* * @contributor Sakawat Hossain Rony <[sakawat.techvill@gmail.com]> * @contributor Md Abdur Rahaman Zihad <[zihad.techvill@gmail.com]> * * @created 25-07-2021 * * @updated 15-06-2022 */ namespace App\Models; use App\Enums\ProductStatus; use App\Enums\ProductType; use App\Services\Shipping\ShippingCalculation; use App\Services\Tax\TaxCalculation; use App\Traits\ModelTrait; use App\Traits\ModelTraits\hasFiles; use App\Services\Product\BuilderQueryService; use App\Services\Product\ProductCategorizingService; use App\Traits\Product\ProductTrait; use Modules\Shipping\Entities\ShippingZoneShippingClass; use Modules\Tax\Entities\TaxClass; use Validator; use Cart; use Str; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; class Product extends Model { use hasFiles; use ModelTrait; use ProductTrait; use SoftDeletes; /** * Table name * * @var string */ protected $table = 'products'; protected $fillable = [ 'code', 'name', 'description', 'summary', 'review_count', 'review_average', 'available_from', 'available_to', 'vendor_id', 'brand_id', 'status', 'total_sales', 'total_wish', 'regular_price', 'sale_price', 'sku', 'shop_id', 'parent_id', 'slug', 'sale_from', 'sale_to', 'featured', 'type', 'manage_stocks', 'total_stocks', 'menu_order', ]; /** * Stores meta information in array * * @var array */ protected $metaArray = []; /** * Checks if the meta is already fetched or not * * @var bool */ protected $metaFetched = false; /** * Default number of post to fetch from database */ private static $limit = 10; protected static function booted() { /** * Add unique code when creating new product */ static::creating(function ($product) { if (! $product->code) { $product->code = Str::random(15); } }); } /** * parent data from childs * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function parentDetail() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Product', 'parent_id', 'id'); } public function metadata() { return $this->hasMany(ProductMeta::class, 'product_id', 'id'); } public function relatedProducts() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Product', 'product_relates', 'product_id', 'related_product_id'); } public function upSales() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Product', 'product_upsales', 'product_id', 'upsale_product_id'); } public function crossSales() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Product', 'product_cross_sales', 'product_id', 'cross_sale_product_id'); } public function variations() { return $this->hasMany(Product::class, 'parent_id', 'id'); } /** * Relation with FlashSale model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function flashSale() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\FlashSale', 'product_id', 'id'); } /** * Relation with ProductCategory model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOne */ public function productCategory() { return $this->hasOne('App\Models\ProductCategory', 'product_id', 'id'); } /** * Foreign key with Product model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function category() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Category', 'product_categories'); } /** * Relation with ProductTag model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function productTag() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductTag', 'product_id', 'id'); } public function tags() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Tag', 'product_tags', 'product_id', 'tag_id'); } /** * Relation with productsMeta model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function taxMeta() { return $this->hasOne('App\Models\ProductMeta', 'product_id', 'id')->where('key', 'meta_tax_classes')->first(); } /** * Relation with Review model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function review() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Review', 'product_id', 'id'); } /** * Relation with Favorite model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function favorite() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Favorite', 'product_id', 'id'); } /** * Relation with Wishlist model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany */ public function wishlist() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Wishlist', 'product_id', 'id'); } /** * Foreign key with Vendor model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function vendor() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Vendor', 'vendor_id'); } /** * Foreign key with Brand model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function brand() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Brand', 'brand_id'); } /** * Foreign key with Brand model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function orderDetails() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\OrderDetail', 'product_id'); } /** * Foreign key with Shop model * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function shop() { return $this->belongsTo('Modules\Shop\Http\Models\Shop', 'shop_id'); } /** * Scopes */ public function scopeNotVariation($query) { return $query->where('parent_id', null); } public function scopePublished($query) { return $query->where('status', ProductStatus::$Published); } public function scopeIsAvailable($query) { return $query->where( function ($q) { $q->where('available_from', '<=', now())->orWhere('available_from', null); } )->where( function ($q) { $q->where('available_to', null)->orWhere('available_to', '>=', now()); } ); } public function scopeIsActiveVendor($query) { $query->whereHas('vendor', function ($q) { $q->where('status', 'Active'); })->orWhere('vendor_id', null); } public function incrementTotalStocks($quantity = 0) { $this->increment('total_stocks', $quantity); } public function decrementTotalStocks($quantity = 0) { $this->decrement('total_stocks', $quantity); } public function isVariation() { return $this->attributes['parent_id'] != null; } /** * Updates Product View Count * * @return void */ public function updateViewCount() { $this->updateProductViewCount(); $this->updateCategoryViewCount(); } public function updateProductViewCount() { DB::statement(' INSERT INTO product_stats (`product_id`,`count_views`,`date`) VALUES (' . $this->attributes['id'] . ', 1, CURDATE()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count_views = count_views + 1; '); } public function updateCategoryViewCount() { $category_id = $this->productCategory->category_id; if ($category_id) { DB::statement(' INSERT INTO category_stats (`category_id`,`count_views`,`date`) VALUES (' . $category_id . ', 1, CURDATE()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count_views = count_views + 1; '); } } public function updateCategorySalesCount() { $category_id = $this->productCategory->category_id; if ($category_id) { DB::statement(' INSERT INTO category_stats (`category_id`,`count_sales`,`date`) VALUES (' . $category_id . ', 1, CURDATE()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count_sales = count_sales + 1; '); } } /** * Find product wishlist * * @param int productId * @return bool */ public function isWishlist($productId, $userId) { return Wishlist::where('product_id', $productId)->where('user_id', $userId)->count() > 0 ? 1 : 0; } /** * Find product average rating * * @param int productId * @return float */ public function rating($productId) { return round(Review::where('product_id', $productId)->where('status', 'Active')->where('is_public', 1)->avg('rating'), 1); } /** * Find product review count * * @param int productId * @return int */ public function reviewCount($productId) { return Review::where('product_id', $productId)->where('status', 'Active')->where('is_public', 1)->count(); } /** * Best seller product * * @param int limit * @return collection */ public static function bestSeller($limit = null) { return self::getProductCategorizer() ->setLimit(self::getLimit($limit)) ->bestSeller()->get(); } /** * Popular products * * @param int limit * @return collection */ public static function popularProducts($limit = null) { return self::getProductCategorizer() ->setLimit(self::getLimit($limit)) ->popularProducts()->get(); } /** * Feature products * * @param int limit * @return collection */ public static function featureProducts($limit = null) { return self::getProductCategorizer() ->setLimit(self::getLimit($limit)) ->featureProducts()->get(); } /** * New arrival products * * @param int limit * @return collection */ public static function newArrivals($limit = null) { return self::getProductCategorizer() ->setLimit(self::getLimit($limit)) ->newArrivals()->get(); } /** * Best deals of the week * * @param int limit * @return collection */ public static function bestDeals($limit = null) { return self::getProductCategorizer() ->setLimit(self::getLimit($limit)) ->bestDeals()->get(); } /** * Flash sale product * * @param int limit * @return collection */ public static function flashSales($limit = null) { return self::getProductCategorizer() ->setLimit(self::getLimit($limit)) ->flashSales()->get(); } /** * Flash sale product * * @param null * @return collection */ public static function recentView() { $recentId = auth()->user() ? auth()->user()->id : request()->server('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); $productIds = cache()->get($recentId); $data = []; if (! empty($productIds)) { arsort($productIds); $productIds = ! empty($productIds) ? array_flip($productIds) : []; $ids = implode(',', $productIds); $data = Product::select('id', 'name', 'code', 'slug')->whereIn('id', $productIds) ->orderBy(\DB::raw("FIELD(id, $ids)"))->get(); } return $data; } public static function queryProducts($limit = null, $data = []) { // custom query products return (new BuilderQueryService(self::getLimit($limit), $data))->get(); } /** * @return mixed */ public static function cartStoreValidation($data = []) { $validator = Validator::make($data, [ 'code' => 'required|exists:products,code', 'variation_id' => 'nullable|exists:products,id', ]); return $validator; } /** * @return mixed */ public static function cartIndexValidation($data = []) { $validator = Validator::make($data, [ 'cartIndex' => 'required', ]); return $validator; } /** * @return mixed */ public static function cartShippingIndexValidation($data = []) { $validator = Validator::make($data, [ 'shipping_index' => 'required', ]); return $validator; } /** * @return mixed */ public static function couponIndexValidation($data = []) { $validator = Validator::make($data, [ 'index' => 'required', ]); return $validator; } /** * @return mixed */ public static function cartSelectedValidation($data = []) { $validator = Validator::make($data, [ 'id' => 'array', ]); return $validator; } /** * @return mixed */ public static function cartCouponValidation($data = []) { $validator = Validator::make($data, [ 'discount_code' => 'required', ]); return $validator; } /** * @return float|int */ public static function positiveRating($vendorId = null, $id = null) { $result = 0; $reviews = Review::where('status', 'Active'); if ($vendorId != null) { $reviews->whereHas('product', function ($q) use ($vendorId) { $q->where('vendor_id', $vendorId); })->with('product'); } else { $reviews->where('product_id', $id); } $totalReview = $reviews->count(); if ($totalReview > 0) { $sumRating = $reviews->sum('rating'); $result = ($sumRating / ($totalReview * 5)) * 100; } return $result > 0 ? round($result) : 100; } /** * Return the maximum limit * * @param int|null $limit * @return int */ public static function getLimit($limit = null) { return $limit && $limit > 0 ? $limit : self::$limit; } /** * Returns Product categorizing service * * @return ProductCategorizingService */ public static function getProductCategorizer() { return new ProductCategorizingService(); } /** * Fill in the variations attribute data * * @return array */ public function getAttributeMeta($keys = null) { if (! $keys) { $parentAttributes = ProductMeta::where('product_id', $this->parent_id)->where('key', 'attributes')->first()->value; if ($parentAttributes) { $keys = array_keys($parentAttributes); } } if (! $this->metaFetched) { $this->getMeta(); } $attributes = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($this->metaArray['attribute_' . $key])) { $attributes['attribute_' . $key] = $this->metaArray['attribute_' . $key]; } } $this->attributes['attributes'] = $attributes; return $attributes; } /** * check shop selectable or not * * @param $shopId * @return bool */ public static function isVendorSelected($vendorId = null) { $cartData = Cart::cartCollection()->where('vendor_id', $vendorId); $cartKey = []; foreach ($cartData as $key => $data) { $product = Product::where('id', $data['id'])->published()->isAvailable()->first(); if (! empty($product)) { continue; } else { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if the product is eligible for deletion action * * @return bool */ public function isEligibleForDelete() { return true; } /** * Check if the product is a variable product of not * * @return bool */ public function isVariableProduct() { return $this->attributes['type'] == ProductType::$Variable; } /** * Check if the product is a variable product of not * * @return bool */ public function isSimpleProduct() { return $this->attributes['type'] == ProductType::$Simple; } /** * Check if the product is a variable product of not * * @return bool */ public function isExternalProduct() { return $this->attributes['type'] == ProductType::$External; } /** * Check if the product is a variable product of not * * @return bool */ public function isGroupedProduct() { return $this->attributes['type'] == ProductType::$Grouped; } /** * check inventory & reduce from total stock after order * * @return bool */ public function checkInventory($orderQty = 0, $backOrder = 0, $statusSlug = null) { $stockReduceData = ['processing', 'completed', 'on-hold']; if ($this->isStockManageable() == 1) { if ($this->getStockQuantity() >= $orderQty || $backOrder == 1) { if (in_array($statusSlug, $stockReduceData) || preference('hold_stock') > 0) { $this->decrementTotalStocks($orderQty); } } else { return false; } } elseif ($this->type == 'Variation') { if (optional($this->parentDetail)->isStockManageable() == 1) { if (optional($this->parentDetail)->getStockQuantity() >= $orderQty || $backOrder == 1) { if (in_array($statusSlug, $stockReduceData) || preference('hold_stock') > 0) { optional($this->parentDetail)->decrementTotalStocks($orderQty); } } else { return false; } } } return true; } /** * get is stock reduceable or not * * @return int */ public function isStockReduce($statusSlug = null) { $stockReduceData = ['processing', 'completed', 'on-hold']; if ($this->isStockManageable() == 1) { if (in_array($statusSlug, $stockReduceData) || preference('hold_stock') > 0) { return 1; } } elseif ($this->type == 'Variation' && optional($this->parentDetail)->isStockManageable() == 1) { if (in_array($statusSlug, $stockReduceData) || preference('hold_stock') > 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } /** * variant min max price * * @return array|void */ public function variantMaxMinPrice() { $price = 0; $min = 0; $max = 0; if ($this->isVariableProduct()) { foreach ($this->getVariations() as $variation) { if ($variation->status == ProductStatus::$Published) { $offerFlag = $variation->offerCheck(); $price = $offerFlag ? $variation->priceWithTax(preference('display_price_in_shop'), 'sale', false) : $variation->priceWithTax(preference('display_price_in_shop'), 'regular', false); $min = $price < $min || $min == 0 ? $price : $min; $max = $price > $max || $max == 0 ? $price : $max; } } return [ 'min' => $min, 'max' => $max, ]; } } /** * calculate price with tax * * @return array|float|int|mixed|string */ public function priceWithTax($displayPrice, $type, $isFormated = true, $tempPriceReturnOnly = false, $isProductized = false, $addressId = null, $shipping = 0, $params = []) { if (isset($params['totalPrice'])) { $price = $params['totalPrice']; } elseif (isActive('B2B') && isset($params['cart_price'])) { $price = $params['cart_price']; } else { $price = $type == 'sale' ? $this->sale_price : $this->regular_price; } $tempPrice = 0; if ($displayPrice == 'including tax' && preference('taxes') == 1) { $shippingTaxClass = preference('shipping_tax_class'); $address = $this->getAddress($addressId); if (! empty($this->taxMeta()) && ! is_null($address)) { $taxes = $this->taxMeta(); $tax = TaxClass::where('slug', $taxes->value)->first(); if (! empty($tax)) { $taxCalculate = new TaxCalculation($tax->taxRates()->orderBy('priority', 'ASC')->get(), $price, $address, $isProductized, $shipping, $params['qty'] ?? 1, $shippingTaxClass); $tempPrice = $taxCalculate->calculateTax(); if ($shippingTaxClass != 'shipping tax class base on cart items') { $taxShipping = TaxClass::where('slug', $shippingTaxClass)->first(); if (! empty($taxShipping)) { $taxCalculate->setTaxes($taxShipping->taxRates()->orderBy('priority', 'ASC')->get()); $tempPriceShipping = $taxCalculate->calculateShippingTax(); if (is_array($tempPriceShipping) && is_array($tempPrice)) { $tempPrices = []; foreach ($tempPrice as $key => $temp) { if (isset($tempPriceShipping[$key])) { $tempPrices[$key] = $temp + $tempPriceShipping[$key]; unset($tempPriceShipping[$key]); } else { $tempPrices[$key] = $temp; } } $tempPrice = array_merge($tempPrices, $tempPriceShipping); } else { $tempPrice = $tempPrice + $tempPriceShipping; } } } } } } if ($isProductized) { return $tempPrice; } if ($tempPriceReturnOnly) { return $tempPrice; } return $isFormated ? formatNumber($price + $tempPrice) : $price + $tempPrice; } /** * get address data * * @return mixed|null */ public function getAddress($addressId = null) { $calculateTaxSetting = preference('calculate_tax'); $address = null; if ($calculateTaxSetting == 'customer billing address' && ! isset(request()->ship_different) || $calculateTaxSetting == 'customer billing address' && is_numeric($addressId) || $calculateTaxSetting == 'customer billing address' && is_object($addressId)) { $defaultAddress = null; if (! is_object($addressId)) { $userId = Cart::userId(); if (is_null($addressId) && isset($userId)) { $defaultAddress = Address::getAll()->where('user_id', $userId)->where('is_default', 1)->first(); } elseif (! is_null($addressId)) { $defaultAddress = Address::getAll()->where('id', $addressId)->first(); } } elseif (is_object($addressId)) { if (isset(request()->city)) { $shipDiffAddress = ['country' => request()->country, 'state' => request()->state, 'city' => request()->city, 'post_code' => request()->zip]; $addressId = (object) $shipDiffAddress; } elseif (isset(request()->address['billing_city'])) { $shipDiffAddress = ['country' => request()->address['billing_country'], 'state' => request()->address['billing_state'], 'city' => request()->address['billing_city'], 'post_code' => request()->address['billing_zip']]; $addressId = (object) $shipDiffAddress; } $defaultAddress = $addressId; } $address = ! empty($defaultAddress) ? $defaultAddress : null; } elseif ($calculateTaxSetting == 'customer shipping address' && is_object($addressId) && isset(request()->ship_different) && request()->ship_different == 'on' || $calculateTaxSetting == 'customer shipping address' && is_object($addressId) && isset(request()->address['ship_different']) && request()->address['ship_different'] == 'on') { $address = $addressId; } elseif ($calculateTaxSetting == 'base address') { $companyAddress = [ 'country' => preference('company_country'), 'state' => preference('company_state'), 'city' => preference('company_city'), 'post_code' => preference('company_zip_code'), ]; $address = (object) $companyAddress; } return $address; } /** * get shipping * * @return array|void|null */ public function shipping($params = []) { $calculateShippingSetting = preference('shipping_destination'); if (! $this->isVirtual() && ! $this->isExternalProduct() && ! $this->isGroupedProduct()) { if (in_array($calculateShippingSetting, ['billing_address', 'force_billing_address']) || $calculateShippingSetting == 'shipping_address' && isset(request()->address['ship_different']) && request()->address['ship_different'] == 'on' || $calculateShippingSetting == 'shipping_address' && isset(request()->ship_different) && request()->ship_different == 'on') { $defaultAddress = $params['address'] ?? null; $userId = Cart::userId(); if (isset($userId) && is_null($defaultAddress)) { $defaultAddress = Address::getAll()->where('user_id', $userId)->where('is_default', 1)->first(); } elseif (! is_object($defaultAddress)) { $defaultAddress = Address::getAll()->where('id', $defaultAddress)->first(); } $shippingZones = ShippingZoneShippingClass::where('shipping_class_slug', $this->meta_shipping_id)->get(); $shippingData = []; foreach ($shippingZones as $zone) { if (! empty($zone)) { $shipping = new ShippingCalculation($zone, $defaultAddress, $params['qty'], $params['from'] ?? null, $params['price'] ?? 0); $shippingData = $shipping->calculateShipping(); if (is_array($shippingData) && count($shippingData) > 0) { return $shippingData; } } } return $shippingData; } } return []; } /** * @return float|int */ public function getDiscountAmount() { if ($this->regular_price > 0) { return (($this->regular_price - $this->sale_price) * 100) / $this->regular_price; } return 0; } /** * get max shipping * * @return array|int[] */ public static function getMaxShipping($id = null, $address = null) { $product = Product::where('id', $id)->first(); if ($address == null) { $shipping = $product->shipping(['price' => $product->offerCheck() ? $product->sale_price : $product->regular_price, 'qty' => 1, 'from' => 'order']); } else { $shipping = $product->shipping(['price' => $product->offerCheck() ? $product->sale_price : $product->regular_price, 'qty' => 1, 'address' => (object) $address, 'from' => 'order']); } if (is_array($shipping) && count($shipping) > 0) { return [ 'status' => 1, 'name' => array_search(max($shipping), $shipping), 'amount' => max($shipping), ]; } return [ 'status' => 0, ]; } /** * vendor review * * @return array */ public function vendorReview() { $vendorId = $this->vendor_id; if ($vendorId != null) { $reviews = Review::where('status', 'Active'); $reviews->whereHas('product', function ($q) use ($vendorId) { $q->where('vendor_id', $vendorId); })->with('product'); return [ 'total_review' => $reviews->count(), 'avg_rating' => $reviews->avg('rating'), ]; } return []; } /** * Types of product categorizations available * * @return array */ public static function productCategoryOptions() { return [ 'popularProducts' => __('Most Popular'), 'featureProducts' => __('Featured Products'), 'newArrivals' => __('New Arrivals'), 'bestSeller' => __('Best Seller'), 'flashSales' => __('Flash Sales'), 'queryProducts' => __('Custom Filter'), ]; } public static function getFillableData() { return (new static())->getFillable(); } /** * get wishlist id * * @param $productId * @return bool|null */ public function wishListId($userId = null) { if (! is_null($userId)) { $wishlist = Wishlist::where('product_id', $this->id)->where('user_id', $userId)->first(); if (! empty($wishlist)) { return $wishlist->id; } } return null; } }