* By default, when a focus trap is activated the first element in the
* focus trap's tab order will receive focus. With this option you can
* specify a different element to receive that initial focus, or use `false`
* for no initially focused element at all.
* NOTE: Setting this option to `false` (or a function that returns `false`)
* will prevent the `fallbackFocus` option from being used.
initialFocus?: FocusTargetOrFalse;
* By default, an error will be thrown if the focus trap contains no
* elements in its tab order. With this option you can specify a
* fallback element to programmatically receive focus if no other
* tabbable elements are found. For example, you may want a popover's
* `` to receive focus if the popover's content includes no
* tabbable elements. *Make sure the fallback element has a negative
* `tabindex` so it can be programmatically focused.
* NOTE: If `initialFocus` is `false` (or a function that returns `false`),
* this function will not be called when the trap is activated, and no element
* will be initially focused. This function may still be called while the trap
* is active if things change such that there are no longer any tabbable nodes
* in the trap.
fallbackFocus?: FocusTarget;
* Default: `true`. If `false`, when the trap is deactivated,
* focus will *not* return to the element that had focus before activation.
returnFocusOnDeactivate?: boolean;
* By default, focus trap on deactivation will return to the element
* that was focused before activation.
setReturnFocus?: FocusTargetValueOrFalse | ((nodeFocusedBeforeActivation: HTMLElement | SVGElement) => FocusTargetValueOrFalse);
* Default: `true`. If `false` or returns `false`, the `Escape` key will not trigger
* deactivation of the focus trap. This can be useful if you want
* to force the user to make a decision instead of allowing an easy
* way out. Note that if a function is given, it's only called if the ESC key
* was pressed.
escapeDeactivates?: boolean | KeyboardEventToBoolean;
* If `true` or returns `true`, a click outside the focus trap will
* deactivate the focus trap and allow the click event to do its thing (i.e.
* to pass-through to the element that was clicked). This option **takes
* precedence** over `allowOutsideClick` when it's set to `true`, causing
* that option to be ignored. Default: `false`.
clickOutsideDeactivates?: boolean | MouseEventToBoolean;
* If set and is or returns `true`, a click outside the focus trap will not
* be prevented, even when `clickOutsideDeactivates` is `false`. When
* `clickOutsideDeactivates` is `true`, this option is **ignored** (i.e.
* if it's a function, it will not be called). Use this option to control
* if (and even which) clicks are allowed outside the trap in conjunction
* with `clickOutsideDeactivates: false`. Default: `false`.
allowOutsideClick?: boolean | MouseEventToBoolean;
* By default, focus() will scroll to the element if not in viewport.
* It can produce unintended effects like scrolling back to the top of a modal.
* If set to `true`, no scroll will happen.
preventScroll?: boolean;
* Default: `true`. Delays the autofocus when the focus trap is activated.
* This prevents elements within the focusable element from capturing
* the event that triggered the focus trap activation.
delayInitialFocus?: boolean;
* Default: `window.document`. Document where the focus trap will be active.
* This allows to use FocusTrap in an iFrame context.
document?: Document;
* Specific tabbable options configurable on focus-trap.
tabbableOptions?: FocusTrapTabbableOptions;
type ActivateOptions = Pick;
interface DeactivateOptions extends Pick {
returnFocus?: boolean;
export interface FocusTrap {
active: boolean,
paused: boolean,
activate(activateOptions?: ActivateOptions): FocusTrap;
deactivate(deactivateOptions?: DeactivateOptions): FocusTrap;
pause(): FocusTrap;
unpause(): FocusTrap;
updateContainerElements(containerElements: HTMLElement | SVGElement | string | Array): FocusTrap;
* Returns a new focus trap on `element`.
* @param element
* The element to be the focus trap, or a selector that will be used to
* find the element.
export function createFocusTrap(
element: HTMLElement | SVGElement | string | Array,
userOptions?: Options
): FocusTrap;