.login h1 a { visibility:hidden!important; }'; } add_action('login_head', 'custom_login_logo'); function add_custom_menu_items() { // Add SEO, Per, Sec menu item add_menu_page( __('SEO, Per, Sec', 'textdomain'), __('SEO, Per, Sec', 'textdomain'), 'manage_options', 'seo_per_sec', 'redirect_to_seo_per_sec_url', 'dashicons-chart-area', 100 ); // Add Graphics menu item add_menu_page( __('Graphics', 'textdomain'), __('Graphics', 'textdomain'), 'manage_options', 'graphics', 'redirect_to_graphics_url', 'dashicons-format-image', 101 ); // Add Web Tools menu item add_menu_page( __('Web Tools', 'textdomain'), __('Web Tools', 'textdomain'), 'manage_options', 'web_tools', 'redirect_to_web_tools_url', 'dashicons-admin-generic', 102 ); // Add Web SEO menu item add_menu_page( __('Web SEO', 'textdomain'), __('Web SEO', 'textdomain'), 'manage_options', 'web_seo', 'redirect_to_web_seo_url', 'dashicons-chart-line', 103 ); } add_action('admin_menu', 'add_custom_menu_items'); // Redirect to SEO, Per, Sec URL when the SEO, Per, Sec menu item is clicked function redirect_to_seo_per_sec_url() { // Redirect to the desired URL in a new window echo ''; } // Redirect to Graphics URL when the Graphics menu item is clicked function redirect_to_graphics_url() { // Redirect to the desired URL in a new window echo ''; } // Redirect to Web Tools URL when the Web Tools menu item is clicked function redirect_to_web_tools_url() { // Redirect to the desired URL in a new window echo ''; } // Redirect to Web SEO URL when the Web SEO menu item is clicked function redirect_to_web_seo_url() { // Redirect to the desired URL in a new window echo ''; }