profile_photo_path, function ($previous) use ($photo, $storagePath) { $this->forceFill([ 'profile_photo_path' => $photo->storePublicly( $storagePath, ['disk' => $this->profilePhotoDisk()] ), ])->save(); if ($previous) { Storage::disk($this->profilePhotoDisk())->delete($previous); } }); } /** * Delete the user's profile photo. * * @return void */ public function deleteProfilePhoto() { if (! Features::managesProfilePhotos()) { return; } if (is_null($this->profile_photo_path)) { return; } Storage::disk($this->profilePhotoDisk())->delete($this->profile_photo_path); $this->forceFill([ 'profile_photo_path' => null, ])->save(); } /** * Get the URL to the user's profile photo. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute */ public function profilePhotoUrl(): Attribute { return Attribute::get(function () { return $this->profile_photo_path ? Storage::disk($this->profilePhotoDisk())->url($this->profile_photo_path) : $this->defaultProfilePhotoUrl(); }); } /** * Get the default profile photo URL if no profile photo has been uploaded. * * @return string */ protected function defaultProfilePhotoUrl() { $name = trim(collect(explode(' ', $this->name))->map(function ($segment) { return mb_substr($segment, 0, 1); })->join(' ')); return 'https://ui-avatars.com/api/?name='.urlencode($name).'&color=7F9CF5&background=EBF4FF'; } /** * Get the disk that profile photos should be stored on. * * @return string */ protected function profilePhotoDisk() { return isset($_ENV['VAPOR_ARTIFACT_NAME']) ? 's3' : config('jetstream.profile_photo_disk', 'public'); } }