<?php namespace App\Helpers; use Carbon\Carbon; use App\Models\Blog; use App\Models\Page; use App\Models\Role; use App\Models\Shop; use App\Models\User; use App\Models\Order; use App\Models\Module; use App\Models\Refund; use App\Models\Ticket; use App\Models\Dispute; use App\Models\Message; use App\Models\Product; use App\Enums\GtinTypes; use App\Models\Category; use App\Models\Customer; use App\Models\Language; use App\Models\Supplier; use App\Models\Attribute; use App\Models\BaseModel; use App\Models\Inventory; use App\Models\Permission; use App\Models\Manufacturer; use App\Models\CategoryGroup; use App\Models\PaymentMethod; use App\Models\ShippingMethod; use App\Models\CategorySubGroup; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session; /** * This is a helper class to process,upload and remove images from different models */ class ListHelper { public static function common_select_attr($model = 'inventory') { switch ($model) { case 'inventory': $fields = ['inventories.id', 'inventories.shop_id', 'title', 'inventories.product_id', 'sku', 'condition', 'stock_quantity', 'min_order_quantity', 'sold_quantity', 'available_from', 'sale_price', 'offer_price', 'offer_start', 'offer_end', 'free_shipping', 'slug', 'stuff_pick']; // Pharmacy fields if (is_incevio_package_loaded('pharmacy')) { $fields = array_merge($fields, ['expiry_date']); } // Auction fields if (is_incevio_package_loaded('auction')) { $fields = array_merge($fields, ['auctionable', 'auction_status', 'base_price', 'auction_end']); } return $fields; } return '*'; } /** * Get shipping_method_types list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function shipping_method_types() { return [ ShippingMethod::TYPE_MANUAL => trans('app.shipping_method_type.manual.name'), ShippingMethod::TYPE_ONLINE => trans('app.shipping_method_type.online.name'), ]; } /** * Get payment_method_types list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function payment_method_types() { return [ PaymentMethod::TYPE_PAYPAL => trans('app.payment_method_type.paypal.name'), PaymentMethod::TYPE_CREDIT_CARD => trans('app.payment_method_type.credit_card.name'), PaymentMethod::TYPE_MANUAL => trans('app.payment_method_type.manual.name'), PaymentMethod::TYPE_OTHERS => trans('app.payment_method_type.others.name'), ]; } public static function payment_statuses() { return [ Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_UNPAID => trans('app.statuses.unpaid'), Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_PENDING => trans('app.statuses.pending'), Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_PAID => trans('app.statuses.paid'), ]; } public static function order_statuses() { return [ Order::STATUS_WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT => trans('app.statuses.waiting_for_payment'), Order::STATUS_PAYMENT_ERROR => trans('app.statuses.payment_error'), Order::STATUS_CONFIRMED => trans('app.statuses.confirmed'), // Order::STATUS_FULFILLED => trans("app.statuses.fulfilled"), Order::STATUS_AWAITING_DELIVERY => trans('app.statuses.awaiting_delivery'), Order::STATUS_DELIVERED => trans('app.statuses.delivered'), Order::STATUS_RETURNED => trans('app.statuses.refunded'), ]; } public static function item_conditions() { return [ 'New' => trans('app.new'), 'Used' => trans('app.used'), 'Refurbished' => trans('app.refurbished') ]; } public static function ticket_priorities() { return [ Ticket::PRIORITY_LOW => trans('app.priorities.low'), Ticket::PRIORITY_NORMAL => trans('app.priorities.normal'), Ticket::PRIORITY_HIGH => trans('app.priorities.high'), Ticket::PRIORITY_CRITICAL => trans('app.priorities.critical'), ]; } public static function ticket_statuses_new() { return [ Ticket::STATUS_NEW => trans('app.statuses.new'), Ticket::STATUS_OPEN => trans('app.statuses.open'), Ticket::STATUS_PENDING => trans('app.statuses.pending'), ]; } public static function ticket_statuses_all() { return self::ticket_statuses_new() + [ Ticket::STATUS_CLOSED => trans('app.statuses.closed'), Ticket::STATUS_SOLVED => trans('app.statuses.solved'), Ticket::STATUS_SPAM => trans('app.statuses.spam'), ]; } /** * Get dispute statuses list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function dispute_statuses() { if (Auth::user() instanceof Customer) { $statuses = [ Dispute::STATUS_OPEN => trans('app.statuses.open'), Dispute::STATUS_SOLVED => trans('app.statuses.solved'), ]; } else { $statuses = [ Dispute::STATUS_NEW => trans('app.statuses.new'), Dispute::STATUS_OPEN => trans('app.statuses.open'), Dispute::STATUS_WAITING => trans('app.statuses.waiting'), Dispute::STATUS_SOLVED => trans('app.statuses.solved'), Dispute::STATUS_CLOSED => trans('app.statuses.closed'), ]; } if (!Auth::user() instanceof Customer && auth()->user()->isFromPlatform()) { $statuses[Dispute::STATUS_APPEALED] = trans('app.statuses.appealed'); } return $statuses; } /** * Get refund statuses list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function refund_statuses() { return [ Refund::STATUS_NEW => trans('app.statuses.new'), Refund::STATUS_APPROVED => trans('app.statuses.approved'), Refund::STATUS_DECLINED => trans('app.statuses.declined'), ]; } /** * Get fulfilment types list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function fulfilment_types() { return [ Order::FULFILMENT_TYPE_PICKUP => trans('app.fulfilment_type.pickup'), Order::FULFILMENT_TYPE_DELIVER => trans('app.fulfilment_type.deliver'), ]; } public static function marketplace_business_area() { return [ '1' => trans('app.worldwide'), '0' => trans('app.active_business_area'), ]; } public static function faq_topics_for() { return [ 'Merchant' => trans('app.merchants'), 'Customer' => trans('app.customers'), ]; } /** * Get page positions list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function page_positions() { return [ 'copyright_area' => trans('app.copyright_area'), 'footer_1st_column' => trans('app.footer_1st_column'), 'footer_2nd_column' => trans('app.footer_2nd_column'), 'footer_3rd_column' => trans('app.footer_3rd_column'), 'main_nav' => trans('app.main_nav'), ]; } /** * Get system timezone. * * @return array */ public static function system_timezone() { if (config('system_settings.timezone_id')) { return DB::table('timezones')->where('id', config('system_settings.timezone_id'))->first(); } return null; } public static function ticket_categories() { return DB::table('ticket_categories')->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } public static function plans() { $plans = DB::table('subscription_plans') ->where('deleted_at', Null) ->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->select('plan_id', 'name', 'cost') ->get(); $result = []; foreach ($plans as $plan) { $result[$plan->plan_id] = $plan->name . ' (' . get_formated_currency($plan->cost, 2) . trans('app.per_month') . ')'; } return $result; } /** * Get unread Messages. * * @return array */ public static function unreadMessages() { $query = Message::with('customer.avatarImage')->labelOf(Message::LABEL_INBOX)->unread(); if (Auth::user()->isFromMerchant()) { $query = $query->where('shop_id', Auth::user()->shop_id); } else { $query = $query->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id); } return $query->get(); } /** * Get role list for form dropdown. * If the logged in user from a shop then show return roles thats are public. * otherwise return roles thats not public * * @return array */ public static function roles() { $roles = Role::lowerPrivileged(); if (Auth::user()->isFromPlatform()) { $roles->whereNull('shop_id')->notPublic(); } else { $roles->orWhere( function ($query) { $query->whereNull('shop_id')->where('public', 1); } ); } return $roles->where('id', '!=', Role::MERCHANT)->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get list of all available languages formatted for dropdown list */ public static function availableLocales() { return Cache::rememberForever('active_locales', function () { return Language::orderBy('order', 'asc')->active()->get(); }); } public static function availableTranslationLocales() { return Language::orderBy('order', 'asc') ->where('code', '!=', config('system_settings.default_language')) ->active()->get(); } /** * Get list of all available categories formatted for theme * * @return array */ public static function categoriesForTheme($all = false) { return Cache::rememberForever('all_categories', function () use ($all) { $result = CategoryGroup::select('id', 'name', 'slug', 'icon') ->with([ 'logoImage:id,path,imageable_id,imageable_type', 'backgroundImage:id,path,imageable_id,imageable_type', 'subGroups' => function ($query) use ($all) { $query->select('id', 'slug', 'category_group_id', 'name'); if (!$all) { $query->active()->has('categories.products.inventories'); } $query->orderBy('categories_count', 'desc')->withCount('categories'); }, 'subGroups.categories' => function ($q) use ($all) { $q->select('id', 'category_sub_group_id', 'name', 'slug', 'description'); if (!$all) { $q->active()->has('products.inventories'); } }, ]); if (!$all) { $result->has('subGroups.categories.products.inventories')->active(); } return $result->orderBy('order', 'asc')->get(); }); } /** * Get list of all available category group * * @return array */ public static function categoryGrps() { return DB::table('category_groups')->where('deleted_at', null)->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get list of category sub-group * * @return array */ public static function catSubGrps() { return CategorySubGroup::orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get list of category sub-group under the given category * * @return array */ public static function thisCatSubGrps($category) { return DB::table('category_sub_groups')->where('deleted_at', null) ->where('category_group_id', $category)->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get categories list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function categories() { return Cache::rememberForever('category_list_for_form', function () { return DB::table('categories')->whereNull('deleted_at')->pluck('name', 'id'); }); } /** * Get search_categories list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function search_categories() { return Cache::remember('search_category_list', config('cache.remember.categories', 0), function () { return CategoryGroup::select('id', 'name', 'slug') ->with(['subGroups' => function ($q) { $q->select('name', 'slug', 'category_group_id')->active(); }]) ->whereHas('subGroups', function ($q) { $q->active(); }) ->orderBy('order', 'desc') ->active()->get(); }); } /** * Get all catGrpSubGrpListArray * * @return array */ public static function catGrpSubGrpListArray() { $grps = []; foreach (self::categoryGrps() as $key => $value) { $list = []; foreach (self::thisCatSubGrps($key) as $key2 => $value2) { $list[$key2] = $value2; } if (count($list)) { $grps[$value] = $list; } } return $grps; } /** * Get all catWithSubGrpList * * @return array */ public static function catWithSubGrpListArray() { $categoryGroups = CategoryGroup::select(['id', 'name'])->active() ->orderBy('name', 'asc') ->with([ 'subGroups' => function ($q) { $q->select(['id', 'name', 'category_group_id'])->orderBy('name', 'asc')->active(); }, 'subGroups.categories' => function ($q) { $q->select(['id', 'category_sub_group_id', 'name'])->active(); }, ])->get(); $grps = []; foreach ($categoryGroups as $categoryGroup) { foreach ($categoryGroup->subGroups as $categorySubGroup) { $list = []; foreach ($categorySubGroup->categories as $category) { $list[$category->id] = $category->name; } if (count($list)) { $grps[$categoryGroup->name . ' ▸ ' . $categorySubGroup->name . ' ▾'] = $list; } } } return $grps; } /** * Get permissions list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function permissions() { return Permission::orderBy('module_id', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get modulesWithPermissions list. * * @return array */ public static function modulesWithPermissions() { return Module::active()->with('permissions')->orderBy('name', 'asc')->get(); } /** * Get array of slugsWithModulAccess list. * * @return array */ public static function slugsWithModulAccess() { return Permission::with('module')->get()->pluck('module.access', 'slug')->toArray(); } /** * Get Popular_blogs list. * * @return array */ public static function popularBlogs() { return Blog::select(['id', 'title', 'slug', 'excerpt', 'published_at'])->popular()->take(5)->get(); } /** * Get latest_blogs list. * * @return array */ public static function recentBlogs() { return Blog::select(['id', 'title', 'slug', 'excerpt', 'published_at']) ->published()->recent()->take(5)->get(); } /** * Get users list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function users() { return DB::table('users')->where('deleted_at', null)->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get users list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function platform_users() { return DB::table('users')->where('shop_id', null)->where('role_id', '!=', 3) ->where('deleted_at', null)->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } public static function shipping_zones($shop = null) { $shop = $shop ?? Auth::user()->merchantId(); //Get current user's shop_id return DB::table('shipping_zones') ->where('shop_id', $shop) ->where('active', BaseModel::ACTIVE) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get permission slugs for the user role. * * @return array */ public static function authorizations(User $user = null) { $user = $user ?? Auth::guard('web')->user(); // Get current user if (!$user->role_id || $user->isSuperAdmin()) { return []; } return $user->role->permissions()->pluck('slug')->toArray(); } /** * Get all FAQ topic list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function faq_topics() { return DB::table('faq_topics')->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * [open_tickets description] * * @return [type] [description] */ public static function open_tickets() { return Ticket::open()->orderBy('priority', 'desc')->with('category') ->withCount('replies')->latest()->limit(10)->get(); } /** * [top_customers description] * * @return [type] [description] */ public static function top_customers($limit = 5) { incevioAutoloadHelpers(getMysqliConnection()); return Customer::select('id', 'nice_name', 'name', 'email') ->with('image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', 'orders:id,customer_id,total') ->whereHas('orders', function ($query) { $query->select('customer_id', 'shop_id', 'total')->withArchived(); if (Auth::user()->merchantId()) { $query->mine(); } }) ->withCount(['orders' => function ($q) { $q->withArchived(); if (Auth::user()->merchantId()) { $q->mine(); } }]) ->orderBy('orders_count', 'desc') ->limit($limit)->get(); } /** * [returning_customers description] * * @return [type] [description] */ public static function returning_customers($limit = 5) { $customers = static::top_customers($limit); // Return customer has more than one orders return $customers->filter(function ($customer, $key) { return $customer->orders->count() > 1; }); } /** * [top_vendors description] * * @return [type] [description] */ public static function top_vendors($limit = 5) { return Shop::select('id', 'owner_id', 'name', 'slug') ->with('logoImage:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', 'revenue') ->withCount('inventories') ->active() ->take($limit) ->get() ->sortByDesc('revenue'); } /** * Return unique brand names from the given linstings * * @return array */ public static function get_unique_brand_names_from_linstings($listings) { return $listings->whereNotNull('brand')->pluck('brand')->unique(); } /** * Get all merchants list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function merchants() { return DB::table('users')->where('role_id', 3)->where('deleted_at', null) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get new merchants list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function new_merchants() { return DB::table('users')->whereNull('shop_id')->whereNull('deleted_at') ->where('role_id', Role::MERCHANT)->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get users list under the shop for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function staffs($shop = null) { $shop = $shop ?? Auth::user()->merchantId(); //Get current user's shop_id return DB::table('users')->where('shop_id', $shop)->where('deleted_at', null) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get suppliers list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function suppliers($shop = null) { $shop = $shop ?? Auth::user()->merchantId(); // Get current user's shop_id return DB::table('suppliers')->where('shop_id', $shop) ->where('deleted_at', null) ->where('active', BaseModel::ACTIVE) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get timezones list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function timezones() { return DB::table('timezones')->pluck('text', 'id'); } public static function languages() { return DB::table('languages')->where('deleted_at', null) ->where('active', BaseModel::ACTIVE) ->orderBy('order', 'asc')->pluck('language', 'code'); } /** * Get warehouses list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function warehouses($shop_id = null) { $shop_id = $shop_id ?? Auth::user()->merchantId(); return DB::table('warehouses') ->where('shop_id', $shop_id) ->where('deleted_at', null) ->where('active', BaseModel::ACTIVE) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get carriers list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function carriers($shop_id = null) { $shop_id = $shop_id ?? Auth::user()->merchantId(); return DB::table('carriers')->where('shop_id', $shop_id) ->where('deleted_at', null) ->where('active', BaseModel::ACTIVE) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get taxes list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function taxes() { return DB::table('taxes')->where('active', BaseModel::ACTIVE) ->where('deleted_at', null) ->where(function ($query) { $query->where('public', 1) ->orWhere('shop_id', Auth::user()->merchantId()); }) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get customers list for form dropdown. * @return array */ public static function customers() { return DB::table('customers')->where('deleted_at', null) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get inventories list for form dropdown. * @return array */ public static function inventories($shop = null) { $shop = $shop ?? Auth::user()->merchantId(); return DB::table('inventories')->where('shop_id', $shop)->where('deleted_at', null) ->where('parent_id', null)->orderBy('title', 'asc')->pluck('title', 'id'); } /** * Get top listing_items list for merchnat. * * @param [type] $shop * @param integer $count between 5 and 100 * * @return array */ public static function top_listing_items($shop = null, $count = 5) { $count = $count < 5 ? 5 : ($count > 100 ? 100 : $count); if (Auth::user()->isFromMerchant()) { $shop = Auth::user()->merchantId(); } return Inventory::where('inventories.shop_id', $shop) ->with('image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', 'attributeValues:id,value') ->select( 'inventories.id', 'inventories.shop_id', 'inventories.title', 'inventories.stock_quantity', 'inventories.sku', 'inventories.active', 'products.name', 'inventories.product_id', DB::raw('SUM(order_items.quantity) as sold_qtt'), DB::raw('SUM(order_items.unit_price) as gross_sales') ) ->join('products', 'inventories.product_id', 'products.id') ->join('order_items', 'inventories.id', 'order_items.inventory_id') ->groupBy('inventory_id') ->orderBy('sold_qtt', 'desc') ->limit($count)->get(); } /** * Get top categories list for merchnat. * @return array */ public static function top_categories($count = 5) { return Category::select('id', 'slug', 'name', 'active') ->whereHas('listings', function ($query) { $query->mine(); }) ->withCount('listings') ->orderBy('listings_count', 'desc') ->limit($count)->get(); } /** * Get top suppliers list for merchnat. * @return array */ public static function top_suppliers($count = 5) { return Supplier::select('id', 'shop_id', 'name', 'active')->mine() ->with('image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type') ->withCount('inventories') ->orderBy('inventories_count', 'desc')->limit($count)->get(); } /** * Get trendiing items list. Get the most ordered item in given days * @return array */ public static function popular_items($days = 7, $limit = 15, $shop_id = null) { $items = Inventory::available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->whereNull('parent_id') ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', ]); if ($shop_id) { $items = $items->where('shop_id', $shop_id); } // It's a tric for the demo only to get different items if (config('app.demo') == true) { return $items->limit(99)->get()->random(5); } $from = Carbon::today()->subDays($days)->startOfDay(); return $items->withCount([ 'orders' => function ($q) use ($from) { $q->withArchived()->where('orders.created_at', '>', $from); }, ]) // ->groupBy('product_id', 'shop_id') ->orderBy('orders_count', 'desc') ->limit($limit)->get(); } /*** * Original Popular Items */ /* public static function popular_items($days = 7, $count = 15) { $from = Carbon::today()->subDays($days)->startOfDay(); return Inventory::available()->withCount(['orders' => function($q) use ($from) { $q->withArchived()->where('orders.created_at', '>', $from); }]) ->whereNull('parent_id') ->orderBy('orders_count', 'desc') ->with([ 'feedbacks:rating,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', 'product:id,slug', 'product.image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' ]) ->groupBy('product_id', 'shop_id') ->limit($count)->get(); }*/ /** * Get featured products list for dropdown * @return array */ public static function featured_items($shop_id = null) { if ($items = get_from_option_table('featured_items' . $shop_id, [])) { return DB::table('inventories')->whereIn('id', $items) ->orderBy('title', 'asc')->pluck('title', 'id')->toArray(); } return null; } /** * Get featured brands list for dropdown * @return array */ public static function featured_brands() { if ($brands = get_featured_brand_ids()) { return DB::table('manufacturers')->whereIn('id', $brands) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); } return []; } /** * Get featured vendors list for dropdown * @return array */ public static function featured_vendors() { if ($vendors = get_featured_vendor_ids()) { return DB::table('shops')->whereIn('id', $vendors) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); } return []; } /** * Get Featured Brands * @return array */ public static function get_featured_brands() { if ($featured_brands = get_from_option_table('featured_brands', [])) { return Manufacturer::whereIn('id', $featured_brands)->get(); } return []; } /** * Get BBest Finds under Defined Price * @return array */ public static function best_find_under($price, $limit = 20, $shop_id = null) { if (!$price) { return collect([]); } $items = Inventory::available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', ]) ->whereNull('parent_id') ->where(function ($q) use ($price) { $q->where('sale_price', '<=', $price) ->orWhere(function ($q) use ($price) { $q->hasOffer()->where('offer_price', '<=', $price); }); }); if ($shop_id) { $items = $items->where('shop_id', $shop_id); } return $items->inRandomOrder()->take($limit)->get(); } /** * Get latest_products list * * @return array */ public static function latest_products() { return Cache::remember('latest_products_dashboard', 7200, function () { return Product::with('featureImage') ->withSum('inventories', 'sold_quantity') ->latest()->limit(8)->get(); }); } /** * Get top_selling_products list * * @return array */ public static function top_selling_products() { return Cache::remember('top_selling_products_dashboard', 7200, function () { return Product::with('featureImage') ->withSum('inventories', 'sold_quantity') ->orderByDesc('inventories_sum_sold_quantity') ->limit(8) ->get(); }); } /** * Get top_brand_products list * * @return array */ public static function top_selling_brands() { return Cache::remember('top_selling_brands_dashboard', 7200, function () { return Manufacturer::with(['logoImage', 'country:id,name']) ->withSum('inventories', 'sold_quantity') ->orderByDesc('inventories_sum_sold_quantity') ->limit(8) ->get(); }); } /** * Get top_brand_products list * * @return array */ public static function top_selling_categories() { return Cache::remember('top_selling_categories_dashboard', 7200, function () { return Category::with('featureImage', 'subGroup.group') ->withSum('listings', 'sold_quantity') ->orderByDesc('listings_sum_sold_quantity') ->limit(8) ->get(); }); } /** * Get latest products that has live listing * @return array */ public static function latest_available_items($limit = 10, $shop_id = null) { return Cache::remember('latest_items', config('cache.remember.latest_items', 0), function () use ($shop_id, $limit) { return Inventory::available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->whereNull('parent_id') ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', ]) ->when($shop_id, function ($query, $shop_id) { return $query->where('shop_id', $shop_id); }) ->zipcode()->where('parent_id', null) ->latest()->limit($limit)->get(); }); } /** * Get latest digital products that has live listing * @return array */ public static function latest_digital_items($limit = 10, $shop_id = null) { return Cache::remember('latest_items', config('cache.remember.latest_items', 0), function () use ($shop_id, $limit) { return Inventory::available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->whereNull('parent_id') ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', ]) ->when($shop_id, function ($query, $shop_id) { return $query->where('shop_id', $shop_id); }) ->whereHas('product', function ($query) { $query->where('downloadable', true); }) ->zipcode()->where('parent_id', null) ->latest()->limit($limit)->get(); }); } /** * Get latest products of given shop * @return array */ public static function latest_shop_items(Shop $shop, $limit = 10) { return Cache::remember('latest_items_' . $shop->slug, config('cache.remember.latest_items', 0), function () use ($limit, $shop) { return Inventory::available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->where('shop_id', $shop->id) ->whereNull('parent_id') ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', ]) ->groupBy('product_id') ->latest()->limit($limit)->get(); }); } /** * Get latest products of given shop * @return array */ public static function top_selling_shop_items(Shop $shop, $limit = 10) { return Cache::remember('top_selling_items_' . $shop->slug, config('cache.remember.latest_items', 0), function () use ($limit, $shop) { return Inventory::available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->where('shop_id', $shop->id) ->whereNull('parent_id') ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', ]) ->groupBy('product_id') ->orderBy('sold_quantity', 'desc')->limit($limit)->get(); }); } /** * Get variants of product of given item * @return collecction */ public static function variants_of_product($item, $shop = null) { $variants = Inventory::available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->where('product_id', $item->product_id) ->where('stock_quantity', '>', 0); if ($shop) { $variants = $variants->where('shop_id', $shop); } return $variants->with([ 'images:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', 'attributeValues:id,value,color', ])->get(); } /** * Get related products of given item * @return collection */ public static function related_products($item, $limit = 10) { $catIds = $item->product->categories->pluck('id'); $productIDs = DB::table('category_product') ->whereIn('category_id', $catIds) ->inRandomOrder() ->limit($limit * 2) ->pluck('product_id')->toArray(); if (empty($productIDs)) { return collect([]); } return Inventory::whereIn('product_id', $productIDs)->available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) // ->withCount([ // 'feedbacks as ratings' => function($q2) { // $q2->select(DB::raw('avg(rating)')); // } // ]) ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', // 'product:id,slug', // 'product.image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' ]) ->inRandomOrder() ->where('parent_id', null) ->limit($limit)->get(); } /** * Get linked items of given item * @return collection */ public static function linked_items($item) { $linked_items = unserialize($item->linked_items); if (empty($linked_items)) { return collect([]); } $items = Inventory::whereIn('id', $linked_items)->available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) // ->withCount([ // 'feedbacks as ratings' => function($q2) { // $q2->select(DB::raw('avg(rating)')); // } // ]) ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', // 'product:id,slug', // 'product.image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' ]) ->where('parent_id', null) ->get(); return $items; // return count($items) == 1 ? $items->first() : $items; } /** * Get alternative items for a given item. * * @param mixed $item The item for which alternative items are needed. * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection The collection of alternative items. */ public static function alternative_items($item, $limit = 10) { return Inventory::where('product_id', $item->product_id) ->where('id', '!=', $item->id) ->available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', ]) ->inRandomOrder() ->where('parent_id', null) ->limit($limit) ->get(); } /** * Get given number of random products * @return array */ public static function random_items($limit = null) { return Cache::remember('random_items', config('cache.remember.random_items', 0), function () use ($limit) { $items = Inventory::available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', // 'product:id,slug', // 'product.image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' ]) ->where('parent_id', null) ->inRandomOrder('id'); if ($limit) { return $items->limit($limit)->get(); } return $items->simplePaginate(config('mobile_app.view_listing_per_page', 8)); }); } public static function recentlyViewedItems() { return Cache::rememberForever('recently_viewed_items', function () { $products = Session::get('products.recently_viewed_items'); if (!$products) { return collect([]); } else { $products = array_reverse($products); //To get recent viewed product id as desc order } return Inventory::whereIn('id', $products)->available() ->select(static::common_select_attr('inventory')) ->whereNull('parent_id') ->with([ 'avgFeedback:rating,count,feedbackable_id,feedbackable_type', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type', // 'product:id,slug', // 'product.image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type' ])->orderByRaw("FIELD(id, " . implode(',', $products) . ")") // To get data order by products id whatever has like [2,5,3,7] ->get(); }); } /** * Get orders list for form dropdown. * @return array */ public static function orders() { return Order::mine()->orderBy('order_number', 'asc') ->pluck('order_number', 'id')->toArray(); } /** * Get latest_orders list for merchant. * * @return array */ public static function latest_orders($limit = 10) { if ($limit < 5) { $limit = 5; } elseif ($limit > 100) { $limit = 100; } return Order::mine()->with('customer')->latest()->limit($limit)->get(); } /** * Get paid_orders list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function paid_orders() { $query = DB::table('orders')->where('payment_status', Order::PAYMENT_STATUS_PAID) ->where('deleted_at', null); if (!Auth::user()->isFromPlatform()) { $query = $query->where('shop_id', Auth::user()->merchantId()); } return $query->orderBy('order_number', 'asc') ->pluck('order_number', 'id')->toArray(); } /** * Get latest_stocks list for merchant. * * @return array */ public static function latest_stocks() { return Inventory::mine()->with('product', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type') ->whereNull('parent_id') ->latest()->limit(10)->get(); } /** * Get low_qtt_stocks list for merchnat. * * @return array */ public static function low_qtt_stocks() { return Inventory::mine()->lowQtt() ->with('product', 'image:path,imageable_id,imageable_type') ->latest()->limit(10)->get(); } /** * Get address_types list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function address_types() { return DB::table('address_types')->orderBy('id', 'asc')->pluck('type', 'type'); } /** * Get packagings list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function packagings() { return DB::table('packagings') ->where('shop_id', Auth::user()->merchantId()) ->where('active', BaseModel::ACTIVE) ->where('deleted_at', null) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get country list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function active_bussiness_areas() { $countries = DB::table('countries'); if (!config('system_settings.worldwide_business_area')) { $countries->where('active', BaseModel::ACTIVE); } return $countries->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get country list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function countries() { return DB::table('countries')->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get states list for form dropdown. * * @param int $country_id * * @return array */ public static function states($country_id = null) { $country_id = $country_id ?? config('system_settings.address_default_country'); return DB::table('states')->where('country_id', $country_id) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get currency list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function currencies($all = false) { $query = DB::table('currencies')->select('name', 'symbol', 'iso_code', 'id'); if (!$all) { $query->where('active', BaseModel::ACTIVE); } $currencies = $query->orderBy('priority', 'asc')->orderBy('name', 'asc')->get(); $result = []; foreach ($currencies as $currency) { $result[$currency->id] = $currency->name . ' (' . $currency->iso_code . ' ' . $currency->symbol . ')'; } return $result; } /** * Get attributes list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function attributes($all = false) { $query = DB::table('attributes')->where('deleted_at', null); if (!$all) { $query->where('shop_id', Auth::user()->merchantId()); } return $query->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get attributes list with all values for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function attributeWithValues() { return Attribute::where('deleted_at', null) ->with('attributeValues')->orderBy('order', 'asc')->get(); } /** * Get attribute_types list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function attribute_types() { return DB::table('attribute_types')->orderBy('type', 'asc')->pluck('type', 'id'); } /** * Get manufacturers list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function manufacturers() { return DB::table('manufacturers')->where('deleted_at', null) ->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get gtin_types list for form dropdown. * * @return Collection */ public static function gtin_types() { return GtinTypes::list(); } /** * Get EmailTemplate list with all values for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function email_templates() { $query = DB::table('email_templates')->where('deleted_at', null); if (Auth::user()->isFromPlatform()) { $query->whereNull('shop_id') ->where('template_for', 'Platform'); } else { $query->where('shop_id', Auth::user()->merchantId()) ->orWhere('template_for', 'Merchant'); } return $query->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get banner_groups list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function banner_groups() { $query = DB::table('banner_groups')->orderBy('name', 'asc'); if (Auth::user()->isFromMerchant()) { $query->take(2); } return $query->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get featured_categories list for form dropdown. * * @return object */ public static function featured_categories() { return DB::table('categories')->whereNull('deleted_at') ->where('featured', true)->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Return the list of trending categories in array * * @return array */ public static function trending_categories() { $trending_ids = get_trending_category_ids(); if ($trending_ids) { return []; } return Category::whereIn('id', $trending_ids)->get()->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); } /** * Return the deal of the day item * * @return Inventory | null */ public static function deal_of_the_day($shop_id = null) { $item = get_from_option_table('deal_of_the_day' . $shop_id); return Inventory::where('id', $item)->first(); } /** * Get pages list for theme. */ public static function pages($visibility = null) { return Cache::rememberForever('cached_pages', function () use ($visibility) { if ($visibility) { return Page::select('title', 'slug', 'position') ->published()->visibilityOf($visibility)->get(); } return Page::select('title', 'slug', 'position')->published()->get(); }); } /** * Get shops list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function shops() { return Shop::approved()->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); } /** * Get cart_list list for customer. */ // public static function cart_list() // { // $customer = Auth::guard('customer')->user(); // // $customer->load('carts.inventories'); // // $carts = $customer->carts->inventories; // $cart_list = DB::table('carts')->join('cart_items', 'cart_items.cart_id', '=', 'carts.id') // ->leftJoin('images', function ($join) { // $join->on('images.imageable_id', '=', 'cart_items.inventory_id')->where('images.imageable_type', '=', 'App\Models\Inventory'); // }) // ->select('cart_items.inventory_id as product_id','cart_items.item_description as product_name','cart_items.quantity as product_quantity','cart_items.unit_price as product_price','cart_items.inventory_id as unique_key','images.path as product_image') // ->where('carts.customer_id', $customer->id)->whereNull('carts.deleted_at')->get(); // \Log::info($cart_list->toJson()); // return $cart_list; // } /** * Get tags list for form dropdown. * * @return array */ public static function tags() { return DB::table('tags')->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id'); } /** * Get list of the delivery boys of the vendor * * @return array */ public static function deliveryBoys($shop_id = null) { $shop_id = $shop_id ?? Auth::user()->merchantId(); return DB::table('delivery_boys') ->where('shop_id', $shop_id) ->where('status', BaseModel::ACTIVE) ->orderBy('nice_name', 'asc') ->pluck('nice_name', 'id'); } /** * Return attribute list for the given product * * @param Product $product * @return collection */ public static function getAttributesBy(Product $product) { if ($attrs = $product->categories->pluck('attrsList')) { return $attrs->flatten()->unique('id'); } return $attrs; } /** * Return attribute list for the given product * * @param Product $product * @return collection */ public static function product_attributes(Product $product) { $attrs = $product->categories->pluck('attrsList'); return self::get_attr_list_with_values($attrs->flatten()->unique('id')); } /** * Return attribute list for the given category * * @param Category $category * @return collection */ public static function category_attributes(Category $category) { return self::get_attr_list_with_values($category->attrsList); } /** * prepare the list of attribute and include all the values of the attributes * * @param mix $attrs * @return array */ // Required PHP 8.1 to support multiple type cast // public static function get_attr_list_with_values(Collection|EloquentCollection $attrs) public static function get_attr_list_with_values($attrs) { $result = []; if ($ids = $attrs->pluck('id')) { $values = DB::table('attribute_values') ->select('id', 'value', 'color', 'attribute_id', 'order') ->whereIn('attribute_id', $ids) ->orderBy('order')->get(); foreach ($attrs as $attr) { $result[$attr->id] = [ 'attribute' => $attr->name, 'values' => $values->where('attribute_id', $attr->id)->pluck('value', 'id') ]; } } return $result; } /** * Return formatted weekdays * * @return array */ public static function business_days() { return [ 'Sat' => 'Saturday', 'Sun' => 'Sunday', 'Mon' => 'Monday', 'Tues' => 'Tuesday', 'Wed' => 'Wednesday', 'Thurs' => 'Thursday', 'Fri' => 'Friday' ]; } /** * Subscription plans list array * * @return array */ public static function subscriptionPlans() { return DB::table('subscription_plans')->orderBy('order', 'asc') ->pluck('plan_id', 'name')->toArray(); } /** * List of the navigation items * * @return array */ public static function navigations() { $navigations = [ "Categories" => "Categories", "Brands" => "Brands", "Vendors" => "Vendors", "Sale" => "Sale", ]; if (is_incevio_package_loaded('eventy')) { $navigations["events"] = "Events"; } if (is_incevio_package_loaded('auction')) { $navigations["auction"] = "Auction Products"; } return $navigations; } /** * Return smart form list * * @return array */ public static function smart_forms(): array { if (is_incevio_package_loaded('smartForm')) { $list = DB::table('smart_forms')->orderBy('name', 'asc')->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); $list[null] = trans('app.placeholder.select'); // To avoid force select return $list; } return []; } }
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