var test = require('tape') var acorn = require('../') var walk = require('../walk') var baseAcorn = require('acorn') test('parses object spread syntax', function (t) { var ast = acorn.parse('var a = { ...b }') t.equal(ast.body[0].declarations[0].init.type, 'ObjectExpression') t.equal(ast.body[0].declarations[0].init.properties[0].type, 'SpreadElement') ast = acorn.parse('function a ({ ...b }) {}') t.equal(ast.body[0].params[0].type, 'ObjectPattern') t.equal(ast.body[0].params[0].properties[0].type, 'RestElement') t.end() }) test('does not change main acorn module', function (t) { t.throws(function () { baseAcorn.parse('var a = 10n') }) t.end() }) test('tokenizes object spread syntax', function (t) { var tokenizer = acorn.tokenizer('var a = { ...b }') t.doesNotThrow(function (t) { while (tokenizer.getToken().type !== acorn.tokTypes.eof) {} }) t.end() }) test('allows hashbangs by default', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('#!/usr/bin/env node\nconsole.log("ok")') }) t.end() }) test('allows top level return by default', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('console.log("ok"); return; console.log("not ok")') }) t.end() }) test('supports async generators', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('async function* a () { await x; yield 1 }') }) t.end() }) test('supports async iteration', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('async function l (y) { for await (const x of y) {} }') }) t.end() }) test('supports optional catch', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('try { throw null } catch {}') }) t.end() }) test('supports bigint', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('50n ** 50n') }) t.end() }) test('supports numeric separators', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('50_000_000n ** 1n') }) t.end() }) test('supports import.meta with sourceType: module', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('console.log(import.meta.url)', { sourceType: 'module' }) }) t.end() }) test('supports dynamic import() with sourceType: module', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('import("./whatever.mjs")', { sourceType: 'module' }) }) t.end() }) test('supports dynamic import() with sourceType: script', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('import("./whatever.mjs")', { sourceType: 'script' }) }) t.end() }) test('supports class instance properties', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('class X { x = y }', { sourceType: 'script' }) }) t.end() }) test('supports private class instance properties', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('class X { #x = y }', { sourceType: 'script' }) }) t.end() }) test('supports class static properties', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('class X { static x = y }', { sourceType: 'script' }) }) t.end() }) test('supports private class static properties', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('class X { static #x = y }', { sourceType: 'script' }) }) t.end() }) test('supports namespace export syntax with sourceType: module', function (t) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { acorn.parse('export * as x from "./x.mjs";', { sourceType: 'module' }) }) t.end() }) test('walk supports plugin syntax', function (t) { var ast = acorn.parse( 'async function* a() { try { await import(xyz); } catch { for await (x of null) {} } yield import.meta.url }', { sourceType: 'module' } ) t.plan(2) walk.simple(ast, { Import: function () { t.pass('import()') }, MetaProperty: function () { t.pass('import.meta') } }) t.end() })