CHANGELOG ========= 6.4 --- * Add `SignalMap` to map signal value to its name * Multi-line text in vertical tables is aligned properly * The application can also catch errors with `Application::setCatchErrors(true)` * Add `RunCommandMessage` and `RunCommandMessageHandler` * Dispatch `ConsoleTerminateEvent` after an exit on signal handling and add `ConsoleTerminateEvent::getInterruptingSignal()` 6.3 --- * Add support for choosing exit code while handling signal, or to not exit at all * Add `ProgressBar::setPlaceholderFormatter` to set a placeholder attached to a instance, instead of being global. * Add `ReStructuredTextDescriptor` 6.2 --- * Improve truecolor terminal detection in some cases * Add support for 256 color terminals (conversion from Ansi24 to Ansi8 if terminal is capable of it) * Deprecate calling `*Command::setApplication()`, `*FormatterStyle::setForeground/setBackground()`, `Helper::setHelpSet()`, `Input*::setDefault()`, `Question::setAutocompleterCallback/setValidator()`without any arguments * Change the signature of `OutputFormatterStyleInterface::setForeground/setBackground()` to `setForeground/setBackground(?string)` * Change the signature of `HelperInterface::setHelperSet()` to `setHelperSet(?HelperSet)` 6.1 --- * Add support to display table vertically when calling setVertical() * Add method `__toString()` to `InputInterface` * Added `OutputWrapper` to prevent truncated URL in `SymfonyStyle::createBlock`. * Deprecate `Command::$defaultName` and `Command::$defaultDescription`, use the `AsCommand` attribute instead * Add suggested values for arguments and options in input definition, for input completion * Add `$resumeAt` parameter to `ProgressBar#start()`, so that one can easily 'resume' progress on longer tasks, and still get accurate `getEstimate()` and `getRemaining()` results. 6.0 --- * `Command::setHidden()` has a default value (`true`) for `$hidden` parameter and is final * Remove `Helper::strlen()`, use `Helper::width()` instead * Remove `Helper::strlenWithoutDecoration()`, use `Helper::removeDecoration()` instead * `AddConsoleCommandPass` can not be configured anymore * Remove `HelperSet::setCommand()` and `getCommand()` without replacement 5.4 --- * Add `TesterTrait::assertCommandIsSuccessful()` to test command * Deprecate `HelperSet::setCommand()` and `getCommand()` without replacement 5.3 --- * Add `GithubActionReporter` to render annotations in a Github Action * Add `InputOption::VALUE_NEGATABLE` flag to handle `--foo`/`--no-foo` options * Add the `Command::$defaultDescription` static property and the `description` attribute on the `console.command` tag to allow the `list` command to instantiate commands lazily * Add option `--short` to the `list` command * Add support for bright colors * Add `#[AsCommand]` attribute for declaring commands on PHP 8 * Add `Helper::width()` and `Helper::length()` * The `--ansi` and `--no-ansi` options now default to `null`. 5.2.0 ----- * Added `SingleCommandApplication::setAutoExit()` to allow testing via `CommandTester` * added support for multiline responses to questions through `Question::setMultiline()` and `Question::isMultiline()` * Added `SignalRegistry` class to stack signals handlers * Added support for signals: * Added `Application::getSignalRegistry()` and `Application::setSignalsToDispatchEvent()` methods * Added `SignalableCommandInterface` interface * Added `TableCellStyle` class to customize table cell * Removed `php ` prefix invocation from help messages. 5.1.0 ----- * `Command::setHidden()` is final since Symfony 5.1 * Add `SingleCommandApplication` * Add `Cursor` class 5.0.0 ----- * removed support for finding hidden commands using an abbreviation, use the full name instead * removed `TableStyle::setCrossingChar()` method in favor of `TableStyle::setDefaultCrossingChar()` * removed `TableStyle::setHorizontalBorderChar()` method in favor of `TableStyle::setDefaultCrossingChars()` * removed `TableStyle::getHorizontalBorderChar()` method in favor of `TableStyle::getBorderChars()` * removed `TableStyle::setVerticalBorderChar()` method in favor of `TableStyle::setVerticalBorderChars()` * removed `TableStyle::getVerticalBorderChar()` method in favor of `TableStyle::getBorderChars()` * removed support for returning `null` from `Command::execute()`, return `0` instead * `ProcessHelper::run()` accepts only `array|Symfony\Component\Process\Process` for its `command` argument * `Application::setDispatcher` accepts only `Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface` for its `dispatcher` argument * renamed `Application::renderException()` and `Application::doRenderException()` to `renderThrowable()` and `doRenderThrowable()` respectively. 4.4.0 ----- * deprecated finding hidden commands using an abbreviation, use the full name instead * added `Question::setTrimmable` default to true to allow the answer to be trimmed * added method `minSecondsBetweenRedraws()` and `maxSecondsBetweenRedraws()` on `ProgressBar` * `Application` implements `ResetInterface` * marked all dispatched event classes as `@final` * added support for displaying table horizontally * deprecated returning `null` from `Command::execute()`, return `0` instead * Deprecated the `Application::renderException()` and `Application::doRenderException()` methods, use `renderThrowable()` and `doRenderThrowable()` instead. * added support for the `NO_COLOR` env var (https://no-color.org/) 4.3.0 ----- * added support for hyperlinks * added `ProgressBar::iterate()` method that simplify updating the progress bar when iterating * added `Question::setAutocompleterCallback()` to provide a callback function that dynamically generates suggestions as the user types 4.2.0 ----- * allowed passing commands as `[$process, 'ENV_VAR' => 'value']` to `ProcessHelper::run()` to pass environment variables * deprecated passing a command as a string to `ProcessHelper::run()`, pass it the command as an array of its arguments instead * made the `ProcessHelper` class final * added `WrappableOutputFormatterInterface::formatAndWrap()` (implemented in `OutputFormatter`) * added `capture_stderr_separately` option to `CommandTester::execute()` 4.1.0 ----- * added option to run suggested command if command is not found and only 1 alternative is available * added option to modify console output and print multiple modifiable sections * added support for iterable messages in output `write` and `writeln` methods 4.0.0 ----- * `OutputFormatter` throws an exception when unknown options are used * removed `QuestionHelper::setInputStream()/getInputStream()` * removed `Application::getTerminalWidth()/getTerminalHeight()` and `Application::setTerminalDimensions()/getTerminalDimensions()` * removed `ConsoleExceptionEvent` * removed `ConsoleEvents::EXCEPTION` 3.4.0 ----- * added `SHELL_VERBOSITY` env var to control verbosity * added `CommandLoaderInterface`, `FactoryCommandLoader` and PSR-11 `ContainerCommandLoader` for commands lazy-loading * added a case-insensitive command name matching fallback * added static `Command::$defaultName/getDefaultName()`, allowing for commands to be registered at compile time in the application command loader. Setting the `$defaultName` property avoids the need for filling the `command` attribute on the `console.command` tag when using `AddConsoleCommandPass`. 3.3.0 ----- * added `ExceptionListener` * added `AddConsoleCommandPass` (originally in FrameworkBundle) * [BC BREAK] `Input::getOption()` no longer returns the default value for options with value optional explicitly passed empty * added console.error event to catch exceptions thrown by other listeners * deprecated console.exception event in favor of console.error * added ability to handle `CommandNotFoundException` through the `console.error` event * deprecated default validation in `SymfonyQuestionHelper::ask` 3.2.0 ------ * added `setInputs()` method to CommandTester for ease testing of commands expecting inputs * added `setStream()` and `getStream()` methods to Input (implement StreamableInputInterface) * added StreamableInputInterface * added LockableTrait 3.1.0 ----- * added truncate method to FormatterHelper * added setColumnWidth(s) method to Table 2.8.3 ----- * remove readline support from the question helper as it caused issues 2.8.0 ----- * use readline for user input in the question helper when available to allow the use of arrow keys 2.6.0 ----- * added a Process helper * added a DebugFormatter helper 2.5.0 ----- * deprecated the dialog helper (use the question helper instead) * deprecated TableHelper in favor of Table * deprecated ProgressHelper in favor of ProgressBar * added ConsoleLogger * added a question helper * added a way to set the process name of a command * added a way to set a default command instead of `ListCommand` 2.4.0 ----- * added a way to force terminal dimensions * added a convenient method to detect verbosity level * [BC BREAK] made descriptors use output instead of returning a string 2.3.0 ----- * added multiselect support to the select dialog helper * added Table Helper for tabular data rendering * added support for events in `Application` * added a way to normalize EOLs in `ApplicationTester::getDisplay()` and `CommandTester::getDisplay()` * added a way to set the progress bar progress via the `setCurrent` method * added support for multiple InputOption shortcuts, written as `'-a|-b|-c'` * added two additional verbosity levels, VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE and VERBOSITY_DEBUG 2.2.0 ----- * added support for colorization on Windows via ConEmu * add a method to Dialog Helper to ask for a question and hide the response * added support for interactive selections in console (DialogHelper::select()) * added support for autocompletion as you type in Dialog Helper 2.1.0 ----- * added ConsoleOutputInterface * added the possibility to disable a command (Command::isEnabled()) * added suggestions when a command does not exist * added a --raw option to the list command * added support for STDERR in the console output class (errors are now sent to STDERR) * made the defaults (helper set, commands, input definition) in Application more easily customizable * added support for the shell even if readline is not available * added support for process isolation in Symfony shell via `--process-isolation` switch * added support for `--`, which disables options parsing after that point (tokens will be parsed as arguments)
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