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Edit the role to set permissions.', 'not_set' => 'Not set', 'exclude_tax_n_shipping' => 'Exclude tax and shipping', 'exclude_offer_items' => 'Exclude discounted items', 'allow_partial_use' => 'Allow partial use', 'min_order_amount' => 'Minimum order amount', 'coupon_quantity_per_customer' => 'Quantity per customer', 'public_coupon' => 'Available to all customers.', 'limited_coupon' => 'The coupon is restricted. 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product', 'update_inventory' => 'Update inventory', 'back_to_inventory' => 'Back to inventory', 'place_order' => 'Place the order', 'update_the_order' => 'Update the order', 'change_password' => 'Change password', 'default' => 'Default', 'by' => 'By', 'system' => 'System', 'this' => 'This', 'no_data_found' => 'No data found!', 'search_again' => 'Search again', 'search_result' => 'Search result', 'search_result_for' => 'Search result for', 'back' => 'Back', 'new' => 'New', 'used' => 'Used', 'refurbished' => 'Refurbished', 'tax_rate' => 'Tax rate', 'percent' => '%', '#' => '#', '%' => '%', 'confirmation' => 'Confirmation!', 'are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure you want to do this?', 'im_sure' => 'I\'m sure', 'sing_in_with_fb' => 'Sign in using Facebook', 'sing_in_with_google' => 'Sign in using Google', 'sing_in_with_twitter' => 'Sign in using twitter', 'update_app_license' => 'Update license', 'uninstall_app_license' => 'Uninstall license', 'take_a_backup' => 'Take a backup', 'private' => 'Private', 'payment_method_type' => [ 'paypal' => [ 'name' => 'PayPal', 'description' => 'Offer customers the most convenient payment option. Accept PayPal as an additional payment method using a “Checkout with PayPal” button.', 'admin_description' => 'Allow vendors to accept the most convenient payment option.', ], 'credit_card' => [ 'name' => 'Accept credit cards', 'description' => 'Accept credit card payments on checkout. This can be offered with other payment solutions such as PayPal Express Checkout.', 'admin_description' => 'Enable at least one credit card payment method to allow vendors to charge credit cards. This can be offered with other payment solutions such as PayPal Express Checkout.', ], 'others' => [ 'name' => 'Other payment options', 'description' => 'Offer customers more payment options.', 'admin_description' => 'Enabling more payment options will allow vendors to change their customer in more flexible ways.', ], 'manual' => [ 'name' => 'Manual payment', 'description' => 'Offer customers offline payment options with instructions to pay outside of your online store.', 'admin_description' => 'Enabling offline payment options will allow vendors to change their customer in more traditional ways. The vendor will be asked for instructions and additional information when they activate manual payment methods.', ], ], 'message_labels' => [ 'inbox' => 'Inbox', 'sent' => 'Sent', 'draft' => 'Draft', 'spam' => 'Spam', 'trash' => 'Trash', ], 'statuses' => [ 'appealed' => 'Appealed', 'approved' => 'Approved', 'awaiting_delivery' => 'Awaiting delivery', 'closed' => 'Closed', 'confirmed' => 'Confirmed', 'canceled' => 'Canceled', 'declined' => 'Declined', 'delivered' => 'Delivered', 'disputed' => 'Disputed', 'fulfilled' => 'Fulfilled', 'new' => 'New', 'open' => 'Open', 'paid' => 'Paid', 'partially_refunded' => 'Partially refunded', 'payment_error' => 'Payment error', 'pending' => 'Pending', 'read' => 'Read', 'refund_initiated' => 'Refund initiated', 'refunded' => 'Refunded', 'solved' => 'Solved', 'spam' => 'Spam', 'unread' => 'Unread', 'unfulfilled' => 'Unfulfilled', 'unpaid' => 'Unpaid', 'waiting' => 'Waiting', 'waiting_for_payment' => 'Waiting for payment', ], 'priorities' => [ 'low' => 'Low', 'normal' => 'Normal', 'high' => 'High', 'critical' => 'Critical', ], 'activities' => [ 'created' => 'The :model was created.', 'added' => 'Updated
', 'updated' => 'Changed
', 'subscribed' => 'Subscribed to the
plan.', 'subscription_changed' => 'Subscription migrated from
', 'billing_info_added' => 'Billing information added successfully.', 'billing_info_changed' => 'Billing information has been updated.', 'trial_started' => 'The trial period just started.', ], 'form' => [ 'account_holder_name' => 'Account holder name', 'ac_bank_address' => 'Bank Address', 'account_routing_number' => 'Routing number', 'ac_iban' => 'IBAN number', 'ac_swift_bic_code' => 'SWIFT/BIC code', 'account_number' => 'Account number', 'account_type' => 'Account type', 'trust_badge' => 'Trust badge', 'body' => 'Body', 'action_text' => 'Action text', 'action_url' => 'Action url', 'biography' => 'Biography', 'environment' => 'Environment', 'maintenance_mode' => 'Maintenance mode', 'logo' => 'Brand logo', 'login' => 'Login', 'icon' => 'Icon', 'columns' => 'Columns', 'merchant_login' => 'Merchant login', 'merchant_email' => 'Merchant email', 'slogan' => 'Slogan', 'free_shipping' => 'Free shipping', 'key_features' => 'Key features', 'system_currency' => 'Currency', 'cover_img' => 'Cover image', 'featured_categories' => 'Featured categories', 'i_agree_with_terms' => 'I agree to the
', 'i_agree_with_merchant_terms' => 'I agree to the
', 'subscribe_to_the_newsletter' => 'I want to get offers and updates via email', 'days' => 'Days', 'url' => 'URL', 'external_url' => 'External url', 'iso_code' => 'ISO code', 'digital_goods_only' => 'Digital goods only', 'name' => 'Name', 'title' => 'Title', 'sub_title' => 'Sub title', 'shipping_zones' => 'Shipping zones', 'nice_name' => 'Nice name', 'full_name' => 'Full name', 'featured_image' => 'Featured image', 'linked_items' => 'Linked items', 'merchant_full_name' => 'Merchant name', 'email_address' => 'Email address', 'email' => 'Email', 'password' => 'Password', 'public_key' => 'Public key', 'temporary_password' => 'Temporary password', 'password_reset' => 'Password reset', 'current_password' => 'Current password', 'confirm_acc_password' => 'Confirm your account password', 'register_as_customer' => 'Register here', 'register_as_merchant' => 'Register as a merchant', 'register' => 'Register', 'forgot_password' => 'Forgot Password?', 'have_an_account' => 'I already have an account', 'remember_me' => 'Remember Me', 'new_password' => 'New password', 'type_dbreset' => 'Type "RESET" in the below box', 'type_environment' => 'Type "ENVIRONMENT" in the below box', 'env_contents' => 'The .env file contents', 'dob' => 'Date of birth', 'sex' => 'Gender', 'timezone' => 'Timezone', 'text_color' => 'Text color', 'address' => 'Address', 'address_type' => 'Address type', 'address_title' => 'Address title', 'billing_address' => 'Billing address', 'shipping_address' => 'Shipping address', 'address_line_1' => 'Address line 1', 'address_line_2' => 'Address line 2', 'city' => 'City', 'state' => 'State/Province/Region', 'zip_code' => 'Zip/Postal code', 'phone' => 'Phone', 'subscription_plan_id' => 'Plan ID', 'avatar' => 'Avatar', 'image' => 'Image', 'images' => 'Images', 'role' => 'Role', 'roles' => 'Roles', 'role_type' => 'Role type', 'role_level' => 'Role level', 'permissions' => 'Permissions', 'position' => 'Order', 'status' => 'Status', 'slug' => 'Slug', 'secret' => 'Secret', 'country' => 'Country', 'meta_title' => 'Meta title', 'meta_description' => 'Meta description', 'group' => 'Group', 'category_sub_group' => 'Select sub-group', 'category_sub_groups' => 'Category sub-groups', 'category_sub_grp_name' => 'Category sub-group', 'category_name' => 'Category name', 'attribute_type' => 'Attribute type', 'attribute_name' => 'Attribute name', 'attribute_code' => 'Attribute code', 'attribute_value' => 'Attribute value', 'attribute_value_code' => 'Attribute value code', 'list_order' => 'List order', 'link' => 'Link', 'link_label' => 'Link label', 'description' => 'Description', 'message' => 'Message', 'send' => 'Send', 'save_as_draft' => 'Save as draft', 'option' => 'Option', 'options' => 'Options', 'category' => 'Category', 'categories' => 'Categories', 'category_group' => 'Category group', 'config_return_refund' => 'Return & refund policy', 'attribute' => 'Attribute', 'pattern' => 'Pattern', 'color' => 'Color', 'color_attribute' => 'Color attribute', 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'name' => 'Name', 'card_holders_name' => 'Cardholder\'s Name', 'card_number' => 'Card Number', 'cvc' => 'CVC', 'exp_month' => 'Expiration Month', 'exp_year' => 'Expiration Year', 'title' => 'Title', 'sub_title' => 'Sub-title', 'blog_title' => 'Blog title', 'page_title' => 'Page title', 'position' => 'Order', 'key_feature' => 'Key feature', 'group' => 'Group', 'legal_name' => 'Legal name', 'category_description' => 'Short explanation', 'fulfilled' => 'Fulfilled', 'paid' => 'Paid', 'nice_name' => 'Enter nice name', 'full_name' => 'Enter full name', 'featured_image' => 'Featured image', 'merchant_full_name' => 'Enter Full Name of The Merchant', 'merchant_email' => 'Merchant email', 'password' => 'Password', 'temporary_password' => 'Temporary password', 'confirm_password' => 'Confirm password', 'current_password' => 'Current password', 'address' => 'Full address', 'address_title' => 'Address title', 'billing_address' => 'Billing address', 'shipping_address' => 'Shipping address', 'address_line_1' => 'Address line 1', 'address_line_2' => 'Address line 2', 'city' => 'City', 'state' => 'State/Province/Region', 'zip_code' => 'Zip/Postal code', 'phone_number' => 'Phone number', 'phone' => 'Phone', 'public_key' => 'Public key', 'dob' => 'Date of birth', 'sex' => 'Select gender', 'status' => 'Select status', 'secret' => 'Secret', 'roles' => 'Select roles', 'role_level' => 'Role level', 'role_name' => 'Title of the user role', 'tags' => 'Select/Add tags', 'start_here' => 'Start from here', 'subscription_name' => 'Subscription name', 'subscription_cost' => 'Subscription cost per month', 'team_size' => 'Team size', 'inventory_limit' => 'Stock limit', 'marketplace_commission' => 'Marketplace commission', 'transaction_fee' => 'Per transaction fee', 'subscription_best_for' => 'Target customer for this package', 'faq_question' => 'Set the Question', 'faq_answer' => 'Produce the answer', 'topic' => 'FAQ topic', 'facebook_link' => 'Facebook Link', 'instagram_link' => 'Instagram Link', 'google_plus_link' => 'Google Plus Link', 'twitter_link' => 'Twitter Link', 'pinterest_link' => 'Pinterest Link', 'youtube_link' => 'YouTube Link', 'announcement_body' => 'This is an **example** announcement!', 'image' => 'Image', 'images' => 'Images', 'avatar' => 'Choose avatar', 'country' => 'Country', 'description' => 'Description', 'excerpt' => 'Excerpt (Not more than 555 character)', 'content' => 'Content', 'publish_at' => 'Publish at', 'category_sub_group' => 'Select sub-group', 'category_sub_groups' => 'Select sub-groups', 'category_sub_grp_name' => 'Category sub-group name', 'config_return_refund' => 'Return & refund policy', 'category_group' => 'Select Parent Group', 'category_name' => 'Category name', 'category_image' => 'Category cover image', 'attribute' => 'Attribute', 'attribute_type' => 'Attribute type', 'attribute_name' => 'Attribute name', 'attribute_code' => 'For system use only', 'attribute_value_code' => 'For system use only', 'attribute_value' => 'Attribute value', 'attribute_values' => 'Attribute values', 'color' => 'Hex color code', 'pattern' => 'Pattern', 'list_order' => 'Viewing order', 'banner_description' => '40% Off!, Free Shipping', 'link' => 'Redirect Link', 'link_label' => 'Shop Now', 'slug' => 'SEO friendly URL', 'meta_title' => 'Meta Title', 'meta_description' => 'Meta Description', 'categories' => 'Select Categories', 'select' => 'Select', 'manufacturer' => 'Manufacturer', 'manufacturer_name' => 'Manufacturer name', 'model_number' => 'Model Number', 'catalog_min_price' => 'Min price', 'catalog_max_price' => 'Max price', 'origin' => 'Origin Country', 'brand' => 'Brand', 'sku' => 'Seller SKU', 'subscription_plan_id' => 'The unique identifier of the subscription plan', 'mpn' => 'Manufacturer Part Number', 'gtin' => 'Global Trade Item Number', 'gtin_type' => 'GTIN type', 'supplier' => 'Supplier', 'supplier_name' => 'Supplier name', 'contact_person' => 'Contact person', 'warehouse_name' => 'Warehouse name', 'incharge' => 'Incharge', 'tax_rate' => 'Tax rate', 'packaging_name' => 'Packaging name', 'packaging_cost' => 'Packaging cost', 'carrier_name' => 'Carrier name', 'carrier' => 'Shipping carrier', 'shipping_tracking_url' => 'Tracking url', 'order_tracking_id' => 'Order tracking ID', 'flat_shipping_cost' => 'Flat shipping cost', 'shipping_rate_amount' => 'Shipping rate', 'width' => 'Packaging width', 'height' => 'Packaging height', 'depth' => 'Packaging depth', 'shipping_weight' => 'Shipping weight', 'shipping_length' => 'Length for shipping', 'shipping_width' => 'Width for shipping', 'shipping_height' => 'Height for shipping', 'distance_unit' => 'Distance unit', 'custom_shipping' => 'Custom shipping', 'order_handling_cost' => 'Order handling cost', 'order_number_prefix' => 'Order number prefix', 'order_number_suffix' => 'Order number suffix', 'products' => 'Products', 'search_product' => 'Search a product by it\'s GTIN, Name or Model Number', 'choose_product' => 'Choose an item from here', 'search_customer' => 'Find the customer by email address, nice name or full name.', 'condition' => 'Condition', 'condition_note' => 'Condition note', 'warehouse' => 'Warehouse', 'min_order_quantity' => 'Minimum order quantity', 'sale_price' => 'Price', 'purchase_price' => 'Purchase price', 'offer_price' => 'Offer price', 'offer_start' => 'Offer start date', 'offer_end' => 'Offer end date', 'available_from' => 'Available from', 'quantity' => 'Quantity', 'stock_quantity' => 'Stock quantity', 'alert_quantity' => 'Number', 'admin_note' => 'Admin note', 'shop_owner' => 'Shop owner', 'shop_name' => 'Shop name', 'shop_legal_name' => 'The legal name of the shop', 'timezone' => 'Timezone', 'message_to_customer' => 'Message to customer', 'status_name' => 'Status name', 'email_template' => 'Email template', 'template_name' => 'Template name', 'template_subject' => 'Template subject', 'template_body' => 'Template body', 'template_type' => 'Template type', 'template_sender_name' => 'Sender name', 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'Verification', 'vendor_needs_approval' => 'Vendor needs approval', 'view_conversations' => 'View Conversations', 'view_dispute' => 'View Dispute', // Version 1.3.3 'in_trash' => 'In trash', 'key_features' => 'Key features', 'offer_starts' => 'Offer starts', 'offer_ends' => 'Offer ends', 'view_invoice' => 'View invoice', 'total_number_of_rows' => 'Total number of rows: :value', 'cookie_consent_message' => 'We use cookies to improve user experience, and analyze website traffic. For these reasons, we may share your site usage data with our analytics partners. By continuing to the site, you consent to store on your device all the technologies described in our cookie policy.', 'cookie_consent_agree' => 'Allow cookies', 'cookies_terms' => 'Here is the the cookie policy', 'search_result_found' => ':count result found', // Version 2.0.0 'active_business_area' => 'Active business area only', 'add_country' => 'Add country', 'add_admin_note' => 'Add admin note', 'add_state' => 'Add region', 'business_area' => 'Business area', 'buyer_note' => 'Buyer note', 'can_use_own_catalog_only' => 'Can use own catalog only', 'catalog_system_enable_disable' => 'Catalog System', 'canceled' => 'Canceled', 'capital' => 'Capital', 'calling_code' => 'Calling code', 'citizenship' => 'Citizenship', 'coupon_applied' => 'Coupon \":coupon\" applied', 'cybersource_api_key_id' => 'API key ID', 'cybersource_merchant_id' => 'Merchant ID', 'cybersource_secret' => 'Secret Key', 'discount_applied' => ':amount discount applied', 'disambiguate_symbol' => 'Disambiguate symbol', 'eea' => 'EEA', 'html_entity' => 'HTML entity', 'invoices' => 'Invoices', 'invoice_for' => 'Subscription fee for :start - :end', 'iso_numeric' => 'ISO numeric code', 'login_to_choose_address' => 'Login to see your addresses', 'message_send_by_staff' => 'This message was sent by your staff
', 'no_invoice' => 'No invoice yet!', 'number_of_states' => 'Number of region', 'not_in_business_area' => 'Out of business area', 'of_total' => ':first - :last of :total', 'publishable_key' => 'Publishable key', 'sent_login_info' => 'Login info has been sent to your email address :email', 'smallest_denomination' => 'Smallest denomination', 'subscription_fee' => 'Subscription fee', 'subunit_to_unit' => 'Subunit to unit', 'symbol_first' => 'Symbol first', 'to' => 'To', 'reply_to' => 'Reply to', 'mobile_slider' => 'Mobile', 'today_is' => 'Today is', 'which_model_you_want_to_reindex' => 'Which model you want to re-index?', // Version 2.1.0 'all_items' => 'All items', 'archived' => 'Archived', 'chats' => 'Chats', 'chat_conversations' => 'Chat conversations', 'cancel_order' => 'Cancel order', 'cancellation_request' => 'Cancellation request', 'return_request' => 'Return request', 'notify_new_chat' => 'Notify new chat message', 'show_refund_policy_with_listing' => 'Show refund policy with listing', 'show_shop_desc_with_listing' => 'Show shop description with listing', 'show_seo_info_to_frontend' => 'Show SEO info to frontend', 'support_agent' => 'Support agent', 'requested_at' => 'Requested at', 'requested_items' => 'Requested items', 'you' => 'You', 'cancellations' => 'Cancellations', 'can_cancel_order_within' => 'Can cancel order within', 'order_updated' => 'Order updated successfully.', 'update_status' => 'Update status', 'enable_live_chat' => 'Enable live chat', 'others' => 'Others', 'saved_card' => 'Saved card', 'update_card_info' => 'Update card info', 'sales_report' => 'SALES REPORT', 'delivery_date' => 'Delivery Date', 'payment_method' => 'Payment_Method', 'order_status' => 'Order Status', 'day' => 'Days', 'week' => 'Weeks', 'completed' => 'Completed', 'failed' => 'Failed', 'returns' => 'Returns', 'this_week' => 'This Week', 'last_week' => 'Last Week', 'last_30_day' => 'Last 30 Days', 'last_month' => 'Last Month', 'last_12_month' => 'Last 12 Months', 'last_year' => 'Last Year', 'custom' => 'Custom', 'month' => 'Months', 'search' => 'Search', 'waiting_for_payment' => 'Waiting for Payment', 'awaiting_delivery' => 'Awaiting Delivery', 'delivered' => 'Delivered', 'payment_error' => 'Payment Error', 'confirmed' => 'Confirmed', 'year' => 'Years', 'from_date' => 'From Date', 'to_date' => 'To Date', 'timeframe' => 'Timeframe', 'this_year' => 'This Year', 'last_6_month' => 'last 6 Months', 'last_7_days' => 'Last 7 Days', 'disputed' => 'Disputed', 'initial_refund' => 'Initial Refund', 'partially_refunded' => 'Partially Refunded', 'refunded' => 'Refunded', 'unpaid' => 'Unpaid', 'clear' => 'Clear', 'total_revenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'partially_refund' => 'Partially Refund', 'average_price' => 'Average Price', 'unique_purchase' => 'Unique Purchase', 'block' => 'Block', 'deny' => 'Deny', 'available_packages' => 'Available Packages', 'package' => 'Package', // 'wallet' => 'Wallet', 'withdrawal_requests' => 'Withdrawals', 'select_payment_option' => 'Select payment option', 'credit_card' => 'Credit card', 'platform_fee' => 'Platform fee for sale :for', 'for_sale_of' => 'For sale of :order', 'installed_at' => 'Installed at', 'install' => 'Install', 'uninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'version' => 'Version', 'keywords' => 'Keywords', 'refund_requested' => 'Refund requested', 'disabled' => 'Disabled', 'vendors' => 'vendors', 'vendor_order_cancellation_fee' => 'Order cancellation fee', 'cancellation_fee' => 'Cancellation fee', 'waiting_for_approval' => 'waiting for approval', 'info' => 'Info', 'reversal' => 'Reversal', 'reversal_for_sale_of' => 'Reversal for sale of :order', 'reversal_platform_fee' => 'Reversal platform fee for sale :for', 'attention' => 'Attention!', 'enter_license_key' => 'Please provide the license key', 'license_key' => 'License key', 'invalid_license_key' => 'The license key is not valid.', 'deal_of_the_day' => 'Deal of the day', 'promotional_tagline' => 'Promotional tagline', 'promotions' => 'Promotions', 'featured_image' => 'Featured Image', 'featured_brands' => 'Featured brands', 'featured_vendors' => 'Featured vendors', 'featured_items' => 'Featured items', 'products' => 'Products', 'best_finds_under' => 'Best finds under', 'trending_now_categories' => 'Trending now categories', 'tagline_text' => 'Tagline text in maximum 60 characters', 'alternative_color' => 'Alternative Color', 'feature_image' => 'Feature image', 'or' => 'Or', 'show_social_auth' => 'Show social auth', 'text_position' => 'Text position', 'left' => 'Left', 'right' => 'Right', 'search_inventory' => 'Search item', 'show_merchant_info_as_vendor' => 'Show merchant info as vendor', 'zoom_effect' => 'Zoom effect', // 'checkout_button_configure' => 'Checkout Button Configure', 'pay_in_person' => 'Pay in Person', 'pay_online' => 'Pay Online', 'active_ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'pick_up_address' => 'Pickup address', 'upload_package' => 'Upload package', 'zip_archive' => 'Zip archive file', 'misconfigured' => 'Misconfigured', 'clear_cache' => 'Clear system cache', 'and_in_more_categories' => 'and in :count more categories', 'show_item_conditions' => 'Show item conditions', 'icon_image' => 'Icon Image', 'how_it_works' => 'How it works', 'approve_refund' => 'Approve refund', 'expiry_date' => 'Expiry date', 'zcart_compatiblity' => 'Compatible zCart version', 'assign_deliveryboy' => 'Assign Delivery Boy', 'change_deliveryboy' => 'Change Delivery Boy', 'show' => 'Show', 'hide' => 'Hide', 'zcart_application_key' => 'Application Key', 'zcart_application_secret' => 'Application Secret', 'zcart_application_iv' => 'Application Iv', 'copy' => 'Copy', 'copied' => 'Copied', 'regenerate_key' => 'Regenerate Key', 'application_key_regenerated' => 'Application key Regenerated successfully', 'add_delivery_boy' => 'Add Delivery Boy', 'phone_number' => 'Phone Number', 'first_name' => 'First Name', 'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'deliveryboy' => 'Delivery Boy', 'delivery_boy_not_assigned' => 'No delivery boy assigned yet', 'custom_styling' => 'Custom Styling', 'add_custom_css' => 'Add Custom CSS', 'custom_css' => 'Custom CSS', 'trust_badge' => 'Trust badge', 'delivery_boys' => 'Delivery Boys', 'generate_app_key' => 'Generate app key', 'addon' => 'Addon', 'archived_orders' => 'Archived orders', 'show_category_on_main_nav' => 'Show categories in main navigation', 'hide_item_from_main_nav' => 'Hide from main navigation', 'hide_technical_details_on_product_page' => 'Hide technical details on the product page', 'hide_out_of_stock_items' => 'Hide out of stock items', 'card_number' => 'Card number', 'card_type' => 'Card type', 'card_cardholder_name' => 'Cardholder name', 'update_card' => 'Update card', 'update_bank_detail' => 'Update Bank Detail', 'search_category' => 'Search category', 'select_categories' => 'Select categories', 'quick_view' => 'Quick view', 'search_category' => 'Search category', 'activated' => 'Activated', 'this_is_addon_feature' => 'This is an addon feature. You need to have a plugin to have this feature on your site.', 'flashdeal' => 'Flash deal', 'flashdeals' => 'Flash deals', 'start_time' => 'Start Time', 'end_time' => 'End Time', 'updated' => 'Flash deal has been updated successfully', 'deal_schedule' => 'Deal schedule', 'help_deal_schedule' => 'Set the starting and ending time schedule of the deal.', 'help_deal_items' => 'Choose listings for the flash deals. These listings will be shown on the flash deal section on the home page.', 'help_featured_items' => 'Choose listings as featured deals. These listings will be highlighted.', 'hints_deal_items' => 'Search for listings. Choose 6-20 items.', 'hints_featured_items' => 'Choose 2 or 4 items. Even number will look better', 'item_added_already_in_wishlist' => 'Item already in your wishlist', 'license' => 'License', 'reset_app_license' => 'Reset license', 'control_panel' => 'Control panel', 'data_deleted' => 'Deleted', 'app_keys_config' => 'App keys config', 'full_name_required' => 'Please include First and Last name.', 'digital_product' => 'Digital Product', 'view_as_customer' => 'View this product as customer', 'digital' => 'Digital', 'download_link_of_digital_product' => 'Click here to download the digital product.', 'miliseconds' => 'Miliseconds', 'add_account' => 'Add Account', 'update_account' => 'Update Account', 'shop_account_number' => 'Account number of this shop', 'top_sale_categories' => 'Top sale categories', 'top_sale_products' => 'Top sale products', 'top_sale_brands' => 'Top sale brands', 'admin' => 'Admin', 'this_week' => 'This Week', 'add_span_tag' => 'Wrap keywords within a
to highlight.', 'top_bar_img' => "Top bar image", 'promo_banner' => 'Top promotional banner', 'gtm_container_id' => 'GTM container id', 'add_variants' => 'Add variants', 'add_new_variant' => 'Add another variant', 'set_variants' => 'Set variants', 'variant_image' => 'Variant image', 'choose_attributes' => 'Choose attributes', 'download_limit' => 'Download limit', 'cross_selling' => 'Cross selling', 'add_another_field' => 'Add another field', 'unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'skus' => 'SKUs', 'view_customer_dashboard' => 'View customer dashboard', 'create_customer_acc' => 'Create customer account', 'shipping_methods' => 'Shipping methods', 'shipping_method_type' => [ 'manual' => [ 'name' => 'Manual shipping options', 'description' => 'Offer customers manually set shipping options with instructions.', 'admin_description' => 'Enabling manually set shipping options will allow vendors to set their shipping zone, carrier, shipping charge etc manually', ], 'online' => [ 'name' => 'Online shipping options', 'description' => 'Offer customers automated shipping options and charges.', 'admin_description' => 'Enabling online shipping options will allow vendors to automate their shipping process, including automatically assigning carriers , getting shipping cost, scheduling shipments etc.', ], ], 'shipping_carrier_source' => 'Carrier source', 'direct_sale' => 'Direct sale', 'listing_type' => 'Listing type', 'scheduled' => 'Scheduled', 'ended' => 'Ended', 'unknown' => 'Unknown', 'fulfilment_type' => [ 'deliver' => 'Deliver', 'pickup' => 'Pickup', ], 'customer_needs_approval' => 'Customer needs approval', 'account_pending_for_approval' => 'Account approval request pending.', 'pickup_not_available' => 'Pickup not available for the selected shop', 'actions' => 'Actions', 'reject' => 'Reject', 'phone' => 'Phone', 'checkbox' => 'Checkbox', 'radio' => 'Radio', 'number' => 'Number', 'select' => 'Select', 'dropdown' => 'Dropdown', 'applied' => 'Applied', 'file' => 'File', 'currently_applied' => 'Currently applied', 'order_deleted' => 'Order deleted', 'shop_deleted' => 'Shop deleted', 'smart_form_id_for_vendor_additional_info' => 'Vendor additional info form', 'add_model_translation' => 'Add :model Translation', 'update_model_translation' => 'Update :model Translation', 'translation_configuration' => 'Translation Configuration', 'catalog_product_translations_bulk_upload' => 'Catalog Product Translations Bulk Upload', 'manage_translations' => 'Manage Translations', 'select_language' => 'Select Language', 'model_translations_bulk_upload' => ':model Translations Bulk Upload', 'username' => 'Username', ];