Because Livewire components are dehydrated (serialized) into JSON, then hydrated (unserialized) back into PHP components between requests, their properties need to be JSON-serializable. Natively, PHP serializes most primitive values into JSON easily. However, in order for Livewire components to support more sophisticated property types (like models, collections, carbon instances, and stringables), a more robust system is needed. Therefore, Livewire provides a point of extension called "Synthesizers" that allow users to support any custom property types they wish. > [!tip] Make sure you understand hydration first > Before using Synthesizers, it's helpful to fully understand Livewire's hydration system. You can learn more by reading the [hydration documentation](/docs/hydration). ## Understanding Synthesizers Before exploring the creation of custom Synthesizers, let's first look at the internal Synthesizer that Livewire uses to support [Laravel Stringables](https://laravel.com/docs/helpers#method-str). Suppose your application contained the following `CreatePost` component: ```php class CreatePost extends Component { public $title = ''; } ``` Between requests, Livewire might serialize this component's state into a JSON object like the following: ```js state: { title: '' }, ``` Now, consider a more advanced example where the `$title` property value is a stringable instead of a plain string: ```php class CreatePost extends Component { public $title = ''; public function mount() { $this->title = str($this->title); } } ``` The dehydrated JSON representing this component's state now contains a [metadata tuple](/docs/hydration#deeply-nested-tuples) instead of a plain empty string: ```js state: { title: ['', { s: 'str' }] }, ``` Livewire can now use this tuple to hydrate the `$title` property back into a stringable on the next request. Now that you've seen the outside-in effects of Synthesizers, here is the actual source code for Livewire's internal stringable synth: ```php use Illuminate\Support\Stringable; class StringableSynth extends Synth { public static $key = 'str'; public static function match($target) { return $target instanceof Stringable; } public function dehydrate($target) { return [$target->__toString(), []]; } public function hydrate($value) { return str($value); } } ``` Let's break this down piece by piece. First is the `$key` property: ```php public static $key = 'str'; ``` Every synth must contain a static `$key` property that Livewire uses to convert a [metadata tuple](/docs/hydration#deeply-nested-tuples) like `['', { s: 'str' }]` back into a stringable. As you may notice, each metadata tuple has an `s` key referencing this key. Inversely, when Livewire is dehydrating a property, it will use the synth's static `match()` function to identify if this particular Synthesizer is a good candidate to dehydrate the current property (`$target` being the current value of the property): ```php public static function match($target) { return $target instanceof Stringable; } ``` If `match()` returns true, the `dehydrate()` method will be used to take the property's PHP value as input and return the JSONable [metadata](/docs/hydration#deeply-nested-tuples) tuple: ```php public function dehydrate($target) { return [$target->__toString(), []]; } ``` Now, at the beginning of the next request, after this Synthesizer has been matched by the `{ s: 'str' }` key in the tuple, the `hydrate()` method will be called and passed the raw JSON representation of the property with the expectation that it returns the full PHP-compatible value to be assigned to the property. ```php public function hydrate($value) { return str($value); } ``` ## Registering a custom Synthesizer To demonstrate how you might author your own Synthesizer to support a custom property, we will use the following `UpdateProperty` component as an example: ```php class UpdateProperty extends Component { public Address $address; public function mount() { $this->address = new Address(); } } ``` Here's the source for the `Address` class: ```php namespace App\Dtos\Address; class Address { public $street = ''; public $city = ''; public $state = ''; public $zip = ''; } ``` To support properties of type `Address`, we can use the following Synthesizer: ```php use App\Dtos\Address; class AddressSynth extends Synth { public static $key = 'address'; public static function match($target) { return $target instanceof Address; } public function dehydrate($target) { return [[ 'street' => $target->street, 'city' => $target->city, 'state' => $target->state, 'zip' => $target->zip, ], []]; } public function hydrate($value) { $instance = new Address; $instance->street = $value['street']; $instance->city = $value['city']; $instance->state = $value['state']; $instance->zip = $value['zip']; return $instance; } } ``` To make it available globally in your application, you can use Livewire's `propertySynthesizer` method to register the synthesizer from your service provider boot method: ```php class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { /** * Bootstrap any application services. */ public function boot(): void { Livewire::propertySynthesizer(AddressSynth::class); } } ``` ## Supporting data binding Using the `UpdateProperty` example from above, it is likely that you would want to support `wire:model` binding directly to properties of the `Address` object. Synthesizers allow you to support this using the `get()` and `set()` methods: ```php use App\Dtos\Address; class AddressSynth extends Synth { public static $key = 'address'; public static function match($target) { return $target instanceof Address; } public function dehydrate($target) { return [[ 'street' => $target->street, 'city' => $target->city, 'state' => $target->state, 'zip' => $target->zip, ], []]; } public function hydrate($value) { $instance = new Address; $instance->street = $value['street']; $instance->city = $value['city']; $instance->state = $value['state']; $instance->zip = $value['zip']; return $instance; } public function get(&$target, $key) // [tl! highlight:8] { return $target->{$key}; } public function set(&$target, $key, $value) { $target->{$key} = $value; } } ```