* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Closure; use Monolog\Level; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\LogRecord; use Monolog\Utils; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\TransportInterface; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email; /** * SymfonyMailerHandler uses Symfony's Mailer component to send the emails * * @author Jordi Boggiano
*/ class SymfonyMailerHandler extends MailHandler { protected MailerInterface|TransportInterface $mailer; /** @var Email|Closure(string, LogRecord[]): Email */ private Email|Closure $emailTemplate; /** * @phpstan-param Email|Closure(string, LogRecord[]): Email $email * * @param MailerInterface|TransportInterface $mailer The mailer to use * @param Closure|Email $email An email template, the subject/body will be replaced */ public function __construct($mailer, Email|Closure $email, int|string|Level $level = Level::Error, bool $bubble = true) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->mailer = $mailer; $this->emailTemplate = $email; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function send(string $content, array $records): void { $this->mailer->send($this->buildMessage($content, $records)); } /** * Gets the formatter for the Swift_Message subject. * * @param string|null $format The format of the subject */ protected function getSubjectFormatter(?string $format): FormatterInterface { return new LineFormatter($format); } /** * Creates instance of Email to be sent * * @param string $content formatted email body to be sent * @param LogRecord[] $records Log records that formed the content */ protected function buildMessage(string $content, array $records): Email { $message = null; if ($this->emailTemplate instanceof Email) { $message = clone $this->emailTemplate; } elseif (is_callable($this->emailTemplate)) { $message = ($this->emailTemplate)($content, $records); } if (!$message instanceof Email) { $record = reset($records); throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Could not resolve message as instance of Email or a callable returning it' . ($record instanceof LogRecord ? Utils::getRecordMessageForException($record) : '')); } if (\count($records) > 0) { $subjectFormatter = $this->getSubjectFormatter($message->getSubject()); $message->subject($subjectFormatter->format($this->getHighestRecord($records))); } if ($this->isHtmlBody($content)) { if (null !== ($charset = $message->getHtmlCharset())) { $message->html($content, $charset); } else { $message->html($content); } } else { if (null !== ($charset = $message->getTextCharset())) { $message->text($content, $charset); } else { $message->text($content); } } return $message->date(new \DateTimeImmutable()); } }