stream = $output->getStream(); $this->cmd = $cmd; } /** * Writes a message to the output. * * @param string $message A message to write to the output * @param bool $newline Whether to add a newline or not * * @throws \RuntimeException When unable to write output (should never happen) */ public function doWrite($message, $newline) { $pipe = $this->getPipe(); if (false === @\fwrite($pipe, $message.($newline ? \PHP_EOL : ''))) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // should never happen $this->close(); throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to write output'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } \fflush($pipe); } /** * Close the current pager process. */ public function close() { if (isset($this->pipe)) { \fclose($this->pipe); } if (isset($this->proc)) { $exit = \proc_close($this->proc); if ($exit !== 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('Error closing output stream'); } } $this->pipe = null; $this->proc = null; } /** * Get a pipe for paging output. * * If no active pager process exists, fork one and return its input pipe. */ private function getPipe() { if (!isset($this->pipe) || !isset($this->proc)) { $desc = [['pipe', 'r'], $this->stream, \fopen('php://stderr', 'w')]; $this->proc = \proc_open($this->cmd, $desc, $pipes); if (!\is_resource($this->proc)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Error opening output stream'); } $this->pipe = $pipes[0]; } return $this->pipe; } }