worksheet = $worksheet; $this->chunkSize = config('excel.exports.chunk_size', 100); $this->temporaryFileFactory = app(TemporaryFileFactory::class); } /** * @param Spreadsheet $spreadsheet * @param string|int $index * @return Sheet * * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception * @throws SheetNotFoundException */ public static function make(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet, $index) { if (is_numeric($index)) { return self::byIndex($spreadsheet, $index); } return self::byName($spreadsheet, $index); } /** * @param Spreadsheet $spreadsheet * @param int $index * @return Sheet * * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception * @throws SheetNotFoundException */ public static function byIndex(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet, int $index): Sheet { if (!isset($spreadsheet->getAllSheets()[$index])) { throw SheetNotFoundException::byIndex($index, $spreadsheet->getSheetCount()); } return new static($spreadsheet->getSheet($index)); } /** * @param Spreadsheet $spreadsheet * @param string $name * @return Sheet * * @throws SheetNotFoundException */ public static function byName(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet, string $name): Sheet { if (!$spreadsheet->sheetNameExists($name)) { throw SheetNotFoundException::byName($name); } return new static($spreadsheet->getSheetByName($name)); } /** * @param object $sheetExport * * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception */ public function open($sheetExport) { $this->exportable = $sheetExport; if ($sheetExport instanceof WithCustomValueBinder) { SpreadsheetCell::setValueBinder($sheetExport); } if ($sheetExport instanceof WithEvents) { $this->registerListeners($sheetExport->registerEvents()); } $this->raise(new BeforeSheet($this, $this->exportable)); if ($sheetExport instanceof WithTitle) { $title = $sheetExport->title(); $title = str_replace(['*', ':', '/', '\\', '?', '[', ']'], '', $title); if (StringHelper::countCharacters($title) > Worksheet::SHEET_TITLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH) { $title = StringHelper::substring($title, 0, Worksheet::SHEET_TITLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH); } $this->worksheet->setTitle($title); } if (($sheetExport instanceof FromQuery || $sheetExport instanceof FromCollection || $sheetExport instanceof FromArray) && $sheetExport instanceof FromView) { throw ConcernConflictException::queryOrCollectionAndView(); } if (!$sheetExport instanceof FromView && $sheetExport instanceof WithHeadings) { if ($sheetExport instanceof WithCustomStartCell) { $startCell = $sheetExport->startCell(); } $this->append( ArrayHelper::ensureMultipleRows($sheetExport->headings()), $startCell ?? null, $this->hasStrictNullComparison($sheetExport) ); } } /** * @param object $sheetExport * * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Exception */ public function export($sheetExport) { $this->open($sheetExport); if ($sheetExport instanceof FromView) { $this->fromView($sheetExport); } else { if ($sheetExport instanceof FromQuery) { $this->fromQuery($sheetExport, $this->worksheet); } if ($sheetExport instanceof FromCollection) { $this->fromCollection($sheetExport); } if ($sheetExport instanceof FromArray) { $this->fromArray($sheetExport); } if ($sheetExport instanceof FromIterator) { $this->fromIterator($sheetExport); } if ($sheetExport instanceof FromGenerator) { $this->fromGenerator($sheetExport); } } $this->close($sheetExport); } /** * @param object $import * @param int $startRow */ public function import($import, int $startRow = 1) { if ($import instanceof WithEvents) { $this->registerListeners($import->registerEvents()); } $this->raise(new BeforeSheet($this, $import)); if ($import instanceof WithProgressBar && !$import instanceof WithChunkReading) { $import->getConsoleOutput()->progressStart($this->worksheet->getHighestRow()); } $calculatesFormulas = $import instanceof WithCalculatedFormulas; $formatData = $import instanceof WithFormatData; if ($import instanceof WithMappedCells) { app(MappedReader::class)->map($import, $this->worksheet); } else { if ($import instanceof ToModel) { app(ModelImporter::class)->import($this->worksheet, $import, $startRow); } if ($import instanceof ToCollection) { $rows = $this->toCollection($import, $startRow, null, $calculatesFormulas, $formatData); if ($import instanceof WithValidation) { $rows = $this->validated($import, $startRow, $rows); } $import->collection($rows); } if ($import instanceof ToArray) { $rows = $this->toArray($import, $startRow, null, $calculatesFormulas, $formatData); if ($import instanceof WithValidation) { $rows = $this->validated($import, $startRow, $rows); } $import->array($rows); } } if ($import instanceof OnEachRow) { $headingRow = HeadingRowExtractor::extract($this->worksheet, $import); $headerIsGrouped = HeadingRowExtractor::extractGrouping($headingRow, $import); $endColumn = $import instanceof WithColumnLimit ? $import->endColumn() : null; $preparationCallback = $this->getPreparationCallback($import); foreach ($this->worksheet->getRowIterator()->resetStart($startRow ?? 1) as $row) { $sheetRow = new Row($row, $headingRow, $headerIsGrouped); if ($import instanceof WithValidation) { $sheetRow->setPreparationCallback($preparationCallback); } $rowArray = $sheetRow->toArray(null, $import instanceof WithCalculatedFormulas, $import instanceof WithFormatData, $endColumn); $rowIsEmptyAccordingToImport = $import instanceof SkipsEmptyRows && method_exists($import, 'isEmptyWhen') && $import->isEmptyWhen($rowArray); if (!$import instanceof SkipsEmptyRows || ($import instanceof SkipsEmptyRows && (!$rowIsEmptyAccordingToImport && !$sheetRow->isEmpty($calculatesFormulas)))) { if ($import instanceof WithValidation) { $toValidate = [$sheetRow->getIndex() => $rowArray]; try { app(RowValidator::class)->validate($toValidate, $import); $import->onRow($sheetRow); } catch (RowSkippedException $e) { } } else { $import->onRow($sheetRow); } } if ($import instanceof WithProgressBar) { $import->getConsoleOutput()->progressAdvance(); } } } $this->raise(new AfterSheet($this, $import)); if ($import instanceof WithProgressBar && !$import instanceof WithChunkReading) { $import->getConsoleOutput()->progressFinish(); } } /** * @param object $import * @param int|null $startRow * @param null $nullValue * @param bool $calculateFormulas * @param bool $formatData * @return array */ public function toArray($import, int $startRow = null, $nullValue = null, $calculateFormulas = false, $formatData = false) { if ($startRow > $this->worksheet->getHighestRow()) { return []; } $endRow = EndRowFinder::find($import, $startRow, $this->worksheet->getHighestRow()); $headingRow = HeadingRowExtractor::extract($this->worksheet, $import); $headerIsGrouped = HeadingRowExtractor::extractGrouping($headingRow, $import); $endColumn = $import instanceof WithColumnLimit ? $import->endColumn() : null; $rows = []; foreach ($this->worksheet->getRowIterator($startRow, $endRow) as $index => $row) { $row = new Row($row, $headingRow, $headerIsGrouped); if ($import instanceof SkipsEmptyRows && $row->isEmpty($calculateFormulas, $endColumn)) { continue; } $row = $row->toArray($nullValue, $calculateFormulas, $formatData, $endColumn); if ($import && method_exists($import, 'isEmptyWhen') && $import->isEmptyWhen($row)) { continue; } if ($import instanceof WithMapping) { $row = $import->map($row); } if ($import instanceof WithValidation && method_exists($import, 'prepareForValidation')) { $row = $import->prepareForValidation($row, $index); } $rows[] = $row; if ($import instanceof WithProgressBar) { $import->getConsoleOutput()->progressAdvance(); } } return $rows; } /** * @param object $import * @param int|null $startRow * @param null $nullValue * @param bool $calculateFormulas * @param bool $formatData * @return Collection */ public function toCollection($import, int $startRow = null, $nullValue = null, $calculateFormulas = false, $formatData = false): Collection { $rows = $this->toArray($import, $startRow, $nullValue, $calculateFormulas, $formatData); return new Collection(array_map(function (array $row) { return new Collection($row); }, $rows)); } /** * @param object $sheetExport * * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception */ public function close($sheetExport) { if ($sheetExport instanceof WithCharts) { $this->addCharts($sheetExport->charts()); } if ($sheetExport instanceof WithDrawings) { $this->addDrawings($sheetExport->drawings()); } $this->exportable = $sheetExport; if ($sheetExport instanceof WithColumnFormatting) { foreach ($sheetExport->columnFormats() as $column => $format) { $this->formatColumn($column, $format); } } if ($sheetExport instanceof ShouldAutoSize) { $this->autoSize(); } if ($sheetExport instanceof WithColumnWidths) { foreach ($sheetExport->columnWidths() as $column => $width) { $this->worksheet->getColumnDimension($column)->setAutoSize(false)->setWidth($width); } } if ($sheetExport instanceof WithStyles) { $styles = $sheetExport->styles($this->worksheet); if (is_array($styles)) { foreach ($styles as $coordinate => $coordinateStyles) { if (is_numeric($coordinate)) { $coordinate = 'A' . $coordinate . ':' . $this->worksheet->getHighestColumn($coordinate) . $coordinate; } $this->worksheet->getStyle($coordinate)->applyFromArray($coordinateStyles); } } } $this->raise(new AfterSheet($this, $this->exportable)); $this->clearListeners(); } /** * @param FromView $sheetExport * @param int|null $sheetIndex * * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Exception */ public function fromView(FromView $sheetExport, $sheetIndex = null) { $temporaryFile = $this->temporaryFileFactory->makeLocal(null, 'html'); $temporaryFile->put($sheetExport->view()->render()); $spreadsheet = $this->worksheet->getParent(); /** @var Html $reader */ $reader = IOFactory::createReader('Html'); // If no sheetIndex given, insert content into the last sheet $reader->setSheetIndex($sheetIndex ?? $spreadsheet->getSheetCount() - 1); $reader->loadIntoExisting($temporaryFile->getLocalPath(), $spreadsheet); $temporaryFile->delete(); } /** * @param FromQuery $sheetExport * @param Worksheet $worksheet */ public function fromQuery(FromQuery $sheetExport, Worksheet $worksheet) { if ($sheetExport->query() instanceof \Laravel\Scout\Builder) { $this->fromScout($sheetExport, $worksheet); return; } $sheetExport->query()->chunk($this->getChunkSize($sheetExport), function ($chunk) use ($sheetExport) { $this->appendRows($chunk, $sheetExport); }); } /** * @param FromQuery $sheetExport * @param Worksheet $worksheet */ public function fromScout(FromQuery $sheetExport, Worksheet $worksheet) { $scout = $sheetExport->query(); $chunkSize = $this->getChunkSize($sheetExport); $chunk = $scout->paginate($chunkSize); // Append first page $this->appendRows($chunk->items(), $sheetExport); // Append rest of pages for ($page = 2; $page <= $chunk->lastPage(); $page++) { $this->appendRows($scout->paginate($chunkSize, 'page', $page)->items(), $sheetExport); } } /** * @param FromCollection $sheetExport */ public function fromCollection(FromCollection $sheetExport) { $this->appendRows($sheetExport->collection()->all(), $sheetExport); } /** * @param FromArray $sheetExport */ public function fromArray(FromArray $sheetExport) { $this->appendRows($sheetExport->array(), $sheetExport); } /** * @param FromIterator $sheetExport */ public function fromIterator(FromIterator $sheetExport) { $iterator = class_exists(LazyCollection::class) ? new LazyCollection(function () use ($sheetExport) { foreach ($sheetExport->iterator() as $row) { yield $row; } }) : $sheetExport->iterator(); $this->appendRows($iterator, $sheetExport); } /** * @param FromGenerator $sheetExport */ public function fromGenerator(FromGenerator $sheetExport) { $generator = class_exists(LazyCollection::class) ? new LazyCollection(function () use ($sheetExport) { foreach ($sheetExport->generator() as $row) { yield $row; } }) : $sheetExport->generator(); $this->appendRows($generator, $sheetExport); } /** * @param array $rows * @param string|null $startCell * @param bool $strictNullComparison */ public function append(array $rows, string $startCell = null, bool $strictNullComparison = false) { if (!$startCell) { $startCell = 'A1'; } if ($this->hasRows()) { $startCell = CellHelper::getColumnFromCoordinate($startCell) . ($this->worksheet->getHighestRow() + 1); } $this->worksheet->fromArray($rows, null, $startCell, $strictNullComparison); } public function autoSize() { foreach ($this->buildColumnRange('A', $this->worksheet->getHighestDataColumn()) as $col) { $dimension = $this->worksheet->getColumnDimension($col); // Only auto-size columns that have not have an explicit width. if ($dimension->getWidth() == -1) { $dimension->setAutoSize(true); } } } /** * @param string $column * @param string $format * * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception */ public function formatColumn(string $column, string $format) { // If the column is a range, we wouldn't need to calculate the range. if (stripos($column, ':') !== false) { $this->worksheet ->getStyle($column) ->getNumberFormat() ->setFormatCode($format); } else { $this->worksheet ->getStyle($column . '1:' . $column . $this->worksheet->getHighestRow()) ->getNumberFormat() ->setFormatCode($format); } } /** * @param int $chunkSize * @return Sheet */ public function chunkSize(int $chunkSize) { $this->chunkSize = $chunkSize; return $this; } /** * @return Worksheet */ public function getDelegate() { return $this->worksheet; } /** * @param Chart|Chart[] $charts */ public function addCharts($charts) { $charts = \is_array($charts) ? $charts : [$charts]; foreach ($charts as $chart) { $this->worksheet->addChart($chart); } } /** * @param BaseDrawing|BaseDrawing[] $drawings */ public function addDrawings($drawings) { $drawings = \is_array($drawings) ? $drawings : [$drawings]; foreach ($drawings as $drawing) { $drawing->setWorksheet($this->worksheet); } } /** * @param string $concern * @return string */ public function hasConcern(string $concern): string { return $this->exportable instanceof $concern; } /** * @param iterable $rows * @param object $sheetExport */ public function appendRows($rows, $sheetExport) { if (method_exists($sheetExport, 'prepareRows')) { $rows = $sheetExport->prepareRows($rows); } $rows = $rows instanceof LazyCollection ? $rows : new Collection($rows); $rows->flatMap(function ($row) use ($sheetExport) { if ($sheetExport instanceof WithMapping) { $row = $sheetExport->map($row); } if ($sheetExport instanceof WithCustomValueBinder) { SpreadsheetCell::setValueBinder($sheetExport); } return ArrayHelper::ensureMultipleRows( static::mapArraybleRow($row) ); })->chunk(1000)->each(function ($rows) use ($sheetExport) { $this->append( $rows->toArray(), $sheetExport instanceof WithCustomStartCell ? $sheetExport->startCell() : null, $this->hasStrictNullComparison($sheetExport) ); }); } /** * @param mixed $row * @return array */ public static function mapArraybleRow($row): array { // When dealing with eloquent models, we'll skip the relations // as we won't be able to display them anyway. if (is_object($row) && method_exists($row, 'attributesToArray')) { return $row->attributesToArray(); } if ($row instanceof Arrayable) { return $row->toArray(); } // Convert StdObjects to arrays if (is_object($row)) { return json_decode(json_encode($row), true); } return $row; } /** * @param $sheetImport * @return int */ public function getStartRow($sheetImport): int { return HeadingRowExtractor::determineStartRow($sheetImport); } /** * Disconnect the sheet. */ public function disconnect() { $this->worksheet->disconnectCells(); unset($this->worksheet); } /** * @return Collection|array */ protected function validated(WithValidation $import, int $startRow, $rows) { $toValidate = (new Collection($rows))->mapWithKeys(function ($row, $index) use ($startRow) { return [($startRow + $index) => $row]; }); try { app(RowValidator::class)->validate($toValidate->toArray(), $import); } catch (RowSkippedException $e) { foreach ($e->skippedRows() as $row) { unset($rows[$row - $startRow]); } } return $rows; } /** * @param string $lower * @param string $upper * @return \Generator */ protected function buildColumnRange(string $lower, string $upper) { $upper++; for ($i = $lower; $i !== $upper; $i++) { yield $i; } } /** * @return bool */ private function hasRows(): bool { $startCell = 'A1'; if ($this->exportable instanceof WithCustomStartCell) { $startCell = $this->exportable->startCell(); } return $this->worksheet->cellExists($startCell); } /** * @param object $sheetExport * @return bool */ private function hasStrictNullComparison($sheetExport): bool { if ($sheetExport instanceof WithStrictNullComparison) { return true; } return config('excel.exports.strict_null_comparison', false); } /** * @param object|WithCustomChunkSize $export * @return int */ private function getChunkSize($export): int { if ($export instanceof WithCustomChunkSize) { return $export->chunkSize(); } return $this->chunkSize; } /** * @param object|WithValidation $import * @return Closure|null */ private function getPreparationCallback($import) { if (!$import instanceof WithValidation || !method_exists($import, 'prepareForValidation')) { return null; } return function (array $data, int $index) use ($import) { return $import->prepareForValidation($data, $index); }; } }