dolorem veniam architecto suscipit non explicabo amet repellendus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit quis autem ipsa asperiores eum architecto tempora facere porro perspiciatis debitis ducimus, obcaecati adipisci totam, id quod doloremque nulla.Tempora obcaecati dolorem veniam architecto suscipit non explicabo amet repellendus ": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit。 Impedit quis autem ipsa asperiores eum architecto tempora facere porro perspiciatis debitis ducimus, obcaecati adipisci totam, id quod doloremque nulla.Tempora obcaecati dolorem veniam architecto suscipit non explicabo amet repellendus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit quis autem ipsa asperiores eum architecto tempora facere porro perspiciatis debitis ducimus, obcaecati adipisci totam, id quod doloremque nulla.Tempora obcaecati dolorem veniam architecto suscipit non explicabo amet repellendus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit quis autem ipsa asperiores eum architecto tempora facere porro perspiciatis debititis ducimus, obcaecati adipisci totam, id quod doloremque nulla.Tempora obcaecati dolorem veniam architecto suscipit non explicabo amet repellendus 广告", "What documents do I need for registration?": "注册需要什么文件?", "Do I need a debit card or credit card to create a shop?": "我需要借记卡还是信用卡才能开店?", "Do you have any courier partners?": "有合作快递的吗?", "Contact Us": "联系我们", "Mobile app": "移动应用", "Coming soon..": "快来了..", "We are here to give all the solution you need to run your online business. And that’s why we are coming up with an individual mobile app for our sellers. Stay updated online anywhere anytime.": "我们在这里为您提供运行在线业务所需的所有解决方案。这就是为什么我们要为我们的卖家开发一个单独的移动应用程序。随时随地保持在线更新。", "Get regular new offers, discounts & more!": "定期获得新优惠、折扣", "Register now with few easy steps!": "立即注册,只需几个简单的步骤!", "Seller Registration Form": "卖家登记表", "Basic Details": "基本资料", "Vendor Address": "供应商地址", "City ": "城市", "Country ": "国家", "Shop Details": "店铺详情", "Drag & drop files to upload or": "拖", "Change Photo": "更改照片", "Note: Use only JPG, PNG & WebP formats.": "注意:仅使用 JPG、PNG", "Enter Password ": "输入密码", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima rem hic ullam modi reprehenderit a, reiciendis ipsum. Enim facere laudantium, error asperiores quos nobisplaceat reprehenderit? Suscipit blanditiis recusandae expedita!": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit。 Minima rem hic ullam modi reprehenderit a, reiciendis ipsum。 Enim facere laudantium,error asperiores quos nobisplaceat reprehenderit? Suscipit blanditiis recusandae expedita!", "Repeat Password": "重复输入密码", "Register": "登记", "On": "上", "Share on": "分享", "Previous Post": "上一篇", "Next Post": "下一篇", "Related posts": "相关文章", "Search Results": "搜索结果", "Archives": "档案", "All Posts": "所有帖子", "on": "上", "We’re sorry!": "我们很抱歉!", "Blog post are not available": "博客文章不可用", "Select the items you want to buy": "选择您要购买的商品", "Select All": "全选", "Delete All": "删除所有", "Save for later": "留着以后用", "Delete item": "删除项目", "Not Available.": "无法使用。", "Continue Shopping": "继续购物", "Order Summary": "订单摘要", "Coupon offer": "优惠券优惠", "Have a coupon? Apply Now.": "有优惠券吗?现在申请。", "Type Coupon Code": "输入优惠券代码", "Accepted payment method": "接受的付款方式", "Compare List": "比较清单", "Compare Products": "比较产品", "Not Available": "无法使用", "Rating & Reviews": "评分", "Not reviewed yet": "尚未审核", "In wishlist": "在心愿单中", "Add to cart": "添加到购物车", "In cart": "在购物车", "There are no products added for comparison yet.": "还没有添加产品进行比较。", "To compare products": "比较产品", "click on the button on the product page": "点击产品页面上的按钮", "A revolution in the e-commerce industry since year.": "一年以来电子商务行业的一场革命。", "The best online shopping experience.": "最好的网上购物体验。", "A revolution in the e-commerce industry since 2022. The best online shopping experience.": "2022年以来电子商务行业的一场革命。最好的在线购物体验。", "We know you love coupons and that’s why we always come up with various offers, events and vouchers, to make your shopping experience much more exciting.": "我们知道您喜欢优惠券,这就是为什么我们总是提供各种优惠、活动和优惠券,让您的购物体验更加精彩。", "Copy the coupon codes and use it on the cart page before checkout out.": "复制优惠券代码并在结帐前在购物车页面上使用它。", "gifts": "礼物", "Exclusive offers for": "独家优惠", "Our customers": "我们的顾客", "Off": "离开", "For purchase from :x": "从 :x 购买", "For :x": "对于:x", "Copy": "复制", ":x to :y": ":x 到 :y", "For these products": "对于这些产品", "For all products": "适用于所有产品", "A customer can avail this offer maximum :x times": "客户最多可以使用此优惠:x 次", "A customer can avail this offer maximum :x time": "客户最多可以使用此优惠:x 时间", "Minimum Spend :x": "最低消费:x", "Weekly Coupons": "每周优惠券", "All Coupons": "所有优惠券", "Here is what's happening with your profile today..": "这是您今天的个人资料发生的事情..", "Your Wishlist": "您的心愿单", "Your Reviews": "您的评论", "Product in cart": "购物车中的产品", "Last Orders": "最后订单", "Invoice No": "发票号码", "Order number": "订单号", "You can download your files here": "你可以在这里下载你的文件", "Download Remaining": "下载剩余", "No downloadable file found!": "找不到可下载的文件!", "Filters": "过滤器", "Related Categories": "相关类别", "Price Range": "价格范围", "Min": "最小值", "Max": "最大限度", "Sort By": "排序方式", "Price Low to High": "价格从低到高", "Price High to Low": "价格从高到低", "Avg. Ratting": "平均。评级", "Showing": "显示", "Sort By:": "排序方式:", "Search results": "搜索结果", "Stars": "星星", "products found for": "找到的产品", "products found in": "产品发现于", "products found": "找到的产品", "Prev": "上一篇", "Sorry, we couldn’t find any results matching": "抱歉,我们找不到任何匹配的结果", "Check your spelling and try again.": "请检查你的拼写然后重试。", "Try a similar but different search term, like sofa instead of settee.": "尝试使用类似但不同的搜索词,例如用沙发代替长椅。", "Keep your search term simple as our search facility works best with shorter descriptions.": "保持您的搜索词简单,因为我们的搜索工具最适合使用较短的描述。", "Try looking within the departments shown below.": "尝试在下面显示的部门中查找。", "Download Our App": "下载我们的应用程序", "IOS": "操作系统", "Type your product name..": "输入您的产品名称..", "My Account": "我的帐户", "Admin Panel": "管理面板", "Logout": "登出", "Your Cart": "您的购物车", "Shopping Cart": "购物车", "Your cart is empty": "您的购物车是空的", "No items added in your cart. Please add product to your cart list.": "您的购物车中没有添加任何商品。请将产品添加到您的购物车列表。", "Track Order": "跟踪订单", "Sign Up": "报名", "Sign in with other account": "使用其他帐户登录", "Reset your password": "重置你的密码", "Enter your email to send password reset code": "输入您的电子邮件以发送密码重置代码", "Back to :x": "回到:x", "Sign in": "登入", "ENTER OTP CODE": "输入一次性密码", "A 4 digit code has been sent to :x": "4 位代码已发送至 :x", "Please use the OTP code below.": "请使用下面的 OTP 代码。", "Didn't receive the code yet?": "还没有收到验证码?", "Set New Password": "设置新密码", "Enter New Password": "输入新密码", "Password Reset Complete": "密码重置完成", "Please sign in to your account": "请登录您的帐户", "with the new password.": "使用新密码。", "Your Name": "你的名字", "By creating an account you agree to our :x.": "创建帐户即表示您同意我们的 :x。", "terms & conditions": "条款", "Create account": "创建账户", "or create account with": "或创建帐户", "MY CART": "我的车", "CHECKOUT": "查看", "PAYMENT": "支付", "ORDER COMPLETE": "订单完成", "Buy Product": "购买产品", "Be a seller": "成为卖家", "No Account": "没有账号", "Register or login now": "立即注册或登录", "Search your keyword": "搜索您的关键字", "popular post": "热门帖子", "Year": "年", "Delivery Options": "交付选项", "Cash on Delivery": "货到付款", "Warranty": "保修单", "No Warranty": "没有保修", "Secure Online Payment": "安全在线支付", "No Description": "没有说明", "Offer end in": "报价结束于", "Related Product": "相关产品", "Average Rating": "平均评分", "Add A Review": "添加评论", "Add Your Rating": "添加您的评分", "Poor": "较差的", "Fair": "公平的", "Good": "好的", "Excellent": "出色的", "WOW": "哇", "Write Your Review": "写下您的评论", "Your review": "你的意见", "Attachments": "附件", "Attach you files here": "在这里附上你的文件", "or": "或者", "browse files": "浏览文件", "Submit Review": "提交评论", "Product Reviews": "产品评论", "All Star": "全明星", ":x Star": ":x 星", "5": "5个", "4": "4个", "3": "3个", "2": "2个", "1": "1个", "More Products From Them": "他们的更多产品", "Specifications of :x": "规格:x", "Owner Name": "业主姓名", "Visit Store": "访问商店", "Positive Seller Ratings": "积极的卖家评级", "Ship on Time": "准时发货", "Response Rate": "反应速度", "Go back to admin": "返回管理", "My Profile": "我的简历", "User Photo": "用户照片", "x": "X", "All the notifications you received from us..": "您从我们这里收到的所有通知..", "notifications": "通知", "Last 12 Months": "最近 12 个月", "All Time": "整天", "Check Out": "查看", "Your Addresses": "您的地址", "New Address": "新地址", "Please select an address": "请选择地址", "Select Option": "选择选项", "Use the default address in the future.": "以后使用默认地址。", "Ship to a different address?": "运送到不同的地址?", "Delivery Instructions": "交货指示", "Back to Cart": "回到购物车", "Order Confirmation": "订单确认", "Thank you. Your order has been received.": "谢谢你。您的订单已收到。", "Order Details": "订单详细信息", "Your Orders": "你的命令", "Take a look at all the orders you made, their status and much more..": "查看您下的所有订单、它们的状态等等。", "Order list": "订单", "No order found!": "找不到订单!", "No Orders!": "没有订单!", "You haven't ordered anything yet.": "您还没有订购任何东西。", "Id Number": "身份证号", "PDF": "PDF格式", "Shipping method": "邮寄方式", "Payment Information": "支付信息", "status": "地位", "Paid Amount": "已付金额", "Amount to be Paid": "该付的钱", "Your items": "你的物品", "Payment pending": "付款等待中", "processing": "加工", "shipped": "已发货", "delivered": "发表", "Order Track": "订单追踪", "Order Reference": "订单参考", "For more details, :x": "更多详情,:x", "please login to your account.": "请登录您的帐户。", "ORDER DATE": "订购日期", "STATUS": "地位", "PAYMENT STATUS": "支付状态", "TOTAL": "全部的", "ORDER DETAILS": "订单详细信息", "at": "在", "Have an order?": "有订单吗?", "Want to know where your order is now?": "想知道您的订单现在在哪里?", "TRACK": "追踪", "YOUR ORDER": "你的订单", "Enter the track code of your order above and know the progress of your product delivery.": "在上面输入您订单的跟踪代码,即可了解您的产品交付进度。", "Specification": "规格", "Sold By": "所售", "Go to Store": "去商店", "Send Message": "发信息", "Verified Purchase": "验证购买", "Edit your review": "编辑您的评论", "Browse files": "浏览文件", "This product has no reviews.": "此产品没有评论。", "Let others know what do you think and be the first to write a review.": "让其他人知道您的想法,并成为第一个写评论的人。", "Feedbacks you gave on the products that you bought..": "您对所购买产品的反馈..", "Reviews list": "评论列表", "Approve": "批准", "Unapprove": "不批准", "stars": "星星", "Approved": "得到正式认可的", "No review found!": "没有找到评论!", "We're sorry!": "我们很抱歉!", "You haven't reviewed any product yet.": "您还没有评论任何产品。", "All Products": "所有产品", "Vendor Profile": "供应商简介", "Coustomer image": "客户形象", "Product Image": "产品图片", "This seller did not receive any product reviews.": "该卖家没有收到任何产品评论。", "top Seller": "最佳销售员", "Seller Ratings": "卖家评级", "Chat Now": "现在聊天", "Shop Image": "店铺形象", "Vendor Image": "供应商形象", "Have any query": "有任何疑问", "Send us a message": "给我们发信息", "Shipment on Time": "准时发货", "Seller’s Cancellation": "卖家取消", "Chat Response Rate": "聊天回复率", "98%": "98%", "Seller Rating": "卖家评级", "Please check your login activities below.": "请在下方检查您的登录活动。", "Time": "时间", "Update Pasword": "更新密码", "Change Password": "更改密码", "Old Password": "旧密码", "New Password": "新密码", "Your Profile": "你的个人资料", "What you show about yourself to the world..": "你向世界展示你自己的什么..", "Edit profile": "编辑个人资料", "Profile Display": "资料显示", "personal information": "个人信息", "Gender": "性别", "Male": "男性", "Female": "女性", "Date of Birth": "出生日期", "Configure your account settings and be secured": "配置您的帐户设置并确保安全", "security settings": "安全设定", "You set a unique password to protect your account.": "您设置一个唯一的密码来保护您的帐户。", "****************": "*******************", "Save Change": "保存更改", "Delete Account": "删除帐户", "You can't get back your account anymore.": "您无法再取回您的帐户。", "Are you sure you want to delete this account?": "您确定要删除此帐户吗?", "Once deleted, every information and files will be lost forever.": "一旦删除,所有信息和文件都将永远丢失。", "Enter password to delete your account.": "输入密码以删除您的帐户。", "Go Back": "回去", "Currently on": "目前在", "Vendor Resigtration": "供应商注册", "Note: Please make sure to fill in the form with your actual information or else your account may become banned or suspended.": "注意:请确保使用您的真实信息填写表格,否则您的帐户可能会被禁止或暂停。", "Seller Request Form": "卖家申请表", "Saved for later, products you may love to buy now..": "保存以备后用,您现在可能喜欢购买的产品..", "Wishlist list": "愿望清单", "Wishlist ": "心愿单", "All time": "整天", "Out of Stock": "缺货", "All Availability": "所有可用性", "Product name": "产品名称", "In stock": "有现货", "In stock :x": "有货 :x", "No wishlist found!": "未找到愿望清单!", "You haven't saved anything for later.": "你没有为以后保存任何东西。", "Welcome to vendor dashboard.": "欢迎使用供应商仪表板。", "30 days": "30天", "New products": "新产品", "New Ratings": "新评级", "Your import found following issues": "您的导入发现以下问题", "Total imported row": "导入行总数", "Total inserted row": "总插入行", "Column No": "列号", "Column Data": "列数据", "You are impersonating as this user.": "您正在冒充该用户。", "Cancel Impersonating": "取消模拟", "pagination.previous": "分页.previous", "pagination.next": "分页.next", "Pagination Navigation": "分页导航", "previous": "以前的", "next": "下一个", "to": "至", "of": "的", "results": "结果", "Go to page :page": "转到页面:页面", "Vendor Login Activity": "供应商登录活动", "Show :x": "显示:x", "item": "物品", "seller": "卖方", "Withdrawals History": "提款记录", "Withdraw": "提取", "Withdrawal Setting": "取款设置", "Bank Account Holder's name": "银行账户持有人姓名", "Branch Name": "分店名称", "Bank Account Number": "银行帐号", "Branch City": "分支城市", "SWIFT Code": "SWIFT代码", "Branch Address": "分行地址", "Bank Name": "银行名称", "Money": "钱", "Send withdrawal request": "发送取款请求", "No payment method found. Please contact with admin.": "未找到付款方式。请与管理员联系。" }
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