'array', 'anonymous_notifiable_properties' => 'array', 'confirmed_at' => 'datetime', ]; /** * The attributes that should be mutated to dates. * * @var array */ public function prunable(): Builder { $threshold = config('notification.prune_after_days'); return static::where('created_at', '<=', now()->subDays($threshold)); } /** * Get the notifiable entity that the notification was sent to. */ public function notifiable(): MorphTo { return $this->morphTo('notifiable'); } /** * Determine if the notification was sent in the past minutes. */ public function wasSentInPastMinutes(int $minutes = 1): bool { return $this->created_at > now()->subMinutes($minutes); } /** * Mark the notification as sent. * * @return $this */ public function markAsSent(): self { $this->update([ 'confirmed_at' => now(), ]); return $this; } /** * Find the latest notification log item for the notifiable. * * @param mixed $notifiable */ public static function latestFor( $notifiable, ?string $fingerprint = null, string|array|null $notificationType = null, ?Carbon $before = null, ?Carbon $after = null, string|array|null $channel = null, ): ?NotificationLogItem { return self::latestForQuery(...func_get_args())->first(); } /** * Get the latest notification log item for the notifiable. * * @param mixed $notifiable */ public static function latestForQuery( $notifiable, ?string $fingerprint = null, string|array|null $notificationType = null, ?Carbon $before = null, ?Carbon $after = null, string|array|null $channel = null, ): Builder { return self::query() ->where('notifiable_type', $notifiable->getMorphClass()) ->where('notifiable_id', $notifiable->getKey()) ->when($fingerprint, fn (Builder $query) => $query->where('fingerprint', $fingerprint)) ->when($notificationType, function (Builder $query) use ($notificationType) { $query->whereIn('notification_type', Arr::wrap($notificationType)); }) ->when($channel, function (Builder $query) use ($channel) { $query->whereIn('channel', Arr::wrap($channel)); }) ->when($before, function (Builder $query) use ($before) { $query->where('created_at', '<', $before->toDateTimeString()); }) ->when($after, function (Builder $query) use ($after) { $query->where('created_at', '>', $after->toDateTimeString()); }) ->orderByDesc('created_at') ->orderByDesc('id'); } }