About Company
Project logistics and group transport company TRICOM
PLSS offers auxiliary services to Tricom Freight & Logistics Limited's main operations. PLSS, a significant member of the Tricom Group and a subsidiary of Tricom Freight & Logistics Ltd., carries out a variety of autonomous on- and off-shore tasks. The client working manuals' "Field Activities" section contains more information about PLSS.
* Site development based on requests from clients.
* Building the foundations for plants and equipment.
* Construction of small- to medium-sized civil engineering projects, including office, residential, warehouse, control, and utility buildings.
* Expert civil construction projects, like drilling pads, oil and gas processing plant plant and equipment foundations, riverbank jetty for heavy lift cargo unloading, etc.
* Building of water distribution, wastewater, water treatment, effluent treatment, fire hydrant, and other plant piping systems.
* Installing firefighting apparatus, instrument cables, and power distribution cables.
* Building high-pressure pipelines for gas and oil.
* The Catholic Protection System is installed.
* Non-destructive testing (NDT) using dye penetration, ultrasonic, magnetic particle, radiography, and other methods.
* Oil and gas processing plant installation and erection, including any required on-site fabrication work.
* Hydrostatic testing of fire hydrant systems and pipelines carrying gas and oil.
* Pigging the oil and gas pipeline, installing the pig launcher and receiver, and
* Provision of transportable lodging and office
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