import Alpine from 'alpinejs' import { on } from './events' export function matchesForLivewireDirective(attributeName) { return attributeName.match(new RegExp('wire:')) } export function extractDirective(el, name) { let [value, ...modifiers] = name.replace(new RegExp('wire:'), '').split('.') return new Directive(value, modifiers, name, el) } export function directive(name, callback) { on('directive.init', ({ el, component, directive, cleanup }) => { if (directive.value === name) { callback({ el, directive, component, cleanup }) } }) } export function getDirectives(el) { return new DirectiveManager(el) } class DirectiveManager { constructor(el) { this.el = el this.directives = this.extractTypeModifiersAndValue() } all() { return this.directives } has(value) { return this.directives.map(directive => directive.value).includes(value) } missing(value) { return ! this.has(value) } get(value) { return this.directives.find(directive => directive.value === value) } extractTypeModifiersAndValue() { return Array.from(this.el.getAttributeNames() // Filter only the livewire directives. .filter(name => matchesForLivewireDirective(name)) // Parse out the type, modifiers, and value from it. .map(name => extractDirective(this.el, name))) } } export class Directive { constructor(value, modifiers, rawName, el) { this.rawName = this.raw = rawName this.el = el this.eventContext this.value = value this.modifiers = modifiers this.expression = this.el.getAttribute(this.rawName) } get method() { const { method } = this.parseOutMethodAndParams(this.expression) return method } get params() { const { params } = this.parseOutMethodAndParams(this.expression) return params } parseOutMethodAndParams(rawMethod) { let method = rawMethod let params = [] const methodAndParamString = method.match(/(.*?)\((.*)\)/s) if (methodAndParamString) { method = methodAndParamString[1] // Use a function that returns it's arguments to parse and eval all params // This "$event" is for use inside the livewire event handler. let func = new Function('$event', `return (function () { for (var l=arguments.length, p=new Array(l), k=0; k