= 0; $i--) { $data[] = $start->copy()->subDays($i)->format($format); } return $data; } /** * Return formated Months array to make labels * * @param int $Months * @return array */ public static function Months($months = null, $format = 'F', $start = null) { if (!$months) { $months = config('charts.default.months', 12); } if (!$start) { $start = Carbon::today()->startOfMonth(); } $data = []; for ($i = $months - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $data[] = $start->copy()->subMonths($i)->format($format); } return $data; } /** * Return formated sales total array to make chart * * @param int $days * @return array */ public static function SalesOfLast($days = null, $start = null) { if (!$start) { $start = Carbon::today(); } $dateRange = static::Days($days, 'M-d', $start); $sales = Order::select('total', 'created_at') ->mine()->withTrashed() //Include the arcived orders also ->whereDate('created_at', '>=', $start->subDays($days)) ->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get() ->groupBy(function ($item) { return $item->created_at->format('M-d'); }) ->map(function ($item) { return $item->sum('total'); }) ->toArray(); $data = []; foreach ($dateRange as $day) { if (array_key_exists($day, $sales)) { $data[] = round($sales[$day]); } else { $data[] = 0; } } return $data; } /** * Return formated sales total array to make chart * * @param int $days * @return array */ public static function prepareSaleTotal(Collection $salesData, $grp_by = 'M') { // $start = static::getStartDate(); // $end = $start->copy()->subMonths(12)->startOfMonth(); if ($grp_by == 'D') { $grp_by = 'M-d'; // $dateRange = static::Days(30, $grp_by, $start); } else { $grp_by = 'F'; // $dateRange = static::Months(12); } $sales = $salesData->groupBy(function ($item) use ($grp_by) { return $item->created_at->format($grp_by); }) ->map(function ($item) { return $item->sum('total'); }) ->toArray(); return $sales; // $data = []; // foreach ($dateRange as $day) { // if (array_key_exists($day, $sales)) // $data[] = round($sales[$day]); // else // $data[] = 0; // } // return $data; } /** * Return formated Discounts total array to make chart * * @param int $days * @return array */ // public static function prepareDiscountTotal(Collection $salesData, $grp_by = 'M') // { // if ($grp_by == 'D') // $grp_by = 'M-d'; // else // $grp_by = 'F'; // $sales = $salesData->groupBy(function($item) use ($grp_by) { // return $item->created_at->format($grp_by); // }) // ->map(function ($item) { // return $item->sum('discount'); // }) // ->toArray(); // return $sales; // } /** * Return formated visitors data array to make chart * * @param int $months * @return array */ // public static function VisitorsOfLast($months = Null, $start = Null) public static function visitorsOfMonths($months = null, $start = null) { if (!$start) { $start = Carbon::today()->startOfMonth(); } $monthRange = static::Months($months, 'F', $start); $visitors = Visitor::select('hits', 'page_views', 'updated_at') ->withTrashed() //Include the blocked ips also ->whereDate('updated_at', '>=', Carbon::today()->subMonths($months)) ->orderBy('updated_at', 'DESC')->get() ->groupBy(function ($item) { return $item->updated_at->format('F'); }); $visits = $visitors->map(function ($item) { return $item->sum('hits'); })->toArray(); $page_views = $visitors->map(function ($item) { return $item->sum('page_views'); })->toArray(); $visits_data = []; $views_data = []; foreach ($monthRange as $day) { if (array_key_exists($day, $visits)) { $visits_data[] = round($visits[$day]); $views_data[] = round($page_views[$day]); } else { $visits_data[] = 0; $views_data[] = 0; } } $data = [ 'visits' => $visits_data, 'page_views' => $views_data, ]; $breackdown = config('charts.visitors.breakdown_last_days') > 0 ? config('charts.visitors.breakdown_last_days') : null; if ($breackdown) { $weeks = static::visitorsOfDays($breackdown); $data['visits'] = array_merge($data['visits'], $weeks['visits']); $data['page_views'] = array_merge($data['page_views'], $weeks['page_views']); } return $data; } /** * VisitorsOfDays * * @return array */ public static function visitorsOfDays($days = null, $start = null) { if (!$start) { $start = Carbon::today()->startOfDay(); } $visitors = Visitor::select('hits', 'page_views', 'updated_at') ->withTrashed() //Include the blocked ips also ->whereDate('updated_at', '>=', Carbon::today()->subDays($days)) ->orderBy('updated_at', 'DESC')->get() ->groupBy(function ($item) { return $item->updated_at->format('l'); }); $visits = $visitors->map(function ($item) { return $item->sum('hits'); }) ->toArray(); $page_views = $visitors->map(function ($item) { return $item->sum('page_views'); }) ->toArray(); $dayRange = static::Days($days, 'l'); $visits_data = []; $views_data = []; foreach ($dayRange as $day) { if (array_key_exists($day, $visits)) { $visits_data[] = round($visits[$day]); $views_data[] = round($page_views[$day]); } else { $visits_data[] = 0; $views_data[] = 0; } } $data = [ 'visits' => $visits_data, 'page_views' => $views_data, ]; return $data; } public static function getStartDate($date = null) { return $date ? Carbon::parse($date) : Carbon::today(); } // public static function getEndDate($date = Null, $period = 'day') // { // if ($date) // return Carbon::parse($date); // if ($period == 'month') // return $date ? Carbon::parse($date) : Carbon::today(); // return $start->subMonths(12)->startOfMonth(); // } public static function getSaleAmount($timeframe, $value = false) { $startDate = null; $endDate = null; switch ($timeframe) { case 'week': $startDate = Carbon::now()->startOfWeek(); $endDate = Carbon::now()->endOfWeek(); break; case 'month': $startDate = Carbon::now()->startOfMonth(); $endDate = Carbon::now()->endOfMonth(); break; case 'year': $startDate = Carbon::now()->startOfYear(); $endDate = Carbon::now()->endOfYear(); break; default: return; } // Initialize an array to store daily totals $dailyTotals = []; if ($timeframe === 'week' || $timeframe === 'month') { while ($startDate <= $endDate) { if ($timeframe === 'week') { $dayOfTimeframe = $startDate->format('D'); // Get the day of the week (e.g., "Sat", "Sun", etc.) } elseif ($timeframe === 'month') { $dayOfTimeframe = $startDate->format('d'); // Get the day of the month (e.g., "01", "02", etc.) } // Calculate the total sum of orders for the current day $dailyTotal = DB::table('orders') ->whereDate('created_at', $startDate->toDateString()) ->sum('grand_total'); // Store the daily total in the array $dailyTotals[$dayOfTimeframe] = round($dailyTotal, 2); // Move to the next day $startDate->addDay(); } return $value ? json_encode(array_values($dailyTotals)) : json_encode(array_keys($dailyTotals)); } elseif ($timeframe == 'year') { $monthlyTotals = []; while ($startDate <= $endDate) { $monthOfYear = $startDate->format('M'); // Get the month abbreviation (e.g., "Jan", "Feb", etc.) // Calculate the total sum of orders for the current month $monthlyTotal = DB::table('orders') ->whereYear('created_at', $startDate->year) ->whereMonth('created_at', $startDate->month) ->sum('grand_total'); // Store the monthly total in the array $monthlyTotals[$monthOfYear] = round($monthlyTotal, 2); // Move to the next month $startDate->addMonth(); } return $value ? json_encode(array_values($monthlyTotals)) : json_encode(array_keys($monthlyTotals)); } else { return; } } }