import transformThemeValue from './transformThemeValue' export default function createUtilityPlugin( themeKey, utilityVariations = [[themeKey, [themeKey]]], { filterDefault = false, ...options } = {} ) { let transformValue = transformThemeValue(themeKey) return function ({ matchUtilities, theme }) { for (let utilityVariation of utilityVariations) { let group = Array.isArray(utilityVariation[0]) ? utilityVariation : [utilityVariation] matchUtilities( group.reduce((obj, [classPrefix, properties]) => { return Object.assign(obj, { [classPrefix]: (value) => { return properties.reduce((obj, name) => { if (Array.isArray(name)) { return Object.assign(obj, { [name[0]]: name[1] }) } return Object.assign(obj, { [name]: transformValue(value) }) }, {}) }, }) }, {}), { ...options, values: filterDefault ? Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(theme(themeKey) ?? {}).filter(([modifier]) => modifier !== 'DEFAULT') ) : theme(themeKey), } ) } } }
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