delete(); // Temp // DB::table('category_sub_groups')->delete(); $path = base_path('database/seeders/data/catalog/categories'); $Grps = CategoryGroup::all(); foreach ($Grps as $Grp) { $file = $path . '/' . $Grp->slug . '.json'; if (!file_exists($file)) { fopen($file, 'w'); } $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); if (!$json) continue; // If the json decode returns null, for invalid json $grpID = $Grp->id; // DB::table('category_sub_groups')->where('category_group_id', $grpID)->delete(); foreach ($json as $subG => $tSubcat) { $catSubGroup = CategorySubGroup::where('slug', $tSubcat['slug'])->first(); if (!$catSubGroup) { $catSubGroup = CategorySubGroup::create([ 'name' => $subG, 'category_group_id' => $grpID, 'slug' => $tSubcat['slug'], 'description' => $tSubcat['description'], 'meta_title' => $subG, 'meta_description' => $tSubcat['description'], 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now, ]); } foreach ($tSubcat['subcategories'] as $cat => $tcat) { $category = Category::where('slug', $tcat['slug'])->first(); if (!$category) { Category::create([ 'name' => $tcat['name'], 'category_sub_group_id' => $catSubGroup->id, 'slug' => $tcat['slug'], 'description' => $tcat['description'], 'meta_title' => $tcat['name'], 'meta_description' => $tcat['description'], 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now, ]); } $tjson = base_path('database/seeders/data/catalog/products') . '/' . $tcat['slug'] . '.json'; if (!file_exists($tjson)) { fopen($tjson, 'w'); } $tjson = base_path('database/seeders/data/catalog/attributes') . '/' . $tcat['slug'] . '.json'; if (!file_exists($tjson)) { fopen($tjson, 'w'); } } } // Update products $tCats = Category::all(); foreach ($tCats as $tCat) { $allAttributes = []; $allAttributesValues = []; // Attributes $file = base_path("database/seeders/data/catalog/attributes/{$tCat->slug}.json"); if (file_exists($file)) { $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); if ($json) { // DB::table('attribute_categories')->where('category_id', $tCat->id)->delete(); foreach ($json as $k => $tVal) { // Create or update Attribute $attribute = Attribute::where('name', $k)->first(); if (!$attribute) { $attribute = Attribute::create([ 'name' => $k, 'attribute_type_id' => 2, 'order' => 10, 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now, ]); } $allAttributes[$attribute->id] = $attribute; foreach ($tVal as $attVal) { $AttributeValue = AttributeValue::where('attribute_id', $attribute->id) ->where('value', $attVal)->first(); if (!$AttributeValue) { $AttributeValue = AttributeValue::create([ 'value' => $attVal, 'attribute_id' => $attribute->id, 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now, ]); } $allAttributesValues[$attribute->id][] = $AttributeValue->id; } DB::table('attribute_categories')->insert([ 'category_id' => $tCat->id, 'attribute_id' => $attribute->id, 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now, ]); } } } // Process products $file = base_path("database/seeders/data/catalog/products/{$tCat->slug}.json"); if (file_exists($file)) { $jsonProducts = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); // if ($tCat->slug == 'guitars') { // dd($jsonProducts); // } else { // continue; // } if ($jsonProducts) { foreach ($jsonProducts as $k => $tVal) { // Create or update Manufacturer $manufacturer = Manufacturer::where('name', $tVal['manufacturer'])->first(); if (!$manufacturer) { $manufacturer = Manufacturer::create([ 'name' => $tVal['manufacturer'], 'slug' => Str::slug($tVal['manufacturer']) ]); } // Create or update Country $country = Country::where('name', $tVal['origin_country'])->first(); if (!$country) { $country = country::create([ 'name' => $tVal['origin_country'], 'full_name' => $tVal['origin_country'], ]); } $newProduct = Product::where("slug", $tVal['slug'])->first(); if (!$newProduct) { $newProduct = Product::create([ "name" => $tVal['name'], "slug" => $tVal['slug'], "brand" => $tVal['brand'], "model_number" => $tVal['model_number'], "mpn" => $tVal['mpn'], "gtin" => $tVal['gtin'], "gtin_type" => $tVal['gtin_type'], "description" => $tVal['description'], "origin_country" => $country->id, "manufacturer_id" => $manufacturer->id, ]); DB::table('category_product')->insert([ 'product_id' => $newProduct->id, 'category_id' => $tCat->id, 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now, ]); } // Process listings $listingsFile = base_path("database/seeders/data/catalog/stocks/{$newProduct->slug}.json"); if (file_exists($listingsFile)) { $jsonListings = json_decode(file_get_contents($listingsFile), true); if ($jsonListings) { $arr = $arr_history = DB::table('shops')->pluck('id', 'owner_id')->toArray(); foreach ($jsonListings as $listing) { if (Inventory::where('slug', $listing['slug'])->first()) continue; // If the history array is empty, re-populate it. if (empty($arr_history)) { $arr_history = $arr; } // Select a random key. $key = array_rand($arr_history, 1); $tCommon = [ 'shop_id' => $arr_history[$key], 'user_id' => $key, 'product_id' => $newProduct->id, 'title' => $listing['title'], "description" => $listing['description'], 'key_features' => $listing['key_features'], 'brand' => $newProduct->brand, 'sale_price' => $listing['price'], 'offer_price' => $listing['offer_price'], 'offer_start' => $listing['offer_price'] ? Carbon::Now()->format('Y-m-d h:i a') : null, 'offer_end' => $listing['offer_price'] ? date('Y-m-d h:i a', strtotime(rand(3, 22) . ' days')) : null, 'shipping_weight' => $listing['shipping_weight'], 'free_shipping' => rand(0, 1), 'stuff_pick' => rand(0, 1), 'stock_quantity' => $listing['stock_quantity'], 'sold_quantity' => rand(1, $listing['stock_quantity']), 'meta_title' => $listing['meta_title'], 'meta_description' => $listing['meta_description'], 'available_from' => $now->subDays(rand(1, 30))->format('Y-m-d h:i a'), ]; // Remove the key/pair from the array. unset($arr_history[$key]); $newListings = []; $newListings[] = Inventory::create(array_merge([ 'slug' => $listing['slug'], 'sku' => $listing['sku'] ], $tCommon)); if (!empty($allAttributes)) { for ($i = 1; $i < rand(2, 3); $i++) { $newListings[] = Inventory::create(array_merge([ 'parent_id' => $newListings[0]->id, 'slug' => $listing['slug'] . '-' . $i, 'sku' => $listing['sku'] . $i ], $tCommon)); } foreach ($newListings as $newListing) { foreach ($allAttributes as $allAttribute) { $valAss = $allAttributesValues[$allAttribute->id]; DB::table('attribute_inventory') ->insert([ 'attribute_id' => $allAttribute->id, 'attribute_value_id' => $valAss[array_rand($valAss)], 'inventory_id' => $newListing->id, 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now, ]); } } } } } } else { fopen($listingsFile, 'w'); } } } else { // echo "File content can\'t be decode as json: " . $file . PHP_EOL; } } } } Artisan::call('cache:clear'); return 'Success'; } }